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  1. crimpus eve
    i was pushed off the roof
  2. It might be a bit too late to comment on the kitchen, which looks really nice by the way, but I feel like it could really use a Coffee-Master. A lot of times you have to climb over to the bar to get espresso, chai or green tea which can get annoying when you're already juggling the stove and oven.
  3. Still salty that Muncorn replaced me with you as co-owner of the Dubtrack Seriously though, back before I started playing again and I'd only check in in OOC 5 minutes per year I always felt welcome seeing that "hey Mcfluff" message. Good luck with whatever comes next for you, and thank you for your work these past years
  4. and then a skeleton popped out
  5. @Yonnimer Looks like I'm still banned for now, sadly
  6. BYOND Key: mcfluff Total Ban Length: Permanent Banning staff member's Key: The ban was applied on behalf of WickedCybs, by Yonnimer Reason of Ban: You, or another user of this computer or connection (rainbowsuplex) is banned from playing here. The ban reason is: "Joined as a maintenance drone and went into the supermatter engine core, bumping into the crystal. Logged afterward. This would have delaminated the engine and affected the round for other people. Appeal this on the fourm if you#39d like to do so (What I'm doing right now (hi mom I'm famous))." Reason for Appeal: Well, I'm not RainbowSuplex, he's my brother. I'm Mcfluff, I play Layla Starr. He plays Peter Richards. Ellie Drozeon. Maintenance drone apparently. While this ban was applied I was 20 miles with my band, making acoustic arrangements of a few of our songs so we can go busk on the streets like a bunch of free love hippies. I received a discord message from him while gone, simply stating "Ohhh no." After reading a few messages in a mutual discord server it was clear that he was banned. I think I should be unbanned mainly because I'm a civilian casualty in this ban, and I think the most ban-worthy thing I've done on Aurora that I CAN REMEMBER is not noticing that a hostage taker did, in fact, have a knife in their hands when holding a co-worker hostage. I thought "the knife held to [the hostages] throat" was merely metaphorical and my character intervened out of frustration that no one else did
  7. BYOND Key: mcfluff Total Ban Length: Permanent Banning staff member's Key: Arrow768 b]Reason of Ban:[/b] You, or another user of this computer or connection (rainbowsuplex) is banned from playing here. The ban reason is: Beat his head in with a wrench in an effort to suicide. Thereby violating the avoid pain / sane character rule. Reason for Appeal: Well, I'm not RainbowSuplex, he's my brother. I'm Mcfluff, I play Layla Starr. He plays Peter Richards. The Game ID when this happened must've been b9T-dthc. I've played on this server since 2016 and I don't have any major history, I crossed the line into a little explicit territory speaking of doing inappropriate things with Tajara but that's about it AFAIK.
    Very nice event. Did NOT expect Yammato dying to be scripted... sad and emotional but that's canon deaths for you...
  8. I'm fine with this now actually. Just keep the bar horizontal facing down
  9. Holy shit yes. The new cargo interface is a mess.
    The chessboard was aligned wrongly. The bottom right square is always supposed to be a white one.
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