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Everything posted by Jennalele

  1. No. No. God. Fucking. No. On a more coherent and serious note. This PR is an absolutely terrible execution of what could have been a nice re-work. Let's break this down into parts. Electroconvulsie Therapy (ECT) This is the worst red-flag here. I am someone who has taken psychology classes. I considered becoming a psychiatrist if the field weren't so fucked up right now. So. What is ECT? The definition from Wikipedia says the following. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), formerly known as electroshock therapy, and often referred to as shock treatment, is a psychiatric treatment in which seizures are electrically induced in patients to provide relief from mental disorders. But here's the thing. ECT is outdated. In 2018, it is an absolute last-ditch-effort when absolutely everything else has been exhausted over a period of years. It causes retrograde amnesia in almost every single case. You are also not strapped to a chair and shocked to shit. I don't understand why we're using the 1940s method that is effectively traumatic torture in the 2460s. There have to be better methods. Hypnotic Therapy ....Is a form of cognitive therapy that has...ehm.... debated results. I don't understand why this one can't just be kept to RP. Isolation Therapy ...Is a form of torture! Congratulations! The last thing you want to do to a terrified client experiencing hallucinations is lock them, totally alone, in a room with nothing to hear but "tick. tick. tick. tick." All I can say, honestly, is what the fuck. On the Chaplain The chaplain can also cure isolation and electroshock traumas by dispelling the demons within with his bible. Hi. As someone who's actually experienced an exorcism due to batshit fucking insane family who thought my depression was caused by demons, not only is this a "what the fuck, why did you add this for anything but memes," but in an actual context of experience, one again, you've traumatized your patient. Okay. Now let's focus on how I think we can change this. Firstly, I don't understand why a workplace requires a fully-equipped psychiatric ward that currently looks more like a torture ward or a scene out of One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest. A lot of these traumas, I feel, should be managed on station, and treated long-term off-station. I don't know why everything has to be cured in 5 minutes, and I'd argue we may even get more RP out of management instead of Diagnose > Cure > Slap On Ass > Send On Way. Psych has always been a heavy-RP role, and I really, really like that. It's one of the few roles that really depends on being able to talk to others. It's not a mechanics slog. In today's world, the first line of defense against most mental illnesses is medication and different forms of cognitive therapy. They are also not cured overnight. I know, I know, you will all bitch that "but heart surgery shouldn't take 30 seconds, either." My point is that I think this can be better executed. So my suggestions are as follows. Concussions, depending on severity, should either go away very very slowly on their own, or just be treatable with Alkysine as general brain injury. For traumas that are related to the nervous and muscular systems, as well as things like blindness & mutism, we should re-implement the old brain surgery method that involved... I believe the fix-o-vein and hemostat. Perhaps alter it mildly depending on what's damaged, or bring up a pop-up message of "what are you poking around in?" or something in order to pin-point treat the problem. Because of how severely these can affect your round, I don't mind these being insta-cures. For traumas such as schizophrenia/imaginary friend, and violent psychosis, I suggest a slow-metabolizing medication, clonazepam, to treat them and keep the symptoms suppressed for as long as they're in the system. For Narcolepsy, good old Methylphenidate may finally see a use, as it's a stimulant and those are most often prescribed to treat the disorder. For phobias, I'm at a slight loss. I'm not sure why they're an actual trauma. It feels really cheesy to have to use a fuckin' hypnotizer to cure it though. I'd either make a motion to remove this one altogether or make it treatable with an anti-anxiety medication. ...And let's leave Godwoken Syndrome and Bluespace Prophecy as they are. Some things weren't meant to be treated. Let the games begin. My TL;DR is that I think there's a better execution for this to make treatment of trauma more diverse, still involve the psychiatrist, but avoid the shit-show of ECT and Isolation Therapy (and letting chaplains pray away mental illnesses which is imo really fucking dumb.)
  2. Fowl's psych is another matter entirely that myself and a lot of others are vehemently opposed to, but that isn't the point of this. The point of this is "As it is, the psych office is a fucking isolation cell and screws over an often overlooked job even more."
  3. I made similar complaints about medical. Pysch office is a lesson in claustrophobia. CMO's office is way too big. Layout is a fucking maze. Refer to https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=10575 for my thoughts on that.
  4. CMO's office is way too big and the psych office is way too small. My only suggestion right now is this: Shrink the CMO's office over by one tile to expand the medical office beside it by one. Replace that glass wall with steel, and then swap the medical office with the psych office. Because honestly. As a person who mains a psych, Rail, the new office feels like an interrogation cell. It's not comfy, it's not welcoming. If I had to sit in there for an appointment I'd be more anxious to get out than deal with what I went to do.
  5. I love interacting with you and you can be a riot to play with, but while I will +1 this, I heavily expect you to keep the professionalism high as a head of staff. It's not a good look for the RD to be walking around with 5 guns, cackling wildly. Unless you're an antag. Then go nuts.
  6. Riq's good people. Since I came back, they've shown DRASTIC improvement from the meme they were a year or so ago, and I absolutely love interacting with them in medical. I'm going to +1 this, but I'm curious, I want to know a little more about this character's personality, their.. outlook on things. Let's hear some political and social stances.
  7. I feel like this... is not a good idea, tbh. I mean. At this point, you could also argue "Unathi too strong, make them weaker or remove them from security because they might break someone's legs," or "Keep tajara out of medical unless they shave off their fur because its unsanitary". The thing is, IPCs generally being pain-immune is a /feature/, it is a "buff" that comes with playing as one, like being able to sprint around at light 3 as a M'sai, or never slip as a Skrell. And... from an IC standpoint, what you're arguing rarely /actually/ happens and seems to be being argued for the sake of it. IPCs can understand the concept of "excessive force" and any IPC that empties a pepperspray can into someone's face for no reason should get drop-kicked all the same as a human or unathi or whatever. In medical, I've seen IPCs with a better bedside manner than human surgeons before. It's all in the personality, just as any other species. Besides. Why would NT bar an opportunity for profits. IPCs get paid way less, An IPC that isn't going to scream in pain when a struggling prisoner tries to kick them in the shins or nut-tap them is /effective/. Saying they should be barred from the position because they've never experienced pain and therefore can't understand what it is or how not to inflict it is /really/ stupid, tbh, when the opposite has been proven consistently for years. Any IPC player in security memeing "lol whats pain, another round of tasing for you!" should be taught, punished, or removed from security just as any other race, because they aren't cut out for it. Don't just blanket ban it. :/
  8. One other thing, then. The role of a head of staff is just as important OOC as it is IC, as you're meant to be a mentor and guide of sorts to new players and people unfamiliar with certain roles. With this in mind.... If I am to be very blunt, you are an incredibly immature person when things do not go exactly your way. You do not respond very well to criticism and cry foul at the smallest perceived slight against your person. You really, really need to work on growing a thicker skin. It's not a good look if I'm gonna be honest, and I'd like to see you take things a little more gracefully before I can give you a +1. Until then, I remain -1.
  9. Ayden is a pleasure to RP and work with, and his grasp over engineering is good enough to handle in a head position. He may be new, but he definitely knows what he's doing- Moreso than some command staff who have been around for years. I've never had an issue with him IC or OOC, and he's a treat to RP with. I had a particularly amazing Rev round with him a few days ago, too. I don't think he'd have any issues in command, honestly- I give this an enthusiastic +1.
  10. I hesitate to give this my endorsement due to the above conversation, not to mention, the fact that some of the characters you've listed... aren't yours? Centurion is played by CakeIsOssim, and Praetorian is played by Serveris6. Unless you happen to have characters that /just so happen/ to share the exact same names... Something about that kinda raises a brow. I've never seen you play characters with those names, and it would be very easy for another player to mistake the other mentioned characters as yours when in fact they aren't.
  11. Yeah! I see a lot of potential here. Some minor ones that don't have drawbacks, then some potent mixes that can, say, overload your actuators and let you zip around, at the cost of damaging them from the strain, or a coolant mix that lets you go through space for a brief period without taking any heat damage, at the cost of, i don't know, corroding your insides after a time. Just. There's lots that can be done here, mechanically, and RP-wise, both.
  12. I want to implement the idea of IPCs being able to 'drink' things like oil or fuel. Sorta like a Transformers-style Energon bar. But, of course, letting IPCs drink things would lead to a lot more. So here's my suggestion: - Drinking things like oil, fuel, etc, work fine. Consider it a top-up, and a way to excuse IPCs chilling at the bar to talk to their friends without sitting around looking awkward and taking up space. - Drinking something like water will make the IPC start steaming. Too much may cause internal damage as the water boils. - Drinking Alcohol has a chance to explode (?maybe?) or otherwise cause scaled damage to their internals depending on how much they drank. - Drinking something sugary like a juice, syrup, etc, or something that wouldn't boil off very well, will slow the IPC down as the residue sticks to their internal bits, clogs things up, etc. A /possibility/ of adding new drinks for IPCs more in line with energon, maybe? That have very brief effects, such as making them feel a tiny bit faster or something. And maybe, just /maybe/, some stronger stuff that comes with a price once it wears off, such as overloading speed actuators or limb servos and making them slower than they were to start off until they get to a roboticist. I dunno. I'm just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks, but I'd love to see IPCs able to sit down and get some oil at the bar so they can 'drink' something with their friends. Consider it. For muh RPs.
  13. I like deltas idea of a timed debuff of disorientation and mechanical enforcement. It'll help enforce proper RP of "holy shit I just DIED," prevent clone armies, and still allow people to do things. Even if someone is mentally okay with it or whatever, they're still physically recovering and will have to wait it out unless they want to accidentally shoot their dick off in a firefight. It's a nice balance. If we make cloning more mechanically convoluted its only going to annoy and stress out medical.
  14. I liked the idea back on page one of a LACE, or some sort of memory system people need implemented to know... yanno, who they are. Else, they're just a memoryless, vatborn husk. This is a good way to give it some more process and consequence without totally fucking over everything ever. If we make this too hard and totally gimp it, we're just going to be shooting ourselves in the foot. I heavily agree with Sue here to be honest. And to Trick: a lot of what you proposed just isn't realistically possible. People wouldn't be born without organs or limbs unless you REALLY fucked up the cloning process. Maybe add that as a consequence if you try to clone people too quickly or rush job everything. But having a clone without half its organs be normal is just asking for irreversible, debilitating, "get the flamethrower" genetic horrors from a realistic standpoint
  15. This was pretty old. Honestly, the ban was more for the matter of you immediately logging once you'd done the deed. As soon as you log out, we can't contact you and talk it out. So long as you leave this kind of stuff in the past, you're free to go from here on out. Take a gander at our rules next time you log in. Appeal accepted, locked and archived!
  16. Flavour would be nice. I'm for either a text-only change, or a rock-paper-scissors implementation where say.. 3 styles: A is weak to B, strong to C. B is weak to C, and strong to A, and C is weak to A, strong to B. Et cetera. But I'd prefer just flavour changes. Grappling knockdown has to be a suplex or the entire idea is bust, though.
  17. I.... Like this, actually. In a strange and unusual way, it's something I've never seen done before with synthetics. Not to mention, the characters I see you play are very well thought-out and applied. I think you could handle this well, and I'd like to see you do this. +1 from me.
  18. Honestly, if we could bring it back to the old method of being able to pick a particular color, I'd love it even more. But I understand if it's kept off due to the potential for bright fucking pink kawaiibots. I simply enjoyed being an ever so vaguely off-kilter shade on Felix.
  19. OOC Administration Concerns I'm sorry to say that this doesn't exactly fly. The way you've gone about this essentially says "Hey, look, I'm going to be a CCIA without officially being CCIA." This already exists, and you cannot simply bypass an established team and system without at least nudging the people in charge of said team and asking them about it. I've spoken to FT on this, and by no means did he ever actually clear this idea. If anything, he was indifferent to it, and expected it to be a much smaller thing than you are now aiming for. One of the chief concerns he raised was the fact that this would require CONSTANT CCIA monitoring and handling, thus entirely defeating the purpose of "lightening their workload". This would only mean more of their resources divided to keeping track of this idea. From Discord: The exact quote FT gave me regarding what he told you was such: The fact that you proceeded to name-drop him in the suggestion thread as having been highly supportive of this is fairly upsetting, and the untruthful name-drop is considerably unwelcome. Besides this, both FT and the administration are quite concerned. You were given an inch and you took a mile with what honestly seems to be a very half-baked and poorly thought out idea that seems to only boil down to you wanting to organize yet another group that will serve little to no bearing on the course of server play. As it stands, we would be fine with this if it were knocked back down to what you originally proposed to FT; A much smaller repository of reports and incidents, and not a runaway DOs group as you are currently aiming for. Closing thoughts from FT:
  20. This seems... Lackluster, flat and very blase. It does not speak for the character, it does not give us an idea of your understanding of the species or the character you are going to play. This seems like something you spat out in five minutes without any thought or effort. Until you make a conscious effort and try to apply yourself, I am going to give this a -1.
  21. IRL, bartenders have a right to cut people off after so many drinks, or at any point their judgement deems it necessary. In fact, they can be charged and have their license removed if they let someone get dangerously wasted off their asses. This worries me simply because ICly, it usually seems to be the opposite. Bartenders promote and even encourage people getting so horribly wasted that medical has trouble saving them from the liver damage.
  22. Your ragefit/ragequit as the Security IPC Rock a few days ago makes me think otherwise. You were arrested for trying to search cargo without a warrant on green. While it is allowed IF you have the permission of the department, you didn't; You went through the AI, which still counts as trespassing. When it cumulated into your arrest, you flipped out, ghosted, and salted deadchat for the next ~15 minutes.
  23. Your IC capabilities are wonderful, but your OOC conduct and tendency to blow up, rage and act /very/ ugly over minor things is going to push my opinion to a -1 here.
  24. Due to the edited-removal of the appeal itself, I am going to automatically deny this application. If you want to re-apply in the future, please make a new and properly formatted appeal.
  25. So, with the recent re-addition of shells, now that the major bugs have been squashed by our glorious dev team, I thought it would be interesting to see what changes and tweaks people want to see with Shells. Changing skin tone: Currently, synths can't change their skintone from the base number of 35. Pretty self-explanatory. Allowing the decision between MMI and Posibrain again: The only reason, if I recall, that this was removed, was due to perhaps one or two players that abused the feature. We have a few players at current whom I know would love to have their cyborgs become Shells (Cough, Epsilon, cough), and wouldn't abuse it like a few other people did way back when. Allow IPC frames to be printed again? Maybe we could do what we did last time, where removing a law-board from the head before attaching it would make the shell an IPC shell. This would avoid that "oops!" we had previously with new roboticists constantly making IPCs because they couldn't into law-board. Useful for chassises that just get waaay too fucked up to repair, no?
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