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Everything posted by TishinaStalker
That's what I was thinking last night when we found out. Thank you for reading my thoughts, Meta.
Staff Complaint - TishinaStalker
TishinaStalker replied to Ornias's topic in Staff Complaints Archive
Yeah, I'll concede on that point. If I have the ability to just go into an ahelp and close it out in just a few messages in a way that I can make sure everything abides by the rules in the end, then I'll take it. It's nothing about you as a player and it was nothing about me not having answers. These were addressed by the player. Sorry, but this is a terrible example. One of those character archetypes is just defined as a punk. The other character archetype is a straight attempt at ripping a video game character. Especially when no characters exist in JSRF that look similar to what the player's character is described as. I'd say it is, based on the player's response above. But it is. I stated that earlier. This is a better example. In those cases, I don't think it would be reasonable. That's part of the whole thing, though, we don't always blanket ban everything. Staff should be enforcing rules on a case-by-case basis. What might seem reasonable on one character, might not be reasonable for another character. In this case, birdhouse hair and Christmas light clothing is a definite no. Playing music loudly is a pass. I did check their records out through variables. They did not have any, but the way their flavor text read led me to believe they're meant to be a Ganger character. That's fair. -
Oh, definitely not. Lunea's flipped before over other chemists turning on lighters in the lab. So I'm definitely not going to even wear them inside the lab.
BYOND Key: TishinaStalker Character name: Lunea Discata Item name: Spark Gloves Why is your character carrying said item to work?: One of the station psychs recommended her to talk to more people to try and start working on her anxiety issues. She figures a lil homemade thing she created for a convention once will help her open conversation with Engineering and/or Research people since she only knows 1 or 2 people in Engineering and none in Research. Item function(s): Wearable lighter and adds a verb for using them to the Object tab so it can be activated while worn. When activated, plays both sparks4.ogg and zippo_off.ogg, log comes up stating "With a snap of [Wearer]'s fingers, a small lighter flame sparks from [his/her] index fingers!" When turned off, plays zippo_off.ogg and shows"With a flick of [Wearer]'s wrists and a close of [his/her] fingers, the small flames are extinguished." Item description: Custom made flame retardant gloves designed after Cpt. Stallion from hit 2451 anime series Truesteel Arcanist: Fellowship. A lighter assembly is built along the index finger with a tiny plate of steel, and there is a small flint built into the thumb. Item appearance: How will you use this to better interact with crew and/or stimulate RP? Lunea literally doesn't shut up about anime, video games, or cosplay outfits she's made before when she has the chance to talk to somebody about them, but those chances are few and far between. This'll give me a different way and a better opener for her to geek out on people and make her an even bigger dweeb than what she currently is. Additional comments: Tish posts a custom item app. Entire community goes "Who watches the Watchmen?" Abo does in this case.
That is far better and more interesting than torn clothing for JIX. Application accepted.
Applicant sent me dmi with updated sprites to reflect better facing. Application accepted, please send the new .dmi to Alberyk.
Application accepted.
Application accepted.
Jorge Moberly's Armband (Possibly available to all?)
TishinaStalker replied to Korinra's topic in Denied Apps
This is definitely something that should be a suggestion more than anything. I suggest making one. Application denied. -
Radical. PM me on Discord or something once you finish editing it and I'll take a look at it again.
He works a professional job. How does he not have money to decide "I literally do not have money for any clothing"? He's an engineer for crying out loud. Becoming attached to simple or ubiquitous objects like clothing seems pretty human to me. Wanting to stand out in a crowd also seems pretty human to me, considering that station engineers don't normally have a reason to be recognized unlike Security or Medical personnel. I'm not sold on these reasons unless you make a REALLY good case for them. The issue I have with this primarily lies in the fact that it's torn and crap. To reference what I've written in a different application: Sure, jackets are cliche as hell too, but at least they make a lot more sense half the time than tattered clothing.
I dig the face plate for IRD, but this item for JIX is literally the most cliche thing in the history of ever. It's literally always "oh, my coat is torn up" or "oh, my coat is torn up, but hastily/shittily patched", and I'm starting to lose my mind over the number of applications I've accepted that are literally just "Oh, I wear broken and/or shittily patched clothes to my professional space station job for a mega corporation." I get that JIX is meant to be an older machine, but why does he continue to wear it? Surely machines wouldn't have the same emotional attachment to objects because then your machine is literally acting human, and then surely someone working on a research station would be able to afford an actual outfit that isn't torn up and jagged. I get quirky outfits and whatnot, but broken clothes is just why, especially for machines, and maybe just stained/weathered clothing would be best. Not gonna lie, I'm probably going to go take lessons from Kurt Cobain on purchasing home defense weapons and garage redecoration if I have to straight up accept another torn clothing application. Sure, jackets are cliche as hell too, but at least they make a lot more sense half the time than tattered clothing.
Application accepted.
I feel like it's a bit too difficult to understand which way COFFIN is facing in these sprites. Maybe put some sort of glow effect on the front side or making the back be smooth while the front has the weird chevrons? Other than that, I'd be willing to accept it, but you definitely have to fix that issue before I can clear this. PM me on Discord once you figure something out and I'll get this passed.
TBH, this seems like it would be a much better idea to implement into the custom loadout instead? I don't know, what do you think about it?
Staff Complaint - TishinaStalker
TishinaStalker replied to Ornias's topic in Staff Complaints Archive
No offense taken. You guess correctly in that the intent of the "Alright?" Was because I was not seeing the issue you were perceiving. Pretty far, actually. You make it sound like it's totally unrealistic for restaurants to permit their kitchen staff to listen to music on speakers. That is incredibly wrong. As someone who's worked food service for half a year at different restaurants, I've gotten pretty far cooking, doing dishes, and preparing bread for the next day while blasting a speaker. The only thing I was ever asked for anywhere was to not play music with profanity unless the restaurant's closed just in case. Noise in kitchens from work staff and cooking appliances are very often loud enough that customers being disturbed are a non-issue. Puerto Rico, Iowa, Texas, and Illinois. As for where I had those jobs. Again, your main defense against this player was the use of blanket statements. "That's completely unrealistic." "Actually, that's pretty realistic. Here's why." "*Ticket closed*" "Wait, hold up. That's completely unrealistic." "No it's not as I previously explained and I'm not taking action against it." "*Ticket closed*" I did refute your point of it being unrealistic initially. Your second ticket did nothing to change my mind and was still covered by my initial refusal on your point. Don't say I didn't refute the presented points when your second ticket didn't do much to refute mine. If I misrepresented our dialogue there, then apologies, but that's what I'm perceiving from re-reading over it. I wrote right there why I ruled it was acceptable. Technology wasn't the only thing, it could also be a cultural thing. If anything, the only thing I'm at fault of is not bringing up real food service experience to refute your point even further. Sorry if that's ultimately what you're trying to get at because I would apologize in that case. I'm genuinely confused here. What really screwed with you was the fact that I used a common saying to show that I'm sticking to my ruling? Sorry, maybe I'm not seeing this part from your POV too well, but that definitely looks like a personal problem that I will explain next. Please show me where I clearly, without a doubt, used hostility? If I wanted to be hostile, then I would've said "No, fuck off" or something and if I "lacked desire to interact with players", then I would've ignored you, I wouldn't be staff in the first place, and I wouldn't even give you the time of day on this complaint. My whole job revolves around willingness to interact with players, after all. There's a difference between hostility and apathy in this case and my apathy was towards the issue, not the player reporting. I had no concern for the matter because, even though I did not explicitly state it, it's very clear that I'm saying there's no issue before initially closing your ticket, as there was nothing unrealistic about the character's flavor text. If you mean this in reference to "and that's that", then that's a personal problem, I believe, if you assumed hostility from that as I was not being hostile at any point. Especially not there because "and that's that" is a general saying to show finality in a judgement. It doesn't have to be said with hostility. If it's due to closing the tickets, then that's also a personal problem I would think in that you are personally assuming hostility when there is none. It is extremely common for staff in PMs to close tickets once they give a ruling on non-vital issues, such as "Can I do X?", "Hey, is this minor issue believable?", etc. This definitely fell under that second example. I gave you my ruling, I gave a clear statement saying that, that is my ruling, and that I was sticking to it. In our server rules, it says, "All staff ingame decisions are final. OOC and adminhelp aren't the place to argue about our staff's decisions." Once I gave you that ruling, I was under no obligation to further pursue a discussion on it. Normally I would have if it was a big issue that would end in someone getting banned or warned or was a serious infraction in flavortext. This was definitely not the case and it was such a minor issue that ultimately harmed no one. The player even said in OOC that they were pleased a lot of people commented and liked their choice in flavortext. Sounds to me like I made the right choice at the end of the day as it was an IC issue and definitely not an OOC issue. In the end, the only thing I'm sorry for is for the earlier point when I cited your image. Other than that, I refuse to apologize for anything else here as I was being perfectly calm and level-headed during our brief discussion. I refuse to get into a 30 minute discussion on why having a speaker in a kitchen for food service is unrealistic, despite it being very realistic, because it's a minor issue. If you still have an issue with the player, then I did, and still do, highly suggest taking it up with their boss in-game or an incident report. -
BurgerBB's Erp Licence Application
TishinaStalker replied to BurgerBB's topic in Off Topic Discussion
That's gotta be a lie. You don't play Chemist at all, according to the WI. :thinking: #1 is pretty wrong. I know and work with people on anti-psychotics. Why should being on anti-psychotics put you on medical leave? #2 Ehhhh. Take it from a real Chemist main when I say that you give someone a pill bottle with 6 or 10 pills of their prescription (regardless of it being 5u or 10u pills or w/e since that's what most people have on their records) and they don't bother you ever again. 120u is a dumb number. #3 That's an ahelpable issue. We've told people before to not have things like bicaridine as prescriptions, and that person even had it in like 1 or 2u per pill. #4 Also factually incorrect for the same reason as #1. Being on anti-psychotics and being on several pills does not disqualify people from having a job entirely. Voting for dismissal.
I like Capesh too, but guys. I don't give a FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK if the applicant is a good or nice person. What matters is that the item makes sense to the character, is a reasonable thing to have on-station, fits the general style of things, etc. I could not give less of a care if Capesh ate babies or helped ugly ducklings find their mothers.
[Resolved] Staff Complaint: ShameOnTurtles
TishinaStalker replied to Gamerlord's topic in Staff Complaints Archive
Jesus Christ y'all suck at making a standard title. Nobody cares that now it's in the right subforum and nobody cares about Schrodinger. I put in a modicum of effort into changing the thread title for you and now it's staying that way. Short, sweet, name's on the tin. Stick to that. -
Jesus Christ you're bad at making titles that get to the point, so I put in a lil effort for you. Moving it to archive now.
[Resolved] Staff Complaint: Calion12, SirCatNip
TishinaStalker replied to Gamerlord's topic in Staff Complaints Archive
Thread title edited. Please don't be stupid with titles for serious threads. -
Merge Virology And Pharmacist Into A New Title: Bio-Physician
TishinaStalker replied to a topic in Archive
I just realized I never posted a suggestion I gave Jackboot on this that he told me I should post. I think if this goes through, then Chemist as a title should be moved to Science to better emphasize why there's chem dispensers there since a Chemist is a research job. That way, it should be Pharmacist and Bio-Physician or Bio-Chemist or whatever is decided with Pharmacist being the standard one since we're talking about the Medical department. -
Irmguard Matrella's Robes, Habit, Ring, and Bible.
TishinaStalker replied to SRVO Jim's topic in Completed Items
Application accepted.