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  • Byond CKey

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  1. While I do have some complaints about the new bar design, the dance floor is the largest of them. Anything else in it's place would be better.
  2. The flash doesn't stun on Auroracode. We've generally been removing instant stuns and stuns in general from combat overall because it's not good for RP or combat enjoyment overall.
  3. I just understood the real reason they were making Cargo Heph-only at first. To clear out all the disrespectful cargo goblins and other degenerates. Make Cargo a respectful and hard-working department.
  4. If you want a guaranteed antag, vote for antags. Secret Extended is one of my favorite game types because everyone acts like a suspicious asshole and you get to grill them for it on voted extended.
  5. I have read this and found it to be a great idea. The only thing I'd add is that some people might keep their hoverpods' air tanks and sealing intact so that they might be faster by navigating flooded caves instead of sticking to dry caves. +1
  6. I agree that grabs should be buffed. As of now they're a particularly dry cough in your enemies' direction, only useful for carrying people to stop the drag bleeding.
  7. I propose something like a Day of Redemption. A day where those who feel guilt over their actions, regardless of their background, can seek redemption through the church or local government. The guard won't arrest people for past crimes on that day, but if you're actively committing crime then you're going to be arrested. This could be a more modern holiday meant to bring together the ex-Traditionalists and other wastelanders who have consolidated under Izweski rule out of necessity.
  8. I agree, NT and maybe Iridis for Cargo, just so we won't have Himeans or other Hephaestus-opposed factions excluded.
  9. That's what I was going for, something that'd be flavorful and useful but not broken.
  10. I have come. Here with suggestions for Hephaestus: Muscular Actuators Artificial musculature that allows you to pick up crates and lockers as items that you carry in both hands. Usage has a chance to do minor burn damage. There's probably more you can do to define the technology for fluff. Ore detector: An augment that acts as both the deep ore detector for placing drills and the pinging ore detector that most miners use, being able to be swapped between the two. EPMC: Eridani Eyes Allow you to interact with consoles from a distance, and allows your eyes to be used as a camera. However they have a chance to make an advertising window pop up. EPMC Tracheal Augment A military grade version of the normal Eridani tracheal augment that filters out smog. This one works as a low-range gas mask to filter out pepper spray from the lungs. Eyes and face are not included. Holo-Business card An augment that allows you to display a holographic business card. Neat! Golden Fist credentials An augment that displays you as a member of one of the Golden Fist's companies: Ringspire, Eagle Corp, Phalanx Inc, N4NL Inc, or Index Security Solutions.
  11. Perhaps add the other SCC company voidsuits? Hephaestus' Caiman suit: /obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/space/void/hephaestus /obj/item/clothing/suit/space/void/hephaestus EPMC Cruiser suit: /obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/space/void/cruiser /obj/item/clothing/suit/space/void/cruiser Zavodskoi Revenant Suit: /obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/space/void/zavodskoi /obj/item/clothing/suit/space/void/zavodskoi Zeng-Hu Dragon Suit: /obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/space/void/zenghu /obj/item/clothing/suit/space/void/zenghu
  12. Welderbomb the Skrell already.
  13. I do not like the mechanical skill system, and do not want it. However, if it does come, the skill should be linked to the character and not the job.
  14. Please.. Reintroduce Brazil as just plain old lore. I miss Rioliantrio, I miss the Amazon. For context, there used to be an Earth Provinces page that was forever a WIP. Brazil was one that was actually fleshed out, with this being all I saved before removal:
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