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Everything posted by TishinaStalker

  1. https://gyazo.com/706a7216feafe7c36fce7595954af3e3 Application denied.
  2. Short answer: Hellllll no, miss me with that shit. Long answer: Last thing I'm going to do is give you losers a reason to IC'ly go "DEUS VULT" every round, which seems like it is EXACTLY what you are trying to create justification for with this absurdly ridiculous character concept in the first place. If I'm wrong on the character concept, then I'm truly sorry for my accusation. If I'm right, then go sit down and rethink your character if his only reason for being around is to be a meme. Application denied.
  3. Application accepted. If you're not the best Station Mom out there, then I'm firing you from staff.
  4. 3cr = $1 USD. It's legit currency.
  5. I won't be deleting the thread, but I will be denying it then. Appeal denied.
  6. And to just point out some additional information: No you didn't. " SebkillerDK to Dr. Farson: Hello again, please respond to the staff PM's this is you final chance." No it wasn't without warning. It was both two trial mods and myself accusing you of not answering Seb. Logs prove our accusation was correct. Not ridiculous. We do this all the time for people ignoring staff PMs. You could say now you have time, but then turn around and start not responding again. Now you have as much time as possible! This shows up every single time you received a PM. Now take a look at all the times you got PM'd by Seb asking for your attention in order to resolve the matter in a speedy manner. Keep in mind, you had to have already been looking at the text box anyway since you were talking to a patient. So "I didn't see it" won't apply here.
  7. Here's all the logs related to the ahelp chain and Farson.
  8. Alrighty, that's more than enough time. Appeal denied.
  9. Because the players can do things to make their Diona unique through plant life growing on their person. You're totally wrong there too. Diona are biological life too, even if they're an amalgamation of it through other nymphs, they're not all 100% carbon copies of each other. Unless something explicitly says otherwise in Diona lore that I missed.
  10. Sounds like there's not really an issue then, nor a need to make changes. If you want to walk around with a popped lung while knocking back dexalin pill after dexalin pill, then be my guest. At the same time, don't be surprised if you get bwoinked for doing so due to ignoring character needs and pain. There's nothing IC'ly telling your character to "shrug off" a popped lung. The only thing doing that is you OOC'ly through the use of established mechanics.
  11. Screenshotting this for the "i'm leaving" post that will result at 4,000.
  12. So, why'd you gotta lie about the ban reason? Do you even have a reason now as to why I should unban you?
  13. Naw, just saying that in case you weren't aware in the meantime. I actually just finally noticed the other day that there was a shelf in security.
  14. Application accepted
  15. Isn't there normally like 8 copies in the bookshelf in sec or smthn?
  16. Dominia can go fuck itself since it only exists for Roman memes, but I'll let this pass. I expect you to not be wearing the coat when responding to emergencies because medical personnel need to be identifiable if they're responding to something; much like how Security is too. Application accepted.
  18. Application accepted.
  19. Application accepted.
  20. So far in a whole month, you've played 6 rounds. That's still perfectly in line with the habit I stated and I'm gonna have to pass on this as a result. Application denied.
  21. Application accepted. I guess this one's not really to much of an advantage anyway since you can just get one from auxiliary or literally any O2 locker anyway.
  22. Application denied. Make a suggestion.
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