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[Retracted] Moderator Application - AmoryBlaine

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Server Moderator Application


Basic Information

Byond Account: AmoryBlaine

Character Name(s):



AI Name(s): N/A

Discord username + tag: N/A

Age: 18

Timezone: Eastern Standard Time



How long have you played SS13?: April of 2016

How long have you played on Aurora: April/May of 2017

How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: I'm a Sec-main who used to play a mediocre Engineer and Doctor on CM in 2016 but my Moderation experienced helped with that.

Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: Yes, Colonial Marines.

Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: Not here, not once.


Why do you play SS13?: It's a niche game that is surprisingly fun for being about 32x32 pixel 2D men in space.

Why do you play on Aurora?: HRP is hard to come by. Aurora isn't entirely my cup of tea, as my cup of tea is 24/7 extended with a small community and plenty of ERP. But that being said, it's the second best thing. The community, for the most part, is welcoming enough. I love the gameplay, it feels nice to me, a bit laggy, but hey, that's how it is when the pop is this high. Also, BlueSec. I really like BlueSec.

What do moderators do?: Moderate. Enforce the rules to a degree that is just. Moderators are the backbone of any server, they're boots on the ground and expected to handle most issues that come up server-side, at least in my experience.

What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: It means understanding the community, not playing favorites, not abusing the position and generally making sure a fun time is had by all through proper roleplay and escalation.

Why do you want to be a moderator?: I want to contribute to the community. I can't do that with code, nor sprites, nor very interesting characters. So I wanna just make sure things run smoothly. Also I want to ban Voltage for having slighted me in the past.

What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: I suppose I'm good at following and carrying out orders. I can operate alone as well, I used to have to do that a lot. Pretty stressful but you make do.

How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: In my experience, I handle it well. Although, I bottle it up most times and it all comes out at once so that's not the best. Lately though, I've been trying to work on getting out negativity. I can handle multiple minor ahelps at a time usually while under other stresses, and the ticket system ought to help with that a lot as well.

Anything Else You Want to Add:

Previous application: https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=9512#p87434

Edited by ReadThisNamePlz
Requested by author.

This is going to sound biased but I must add:

Amory is probably one of the nicest people that I've met on Aurora. Even when they were extremely displeased, they were always calm and helpful, I can confirm that they are the least likely to lash out on people.

With that out of the way, I'll sport a more objective stance in the following part.

Having been played CM for a while now, I can testify that it is no small feat. I'm unaware of the success of their moderation, but even getting accepted into that position requires serious communication and problem-solving skills. I'd like to draw attention to this being a huge plus.

Secondly, they well-respect the rules, and I've never seen them get in trouble for anything, really. Feel free to correct me in this part, for I'm relatively new to the server.

They have presented the fact that they understand what it means to become a moderator, and I'm for certain that their motives are actually helping the community out, and not gaining a niche little button under the 'Admin' tab which allows them to check the round's antagonists.

I actually can't find anything negative to say about them, so they've my full support.



Opposed. There are certain aspects to the applicant's personal character that would not make them well suited to the stresses of moderation/administration staff.


Opposed. There are certain aspects to the applicant's personal character that would not make them well suited to the stresses of moderation/administration staff.


What changed from your original post in the previous application?


Aside from four months ago?

They've gotten significantly less "chill" since then. Generally speaking, they're less than amicable to certain forms of criticism and it's difficult to hold a discussion with them on a serious subject and it usually tends to get heated.


Aside from four months ago?

They've gotten significantly less "chill" since then. Generally speaking, they're less than amicable to certain forms of criticism and it's difficult to hold a discussion with them on a serious subject and it usually tends to get heated.


Any examples? I know I have had some worse moments in the last while but I'm sure most have been on the inane.


Largely in your interactions with plahunter and sdt.


The SDT thing was one time. Can't say it has happened since. The PLAHunter thing is being sorted out now, I hope. I think that those in comparison to the ISD Relay situation show how I act when in that position of responsibility. I think that we acted quite well for being disposed of so rapidly. It would have been easy to rant on and on, but I didn't.

EDIT: I take your opinion highly because of your previous position on staff here. Since we had talked that time I have been trying to work on my volatility. It is an issue I face. But, I think is said this in the application, I really bottle it all up over time, and I'm working on not doing that because it creates bigger issues later on. But, like I said, I consider your opinion pretty highly and If you don't think I'm for the position I will likely retract this if there is similar issues seen by other players. So I do hope future posts are more critical of me.


I don't want to have to do this, but -1.


This is the only serious interaction I've ever had with you. You were upset with how I acted as an antag, and I attempted to apologize over both OOC and over discord for upsetting you, and on both of them you weren't willing to separate my intentions from my actions. You were more demeaning on-server, but I didn't bother to save logs at the time, and this was two months ago. You were upset about my antagonist play - I disagreed with you, but you're fully entitled to ahelp whatever you feel is against the rules. But the way you acted is not becoming of a staff member.

I don't know if this was an isolated incident- if it is, I'd be more than willing to make amends. But if it isn't, then I'm afraid I really can't trust you on a staff team.


I don't want to have to do this, but -1.


This is the only serious interaction I've ever had with you. You were upset with how I acted as an antag, and I attempted to apologize over both OOC and over discord for upsetting you, and on both of them you weren't willing to separate my intentions from my actions. You were more demeaning on-server, but I didn't bother to save logs at the time, and this was two months ago. You were upset about my antagonist play - I disagreed with you, but you're fully entitled to ahelp whatever you feel is against the rules. But the way you acted is not becoming of a staff member.

I don't know if this was an isolated incident- if it is, I'd be more than willing to make amends. But if it isn't, then I'm afraid I really can't trust you on a staff team.


I can't recall this incident specifically, what happened that round? Usually I apologize for any losses of composure I have over rounds. Seemingly this time it was quite a bad experience otherwise I would have apologized. Either or, your are right in that that is not how Moderators ought to act. I would say, that as a player you have a lot more freedom to be open about how you feel about things. Especially in the first few minutes of when and after something happens. Staff don't have the same luxury, and I know that well. I think the only issue with attitude I had in the past as a Moderator was outbursts towards other staff for slacking off while we were being drowned in ahelps I was handling alone, and maybe being too cold in my responses or sounding automated. I sucessfully kept my cool when in really shit rounds as a Moderator with that extra responsibility. And I'm sure you'll agree when I say that CM rounds bring a lot more salt to the table than most anything on Aurora.


Short answer is warnings. Antags are there to spice rounds, and be a driving force for the round. They failed to complete the primary purpose of having antags all the while successfully meeting their goals before the 2 hour mark. At this point of safety and holding the second largest bargaining chip- the Vault contents, instead of trying to parlay this into something more. They had a secondary objective they put on the side, they actively chose to push forward in a very direct and automatonic nature. Of course, you'd need to look at the logs still.

Overall there's two kinds of failure to contribute RP and usually it is an accident by a ling or vamp that gets them killed or captured immediately, or a Ninja or traitor that gets caught in the act and has no real 'out' from it. These are entirely accidents, most of the time. When you are Raider/Merc, you got a lot more at your disposal. A whole team, weapons, a shuttle. These guys mananged to pull off the heist without having to talk to anyone Stationside but the Captain, some miners and shittalk at Sec before the heat was too high and decided to leave. This is not an appropriate response to how those events were turning. When you are being too successful as antag, you need to step back and look at how you can open windows for communication and/or conflict.

Warnings would probably not be the same overall. The ones that replied single out the guy who killed the Captain accidentally as being not that good. I would be speaking to them serverside, not sure about the other. Kyres, DaSmog and Drie have shared their opinions and firmly believe that it was a mixture of poor team ethic and 'luck' they pulled through and were then forced to choose between leaving or fighting 2 durands, an ERT, and a pissed off ISD team.

I would also ask for impartial handling of this, since I was involved.


Right, but that's two for poor managing of interactions. If there are anymore I'd like to respond and then retract this application.


I don't normally post on these types of apps, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to give you a -1.

You have a tendency to get heated when things don't go your way, and tend to pump out the player complaints for a variety of reasons or, failing that, complain on discord. You tend to get emotional and worked up over a lot of things, and need to learn to take a step back and take things in stride. As Schev said, get some chill going. I won't elaborate further as these are topics that have already been discussed to death, but your issue with plahunter and the whole fiasco regarding McSpizzy and the ISD discord channel's management have left a sour taste in my mouth for you receiving a position that requires a cool and level-head. Hell, even the idea of you managing the ISD discord and your attempts at becoming the de facto "face" of security makes me uncomfortable.


I don't normally post on these types of apps, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to give you a -1.

You have a tendency to get heated when things don't go your way, and tend to pump out the player complaints for a variety of reasons or, failing that, complain on discord. You tend to get emotional and worked up over a lot of things, and need to learn to take a step back and take things in stride. As Schev said, get some chill going. I won't elaborate further as these are topics that have already been discussed to death, but your issue with plahunter and the whole fiasco regarding McSpizzy and the ISD discord channel's management have left a sour taste in my mouth for you receiving a position that requires a cool and level-head. Hell, even the idea of you managing the ISD discord and your attempts at becoming the de facto "face" of security makes me uncomfortable.

You'll need to explain what you mean by "NT-ISD fiasco" and how that affect me as someone applying for Moderator. I was invited, originally, to help manage it. This was not a power play, it was an invitation that I accepted. After awhile McSpizzy left, we ran it wuite smoothly, he returns, he kicks us out of our positions. It was more so an issue of trust than it was about the positions. As I said, how we reacted was entirely understandable and quite collected for having been betrayed.

I didn't ask to be the face of Sec. I main Sec, people know I play Sec. This is just how it is when your character is around all the time. The only reason my nane on the main discord used to have Daniel Carmichael in it was so that if anyone had beef with me, they could see that I was there and talk to me.

Again, you'll need to explain how the complaint I made concerning PLA falls into a negative concerning my wanting to be a Moderator.


Personally I don't think my incident with Amory has anything to do if he could be a good moderator or not. I also think due to my current ban, Amory should not be impeded by any personal issues with me. I will remain neutral on this, but I do think you're being a bit harsh on Amory, BSA.


I dislike having to do this, especially considering I've known amory for quite a long time, but I'm afraid I must also -1.

Not too long ago, about two weeks I'd say, I vaguely proposed a half-baked idea I had in general, where security would be departmentalized to an extent (IE a portion of the officers would have their assigned departments to patrol/maintain, and the other segment would stay as normal.) I had not even typed up a rough draft of this, but he vehemently argued against it in general, which was fine. I, and a few other people, including paradox, I think, began to argue the merits of it with him.

He then stopped answering those arguments in general, where he then went into my PMs and started more or less yelling at me (https://i.imgur.com/P5twVGN.png). He eventually calmed down, and sincerely apologized for the outburst, stating he had had a hard day.

This alone would not be enough for me to levy a -1 against him, as again, we all have those days. Other recent events, however, such as the multiple complaints he's placed on antags, both in PMs and over OOC, have pushed me to post this. In the majority of the ones I've seen, he spoke in a very disrespectful, angered manner that is not befitting of staff. (This has nothing to do with the official forum report he made over me and a few other players, which was a perfectly valid report to make, even if I disagree with it. On top of that, he articulated his issues in a mostly calm, reasonable manner.)

I feel like amory has recently been too emotionally invested in aurora, particularly his main department, security, and would let that get in the way of proper, unbiased moderator work. I am open to changing my mind, however, as amory was a good moderator on CM in the past, though he did have a tendency of getting in arguments with others.


I also dislike having to do this, as I have no issue or dislike for you, Amory. But it is also a -1 from me.

I have to agree with what has been already been said, namely by two others, Ornias and Driecg, is that you, Amory, have a mild tendency to get a tad bit too heated and invested over issues that you feel affect you personally. Which is not necessarily a bad trait if you have to stand up for yourself, but in this case it is one when you're expected to be at least decently cordial as a moderator to people, and attempt to remain impartial at all times.

While I think that you would make it through the trial period, I feel that down the line you'd get too stressed out and eventually snap, becoming a tad bit too frustrated.

My main question to you is: Are you sure you even want to be a moderator? I'd argue contributing to the community by simply enjoying the game in a relaxed and proper manner is more than enough. Do you really want the extra workload that is being a moderator?


Alright, I said after a few more of the same issue -1s I'd close it. Requesting this be closed after the interview is posted.


I made this with every intention of moving through it and being a moderator here for at the very least a half a year or year and continuing on from there. Me playing the game is not enough contribution here, in my opinion.


I had a isolated incidents with other staff there that were handled within staff. These issues were almost entirely because of inaction on the part of other online mods and trials not actually doing anything during HighPop hours. I don't have access to the staff report section of the archives, but if I can recall, I had few issues.

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