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Everything posted by Scheveningen
We may not use SOP but it acts as a baseline for how seriously characters should take their job and what guidelines they should follow.
Contrary to popular belief, antagonists are not meant to escalate in this way, and are held to almost (I say almost because you don't need the same in-round escalation to decide to assassinate a crewmember, but you still need to act like you premeditate your antagging and show it fairly clearly, going 0 to 100 is not escalation, it is terminal velocity) the same standard as other characters when it comes to violence. I'm curious as to why Datberry dismissed this adminhelp without making an attempt to investigate this and administered the burden of proof onto a player whose role on-server doesn't constitute investigating the issue, but rather, it being the moderator's job. I also don't quite understand why trial staff who has been mod staff before would tell someone to explain to them why this is an admin-actionable issue (rather than taking 5-10 minutes to figure out what happened and explain what did happen) if Xander happened to already explain the issue, you only pose that question when someone has been making stupid adminhelps that don't relate to situations that require a bit of investigation.
[Resolved] Character complaint: the two Jawdats
Scheveningen replied to Mcspizzy's topic in Complaints Boards Archive
I admit having done that in the past as well. Labelling paper as "energy sword" and hitting windows is something myself and Menown got arrested for and we laughed our asses off in doing it, but on the flip side it is still wrong because it is meta-baiting. You shouldn't do it more than once. -
[Resolved] Player Complaint on Superiorform
Scheveningen replied to Prospekt's topic in Complaints Boards Archive
They do not, no. Under regulations the destruction of an IPC is sabotage and not murder. The reason being, they are NanoTrasen property but the company is much more hesitant to attach personhood to a machine, sentient or not. You may ask CakeIsOssim about this, who will likely say the same thing. Unlike humanoids, an IPC's repair is much less expensive than the processing of cloning and also due the presence of replaceable parts. -
https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=111&t=2193 Check this out, by the way. If you're expecting to have the entire station handed to you on a platter just because you took 15 seconds to aim at someone, type at them that they should lie down or be shot, you will be sourly surprised and you definitely deserve to have your character killed for not putting enough effort into being a good enough antagonist and taking security seriously. Security will kick your ass for hostage taking. Hostages do not normally live in hostage situations. Security does what they can to stop hostages from dying, even if it means they have to kill the hostage taker, because they present a clear threat to the hostage and potentially everyone else. Hostage taking is a permabrig sentence. They will take you in forever or kill you so you die forever. It doesn't matter because hostage takers are terrorists. Don't expect to get an adminshield because you're trying to do something interest, earn your to-be-reckoned-with status! You MUST instill fear as an antagonist. To instill such is by DOING things that cause people to be unnerved and actually taking you as an antagonist seriously. Do not think that waving a gun around will make people fear you. That will make a security officer merely turn around and come back later with a laser gun to dong you in the mouth with after popping out of a closet. An excellent example: https://i.redditmedia.com/KJGpGKE9WIFhJerfMRqmmssJUsIw2Z4Bi8pUFxt0l0I.png?w=890&s=327932356b84f5f54ff8c1ad464b051e Force gloves are broken. Revolvers are broken. Stealth modules and camo generators are broken. Thermals are broken. Actually leaving the crime scene after you kill someone and their buddy calls for security help and being 2 z levels away is broken. Being overconfident and not thinking before attempting to provide conflict to the station and getting murked because of it is broken. Yet they are actually balanced and fair because all of these things/strategies have their place and reasons for their strength. If you expect the station to not point and giggle at your antagonist after you attempt something that is point-and-giggleworthy, you're a bad antag, straight up saying that. Good antags drive the round in interesting ways while making it their effort to not get caught (So you can continue playing and so the station has to worry about the antagonist longer, capiche?), and also exerting their power on the station so as to put pressure on every single crewmember that they need to be careful lest they get themselves into a dark maintenance shaft with you and completely destroyed by the tools you had at your own disposal to ruin their day. Ever play Dark Souls? Their community has a saying. Get good. Stop asking for instant kill features to make gameplay easier for you. Instant win buttons already exist in the game. You don't need them for guns. Stop expecting you can hold your ground against a security force that has very robust laser guns, a whole medbay to repair injuries you dole out to security officers, and a larger familiarity with their station than you do. You will die and ultimately 'lose' if you do not utilize speed and the ability to walk away from bad situations that will most certainly kill you.
Which of whom, are breaking the rules on roleplaying a sensible character that respects risk and life if they fuck up a hostage situation on purpose. Why do you people not adminhelp those cases? Maybe it's because the people who handled the hostage situation managed to get the hostage back on virtue of decent planning where the hostage taker had none. Do not automatically expect to be protected by an admin shield just because you've taken a hostage. That never works out. Stop holing yourself up in areas that you cannot take an immediate escape through, and never take a hostage on a random whim. Hostage make for better human shields than they do make for decent leverage. Throatslitting requires to be done twice, not once.
Nothing should ever be instant. You've failed as a hostage taker if you allow security to just walk into the room.
[Resolved] Character complaint: the two Jawdats
Scheveningen replied to Mcspizzy's topic in Complaints Boards Archive
If a tree falls in the woods and there's nobody around to hear it crash down, did it happen at all? Mildly interested in how you two would answer that. In no way should anything I am going to say supposed to be taken as actionable by any staff member handling this complaint on both players, but I'm going to touch on a few things I have observed from both. The intention of what I'm going to dote on about is what both players should generally keep in mind as neither of you are strangers to this server, what the rules are, and under what limitations both of you should abide by should you choose to try and bend them. I also generally advise you both to avoid the mindset that you must deconstruct every point that will be made, as stones are stones and you should avoid seeing a stone for anything other than how it is physically significant to you, and how you can learn from that. Doing otherwise undermines the other side's attempt at solving a problem they have with you, and generally inflates the size of the problem further from their perspective. Please don't assume the OP is pursuing to have you both banned, because I think you both could generally benefit from this conversation. Avoiding to have it may cause the inverse and generally worsen impressions further. Jackboot. - You have been observed making announcements both as a head of staff and as an AI during primetime + near dead hour with the contents of "Do not be alarmed." I think such an announcement that happens once during an emergency when done by an antagonist is particularly funny. It has a social commentary of its own that makes fun of the situation where everything is actually burning down. The problem is that a joke slowly stops being funny each consecutive time it is told, and riveting situational commentary only has its greatest effect when its exact polar opposite is true, in the case where this ironic "joke" of an announcement is being made during periodic points in the round typically when nothing is going on. It serves as generally being more of an RP nuisance than anything else, and making yourself out to be a nuisance repeatedly causes the general atmosphere of what constitutes as "mildly serious yet tolerant of occasionally goofy roleplay" to shatter for specific moments. There is nothing wrong in trying to be funny to break the occasional dark flavor that accompanies a simulation where murder, gore and other darker themes come into play, but doing so in an obnoxious manner and also using methods like abusing the announcements systems as a head of staff and/or AI in order to do so is particularly irksome. You should respect other people's immersion before you think about doing this. - You have a habit of injecting postmodernist/ironic humor into roleplay. To the point where it's obnoxious. I don't mean to sort-of say that twice, since I touched on this a bit in the last paragraph, but I really need to say why it is irksome and harmful in its own way to the atmosphere of roleplay. Particularly when you play as Jawdat -- I have not seen you do this on any other character, as a note, most of my concerns are how you play Jawdat -- you ('you' as in Jawdat', but as he is your character you should accept a degree of responsibility for their actions if they happen to be immersion-breaking in nature, you still drive the character yourself) inject varying topics of humor into conversation, but the one that bugs me the both is the amount of the forced jokes your character makes. To draw a contrast, Poslan does this, for instance, but Poslan tends to be tasteful and while he's notorious for being a puncat, he still does it in a way that is chuckleworthy and not forced. I've seen and heard of Rrazjun-Jawdat lie to a security cadet that he needed his appendix removed through surgery just because the cadet got knocked out in a holodeck boxing match. Jawdat has also eaten 20-40 plates of food the chef cooked up through an exploit with forks, generally just being a dick IC by invalidating all of the work the chef spent their own time and investment on cooking up for more than just you. You (as a player) seem to have very little empathy or concern for how your characters' actions affect other characters in IC. I am not implying you should be as emotional and sensitive as a senior high-school girl. I am implying you should be doing better than disconnecting yourself when someone brings up an issue that involves you in some capacity in which the other person trying to engage you legitimately wants to settle the issue and help you and themselves grow as people. You do this - a lot. It is bewildering sometimes to see you respond to degrees of criticism to only answer, "It's not an issue. You shouldn't be having an issue with it. You're being sensitive." I'm implying you should try harder to seem like you care. I like you, Jackboot, you're legitimately good at your job as a loremaster and I'd be so bold as to consider you a friend, this was really hard to write out because I do not enjoy being a critic of a friend. As for Prospekt. Cue "it's no secret X and Y don't get along." I am going to be blunt with you, because I find the way you interact with other people shocking. You have a problem NOT taking criticism as an assassination attempt. You have a problem discerning when and where it is appropriate to be an asshole. You have no "off" setting nor a filter. You have a problem where you just outright insult someone and act very surprised when someone talks back, you then backpedal and attempt to flip the tables on the other person when you were the one being inflammatory in the first place. You have a problem keeping IC in IC and OOC in OOC. I've witnessed many instances where your character Hikmat coincidentally has many similarities in their character traits with how you conduct yourself OOCly. This last point is most definitely going to get attacked by you since it kinda does imply Hikmat is a self-insert by proxy of personality, which is unfortunate. I generally cannot offer suggestions as to why the above four are, as that would involve an in-depth look in real life territory, but I digress. In this thread and otherwise, Prospekt, you have shown a general disinterest in listening to other people when they have something to say about how you conduct yourself. I am not suggesting you believe what anyone has to tell you at face value, but generally civil people should explain to other people in an equally civil manner why they disagree with another person on how one player should conduct themselves as a minimum standard while on this server. And I hope you read most of the parts particularly pointed at you, instead of just skipping to the bottom for a tl;dr, I don't usually write those except for the S&I forum. Otherwise I don't have much to touch on. I have significantly less issues with how Jackboot conducts himself contrasting with how Prospekt chooses to conduct himself, the former can be solved by him just outright saying, "Alright, I'll consider it." Whereas the latter's gonna need a bit of work from Prospekt himself. A man can't be expected to change his ways in a single day, so I wish him luck on that. I genuinely fear he's going to blow up one day and say something he cannot take back. -
Okay, I love this. I prefer having a roundstart theme to it so people stop deliberating "OK wtf do we do as a gimmick" in AOOC and then falling off on a tangent discussing literally anything other than what they should be doing. I believe RP scenarios like these will not stifle creativity but rather allow people to go off of a basis and be able to interact in varying different ways depending on the character, the situation and their motives.
Please note that unless specifically outlined in a ban reason, you do not have to touch on prior conduct because whether or not you have a prior behavior does not really factor into accepting an appeal if you believe the ban was unjustified. I'll wait for Alberyk to weigh in on this ban otherwise before I weigh in as to whether the ban was justified or not.
[Resolved] Unfair Strike - Alberyk
Scheveningen replied to hivefleetchicken's topic in Staff Complaints Archive
Here are the logs for posterity. I'll weigh in. 1.) The nature of the strike. It looked like you were spamming. Until you, Hive, spoke up after the strike, we had no way of knowing otherwise. It is not easy to remove strikes, only an individual with database access to the strike system can do so. Since that is up to one person -- I'll touch on this in a later point. 2.) In response to the "unstrike me NOW" comment followed by the threat and eventual write-up thereof, a forum complaint. Right, in my opinion, Hive, I think you could've afforded to be more patient, and you'll generally find staff members unresponsive to statements like that because it is rude and unbecoming to conduct yourself in such a fashion that you are pretty much threatening a staff member to do something now or else you'll make a complaint on them. Skull could not, and most certainly would not, immediately beeline to his desktop, pull up the particulars of the database and rush to remove the strike on your discord account just because you said you'd make a complaint on him. We do not make good times intimidating players, nor should players try to do the same by attempting to threaten staff. Here we are, in that respect. 3.) I'm pretty sure you just now made this complaint because you still hold a semblance of a grudge against Alberyk and Skull after a year and a half to figure out how to drop it. I'm not going to detail specifically into the whys because that will generate more forum drama. But please step back for a moment and actually look at the content and phrasing of your attempt at engagement with both Alberyk and Skull. You are being unnecessarily hostile and overdramatic even though Skull would tell you he would take care of it within the three day period, at least 1 day at most 3 days. Are you not satisfied with that resolution? I'm confused, because that is a staff member who basically said he'll remove the equivalent of a warning after you asked for it to be removed and even Alberyk stated already that he would try to get it removed if he had that power. He doesn't, he deferred you to Skull, who told you at least in a day at most 3 days, and you got upset at hearing that. I hope we can move on from our weekly moral outrage incident, we didn't seem to have one for awhile. -
[Resolved] Unfair Strike - Alberyk
Scheveningen replied to hivefleetchicken's topic in Staff Complaints Archive
Additionally, just last night when the server went down due to an issue with BYOND, about four people and I believe yourself were spamming the bot's commands and generally putting an unnecessary amount of strain on it and also spamming up the entire chat. It was kinda hard not to assume that was going on since it occurred pretty much a couple hours since that happened and it didn't really occur to anyone that it was discord screwing up again. In spite of that, I still think it's a bit of an unlikelihood, but one has to at least look a bit inward and distance themselves from their own situation to see why staff actually did something. I like to think there was good intentions involved, I think Alberyk did think you were spamming. As an end-result a single strike is really inconsequential and as Skull said, he'll try and fix it. -
Armblade Acts As A Crowbar To Tear Out Airlock Electronics
Scheveningen replied to a topic in Archive
Well the door has to not be bolted for you to break doors and then pry them open. If it is bolted it requires the welding and then the crowbar. -
Antag Ban Request for player ClearThoughts
Scheveningen replied to JKJudgeX's topic in Ban Requests Archive
Wholesome human social understanding, on MY forums? Wth is wrong with you guys. /s I'll lock this up and call it resolved in 24 hrs (standard procedure), I couldn't have asked for a better resolution. -
Armblade Acts As A Crowbar To Tear Out Airlock Electronics
Scheveningen replied to a topic in Archive
Oh yeah I forgot it had to be welded. HAHAH! They are no closer out of solitary. Anyway I think it works either way. Need to make use of the brig barricades for solitary anyway. -
Likewise, most of us are drawn to more of a sci-fi setting than anything MC has. Even if it's Tekkit supported it's not really the same. Now, if you told me there was a sizeable RP-based Starbound server...
Antag Ban Request for player ClearThoughts
Scheveningen replied to JKJudgeX's topic in Ban Requests Archive
That he did, I apologize for not getting back to you on the resolution, Judge, we were prioritizing getting the round restarted and by the time it did, it didn't cross my mind to "hunt you down" as it were just to tell you how I handled the issue. That aside, 1.) Ban requests are actually meant for griffers that we may potentially miss over the course of a round, particularly meant for deadhour. I'll still leave this up for a bit to allow for further responses/discussion to be undertaken, because I understand the intention of the post. 2.) Such an issue is better suited for a character/player complaint, however, I have no interest in pursuing further action beyond what I had already doled out and felt was necessary. 3.) With another "but", however, since that was an issue I resolved and I believe I resolved it in a way I deemed not-too-excessive, if you wish to contest the decision I made and imply I should've been harsher, that should be outlined in a staff complaint instead. Again, sorry I didn't get back to you, it didn't occur to me to prioritize especially since it was 1-2AM and I wanted to get some sleep. I'll endeavor to improve on that aspect better. -
[Resolved] My character's name.(2)
Scheveningen replied to Ganjaa's topic in Staff Complaints Archive
I read the link there and I admit I was really interested right away, I think it is a bit of a shame it was changed, I think it should be allowed to be changed back. There are people modern day who change their name for this reason, particularly for their own agency's sake as an individual. If anyone doesn't know the story of Malcolm X, I implore you to read up on him, he was a very influential figure during the civil rights period in the United States. Likewise, I can see the reason why it was changed to X initially, it is a powerful IC message in itself to drop one's surname for another, particularly "X" which had significance in the old line-up organization of the Nation of Islam which advocated black men (in particular, considering it was still the 50-60s and suffrage had already passed but most blacks felt the issue was with race and not sex-centric) to "free" themselves from certain oppressive systems they felt existed in America as white-centric in design, such as immigrants from other countries receiving Americanized names that often dissolved the cultural significance of their origin place. I do not personally see Kunta as a "meme", I think it's a character concept with a lot of rich potential that hasn't quite been tapped into its fullest yet. In due time it'll get there. [mention]Ganjaa[/mention] Do you know which administrators you spoke to in order? We can check notes anyway to see but there are some odds that it wasn't noted down, so it's helpful to have your side of who you spoke to. Edit: It seems the final administrator in particular was [mention]SirCatnip[/mention] , not sure who else spoke to you, it mostly doesn't matter though as I'd like to have Catnip weigh in on this. -
[Denied] Renyntime 13 ban appeal
Scheveningen replied to ReynTheLord's topic in Unban Requests Archive
That is what is recommended. -
[Denied] Renyntime 13 ban appeal
Scheveningen replied to ReynTheLord's topic in Unban Requests Archive
"You didn't mean to validhunt" is not an excuse, especially with your record. You make it a point to adminhelp some of the most asinine details possible with a level of frequency that stops becoming attempting to be helpful and just comes across as downright unuseful and irritating. Yet you fail to grasp being able to follow the same rules that you almost consistently spam in adminhelps with that apparently other people are not following. You have a serious cognitive problem-solving issue, I cannot say as to whether it would apply to things regarding you off-server but I would legitimately bet money that you probably do. Despite having explained multiple times to you what exactly you do wrong in the scenarios we've had to speak to you about, we've come no closer to helping you get a better understanding of the rules and not only following them but also attempting to fit into the community without being disruptive. If this was the first permaban we'd be the ones to take responsibility in failing to teach, and we'd correct the way we would go about approaching the matter. It is not the first time we've had to speak to you about this to try and get you to grasp these concepts which are not too complex or difficult to at least understand, roleplaying to a minimum standard is really not that hard. This is a consistent problem with you seemingly not getting what the point of following the rules we have outlined for everyone and anyone who plays on this server. This is effectively a reflection of what happens when enough is enough with a problematic player and we have to step in and hold said player accountable, so we may continue upholding the same standards as we've always been. I don't see a good reason why you should be unbanned either. I've heard almost all of the common excuses from you already and I don't think there is much you can say that would sway me either besides a lot of time playing on another server that is not this one. -
Not convincing me. Most guns are effective enough in killing people and the point-blank damage modifier is more than efficient at quickly killing people you have grabbed in less shots than if you didn't grab them. Revolvers and shotguns already OHK if aimed at the head.
Opposed. This would easily be abused to instantly kill people in combat rather than for hostage-taking. Grabs are strong enough as it stands. There is no need to overload it with more instant-kill mechanics than it already has.