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Everything posted by sdtwbaj

  1. This isn't the place to argue it, but I will say that you're making a lot of loaded assumptions about what I was proposing. Heads of staff should be attentive to what's actually being told to them, as opposed to what they think/want to be hearing, especially as a head of security. Another assumption, this time that I have malicious intent. If that kind of thinking translates into your head of staff play, it'll be a poor experience for everyone involved. Believe me, I've been down the road of making brash assumptions and letting those guide my thinking as a leader ingame, it usually makes the round and my actions rather ugly. The unfortunate reality of being a head of staff means that you have to guide multiple players to the best of your ability, and sometimes what you want to do or what you think is best won't be amenable to everyone in the short term. It can be very annoying when a head of staff does something, and someone else chooses to take it OOC and proceed to use it to make some bold assumptions about that person's command, and if you get the whitelist back I think you'll encounter that. As another aside, most heads of staff will find themselves defending or justifying their actions from time to time, which is a delicate task to take on, especially when something's controversial. For your sake, I hope this theme of making big assumptions and loaded changes to someone else's argument doesn't carry over to that.
  2. I do have a couple of concerns with this one, one being how I've really only seen them play security. That isn't necessarily a bad thing, but the successful heads of staff generally have a somewhat working knowledge of each department, and experience outside of their 'main' department, that just makes everything better. Another thing I've noticed was brought up a bit earlier, a blurred line between IC and OOC. I remember once talking about something I was considering doing when I next played Captain, and Campin threatened to ahelp, IR, and player complaint me if I went ahead with it, which really concerns me as to how they'd be able to deal with things that aren't ideal for them, or how they'd handle their relationship with a captain who did something they didn't care for. I'm also pretty sure they're applying with the character that got meme'd and led to them getting their whitelist removed, though I'm not wholly sure on that one. And despite what Paradox said, I think those to-the-point answers are perfectly fine, it'd probably be pretty wasted space to make paragraphs for those types of things when that isn't the meat of the application. also, bro, what is that formatting? how are you gonna format paperwork if you can't format a forum post smh.
  3. There's a not uncommon sentiment that security are the only ones allowed to have conflict with antags. Generally I think this is the case, our rules are set up so that it's easy to punish people for fighting with an antag if they aren't command or security, especially if security is somewhere on the station. I'll frame the tldr of the suggestion with real world American laws, that are basically what I'd like to see. Some states have a 'duty to retreat' type of law, basically you legally have to run away or do whatever is in your power to avoid a fight if you can. This is how Aurora generally is right now, we expect anyone who isn't security to tuck tail and run if there's any opportunity, with little context to the situation or capability of the crewmember. Other states have a 'stand your ground' law, you don't have that duty to retreat, you can handle a threat however you see fit, whether that's running away or fighting back to protect yourself. I want this to be where Aurora goes. It's a decent balance between allowing crewmembers in on the action, especially if it comes to them, and leaving validhunting outside of what's allowed. The gist of what I'm proposing would essentially allow the chef to stab someone who threatens them with a weapon, but not allow the chef to chase down that person and stab them. Less enforced fear RP, and more natural consequences, play stupid games win stupid prizes kind of thing. I don't think this would turn the crew into bloodthirsty validhunters, because most people are interested in other RP, and probably won't take advantage of this. The real intent is to shift the monopoly on action partially away from security, and let people do things without having to scream 'HELP MAINT' over the radio.
  4. please yes, though maybe if the station's been at red alert for a certain amount of time the charge up time is reduced, to discourage going from blue alert to ERT
  5. tailcoats different colored vests/waistcoats
  6. Basic Information Byond Account: sdtwbaj Character Name(s): Rhoda Marks, Marcus Halloway, Wren'ishii Qual-tep, Annie Depressant AI Name(s): N/A Discord username + tag: Ayrism#1000 Age: 18 Timezone: GMT-6 hen are you on Aurora?: Usually later in the day, maybe 5-6pm my time I'll jump on. Experience How long have you played SS13?: 3 years How long have you played on Aurora: 2 years How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: I think I've been around long enough to be well versed in the majority of Aurora mechanics. Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: No, though I was CCIA for a time, and I do mentor for the Star Trek 13 server. Have you read through the criteria thread; https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=4198 - and believe that you mark off all the criteria?: Despite how I sometimes can be on Discord, yes. Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: As I remember, I was banned way long ago for shooting a wall at round end, for 3 days. Personality Why do you play SS13?: The replayability and memes are most of it. It's unpredictable, and not many games can say that. Why do you play on Aurora?: Sometimes I like a slower paced version of that unpredictability. What do moderators do?: They facilitate the game, more or less. Make sure the rules are being followed, make it interesting with events or other random wrenches to throw into things. What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: That I know the ins and outs of roleplay and the server, and can act as some kind of authority on how Aurora works. I'd like to think I fit that bill rather well. Why do you want to be a moderator?: I think the central bit for me is more the game-making event side of things, though I'm not going to be shy about the moderation side of it, since that's of course a very large part of being an admin on a server. I also want to be the mod who never says 'hey, got a minute?'. I think in moderating I can put forward a bit of a 'common player' thing that some people on Aurora might feel like the staff team doesn't necessarily portray well that often. Most staff are still common players and have that perspective, but I want to try my hand at putting that foot forward to players when they think it may be lacking. What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: On the moderation side, I think taking the internet not-so-seriously helps. I'm sure everyone says that, right before going into a tirade about something or other, but I mean it, and I think my discord activity shows that fairly enough. I'll go into it a bit more in the next question, but not taking the internet too seriously is going to go a long way toward that 'common player' thing, I won't have my virtual 2d farting simulator power going to my head. Besides, I'm a Captain main, and being Captain is basically like wrangling a station full of toddlers anyway, so that's a thing. How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: Very well, especially in the context of ss13. Mods have to have the epitome of patience to moderate for ss13, and I think that's a quality I have. If something's under my skin, I don't think people online can really tell. On Discord I normally reciprocate it, but of course that isn't usually acceptable when you're a mod, especially ingame, so I can adjust my response accordingly. Anything Else You Want to Add: I was CCIA for a bit, and I think I can use that 'staff-lite' perspective. Also, @Yonnimer thought I wouldn't do this. Hah. I do genuinely want to try my hand at this, though. I know I seem a certain way on Discord, and to an extent that is just how I am online, but I can, have, and will adjust how I act based on the expectations of the situation.
  7. it's been a week, anyone? [mention]Sharp[/mention][mention]Alberyk[/mention]
  8. it's been a couple of days, uh, anything?
  9. BYOND Key: sdtwbaj Total Ban Length: permanent Banning staff member's Key: Alberyk Reason of Ban: Probably being too erotic Reason for Appeal: I'm getting back into SS13, and I enjoy playing Aurora, and discord access makes it easy to get information on a round so I can get in on roundstart or figure out if it's a good time to pop ingame. As far as being pornographic in my messages, not really into that anymore. I don't really need a paragraph to say that.
  10. basically a stamper that the bartender can use to create a new drink recipe in the moment, letting them select things like name, glass, color, decorations, taste, etc. i envision it working like bartender pours stuff into a glass bartender uses the stamper on the glass to "upload" the contents, as the recipe for the drink bartender gets a bunch of queries and lists about name, appearance, color, decorations, taste, so on. drink that the bartender used the stamper on turns into that drink stamper can now be used on any glass with a mixture in it, and it checks that the contents match up with what was first taken as the recipe, if they do, transforms it into the drink. this would be used for creating signature drinks and the like during the round, and because of the nature of it it'd probably be limited to a single drink.
  11. didnt we try this already pretty sure it died
  12. If the people who made those custom item requests approve of it, we could do that. If not, I could probably whip up a fancy captain pen for us to use. It could even be a multicolor pen, if that's possible.
  13. I support spending a week or two without an AI on station, just to see the effects. Cyborgs are another case, but removing some of their functions like door bolting/shocking when they're in "normal" operations wouldn't be bad for this trial period. In the longer run, the access to doors can be rectified by adding a function to command consoles that would basically act as stationwide door control, that would have to be operated by a crew member.
  14. The norm right now is that usually the person who does the ban would handle the appeal as well. That works fine, they usually know the situation best since they did. However, I also think it can break the 'objectivity' of handling a ban appeal, when someone has a personal stake in it like being the banner. I think it'd be better to handle them like staff complaints are handled, with another staff member taking it on and the banning staff member giving their story and responses. This is as opposed to having to make a staff complaint if one feels slighted by the way their ban appeal was handled by the person that banned them, if that isn't really a possibility in the first place.
  15. on the topic of rainbow jumpsuits, there could be an option to slow down the flashing of them by a large enough amount to not be a problem
  16. So it's often that an antag has a ship, or whatever, and makes contact with the Aurora over Common. I propose adding a 'hail' channel, that each out-of-station antag (merc, raider, ninja, wizard), as well as merchants and other ships like the ERT and central command shuttles would have access to on an intercomm on their ship. On the station, the Captain, Head of Personnel, and Head of Security would be able to access the hailing channel, along with the AI. This could create a good way of RPing events, like getting hailed by the Icarus, or by another ship outside of the Aurora. It would also serve to cull some of the memes that happen when Raider McVox pops up on common 'We is crash skree!' and engineering gets to work on their spears.
  17. Well, the two recent ones in the middle and upper right are rather on par for the server from my experience, and the rest are a month or more old, which I think show that I can tone it back as I have recently, and respond to warnings, until the incident that brought this all up. It was a slip, I admit, but I wouldn't say being that level lewd is my "norm" anymore., and it wouldn't happen again.
  18. BYOND Key: sdtwbaj, discord Ayrism#1000 Total Ban Length: Not sure, probably perm? Banning staff member's Key: Alberyk Reason of Ban: Didn't get a message, but probably lewd discussion. Reason for Appeal: For a bit of backstory, someone in discord was talking about monster girl porn, and every few minutes bringing up monster girls. Eventually I brought up something about relieving frustrations, which became a bit of a back and forth, until Alberyk slid in with a 'i'm done, you're banned' and banned me. I don't necessarily think it's out of the ordinary unless I was the only party singled out from the discussion. Though I will admit the ban was unexpected, I can see where the talk was out of hand. I'm not often as viscerally lewd as I was during the back and forth with the other person, so I don't imagine it would be difficult to tone it down if I were given the chance.
  19. Appealing Personnel: Intrepid Talos, Head of Security, NSS Aurora Specific Incident: ((https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=90&t=10604)) Action taken as a result: Demotion to Warden for one week. Action contested: Demotion to Warden for one week. Reasoning for contest: The reasoning behind the action is inadequate. As it is understood, the demotion is in response to a failure to provide adequate paperwork, and to notify other Heads both about stocking the armory and 'allowing' Cargo to hack the autolathe. I will address these both seperately. Paperwork - I am fully familiar with standard NanoTrasen paperwork and filing procedures, however the Quartermaster is considered to be the expert on supply procedure, and I am not, therefore I deferred to them as to how to proceed. I was given the paperwork that they deemed necessary, and filed it appropriately, on the assumption that they are aware of how to run their department and how to process transactions, of which I have no working experience or training. Notifying other Heads - As the Head of Security, I am deferred complete responsibility and control over the security operations of the NSS Aurora, with supervision by the Captain as they deem necessary. One of these duties is ensuring my department is supplied and functional, a duty I was carrying out. As it is a standard part of my job, as well as I am a loyalty implanted official and both entrusted and required to maintain the safety and security of the station, I did not see it fitting to notify the Captain while performing a standard task, and they had not requested that I do so. As for granting 'permission' to hack the autolathe, I again defer to the Quartermaster on matters of supply. I intended to acquire ammunition, and noted that an unlocked autolathe may be more efficient, however I dd not tell them to hack the autolathe, nor did I file any papers to that effect, only papers to complete my order. I once again assumed that as the Quartermaster, they would be aware of the procedures and regulations surrounding their department, and the use of the autolathe. I am not responsible for their choice to neglect procedure and their Head of Staff to fulfill my order--I am not an expert at Cargo or Supply procedures, they are, or should be. Additional notes: (If there are none simply leave it blank)
  20. Since you did dare me to find a reason to -1... The way you describe bound seems very off to me. They aren't 100% mindless machines, they're lobotomized and conditioned tools. It's possible to still have conversations with them, they still have certain quirks, and they might even have their own 'preferences', though usually for utilitarian or conditioned reasons. That understanding of the bound is odd. Also that name triggers me, Vaurca only have one, reeeeeeeeeeee. And I don't really know any of your characters that well... so -1 or +1 that works too is a good roleplayer as far as i know
  21. If we were to do this, I think replacing it with a console in the command wing that lets someone with access open doors remotely.
  22. I completely support this. I think extended as a gamemode is both divisive and different enough that it should be a conscious decision to have an extended round. I think people can far more tolerate a random action antag than can tolerate a random 2+ hour snoozefest.
  23. basically a device for antags to create cover along the same lane as a flipped table. little device that requires power, using it in hand spawns the cover in whatever direction the person is facing. Ideally it has enough power to maintain one or two pieces of cover for about 5 minutes, with each hit to the cover draining more energy. It'd have to stay in screen range of all of the cover it spawns. this cover is also climbable like a flipped table.
  24. https://discord.gg/hzUKEKK come hook up and play games we even have fancy roles for various games, so you can spam tag people until they pay attention
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