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Jupiter Storm

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  1. Well... Alright, that is actually a very good point, but it at least prompts the notion of throwing in an extra feature where the Borg's module selection generates a radio message on the department's channel. This would actually one-up a crewmember joining since sometimes nobody pays attention to the green text but when a message comes through your department radio, you see it. So you'll know, that the borg's online and working. I could also point out that there are an equal proportion of Borg players who do declare their intentions to the department they join off the bat, and say hello. But you're justifiably doubtful about that because obviously it's not something you've seen enough to feel convinced you can rely on. Still, it does highlight the fact that it's a player behaviour problem as much as it is one provisioned by the, 'modus operandi'(?) of the role. Which you've admitted, but... While you're objectively right, I don't like this, because (delving several layers into the implications) it assumes this anti-idyll where all human beings are monkeys with absolutely no self-control who enter character creation with the very worst of intentions. I mean... Give people some credit, most of us just want to roleplay and make friends. And most of us are, at least, 'reasonably' smart enough to read the information we're given, and do something positive with it. Circling back, the issue you're having isn't with the role / race, it's with this totally obnoxious speck of an OOC Borg who just trundles around the station, powergaming their way through every job and, if challenged by the crew, obnoxiously reasoning "It is in this unit's programming. It is illogical to share work with less efficient beings." I think there's a lot of people here who remember a player by a certain name who perfectly exemplifies this behaviour. And I say, OOC Borg, because you have to have a certain complete absence of human empathy and social nous to actually want to do what those Borgs do. We've also had A.I. who behave like this. Who take abject pleasure in having these fucking pseudo-philosophical reddit debates with the crew with the sole purpose of winding them up or showing off how clever they think they are. And then saying "It's not my fault, it's my programming. If that upsets you, then that is an inherent flaw in your... awmodawim" BLURGH, BORING, NOBODY CARES. Twats, honestly! But not everyone should be held to that same low standard. I hate the concept of whitelists. I utterly despise the notion that you are in some way required to meet with the "approval" of other human beings in order to write words. It's so degrading to prostrate yourself before the throne of the race-gods and wait upon their judgement. Yes, you can throw a redundant bucket of logical reasoning to explain what actually happens here, but it doesn't change the way it actually feels. It's just plain wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong ... That said, if it would save the role, I'd vote for it. The same way I voted for A.I. whitelist, even though I will never ever ever ever everever everever everever everever everever everever everever everever everever ever ask for anybody's approval to do something I know I'm fantastic at. At least whitelists will only be a kick in the teeth for HALF the Borg population, rather than all of them. Cringe & right back at you!!! Since your answer was, (heavily paraphrasing) "people cannot be trusted unless they sacrifice a goat and kiss the devil's beefy hoop before being permitted into the inner circle". And the other arguments you've made in line with this supports downsizing their toolkit and rendering the role/race nothing more than a reskinned IPC - which a lot of borgs would be a-okay with - and then you still don't want that, because... What, their guidelines 'allow' them to be mute workers? Let me tell you Mister Man, that is simply no longer true. With this recent and utterly hateful addition which has killed the concept of the Astromech-analogue 'Sooty' in Engineering (IPC btw, not borg), I don't think it'd be a huge leap to expand this to borgos as well. EDIT: the job accessibility requirements obviously make sense from a roleplay and real-world perspective but i'm very salty and i throw my teddies out of the pram because i can't play cute retarded star wars droid anymore. Either way, you can very easily infer the same logic that applies to these accessibility requirements, to Borgs. Requiring them, BY THEIR LAWS, or by guidelines, to actively pursue lines of communication at all times. You're right. And those people should be jobbanned. I gaze with a raised eyebrow at the board of roleplay police who literally signed up to do exactly that.
  2. It's been answered multiple times, I'm afraid you just haven't accepted it as a valid answer. Some people just really enjoy the archetype, and the roleplay, of the Borg. You make some very well reasoned arguments for the mechanical viability of the different roles by comparison to Cyborg, and you have best covered all of the points for how, precisely, Cyborgs CAN so completely fuck others' experience of the department. But not everyone is comfortable juggling multiple characters of different types. I'm not, I don't even play Borg. I main only one single character at any given time. But, beyond this, I find it so difficult to envision any variation of our universe where someone could say something like this quote, read it back to themselves a few times, and be content with it. I'm not even being my typical sardonic self here... Is it... Genuinely unclear to you why someone would want to play a role, but as a different and unique """race""" that they are personally invested in? As I said, aside from that, you make well reasoned arguments for the mechanical concerns surrounding borgs. But ask yourself this question. Don't ask it with a blinkered view, actually take a few moments to look deeply into yourself and ask this question. While being completely, 100% honest with yourself: Whenever a cyborg has rushed into your 'scene', and swept around doing everything 'for' you, essentially leaving nothing else that you can do... What's the first thing that you feel? 1) "Man, that cyborg is such a douchebag." 2) "Man, that player is such a douchebag." I know what my answer would be. And I also COMPLETELY agree that cyborgs resetting themselves is obnoxious af, as is them trying to solo an entire department. We're legitemately talking about bad player behaviour here. A knife is a dangerous weapon. But it's only dangerous in the hands of someone who intends to use it dangerously. Come on.
  3. This morning.
  4. It sounds like it was pretty on point to me... Unless, of course, you're suggesting that it's different when someone who isn't a borg does that, for a variety of possible reasons including, but not limited to: + Enjoying the riveting drama (no sarcasm pls) that ensues when you tell them off for doing it, because it wasn't their department. (ban bad borgs tbh) + Patting them on the head with kind words, because it was their department. (borgs like compliments too!) + Swooping in to rescue them from the aforementioned dangers, or work together to prevent them. (one man and his borg, the movieTM) Or maybe you won't do any of these things, and just ignore the fact that the aforementioned crewmember is doing it because you're getting on with your work, and they're getting on with theirs? If that's the case, then 'how' is that a different experience from anybody else blasting through a job that you wanted to do? I have not seen, in this entire thread, any reasonable argument that separates metagaming NPCs and pro-tier departmental gods (for whom the same dangers and equipment challenges are non-existent), from Borgs... WHICH! Neatly leads me to my next point! I'm no mod, or policy writer, but encouraging crew interaction and discouraging mute powergaming sounds like it might be a good'un. Of course, that just solves the issue of borgs doing it... You'll probably wanna come up with something for some of the crew that do it too. I really hope I don't have to explain the difference between a Cyborg and an IPC in the eyes of a Borg Roleplayer, even in the hypothetical scenario where they have the same personality. Why does the argument of "well they're basically IPCs now, might as well not have them" keep popping up? As though Humans aren't just monkey-shaped Unathi / Tajara who worship gods under a different name, and speak a different language. If you think I'm wrong, on this, then you're right. Which is why I'm right in saying (although I'm surprised it had to be said, tbh) that Borgs can share many things in common with IPCs and still be intrinsically different - in such a way that matters to the people that choose to play them. Look. For all I care, for all a lot of Borg mains care, the mechanical benefits that come with the role are just a sweet succulent cherry on top of the thick layer of icing which comprises their laws, restrictions, duties, unique appearance and the absolute tragedy that is their existence. You could just as easily enjoy that cake without the cherry. Almost as though... We might have more in common than you think. 😎 Lastly... Said the English when they dropped Prima Nocta on the Scots, and every change they made before that. Again, I'm surprised I have to explain this when you write such an excellent and articulate post... I'm kinda/sorta/maybe/sorta not suggesting this is gonna wreck Aurora? I kinda/sorta/maybe/sorta am suggesting that the mentality behind dismissing the minority as a disposable element, every single time a significant change like this is made, eventually will? Eventually. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  5. I just had to google the meaning of egregious, which is really the main reason I don't personally play Borg anymore, but I'm still invested in the experience that Borg mains have. And in retaining the variety of roleplay available to people with differing tastes - as well as the variety of roleplayers available to anybody wandering the station looking for someone to interact with. or a reason to ready up I think you got a bit lost having a hearty chuckle there, which is understandable but you missed a crucial point. The very reason I chose to pick on this concept of a Gameplay Loop - while in the same breath suggesting the reduction of a cyborg's chad-tier advantages in order to appease the blood gods - is because these are mechanical concerns. They are, in my opinion, secondary to the availability of worthwhile roleplay that you are able to personally enjoy. Therefore, it is an absolute no-brainer for me to contemplate making small sacrifices and / or reaching a (heavily tilted) compromise in order to keep the IRL NPCs who enjoy this most hated of roles, around. 2D Spessmen Simulator is not a Single Player RPG, as @Meep has pointed out. Game experience may change during online play. That, sir. Is why 'gameplay loop' is funny in this context.
  6. I'm gobsmacked by this thread. Another certified 'Aurora Solution(tm)' to Synthetic problems; reduce, restrict, remove. And I salute those fallen A.I. brothers, for whom life is too short to waggle yet another whitelist seeking the approval of their fellow man to write words on a computer. Most of the issues you've identified with Borg in this thread are not solely related to the role of Stationbound Cyborgs (other than being non-characters, which at best is subject to the whims of the writer, instead of being an objective fact). Rather, they're related to the prevalence of another common symptom of Aurora that has persisted for many years. -- And one that features on other servers besides. ---> One Man Department Syndrome <--- We've all seen that Trauma Physician who absolutely MUST request access to Chemistry to mix up some Bicaridine and Peridaxon. Many of us are familiar with the Engineer who blasts through Thruster setup because the Atmos Tech made the fatal mistake of sorting out their workplace before commencing the 100m sprint. And let's not forget the heavily-armed monster hunters that are the Mining Department, in every antag round ever. Aurora has already proved itself capable of sensibly resolving the issue of 'crew combat' by provisioning a semi-paramilitary setting, and an armoury that Civilians can gear up from should the need arise. Cyborg players are also common sinners in this regard, I will grant you. But again, it boils down to the nature of the individual behind the role, and not the role itself. And even then, the only thing that Cyborg brings to the table, in a competition of "who does my role better" is an expanded toolkit and all-access... But this is at the steep cost of not being awarded any ERP tokens for flexing their multi-departmental prowess in front of all the girls. Ultimately, the problem you all have isn't Cyborgs. It's "DEY TUK ARE JERBS". This problem will persist indefinitely, until the end of time. For as long as roles exist, for as long as E-peen flexing remains a thing, and for as long as certain people continue to assume that everybody else is less competent than they are... This problem will persist. I would advocate instead for the following solutions: #1 - Add a Law: Yes, good arguments have been made that it doesn't make sense to tell a highly competent Cyborg to relinquish control of a situation to a member of crew, but you could also make an argument for automated systems being relegated to 'benchwarmer duty' for a society that has witnessed a number of machine-related incidents in the past. This law would take the form of something like, 'Do not perform redundant tasks, for any given situation where an appropriately-trained member of crew has already declared ownership of the task.' You could also reasonably argue that this law is intended to maximise a machine's efficiency. It's not an ideal solve, though, because it will invariably lead to Law Conflicts where the Cyborg's player feels like distancing themselves from an unfolding disaster currently being handled by another member of crew would not be safeguarding the crew to the best of their abilities. Though, on the flipside, this lore law** will help to promote a culture where members of a department actually communicate with each other and delegate. #2 - Downsize the Toolkit: Split the various Cyborg Modules into further sub-categories and the tools required for that specific sub-category. Atmospherics / Engine / Electronics / Construction. General Medicine / Surgery / Chemistry. Robotics / Research Protolathe Feeder / Excavation. ... And so on. Limit the door and computer access of the chosen Module to the access levels granted to its corresponding role. Remove the Cyborg's ability to remotely interface with doors. LESS ideal for the Cyborg players, but I am after all advocating for roleplay over mechanics, here. #3 - Add a Server Rule / Enforce it Better: These rules don't adequately cover the niche issue of a gAmEplAy LoOp being disrupted by the activity of one truly exceptional genius... WITHIN a Department. They definitely apply for OUTSIDE of a Department, but I can totally see where somebody who was trying to interpret the rules 'creatively' could make a reasoned argument to ignore this. Of course, ignoring this would be against the rules. But to spot that behaviour, you need to whistle for more whistleblowers. I think that enforcing this rule more closely will promote a culture where there is a general 'understanding' and 'respect' for more specific individual roles. Which in turn, will boil over into the realms of Cyborg players. #4 - Share your Sandbox with the other kids: When I was 5 years old, I learned how to tell my brother to stay in his lane and play with his own Lego Duplo. Better communication solves EVERYTHING. ":m Yes hello could you please f**k off to play with your IV drips and leave surgery to the professionals?" -- When dealing with other cheeky crew. Alternatively, ":e Hello mister cyborg, please share this breach with me. My knees quake at your awesome power but I want to build some pixellated bricks too." -- When dealing with a borg. #5 - ** Late Afterthought ** - Just Get Good at Roleplay: The points by @niennab and @Zelmana deserve extensive consideration, actually. Efforts should be made to proactively increase the quality of roleplay - whether that might take the form of I'm doing my part(!) to interact with your fellow man instead of chasing that perfect gAmEplAy LoOp, or to double down on the number of headpats given to people who actually do a good Borg. And / Or, add further roleplay guidelines for Borgs to help people better understand the distinction between a 'machine' and a 'human'... And no, stubbornly stamping your foot and stating "MACHINES AREN'T ROLEPLAY" won't cut it. With a community population which fluctuates massively depending on how many people Ready Up on a shift, you guys REALLY can't afford to keep taking the approach of, "Oh well, all we'll lose is a handful of X mains... Fuck 'em."
  7. Around the time when I stopped playing it was largely all hearsay and rumours, and accompanied by some unpleasant and biased hate from an assortment in the community. I'm glad that in more recent months it was discussed openly by the staff and people were kept informed. I had no idea all of this went on while I was away, so I'm sorry if it sounded related to that at all. Keep doing your good work! ?
  8. Very happy to see this change after so long, especially after all the fearmongering about its 'potential' removal altogether. It just shows that together with community support and passion for the game so many positive changes can happen, just like other well-loved additions to the game. No complaints about a whitelist either, even for those who've played it before. ?
  9. This is a very belated bump and endorsement, I don't tend to use the forums overly much - sorry about that! Regardless, I think a Head of Staff position for Tagada is well overdue and they have demonstrated exceptional ability in Engineering and general knowledge of the game, as well as interesting and interactive characters. Having witnessed Tagada's Chief Engineer on many shifts, I have absolutely no doubt that they would be a valuable addition to any command team. Cool, collected and well versed in how a realistic station should be run.
  10. I observed Sherman's HoP on a very recent round, and he seemed to be perfectly capable in the role. He did not make any rash decisions, nor did he do anything that you wouldn't expect an office-bound member of Command to do. He looked after his department, and followed a number of seldom-visited procedures to the letter! +1
  11. I have played another heavy role playing game on Byond with Meep for 4 years and he is one of the most solid and realistically-grounded writers I've ever had the pleasure to play with. We have worked on story projects together in the past which were genuine successes, and his characters - both there and in SS13 - are a refreshing shift back towards 'normality'. I've never known Meep to read a set of lore and interpret it in such a way that he can bend the rules to use it to his advantage - No, he will read that lore and make something that exactly fits that lore, and serves as a stellar example of that aspect of the setting. + 100 from me - you would be literally insane to refuse this application, because Meep will do tremendous things with it that will enrich the server. @Meep - I only have one nitpicky qualm with this application after reading through it, which I imagine might be raised by others... This is a very loaded Diona name, and while it entirely fits the lore from a practical stand-point in game you could probably do with making it shorter, perhaps either sticking with Cleanser of Dorviza Sands or keeping the full name, but recording it on a manifest or at work as simply 'Starbound Hope for Clan Dorviza' - something like that.
  12. Hello, I off-main as a Shaft Miner and while I do not think that 'Cargonia' is a particularly urgent issue (when compared with topics such as the 'AI question' and Cortical Borers) - I have been forced at gun-point to reply to this thread as well, so I shall address each point in turn because there are some immensely relevant issues that have been raised regarding the behavior of characters that the 'Cargonia' mentality enables. 1. Remove all weapons from the menu. Better yet, lock them behind a command access. It should be fairly obvious why this is needed. 'Please do not punish the many for the actions of the few' is not a valid argument when Cargo is one of the chief departments (aside from Science and Security - the latter of which at least makes a shred of sense) where characters frequently use their 'unwealthy' or 'street rat' status or even a background in some paramilitary organization to excuse building militias without proper escalation. Miners in particular are by far the worst for this, but not the only culprits. If access is locked behind Command auths, it still gives Antags a very easy way to acquire them (particularly in Revolution type rounds) and, when all has invariably gone to shit and the station requires new heroes of the common people, for normal characters with a little help from Command or the A.I. 2. Remove Quartermaster. I do not agree that Quartermaster should be removed. What I do agree with is that the Quartermaster is played horribly, more often than not. The fact that anybody has access to Quartermaster sickens me, because while many roleplayers can be trusted to progress their characters realistically (and mark my words, read the lore, the Quartermaster does require specific qualifications), these are not the sort of people who will take the Quartermaster role on a whim. As a role, it is useful as it serves as a link between Supply and the Chain of Command, and provides a single fixed point for decision making regarding allocation of funds and orders. What makes the role cancerous, is the fact that it doubles up as a person who directly issues orders to others - a fact that is abused more often than not resulting in three distinct 'species' of QM: #1 - The Super-Nanny: All miners are supervised to an absolutely childish degree and it simply becomes frustrating if you're working under this QM, because your every conversation is questioned, every gasp or part of fear roleplay you do receives an overreaction or the classic STAY THERE, I'M SUITING UP TO RESCUE YOU. ... Like, fuck that. Oh, this type of Quartermaster also inherently assumes that everybody underneath them is stupid - even if they're characters who have been around far longer than they have. #2 - The Communist Marshal: Ah yes, a QM who gets along well with their underlings and allows them to get away with whatever they like. This is more like it! ... BUT WAIT, what's that? The station's reached Blue Alert? Oh no. STAY IN YOUR DEPARTMENTS, EVERYONE. WE'RE FORTIFYING THIS JOINT. CALL THE SHUTTLE FOR WEAPONS. WE'RE GOING HUNTING. This type of Quartermaster will also have an innate hatred for Security which apparently qualifies as a 'personality', #3 - The Logistician: The only QM I will ever play under willingly without going to Cryo. The Logistician requests their Yield Declarations politely, they handle issues in a bureaucratic, measured fashion. Their prime concern is checking through the orders, organizing the department's paperwork and ensuring that funds are acquired. They do not involve themselves directly in the business of those under them, except where their ability to do their jobs is concerned. If additional support is needed, they interact with other departments, and do not handle it themselves, because they're too busy doing their actual job. 3. Stop teaching the mindset to new players. I will be honest with you, I'm not entirely certain what this means. A lot of people will have already learned this mind-set from other servers and are simply migrating to the Aurora. I think that the 'Cargonia' mindset is very healthy as a base character concept, because I have worked in a second-line industrial environment (which Cargo is, indisputably), and everything there is very lax - as long as you do your job. A lot of shit gets talked, a lot of equipment gets used as toys. There is a general mistrust towards the law, but this is mostly bravado and there is a distinct line between 'bending the rules' and 'actively opposing authority with violence'. The important thing to remember however is that you aren't soldiers in the making. You're literally not trained for any sort of serious confrontation. The Soviet Union tried this 'proletariat army' business before, and suffered the most horrendous casualties of any country. Because. Nobody knew. What they were doing. 4. Remove the KAs, or at least make them do zero damage. I completely loathe Kinetic Accelerators. They add absolutely nothing to the experience of Mining - in fact, they reduce the profession and the roleplay from ... an innovative, industrial process of setting up drilling rigs, digging shafts to plant explosives and employing heavy machinery / minetracks for greater efficiency ... to a lazy countryside stroll with an unga cannon that deletes an unrealistic number of tiles with minimal effort. This is just wrong. But Kinetic Accelerators do have their place... On other servers (which I do not play, this is learned by word of mouth), it seems to be the case that Accelerators are mostly optimized for taking out wildlife EVA - they are next to useless against rocks. This is something I would prefer to see. Essentially, in pressurized environments their damage should equal close to zero - outside they should be effective against Carp and Dwellers, but otherwise have very little in the way of upgrades to enhance their effectiveness against rock. EDIT: In consideration of the replies of those who prefer to spend as little time as possible on the rock so that they can Roleplay, allow me to remind you of a very important factoid. There is absolutely zero requirement for your character to return large hauls in a short space of time. Your character is employed to work, but there is a very low entry bar, in the lore, for Shaft Miners. There is no standard to which you are held, ICly, by those who actually matter, ICly. If you want your character to be renowned as a hard worker and an efficient miner, returning to the station to roleplay inside after a short time working is not a feasible and realistic way to go about it. You cannot have your cake and eat it too. You are either a hard worker, and you will be recognised as a hard worker, or your character is somebody who does their job, goes inside, and relaxes. Since you are held to no standard, there is no disadvantage to this. It is simply a different way of working. If you do not actually care how your character is perceived as either an effective / lazy miner, then the question of 'fast big hauls' should be a moot point. Furthermore, 'there is no roleplay on the mine' is not a valid argument. I frequently work in a pair (and yes, this is a metaclique because I made a friend I want to see more often, sue me), with a character who I get along with and enjoy playing with. We have a lot of interesting adventures. It is entirely possible to make good, if not exceptional, narratives out of working for extended periods of time. You just have to... Gasp, socialize! - Sometimes you are just incompatible with another character, and that's okay. But rarely have I seen anybody reject an offer of working together and making a story out of the profession. Roleplay is not a service others provide you. You make your own. 5. Report the shitty mindset if you want to focus on RP instead. Ditto. Too few things are ahelped lately - this is why moderators exist. We cannot fix problems by simply REMOVING EVERYTHING that can be potentially abused. There would be nothing left in the game. Instead we need to focus on punishing poor quality and rewarding great quality.
  13. I like the fact that current lack of lethality of brainmed enables people to potentially remain in the round given that they cannot be cloned, while simultaneously punishing them for a significant amount of time when they become injured. What I don't like about it is the fact that it makes certain monster types (e.g. Shambling Horrors and Zombies) extremely if not preposterously robust because they are immune to pain, and stamina loss. What I would like to see as an area of improvement for this is to incorporate stronger inherent 'weaknesses' - for instance, the head for zombies (which follows accurately with all written zombie lore) or fire damage for Changelings (as per The Thing). And of course something like better light-based stuns against Vampires. That sort of thing. Finally, a big bugbear for me with Brainmed is the fact that many forms of damage lead to organs becoming necrotic ridiculously fast, and biology just doesn't work that way. It creates horrifying complications for less experienced Medical characters, but by and large minus what I've said, I think it works well and is more conducive to roleplaying and not 'scoring kills'.
  14. This + = Agree, insofar that the key perpetrators here are people who just go hUrR hUrR LeT mE TrY aNtaGgInG coUlD bE FuNnY. They don't give a flying poo about the roleplay or the interaction, they're not playing a character they're attached to, they're not playing a role they're passionate about. So why the heck should these people be the governing cause of a negative outcome for something that others are very attached to and work really heckin' hard to do well!???? When a malfunction round is put in the hands of somebody who is passionate about synthetic RP such as Kyres, Tailson or Capesh, the narrative direction they can take it outshines a lot of other round types - moreso if Malf was given MORE ROLEPLAY TOOLS LIKE I SAID IN MY THREAD WHICH WAS IGNORED BASICALLY. The results have spoken for themselves, we've all seen their rounds. The latest trends seem to be: 1. "Remove everything rework is too hard and tougher regulations are too hard." Yeah, no poo, that's because angry people are louder than those trying to take a slow, methodical, level headed approach and solve problems and sometimes, between all the rabbling, one or two good points get made. At what point has it become unreasonable to take an elitist approach to playing any kind of role - especially one that has such a profound impact on rounds. Why must we constantly listen to the people who are talking about the game mechanics, the script design and the code? Oh my god, it literally brings bile up the back of my throat when we as serious roleplayers use words like 'github', 'codebase' and 'mechanics' in the context of providing a fundamental base for good storytelling. I understand the game - and by extension the roleplay - does not work without the mechanics, but all of the extreme powergame scenarios of A.I. Malf are just that; extreme. They are brought on by people who know the code and the gimmicks well and don't have any scruples about ruining others' experiences just so that they can win. -- wait, Jupiter, you mean... JUST LIKE ANY OTHER ANTAG ROLE? Why yes, voice in my head, I do. Your core of people who care about the role, and care about the effect their actions have on the crew, do not rush for these things unless they have a very specific purpose in mind, or the narrative demands it. Right now, the 'Aurora Way' is to stamp on anything that has the potential to be used badly because in the wrong hands it is. If this role had been whitelisted like Chada's forum post suggested, way back, you would have absolutely none of these issues right now - and any that did arise could be swiftly and decisively dealt with in a lasting manner. bUt WhITelISt mAn BaD - Elitism when it comes to high-impact roleplay has never been nor ever will be a bad thing. It's infinitely okay to learn and roleplay at different intensities but I'm pretty sure you want the baseline of your story to be good, and not pooped on explosively by a potato head. And jeez, I'd apply to be a Synth lore deputy for no other reason than to help sort through the apps if I even had a shred of experience or credibility as one. 2. "Implement everything Bay does with a two year lag." Don't people move here from Bay for a reason? Isn't the Aurora different to Bay in its goals? If so why are the same suggestions coming to the Aurora from Bay? - P.S. sorry I had no idea this thread was even here until very recently I apologise for the long winded post.
  15. I scoured the forums for this, and couldn't find any other mention besides one that dated back to 2015, so here goes... I don't want to make a big song and a dance about this either, it's a really elementary issue and it should not be a problem to fix! Large Air Vents: There are three problems with these. Firstly, they are listed as Equipment, not Environment, which is a bit of an issue in itself due to the fact that when the power goes, miners can't cycle back inside until somebody sorts out the power, but I can understand why, when I outline the second issue. Secondly, they draw 90,000 watts when in operation. Yes, I'm not joking, this is a very real figure, I've observed it on countless rounds. That is the combined draw, not the individual draw. Frequent use of the airlock will cause problems if the RCON setup is not optimal - which, given some of the RCON loadouts I see people preferring to use, is a problem only another observant Engineer or an A.I. with the know-how can fix. Finally, they don't seem to work any better than normal vents do. This is something I observed from my time on the NSS Exodus, whereby the Mining Airlock is 3 tiles smaller, and has only two normal air vents. Proposal: One of the following things needs to happen. 1) Large Air Vents are simply replaced with normal Air Vents - this, I think, is the most reasonable and sensible, because Miners inevitably WILL force the airlock regardless of whether they're large or not. 2) The power draw of Large Air Vents is significantly reduced, allowing for more leeway. 3) To understand this third proposal, we need to examine where the problem with airlocks stems from. Cycling in: Airlock is super fast, unless the canisters are basically empty - which, is rarely an issue, because they are filled directly from Distro. FILLING airlocks has never been a problem, as you're applying a positive pressure gradient from 200kPa to 0kPa. Cycling out: Airlock is REALLY slow. This is because the air vents are working against a negative pressure gradient, pulling 101kPa into canisters that have 200kPa already inside them. SO! 3) IF we're keeping the Large Air Vents, they need to suck air really quickly, like super quickly, otherwise they're not doing the job they were actually installed to do, in the first place, reducing the time that the APC is under that massive power load, and giving people less incentive to force the airlock. Thoughts?
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