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Everything posted by Carver

  1. I’d have concern toward NVGs because easy access to these would be rather strong for the ship as a whole - the species that ignore darkness come with incredible downsides after all. I believe that if you really want NVGs, that the Machinist can produce them for your hardsuits, and all that’s needed is the more realistic upfront investment into an industrial hardsuit. Hyperzine should never be in a mining vendor either, it’s disgustingly powerful. There’s no reason for machetes to be there as well, you’re mining - use your pickaxe if you really need to hit something. Splints should be handled by medical, if a limb is broken it’s time to return. As for KA parts, working with science should allow you access to these already. Overall, outside of the emergency injector which I support given it’s rather rare to survive a bad day trip back to the ship, everything else here are things you should be asking for from other crew. Mining isn’t intended to be a self contained role without need of any external cooperation, no crew role is really intended to be that.
  2. If it remains exclusive to hotkey toggle then this seems like an okay idea, I will just hope it doesn’t fumble anything for us OG control users who shift click to examine everything.
  3. Yeah the original hotkey isn’t too bad but it’s mostly for arrow key users (I’m one of them lmao). In theory you can macro the very same command if you know the verb, but last I checked that required digging through the skin or some similarly weird place to get the exact verb if you don’t know it off-hand.
  4. Echoing what Sue said, the primary reason the spare is easy to get is that we don’t have any real mechanical system for heightening access in emergencies otherwise. Only the Executive of Personnel has that access out of all Command, the rest are dependent on an Engineer allowing them into said office to assume acting captaincy or get into important places during emergencies. On low pop, it can be quite crucial to have if the random events go wild. It’s not that the spare is really intended to be trivially stolen (the current mapping style has long passed the era of explicitly balancing mapping around gameplay), it’s that we have never worked out a suitable system that can comfortably replace the need for it while also covering all scenarios. Though, if one is willing to sacrifice low pop needs (and hopefully balance events better for said pop) then a command-reliant semi-automated system of acting captaincy would be the probable replacement, likely using the office card swipers. As for the authentication disk, it’s essentially a fluff piece. Mechanically, it’s a vestigial relic of when Mercenary was Nuclear Emergency. Protecting it is essentially one of the Captain’s foremost duties dating back to that era, and honestly there would be no real loss if it were removed given the only situation that it has any use is when an admin wants a nuclear device to go off (a situation where it could be spawned).
  5. I’m alright with the normal disruptor, but I think the mini disruptor just doesn’t really need to exist. It doesn’t much do anything, and if the intent is discouraging Detectives and Command from participating in early fights where they shouldn’t be involved then it’d be better to just leave them with their flash.
  6. I’m vehemently opposed to this, it would be a purely OOC restriction that takes away from any semblance of logic or realism. It’s already fairly trivial to track these things down if they’re moved, you shouldn’t be handed them for essentially free just for breaking into a room - especially items as round swaying as the spare ID or the authentication disk. An antagonist shouldn’t expect to have everyone bend over backwards to make sure every step of their gimmick goes according to plan. If your gimmick entirely relies around one of these items, then it’s a risk you willingly take. If you are unable to handle this risk then it would be prudent to come up with another gimmick entirely, or have a back-up gimmick. On a final note, a (non-vault) safe is the easiest thing in the game to break into, use a multitool.
  7. Do we use Cyan for anything? That, and perhaps a darker Teal for light mode, could work - but I'm unsure if Cyan is used anywhere in dark mode.
  8. Out of contextual curiosity, does this issue apply to both UI modes? I don’t use dark mode so I’m not 100% on if it’s one or both.
  9. Since there isn’t much feedback, I’ll say that I’m looking forward to any changes that nudge toward more realistic characters. The grandfathered ages for nurse shouldn’t really be relevant anymore as I’m unsure if any of the old nurse characters who transitioned to the physician role still remain, and enough time has passed for those characters to age up anyways.
  10. Per the title. I had to ask if an assistant to a Consular would be allowed to the upcoming event, because per the current way of things any personal assistants to Consulars would be Passengers. It would help to return legitimacy if they were mechanically supported once more, to the primary benefit of Consulars and (to a lesser extent) Priests and Freelance Reporters.
  11. It working through walls doesn't really feel fair tbh, I'd rather see that go first.
  12. While I’d like to support this, I also prefer the status quo of Sol’s overt hostility toward NT and the SCC. I wouldn’t really want to see that downplayed or ultimately watered down in any form. Ultimately, I’d like to see these relations actively worsen in the interest of the setting rather than improve in any form.
  13. I'd like this if it's, similarly to HMR, exclusive to Goddess-abiding citizens of the Empire. I wouldn't want to see HMR 0.5/VMR 1.5 used for yet more contrarian Dominians, as some replacement for their "loss" of HMR availability.
  14. If it’s truly that bad, then I’d argue buffing it (the intended tool for kidnapping on a budget) would have been significantly less extreme of a change than a sensor code lock. To my knowledge it’s intended to be used in a brief, limited period dependent on the power cell’s capacity (though never intended to exceed the uplink version, even if using a hyper power cell). Better to improve the tools designed for a job than to remove the need for them entirely.
  15. If it's intended that the loadout explicitly gimps you, then this strikes me as a pure spite PR to try and force people to use uniforms. I don't want to use uniforms, a lot of them simply look bad to me or had really questionable design decisions (the PMCG highlights that almost got applied to a couple PMCG uniforms and were forced on the Phalanx uniforms) that render me a slight more averse to them. It reminds me quite a lot of when borgs were kept after a decision, and then thoroughly gutted by the people who wanted them removed to the point that they may as well have been removed anyways.
  16. Yeah, I get that the idea was to 'free medical from watching sensors on green' but they weren't compelled to do so whatsoever before. It was on the player if they chose to sit at the desk, and I don't see much issue with them choosing to do so. This change doesn't serve to benefit antags either unless they were simply too damned lazy to make the mentioned jammer, absolutely anyone in the crew can make these things.
  17. I don’t really even get why they were removed so heavily from both green alert and non-uniforms. Antags have mechanics to suppress these things, really easily accessible ones too (all you needed was tool storage and you could craft a device that blocks sensors, no uplink needed).
  18. I’ll agree if it’s the ‘cheap insulated glove’ partial protection that still lets damage through, so that the engineering insulated gloves remain at a clear advantage as they should.
  19. As I’d said in the OP, I don’t believe that context should ever excuse the content when in regard to rule 5. I don’t use tiktok, and I don’t believe that most tiktok content of this sort would be appropriate to share on the community discord either. Specifically, the rule states: We have people of different ages and backgrounds, be considerate. So why would inappropriate content be excused because one particular background who’s ’in on the joke’ would find it permissible? Would they share this meme with their boss or a younger sibling?
  20. BYOND Key: gmr25 Staff BYOND Key: melariara Game ID: N/A Reason for complaint: Did not enforce Rule 5 of the Discord (Rule 5: Do not post obscene, pornographic, or otherwise offensive content. We have people of different ages and backgrounds, be considerate. Nude stuff counts and cropped works count.) I had registered a complaint about an obscene meme featuring a man showing off his ass in boxer briefs whilst holding a nerf gun of some sort, shared over the #general_channel (meme and message link included in evidence), and was told by the administrator in question that no issue was seen with the image - possibly due to the context of it being a meme. I'm contesting that ruling on the basis that it is the precise sort of inappropriate content that would be considered NSFW in any professional work environment, and I don't believe that the context excuses the content in any case regarding Rule 5. Additionally, and I understand that the following is conjecture, I fully believe that if I had photographed myself replicating the pose and attire of this meme that I would be struck or banned. Evidence/logs/etc: Meme in question, link to it beneath. If the message is deleted or the link does not work, I can provide a larger screenshot including the channels list and player sidebar to verify that this is from the Aurora discord. Speaking to the administrator Additional remarks: I'm knowingly throwing myself into the fire by writing this complaint, but I recall seeing similar sentiment about irregular enforcement of Rule 5 on the thread to merge the Relay discord, where players expressed discomfort about seeing 'horny content' posted pretty freely on that server's general chat. The content they expressed issue with was by far comparatively tamer than this. As Aurora remains one of the few SFW HRP servers remaining in the greater SS13 community where players aren't exposed to such content on the regular, I wish nothing more than to see it kept that way. I don't have much further to add to this, I've made my argument on the matter and I really don't like having to write this to begin with. I don't believe that the player intended any harm and I have nothing personal against the player or the staff member in question, I merely hope to see the server's rules enforced.
  21. I always assumed this only covered ick-ock of in-round events. If you really can't use it for gimmick coordination under the current rules, then full support, let's make gimmicks more interesting.
  22. Very excited for the doubling up Consulars and Liaisons, I have a flood of fun RP ideas coming to me merely thinking about it. Looking forward to the final iteration!
  23. Per the title, I'd love to see the option for characters with synthetic eyes to have them glow in the dark (and perhaps a little more brightly on demand). I'd suggest this as something optional, as a few people may prefer their faux eyes to be more designed to mimic the real thing, but for those of us who love creepy glowing optics I'd truly adore the option to be spooky in the dark and possibly in the light. How so in the light? Simple, allow anyone with glowing eyes to have them emit a heavier glow on demand that exactly mimics the glow utilized by frenzied vampires. Why? Both to be a pleasant anti-meta device, and because it's an exceedingly cool effect that seems wasted on vampires within a setting where synthetic eyes are somewhat prevalent. How would this ultimately work? Ideally, anyone with synthetic eyes would have a verb along the lines of the one they gain to change their eye colour. 'adjust glow', with three options: none, light (glows), heavy (frenzy glow, maybe a tiny/near-useless amount of dim lighting on the tile in front akin to what is produced by certain IPC optical glows) Why did I mention displays in the title? Well, if they don't already (I haven't really thoroughly tested, but I wished to include it to avoid potentially needing another suggestion) then I believe that Baseline Displays should glow in the dark. I don't believe this should be optional, either. If you want to be stealthy, turn off your display! Similar goes to the optics of other models (with exception for shells having the same mechanics as synthetic eyes for organics).
  24. If someone passed the trial, then I’d say that’s enough for them to be suitable for the role. Our best event (9/18) came about because of a truly unexpected Captain, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I can’t possibly be any further against this suggestion. The server doesn’t need to be entirely scripted.
  25. I'd take a 'no combat logs' one, or better yet a 'no simple mobs' one (even if personally I'd want to keep simple mob emotes on the ship). Any way to filter these absolutely spam-laden away sites. Even just a filter for these aggro-based emotes would be enough, they're the single worst offenders.
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