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About JamOfBoy

  • Birthday April 23

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  1. I refrained from commenting because I was waiting on the updated version you were allegedly going to provide, but it hasn't come yet, so. Application denied. As a side note, Please don't. Viax aren't stupid about the jobs they're made for. You'll get in trouble.
  2. Sorry for the late reply. If Xev sees no issues, and I see no issues, then... Application accepted. Hope to see you on station soon. If you have any questions, feel free to DM me on discord or ping me in the lore server. Nope. But, you can tell when someone is lying if their application is, for lack of a better word, terrible, and they've replied 'yes'. Kinda. Sorta. It's mostly redundant.
  3. Hello! Sorry for the late response. Application accepted - but as usual, we'll be keeping an eye out. Hope you have fun!
  4. What brood is Xinth from?
  5. Been a long time. I was hoping for more feedback. This is more a message for future applicants, but please advertise your applications somewhere. Once per round in OOC, or occasionally in the discord. Either way, application accepted - but we’ll be keeping an eye on you.
  6. No edit, no feedback, I don't rightfully want to accept an application for a character that won't be played. I'unno, it doesn't really sit right. Too ambitious a character on top of that. Application denied. You're free to reapply whenever you like.
  7. Lack of replies makes this tough. Quuv sounds more like a skrellian name than a vaurcese one. Minor nitpick. I feel weirded out by the concept of them being an assistant to the Ruupkala. With that degree of authority and control, would they just let Quuv... go? After all they've done and seen, working as an assistant? No one is going to chase them down, and the Skrell aren't going to have Quuv return through leveraging the hive? Especially since Quuv's involvement, as you stated, was known? If Quuv shared the information gleamed from working with the Ruupkala in good faith, not intending for anyone to misuse it, or perhaps slipping up and broadcasting a little too much info, I'd be comfy. I'd also be comfy if Quuv's involvement in the act wasn't known, because there's no reason for the Jargon Federation to not threaten the hive if Quuv didn't return, and there's no reason they wouldn't give chase. Vaurca need k'ois, k'ois aren't everywhere. Eventually Quuv would have to return if the Federation kept chasing them out of places with easily-accessible k'ois and phoron. NT would obviously have reason to hire Quuv. Quuv holds knowledge on the Jargon Federation's intelligence agency. But I don't feel comfortable authorising THAT sort of heft and political weight to a character. Luthien is also home to Zo'ra. Why would Quuv stay with the humans there and not the resident vaurcae? Mouvian Hive Cell, or simply a Mouvian group, you mean.
  8. Hello. In short, Application Accepted. In long, You're the only applicant, sure, but you've been passionate and you show promise. If there were other applicants, I'm pretty sure I'd still have picked you. Queenless could definitely use some love. Well, vaurca in general could use some love - with lore as expansive as the domain of vaurcae, there are plenty of things that get overlooked. The Queenless were a project I had pretty much no involvement in, and I've struggled to shape them into something that does the original idea justice while still remaining grounded in the lore. I'm sure you've got ideas, and I would very much so like to hear them. Your anxiety around new people was one of my concerns when I became deputy, but the lore team are very welcoming, and I promise working with them is like spreading butter on a warm summers day and you live in a place where air conditioning is non-existent, let alone in the kitchen where the butter is stored and your family forgot to put it in the fridge or something to prevent it from melting in the summer's day heat - whew, long analogy. Aaand on top of that, so long as the content of your writing is high quality - quality meaning inventive and creative - I don't mind being the one to jostle words into place or so on and so forth. Bygone, the previous Vaurca maintainer, was an excellent and creative mind, but between you and me? Guy didn't know how to use commas, and had a tendency to make long-winded sentences. I didn't mind fixing them, though, as what he wrote was wonderful. To round it all off, lore writing is a cooperative job. If you wanna do stuff, literally anyone in the lore team would be willing to help. Most of the time they help even without you asking. So! We'll all be keeping an eye on you. So long as you can communicate like we've communicated in DMs, literally nothing can go wrong. So yeah, application accepted.
  9. Application denied. There are a number of issues with the application. Admins and code are not IC. Tomato Tom is not a valid name. I can go on. You can reapply for a vaurca whitelist in two months.
  10. This was last edited on the 27th, it's now the 14th, and you had received feedback between the two dates. Thus, I'll be denying this application, but you're free to reapply whenever you like.
  11. Hello. I'm here to squash the claims of a 'lack of individuality' running through your application. Akaix are individuals. They are capable of their own thought and feeling and the only thing they're incapable of doing is working against their own hive. This means they can argue, contest ideas, disagree with decisions their hive makes. None of them are clones, and although a lot of their experiences can be very similar and production line-esque, they're all made differently in psyche and physique. The more angles covered, the more beneficial a consensus. As cool as the Kataphract element of this application is, I'm not sure if it's... allowed. @Shenaanigans @Haydizzle Your input is required.
  12. This is barebones and distinctly low effort. The backstory doesn't tell me anything about who Kuzi is as an individual, only what they do and why they do it, what job they'll do on the Aurora. This isn't creative. With no feedback to back you up, I can't accept this. Application denied. You're free to reapply whenever you wish.
  13. A little barebones, a lack of feedback, but nevertheless I don't see much reason to deny this application. Application accepted.
  14. tfw deputy approves so you have to approve the app But in all seriousness, I know you RP goodly, and I know you're shensible enough not to misuse the whitelist. Medical Za aren't entirely unheard of, either! The blanket for Za covers any vaurca that works on or for or with weapons - and other vaurca can fall under the category of weapons, too! It's not unreasonable. So, with all that said, application accepted. I hope you have fun.
  15. Hello. The lack of feedback and singular character listed isn't a solid foundation for which the quality of the application can rest, and coupled with this application being your first makes this all the more challenging. This isn't entirely correct. They're able to reach a consensus mainly because they do conflict from time to time. Different perspectives find a middle ground which works best. Less of a queen dictatorship, more of a entire-hive consensus. Anyone can weigh in on a major or minor decision, and from everyone's perspectives and opinions, the queen or whoever else designated to call the shot will make an informed decision. That isn't to say some Unbound don't want the best for the hive; they simply have a different idea of what is best. They're still individuals. I'll accept this application but like with everyone else we'll be monitoring you. Not in a threatening or denying manner, just to correct any mistakes you might make. I hope you enjoy playing the species!
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