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Everything posted by Scheveningen

  1. You're not going to get admin sympathy with the conspiracy theories. You're not going to get my sympathy for the gross amount of disrespect you showed Aboshehab and the amount of behind-the-scenes trashtalking you take part in to make yourself feel better. Respect is earned, not freely given. Stop acting like a child and I'll stop treating you like one. The warning sticks unless Garnascus changes his mind.
  2. And then after reading the discussion you and Aboshehab had in discord... You know what, you pose a very good question. Why did I not ban you? This is a server where people come to have fun. Not screw around and grief, but rather to roleplay out their stories together in a more station-focused story and see where the round goes by developing relationships with one another. This is a server with higher expectations of its players (and of course, of its staff as a result), and thus depending on the scenario we often need to make OOC consequence for rule violations and shit RP felt and near-real. I can say for certainty, with support of some of the staff, that I did my job correctly in this case. Whether I did enough to ensure you got the message, frankly, you did not. You just don't seem to understand what it means to be responsible, you cannot for the life of you be a humble person when it matters and you have absolutely no restraint whatsoever when you realize you get punished or put in a humiliating spot. You flew off the handle at almost everyone involved in this thread because they didn't agree with you and you accused them of being traitors out to get you. It is like looking at the spitting old image of my previous self that took everyone and everything seriously. It makes me physically ill to try to recall some of the most cringeworthy shit I I did and things I said. And it's really sad to see you do the equivalent of what I did and take a bimonthly fall down a flight of steps and blame it on the guard railing throwing off your balance. Some others don't agree with the method I take in doing things, but I understand the necessity for discipline in certain situations. Other staff members, perhaps they would've let you off with a note. But I know others that would've removed you on the spot as they are not tolerant of bullshit. I think you were lucky to get a warning because you definitely could've gotten worse as a punishment and you'd be really singing a different song. If another admin I know was on, you would have been bloody gone on their command.
  3. My only real regret is that I didn't go against other staff advisement and kick you as soon as I saw you stirring drama and... frankly, acting like a damn child and completely shitting on the rest of the team. Under normal circumstances I wouldn't have patience for the utter childishness that was displayed but the other members of the team insisted to give you a chance. They gave good reasons for it. I might be a trial but I am not without experience in dealing with problematic personalities like your own. Like I said, I will beat you with experience. Anyway, that's enough bullshit for the night, I think. I hope you have a good night and I await your response in the late afternoon when you've hopefully calmed down. hopefully.
  4. Part three, let's go. First off, yes, I know HTML blows. Fetching logs from my textport recording through the stellar 100% working byond feature is all I could do. Hunter, I know your spiel. Something happens, it doesn't go the way you want, you throw a fit, make yourself out to be a victim, and that's that. You know how many opportunities I could've seized in order to actually do something meaningful in keeping you off the server for how you responded to me in adminhelps? I asked - Constantly - If I could do something beyond warning you, because many of the things you said absolutely did warrant either a kick or a tempban from the server, and that's not including the ridiculous display with the drop-pod. Your attitude was absolutely ridiculous and uncalled for. Is, rather. There is not a day you take a fall on any of the server mediums where you don't go through all of the stages of grief in no particular order and then become doomed to repeat it again through some sick cycle enacted by Lucifer himself. But no, I tried to not actually ban you. Much as I believed the easy way in making you learn what isn't the right thing to do would be to immediately interrupt you from playing on the server... Might it be that it's actually quite effective altogether. It would be nice if you were predictable. I am sure others can see the irony in me saying this but this is simply coming from someone who will beat you with experience when it comes to attitude. I have whined more than you could possibly dream regarding the most asinine topics and people were made to wonder what the hell I even got up for in the morning. And experience is not always something to be proud of. Lord knows it's wisdom that tends to ring out. But on track here. You were not mature enough to keep your "teehee xD i got bwoinked over this petty crap that isnt worth my time" to yourself and be a good little citizen for as long as I was dealing with you. You took your shit into AOOC and made it everyone else's business. Bit of a drama queen, much? You turned into a massive asshole as soon as you saw you were being disciplined. You knew you had nothing to lose at that point so you flew off the fucking rails. No dignity or humility whatsoever. Then you went "Well sorry guys I guess I got a severe warning, the day is ruined, fuck that mod!!!"... ...I just didn't even know how to dignify your responses with an answer. Your mood being killed really killed it for me too. It stopped being a volunteer job and it became an immediate chore. Regardless, I chugged on and handled it. I should probably note, I never said you were whining, verbatim. I said you were being dramatic. Which was not unusual, you know the last 3-4 I'm sorry threads you posted? Yes. Dramatic. All of them. Except perhaps the first one. But maybe not, since you weren't being sincere as two to three similar threads followed it. The roleplay begins when the round begins. Not because you wewbombed an area with dangerous proximity to a primary hallway outlet. You can't be severely warned for dropping a highly destructive ballistic pod into departures if you actually think your plan through. You're also going to get an infobomb dropped on you. You're really not going to enjoy this complaint turnout. I sure as hell didn't when I flamed people over how a nuke round went over a year back.
  5. Allow me to perform a step-by-step analysis of why I issued you the severe warning, not a ban, do note. The purchases. This is all you bought using your TC. The pod being dropped. Do note between the round starting and you dropping the pod, you did not speak once in IC chat. Also, one should note your insistent pinging of sonicgotnuked via discord. I think I might need to speak to someone else about that but I'll just leave that open ended here. The extent of the damage dealt by the ballistic drop-pod launched roundstart at the station: (addendum: this was post-departures atmosphere stabilizing) Alberyk will post the next set of logs shortly. I'll proceed with part three after he posts.
  6. I'll contact an admin up the chain to give some notice to this thread.
  7. Flaw of the system and totally doable, I suppose. To stop a HoP doing it with spare IDs, it can only be authorized by two existing round-start IDs with security encoding. Replacements won't work, for instance. Only gold or command silver would work, for instance. Alternatively using head of staff fingerprint hash checks could work too. In this case for traitors, you can grab someone's corpse and click the upload computer with their gloves off and it'll register the cadaver for it. Just spitballing ideas.
  8. Okay, I think it should be fairly simple. Authentication: requires two heads to swipe on the AI upload console, then it unlocks for the next law upload. Any combination of command staff can do this, although I expect whomever is uploading the laws to have a degree or training in regards to uploading proper programming logic to AIs. Authentication can be bypassed by an emag (100% chance) or by a multitool (50% chance.) The AI is alerted to both, whether it succeeds or not, and finds out where the location of the upload console is instantly. This keeps it fair and removes stealth uploads from being a problem but forces the AI to be quick in informing folks what's going on.
  9. Well it ended up happening, in a sense. Xeno round happened and nearly killed the entire crew. Captain + the HoP finally got the nuke code through requesting it in the funny authentication procedure sitting in front of fiery death. Captain got killed. HoP was mindslaved by the xenos. Two HAPT operatives had to be deployed to try to nuke the station. They died. A slave to the xenos defused the nuke. And then sol marines had to be deployed with a dark gygax and many pulse rifles to enact a suicide mission against a very robust alien queen. Station got nuked. Very excellent round.
  10. Cult is not infrequent on Bay. There were five non-sequential cult rounds in a row yesterday on Aurora. It was bad luck and unfortunate for everyone involved. Powergaming on this server is against the rules if it is not done for the sole purpose of furthering roleplay. And I would rather not have to deal with griefers who barely speak english every time someone complains they're getting griefed, but it is part of the job to speak with and deal with them. It is part of the necessary process in getting things done the right way. Another staff member (and prominent coder balled into one, as I mentioned) just said that manifesting spirits was fine. You cannot actually even do it without converting more than five to six people. It also requires living ghosts to do anything. Here's some hints regarding dealing with it. Find the manifested person. Throw a flashbang at them. If they run, the manifest dies. If they stay, they get stunned for variably 2-10 seconds and the manifest dies. There is less counterplay to flashbangs than there is to manifests. Also, break hands of manifests. They can't wield swords if you break their hands and their robes only protect arms, chest, legs and head. Even better if you have a laser weapon as they ash hands in two shots, one if you're lucky. Laser rifles can shoot 20 times. No, they're not gamebreaking. It sucks that nobody plays chaplain in a dedicated sense for added zealotry to completely crush cultists, as you can feed cultists holy water to instantly wipe the taint of Nar'sie from them. There's an even more hilarious mechanic where you can transfer holy water reagents to syringe darts and convert cultists in this way.
  11. Because dealing with an endless horde of low effort high reward baldie murderboners that can easily grind down the crew/ERTs via sheer attrition isn't fun. Then adminhelp the people "powergaming." Adminhelp function is an open door policy for you to legitimately, politely complain about something happening in-round. An admin and prominent coder has already said they are not changing this. We can talk to people regarding the powergaming and speak to them if it's an actual problem. Because it's actually not a problem in-game, until this thread popped up. But I figure you guys don't want to use it because a.) you would be told "no" more times than you'd like and b.) you wouldn't complain about something if you couldn't win the argument over it. But seriously, we don't like saying no to anyone either, but either you communicate about something you don't like or you don't and it's not a problem. "Calling it out" on the forums with an antithetical lack of proof of it being a problem doesn't make your complaints any more true. Manifests aren't necessarily gamebreaking in any sense. They aren't that useful beyond distracting security at the cost of immobilizing a cultist. Did you know current Bay has it so that you can spawn multiple manifests without standing still? They get along just fine and its been a feature for awhile over there. What's the big deal here? do you always feel the need to use some snarky remark as an argument? Do you need a hug?
  12. What is balance to you and why does it matter? It's not a competitive e-sport. It's just an atmos simulator repurposed into an RP sim.
  13. Sounds like they're not the only ones with heads up their asses.
  14. The nuke disk shares more similarities with the two-man key rule as depicted in War Games. It is one part of the multistep process of the nuclear authentication sequence and detonation of nuclear payload. As featured in the film War Games, both missile silo operators (the commanding officer and the executive officer) receive a code confirmation from HQ demanding nuclear action. After confirming the code from HQ is valid, they proceed to their stations to turn their keys in order to authenticate a nuclear launch. This is a similar process with how it's alleged to work here. The captain sends a fax request for nuclear authentication with their randomly generated code confirming to Central Command that it is indeed the captain sending the request for the nuclear codes. After evaluating the situation, they either approve the request and send the code and leave it to the captain to carry it out themselves, or they deny it. The disk itself does not hold the codes. It is an overglorified keycard giving someone access to actually proceed with dialing in the codes for the nuclear device to detonate its highly destructive payload. There's a significant difference between nuking the station and calling a shuttle. Claiming there's no differences between these two scenarios in ending the round is nonsense. On one hand you choose to evacuate everyone and anyone who was a bad guy could choose to hop onto the shuttle or could also choose to hop onto a pod to make their escape. Alternatively, in situations that require the overwhelming enemy force to not be given that chance to escape and to be destroyed along with the compromised station, it would be more appropriate to cut all losses and blow the station to kingdom come and prevent the risk of that great threat from escaping aboard CC. Yes, this should be limited to the captain only and with admin approval. It would not be ideal to run the streak of nuking the station as part of the endgame every single opportunity command whitelistees get, and thus this system serves as a possible contingency to be executed in the worst possible circumstances that could befall the station. It's meant to be rare in application but the option should still be there for the worst case scenario.
  15. 1.) People will use anesthetic or oxycodone regardless as they have been doing. Absolutely nothing changes beyond massively punishing anyone that tries to operate without anesthetic or powerful painkillers. 2.) There is no difficulty to the surgery beyond RNG gating whether you succeed or fail, it has nothing to do with mechanical skill whatsoever, but whether a random number generator decides if you're going to succeed on your attempt of operation. It is not "immersive" leaving such a thing to chance when surgeons have spent years up to decades honing their craft, pardon me for using such a dumb term.
  16. Setting a bone that isn't broken will break it.
  17. The RNG could be adjusted better. Apparently it's 50-50 hit or miss but that translates very poorly given how digital chance works.
  18. Do take into consideration that tramadol and inaprovaline are not powerful enough painkillers to perform surgery. While I like the idea of surgery failures without anesthetics or painkillers, tramadol is not remotely sufficient enough for advanced kinds of treatment if you want to prevent having to outright sedate someone. Oxycodone fulfills the purpose of being a very powerful analgesic. Although oxycodone is often used for combat purposes it actually really slows down reflexes and puts the patient in a very relaxed state due to it being an opioid. But that's something for another day. It is not easy to remove shrapnel embedded into a wound, by the way. In real life surgeons can also miss and if they drop the shrapnel back into the wound it is incredibly painful and can cause hemorrhaging if the shrapnel's shape is sharp enough to cause any grazes on its way back down to lodge back into the incision.
  19. hunter , , , baby video game, its a video game If I could like this post I would.
  20. If the map's a mess filled with glaring design flaws and errors that you hadn't noticed yourself, then someone who can do mapfixing on the fly would not hurt to have on the team. I think describing Nikov's attention to detail and efficient attitude and belittling it down to OCD obsession is rather unfair and insulting to the applicant and their intelligence. If anything, Fowl, you've been the only person to come in and start butting heads with everyone else. There are three of you. Two of which have questionable on-server activity that waxes and wanes. I don't doubt their ability, but having another person to work for the map and speed it along even faster by taking portions of the workload off other individuals can do nothing but benefit your team. The applicant is a server regular with a great in-depth understanding of atmospherics and and possessive of an excellent attention to detail. These qualities are excellent to have in a mapper. It'd be an utter shame to turn away someone over concerns and issues such as work ethic and 'priorities', the former being unfounded until they're hired on and you observe for yourself, and the latter being vague and assuming of malicious intent. I've had my arguments with Nikov and I do not hold him to as high as a regard as you think I hold him, but I am not a fool and I can make notice of competence, talent and ethic when I see it.
  21. What are you three even doing with the new map if you aren't even installing firelocks underneath airlocks? You guys not realize how dumb it is for a breach to happen and an air alarm to go off in a certain area and half of the airlocks in the area are missing their firelocks? Without firelocks, there's not even an informational indicator of what the atmosphere is like on the other side, and anyone can easily walk into the area by mistake and SCHOOOOOOOMPF all of the air is gone. There's like not even a point to having air alarms at that point besides telling someone at a remote controller what's going off. Firelocks add the necessary visual protection to stop people from walking into breaches without having the information in front of them of what to expect on the other side. I'm not against putting someone who actually knows what they're doing and pays attention to detail on the mapping team. Forgetting to install firelocks underneath airlocks is a rookie mistake, not a mistake a mapper should be making if they're taking their job seriously as an individual attempting to haul in a new map. Oh you need mappers alright, preferably someone who doesn't make terrible design decisions.
  22. I'm going to be incredibly blunt with you. Before you started this downward spiral into "i'm sorry", you were only very much of a tiny annoyance. I think people could recognize you were annoying just for the sake of it since most people aren't stupid enough to not notice. Nobody really cared beyond that, and people expected you'd just grow up, not give a shit and keep on playing. And then it started developing from there. Here's my opinion: You are acting too much like a victim. Acted. Whatever. You act as if you do not do any wrong and anyone who criticizes you is actually a fascist persecutor that wants you removed from the server. But you've pretty much repeated this cycle over and over again to the point where nobody has to try to even engage you anymore to make you upset. It's gotten to the point where you're convinced that pity-partying is the only solution in countering people criticizing you, and in a way it's working, but you've basically gotten everyone to no longer care about your issues anymore because the only person it even affects is just you. You managed to shut everyone else out on the basis of disagreeing with them so much regarding what they pointed out were flaws in your roleplay and your player behavior. You acted like a drama queen and the community made the right response in just outright ignoring you and not bothering to "help" at this point. You hadn't really done anything to suggest you changed for the better. You actually managed to get worse from my perspective. If you were able to exercise any degree of humility and at least think on what people say about you before responding to them thinking you have something to prove defending yourself... Well, a bit late to say now. Goodbye. I hope you have better luck with the next community.
  23. The last hiatus I took was a mix of personal reasons not relating to the server at large and then a little bit of the actual server creating minor problems for me that I didn't need at the time. I up and asked for things to be deleted so I wouldn't be tempted in coming back to the server for a long while. I figured the benefits of it would be that I'd return to new features and fresher faces, and that's what I got and I was satisfied for the moment. The three month hiatus was primarily me getting my shit together in several facets, without any distractions getting in the way of it. My attitude was made to improve in more ways than just one. In regards to how I responded to certain people. They're banned now, and I'd rather not say anything more specific in a public forum about them at the moment as I doubt they want to come back to try and defend themselves. I said what I said about them and I meant what I said. It's very old drama and I was simply surprised those few weren't banned a very long time ago. Regardless, they were not very good people. They were very different from the average mill of people that gets banned from the server nowadays and they let very personal things about them be expressed to other unfortunate people that had the displeasure of dealing with them at the time. Anyway. You can trust me to not flip out. I didn't take a hiatus just for nothing to change. Thank you for your compliments regarding what has changed positively about me, I appreciate it.
  24. Server Moderator Application Basic Information Byond Account: OneOneThreeEight Character Name(s): Vira Taryk, Rachell Pershing, Kurakh Judge, AI Name(s): I Love Ice Cream, my neurotic service android that drags around an ice cream cart whilst blaring an ice cream jingle. Preferred means of contact: (Specify a preferred program/means. Contact details can be requested/provided over a more secure channel, such as PMs. Delete this comment when making the application, and replace with the answer only.) Age: 21 Timezone: UDT -5 (EST). When are you on Aurora?: My availability is at its best during the weekends but otherwise I operate on varying schedules of being able to play on the server. Experience How long have you played SS13?: Since mid 2014. How long have you played on Aurora: Years-ish. How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: A large amount. I'm easily one of the more robust people on the server. I've a sweeping knowledge of the game and its mechanics, in addition to competency with adminverbs. I could code if I wanted to but it's not really my calling. I tried perhaps three times and just couldn't stand the non-developer positions on how coders work. It's for this reason I've a greater respect for coders than most other people, even if said coders are just "memetrash", if I might borrow a term from tgstation regulars to describe their distaste for their own coders. Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: I moderated for Colonial Marines in the past, and two other private servers that never got off the ground due to developer shenanigans. Somewhat not relevant to SS13 moderating, I helped run a bar and grill and had a lot of experience regarding customer service, and I'm awaiting the next season when I proceed with corrections officer training. Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: I was daybanned some time ago for dorking around with an admin in ahelps but not realizing it wasn't the place for it. It was lifted a couple hours later after an apology was made. I can't recall back any further at the moment. Personality Why do you play SS13?: For the overarching spaceman disaster simulation, overall. To see the crew of a space station desperately attempt in holding back the offending tides that threaten to leave their post in irreparable shambles is a narrative I find interesting and has a lot of replay-ability. It's a fun story to see repeated over and over again with always different circumstances. Why do you play on Aurora?: I'm capable of playing on lower RP spectrum servers but stuff like Donald Trump, Captain building walls to stop ashwalkers from infiltrating the station didn't really appeal to me and I've always sought for an interesting, engaging and meaningful story-building experience in roleplaying games. As the phrase goes, go hard or go home, because otherwise you're missing out on what RP as a whole has to offer. What do moderators do?: They ensure people are having fun without said people being subject to ganking each other for malicious reasons or simply mistreating one another. They serve as mediators and helpers to the loftier administrators and have tasks delegated to them if necessary. Barring that, they answer simple questions pitched in adminhelps and are expected to help people out if they have pertinent questions. What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: Moderators serve as volunteers from the playerbase who may or may not possess a quality of masochism to want to deal with the irrational and the immature but mostly just intend to ensure the core experience of HRP (or rather, of the concept of Aurora itself) is preserved. Why do you want to be a moderator?: I do feel as though I have the proper mindset and skills to undertake such a task. I'm not unfamiliar with how teams or units work, though I'm particularly trained with a more intrinsic discipline in dealing with business. I can joke around like anyone else but I take any sort of job seriously and can put my mind to do just about anything. Unlike in the past where I attempted to apply in the past, I've made significant developments to my own personal character and time + experience have been wonderful assistants in self-growth. What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: I strive to hold a rational mindset and I do not pass judgement on something until I gain a full understanding of the subject or look into someone else's more professional and researched opinion and adopt it as my view on it if I find it reasonable and it makes sense to me. I'm not afraid to admit that I make mistakes, though I make an invested effort to put my best effort forward in doing something even if it were completely foreign to me. My pace of learning can't be said to be on the level of a genius but I pick up on patterns pretty quickly. Though humility may be a virtue, I place it not as a high priority when something needs to be done right. I'm really good at writing up paragraphs. If anything it gives me practice to have reading comprehension and to fully read into the meaning of text projected onto screen or written into books. I don't try to take things at face value, however, and I understand that there are often reasons for why things are done, but it is not always obvious to other people what those reasons are. How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: Better than I used to. As vague as that sounds, I wouldn't be lying in saying I'm calm and level-headed in many situations, either IC or OOC. I've never carried out grudges, I've always stuck to roleplaying as best as I can until the round ends. I've dispelled most if not all my saltiness and instilled a personal discipline in myself to never lash out at anyone aggressively for any reason. It was not easy and I am not merely flattering myself, as I formerly helped run a bar and grill and had to learn the art of customer service and being charismatic. I am particularly proud of having learned that skill. Anything Else You Want to Add: Anyone is free to call it bullheadedness, but I am confident I'm right for the job.
  25. Dexalin itself and dexalin plus already do this. They offset oxygen deprivation from climbing completely, and in the case of dexalin plus, you can inject it into a cigar and walk in space for awhile after lighting it. Cigars last like 20 minutes, actually, so that's how long you can walk in space. Provided you have pressure resistance.
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