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Everything posted by Scheveningen
Note that there is a particular caveat for ganking, which was what this warning was phrased like. By this standard here, antagonists are allowed to kill people, even wordlessly, if it fulfills a perceivable accomplish-able goal as an antagonist and it makes way for more interesting roleplay later on. The only issue is when this is repeated to the extent where it is easily interpreted as murderboning without a solid attempt at roleplay. The chatlogs displayed in the OP show otherwise. An attempt was made, it is at its worst a one-liner, at best it was a well-executed... execution, really. The warning in my opinion was not necessary.
[1 Dismissal] Loyalty implant notice and others.
Scheveningen replied to Pratepresidenten's topic in Archive
EMPs are not uncommon enough to mandate giving the loyalty implant such a glaring weakness. -
Okay, Kaed. For all of the time you spend writing libel about this server, you have a serious problem with reading. Having witnessed this entire round start to finish as the head of security, this one vampire alone caused more than enough trouble than security had even bargained for from the game mode. Whoever that vampire was, kudos to them for actually attempting to roleplay a vampire properly and being deceptive and lying on purpose. It was just unfortunate that it only goes so far and for so long, and the vampire didn't have enough total blood points to be able to break through an implant. It was not as simple as "ok cuff me plx i'm syndicat", the vampire themselves adminhelped beforehand to ask if their gimmick would be fine and that them handing themselves in to medical to treat their condition was part of their larger plan. We said it was okay. They executed it well enough, we don't regret okaying their gimmick. It doesn't matter if Garn says it, it doesn't matter if Jackboot says it. They are both entitled to their opinion but holding an opinion doesn't make you automatically right. Damned if you do try to assume that the antagonist wasn't putting enough effort into their antagonism, because such a statement could've fooled me given I was the only one who could deal with the vampire from an unbiased and unaffected standpoint given the presence of someone with an implant generally making it difficult for the vampire to sway anyone. Jackboot's raising a conniption because he's led to believe this one case that happened (and not even under the actual circumstances he thinks actually happened) automatically validates this apparent opinion that antagonists are going to make it a point of turning themselves in and turning the round into extended... even though he's online for two rounds out of the average of six to seven that run per day. He's also led to assume that antagonists are obligated to give him attention otherwise he's going to tout that the round sucked and it wasn't worth playing. And you think it's hip and cool to hop on the bandwagon of waggling your digital fingers at everyone else because you think you know better. You weren't even present for this round. You barely play enough, Kaed, to formulate such an outlandish and ridiculous opinion that the server is going to hell because of whatever conspiratorial reasons you have cooked up for the week regarding the server staff. It is nothing short of insulting and I've had it. You're both wrong that you think this needs immediate action. Yes, antagonists should endeavor to contribute to the enjoyment, but how they do it is not, up, to, you. You better learn to drop your expectations, and just play, because you will end up finding reasons to hate the game you play and hate the community you play with instead. I'm the foremost authority on this, and I've had to take a few breaks to remember what this server is all for. We do not and will not advocate for an iron-fist approach in dealing with IC issues. They are, as we often say as a canned response to people who hate hearing any words that don't mimick their exact same opinion on the subject, IC issues, and should be treated as such. If you don't like it, get over it, everyone else has had to deal with IC pettiness for the past couple years. You and Jackboot ought to start. Folks are wrong when they say Aurora's flow is about the antagonists. The round does not end when the antagonists die, it keeps on going with or without them. It goes on for however long the collective server pop wants it to go on and they make it count through a vote. If your enjoyment revolves around having your character being shot at or engaging in violence, you should check out the Hippiestation leather club three blocks down, it's got anything and everything you need in terms of conflict. It is immediate, self-gratifying to partake in and requires minimal effort in thought to enjoy. If for any reason at all you believe a round isn't worth playing, stop playing SS13. Take a break. Take a permanent one if you're the kind of person that needs to have conflict revolve around them and involve them at every step and you're not satisfied when the present moment doesn't cater to your personal tastes of roleplay. If you take this response with the interpretation that the server's standards have dropped and you yourself should provide nothing more than the bare minimum attempt of roleplay quality, then you should definitely take my advice of taking a break. Life is too short to get irrationally upset about how other people play a video game, and going outside usually helps people come to terms with their blown out of proportion perspective.
[1 Dismissal] Loyalty implant notice and others.
Scheveningen replied to Pratepresidenten's topic in Archive
No. Do not make loyalty implants that susceptible if you're intending on leaving it in the game. What's the point of having loyalty implants in the first place if we're going that route? Either make them meaningful to have or don't have them at all. The in-between is not an ideal situation, you will quite literally get easy to dominate or convert captains/heads of security just because you inconvenienced them with an EMP, that it is basically having zero countermeasure against enemy subversion against company interests at all. -
Reporting Personnel: Rachell Pershing Rank of Reporting Personnel: Chief Medical Officer Game ID: bP8-bTQ5 Personnel Involved: (Name, Rank: Offender/Witness/Other (Ckey)) - Rachell Pershing (Reporting person) - Sonorous Zouzoror (Witness) - Amethyst Periwinkle (Responsible party of misconduct) Time of Incident: 1330 hrs 2459-08-24 Real time: 1100EST 24/08/17 Location of Incident: Medical Bay Nature of Incident:[x]Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury [x]Destruction of Property [x]Neglect of Duty []Harassment [x]Assault [x]Misconduct [x]Other: Being an uppity insubordinate brat. Overview of the Incident: I arrived on the station to meet with a mess of a department after the Captain Raymond Hawkins did a general briefing on the integrity of my department. I witnessed seeing Miss Periwinkle in a purple cheongasm, open-toed sandals wearing dark long socks and non-sterile gloves administering medical treatment to patients in the medbay. I immediately accosted them for being out of uniform and effectively wearing the standard dress of a dancer at a shady club. They walked off as if they were to obey my order, but later on attempted to fake their death in some way. The officer Sonorous Zouzoror can detail better on this as it was the final straw in having Miss Periwinkle terminated for alleged misconduct. Miss Periwinkle would then proceed to evade security, and the AI later found them in the examination room hiding in a locker. They bolted down the area, but then Miss Periwinkle saw fit to try and escape the area by bashing the window out and thus causing damage to medical bay property. They were summarily arrested, but not after fighting back and throwing rods and punches towards the arresting officer, Sonorous Zouzoror. After they were processed in the brig and I procured their ID and had them terminated and their payroll suspended for their conduct. I request a full audit of this employee, this person is a nurse that went insane over being told to wear a proper uniform and assaulted security personnel, and also attempted to fake their death on duty. Did you report it to a Head of Department or IAA? If so, who?: I was the only non-interim head of staff active at the time. Captain Raymond Hawkins was not present for the escalation of Miss Periwinkle, they went to cryogenic storage. Actions taken: Temporary employee termination, suspension of payroll. Brig arrest for associated charges sans "uppity insubordination." Additional notes: N/A
Jackboot neglected to mention the fact that the vampire in that round was initially locked into virology for the study of the disease they had. Said vampire dominated a doctor to attack another while they had hypnotized an officer to drain their blood from. The security team then had to blast Benny Hill for the duration of 30 minutes as they hunted down the vampire. It was only after they assaulted a head of staff and failed to sway someone with an implant that they were finally locked in isolation. Barely constitutes as a peaceful antag. That vampire was anything but peaceful. They caused a lot of drama in that round that was particularly interesting but security still had to do their jobs in locking them up. So, not a good example of why we should apparently antagban people that roleplay anything resembling a non-violent antagonist. You're not obligated interaction by the round antagonist.
We're not applying an in-game restriction through mechanics. This is a heavy-handed solution to a not-very-complex problem. Effort would be better spent shooting adminhelps over jobhoppers instead of tightening our grip on the whole by restricting every single character to their assigned job role and nothing else. That's not good design whatsoever.
[2 Dismissals: Archived] Laser Weapon Ammunition
Scheveningen replied to Outboarduniform's topic in Archive
If we did this we could easily remove their hit scan effect and make them high-speed firing projectiles instead. The speed of light is still not instant. -
Well. I admit I actually hoped this would resolve better than an actual "I quit" from Chev, but I suppose I shouldn't be surprised considering we all asked for it. Cannot be helped at this point, I wish Chev luck.
Retooling/Fixing Vampire Power: Diseased Touch [Arrow768]
Scheveningen replied to Kaed's topic in Completed Projects
Originally, diseased touch killed you within a 2 minute period if you were infected. It was called Grave Fever back then, actually. -
I have to say I have no idea where the characterization of the new lore as "weird mom kink" or the business about binging k'ois addicts with manic depressive issues are coming from. Maybe I'm missing something, but I only saw the (admittedly strange) k'ois meme prayer referred to as an example, and that doesn't seem supported by the lore at all. It kind of seems like there's a disconnect between the way current Vaurca players are enacting the lore and what the lore actually says. Read the religion section, if it has not been scrubbed already. Refer to the document linked a few posts below you as well.
Yell at him to get a clue, hoping he'll actually listen and do meaningful changes for the future and reverting any of the weird mom kink lore, hopefully to reintroduce some of the old features into the new designs so as to not shoehorn the idea that every Vaurca is a binging K'ois addict with serious manic depressive issues, to at least allow for more unique character concepts than what I mentioned? But I mean we tried, he still didn't care to hear us.
Actually, they'd have the right to say, "Screw you", because not even you can intimidate your own staff into resigning just because of that. You do not lord over them. Your own subordinates could easily tell you to heck off and stop bugging them and still keep their position.
Also post your credit card and SSN ID belowFOR A FREE IPAD68
Do note that Chev has already stated that he has no intention of reverting the lore, he would rather RESIGN than REVERT. Supporting the petition of resignation. It comes as a surprise that a lore dev would rather resign than listen to feedback, but then again, perhaps not. +1
[Resolved] General Staff Complaint
Scheveningen replied to Jetniss's topic in Unban Requests Archive
Hi, I'm nobody special, only a particularly important detail to note because I'm going into this, by going off of your information by your post and by your notes, but hopefully without too much bias in your case. The post has caught my attention given the amount of examples, if not excessive in contrast to some things you made note of. We apologize in advance if you had a bad experience with staff members. We do our best to be impartial yet equally empathetic enough to avoid getting into unnecessary altercations in adminhelps with other players, though that cannot always be the case. As to the allusion to corruption, I cannot particularly comment on that beyond saying there's really no way to respond to that. Personally, it's a bit excessive to say an entire staff team is corrupt because you've had negative altercations with a few of our staff, and instating a system like you describe would require more effort than the majority of us are willing to put in in terms of enacting the draconian system that you describe. We do what we can to ensure community guidelines are being followed and community members are following them. Consequences often occur to those who are not following them, if that is alluding to corruption to you, I do not agree with that sentiment. The charged language you are using is not necessary. The way you're going about describing your side of the situation makes it easy to mistake you for attempting to inflate the situation beyond what is factual and objective, given the amount of sarcasm and hyperbole here. That aside, when we administer warnings, this is only when it is obvious that the player we are speaking to that is making a breach in the rules does not seem to comprehend what they've been told to follow, or they have been uncooperative/rude in general, or they are a repeat offender that needs additional reinforcement in informing them what kind of conduct they should be avoiding. The ban by Datberry and the ban by Megatron, I assume, are the ones you are talking about. While at the same time I do doubt if it was necessary for Megatron to hand out a dayban for the suicide in solitary case (since, honestly, you did present a reason why you killed yourself in confinement and if it were anyone else that were intent on giving you the time of day, I think they would've been much more lenient despite the warning), the main reason you were likely banned was that you had a warning 12 minutes issued prior generally telling you to avoid the unjustified self-harm. The detail that Megatron may or may not have considered you had a reason to off yourself in-character is something I'm not sure of is which. The ban regarding Datberry is still being reviewed internally. We apologize in advance, that is normally not how we do things. The ban applied by Alberyk was definitely fair (and the lifting of it one day after when you appealed was also fair), considering you are not a new player and it seemed neglectful that you as the AI left the emitter going to cause the supermatter to delaminate. The other bans I've already made comments about. We apologize again if you've had bad experiences. Now we're getting into territory where you are not attempting to be cooperative and are throwing out slights on purpose. Whether this is because you're frustrated, or whatever else, generally not relevant. You have pointed out earlier that you are not new to SS13, so it is not much of an excuse that you let the emitter pointed at the supermatter running. People who have spent years playing SS13 learn to focus their attention on the important things and filter out unnecessary info in the chatbox. It is generally hard to believe you were struggling with AI in that case, especially since your first notes date back to early 2015. I don't believe you mentioned it was an accident either that the delamination event occured, so it does seem like it's your fault for not communicating that before you got banned. People rarely get banned for accidents unless they avoid informing the staff that it was actually an accident. Saying, "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention and I didn't realize it was happening" goes miles further than most players would be humble enough to admit to. Considering you seemed more caught up in issues not including the engine while the supermatter monitor was spamming that it was delaminating, and you probably did not do your best to communicate that whatever happened was an accident, I am not sure if the additional accusations are warranted if at all necessary. I'd suggest cutting out the lecturing in your replies later on. You seem to just be throwing out a lot of patronizing remarks and expecting people to listen to you, and that by itself is not healthy communication. That is not how you grow as a player and as a person. We've had to deal with many malfunctioning AIs in the past that chose to target the engine right away without much escalation, the case seems much of the same given the timing and inconvenience of it, since it nearly killed the round progression as a whole. It is hard for anyone to believe it was otherwise in the heat of the moment, I would believe you if you said it was due to an accident in forgetting the emitter was still on. You wouldn't have been unbanned barely a day after if you hadn't verbally recognized the mistake you made, so I think you have more to learn as a lesson from this case than the banning admin does. Staff conduct is indeed questionable, we screw up often but we try to improve often in the same respect. We are human beings, the lot of us. We don't make the mistakes on purpose, in the same respect we often make decisions that are not right and we have to correct one another internally so as to provide better outcomes for situations in the future. We do not learn much if we handle every case perfectly. Not to say that we intentionally go out of our way to do things badly, but we cannot be expected to things perfectly either, it is not a realistic expectation and we're constantly attempting to improve ourselves and each other in terms of conduct and dealing with cases on-server. We find it important to be able to build up each other in terms of our strengths and trying to also stifle our weak points so that we can deal with situations better and allow people to have a good time on-server. You are not being treated like a sub-human, you just feel you are treated unfairly. Life is not fair, sometimes the rules are not fair subjectively speaking, confrontations with staff are not fair either. The important lesson as a player is to find ways to still improve on personal/player aspects, rather than looking for ways to blame the people who are only trying to educate the community members here how to be better roleplayers and also how to find ways to play the game without breaking the rules. Even if Datberry has been doing their job wrong, you do not belittle and insult them, even if they are only trial staff at the moment. I do not care how frustrated you are, I do not care if you think the bans you've gotten recently are unjustified, if you have any semblance of empathy yourself, you would be choosing your words more carefully rather than discharging petty insults and writing this complaint with such libel and sardony. There are multiple deadfalls you do not walk into when writing a complaint. You have snagged yourself into a few of them by now, do note that being insulting in a complaint makes your case weaker and easier to discredit, not stronger because of the words you've used to describe how frustrated you are. Consider what I've said, because having personal attacks levied against one's character is just as bad as a staff member banning someone based off of questionable judgement. -
Voting on this as preference.
It's a myth that cats/dogs can't eat chocolate. They can, but... You just can't give them a lot of it. It doesn't poison them in how you think, it's just impossible for their short digestive tracts to break down and they die due to their systems being backed up with it. Because they can't get rid of excrement the right way, it poisons their body and kills them. Some dogs can't handle theobromine, though. Humanoids would likely not have this issue, however.
You can still make your case without sounding like a dick about it. Calm down, Xander.
I'll lift this. It's one of those fun legacy bans. Appeal accepted. Forum PM me if there are issues, or join our discord using this temp link here: https://discord.gg/7bsH5K
[mention]Alberyk[/mention] Maybe you could, Alb? I would hate to see this get dismissed considering Beepsky is in a sore spot right now and could use improvement to his AI.