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Everything posted by Jennalele

  1. We won't have the cresc. checkpoint forever. Speaking of which, I really miss the old Odin. I'd go for option 2.
  2. ...Hokay, I read the ban reason in-game myself and I've got to admit, I remembered you immediately. We're going to need you to understand that Aurora is HRP. You need to be a sane and serious character if you're going to RP here, you can't go fucking around for shits and satirical giggles every shift. That aside, if you can understand that as well as keep inappropriate comments to yourself, I'd be for unbanning you. It's down to Skull in the end.
  3. I'd honestly like it if we had an option for a roughspun dress in general loadout. Wearing them with a mantle or even just on their own would be pretty nice.
  4. Maybe it's only enabled (somehow) by the gaemmode type? IE, merc, heist, etc..
  5. pls gib saves.
  6. A feed comes in, a white-framed IPC tipping her head gently. She adjusted the camera, quiet for a few moments. In the background, a few others could be seen that looked almost the exact same as she did. She cued in that the feed was on after a few moments, and jumped a little before speaking up. "..Hello! This is Inic-05. We wanted to know, what got you interested in medical fields? Did you pick it up on your homeworld, or.. Yeah! You know."
  7. Agreeing with Serv. You're a massive prick, Garn. <3 That out of the way, +1. I have great RP experiences with Garn's characters ( usually as security after bringing him in as an antag ), and I'm confident he can tree well.
  8. Nothing fired from a firearm is non-lethal. It's LTL, Less-than-lethal. It's not intended or designed to kill, but it very well could if misused, overused, or even during proper usage. Anyways. Personally? I think the bar's fine. Regulations may be in order, aye- IRL, most bartenders (at least where I live,) would have their license revoked for over-serving patrons (IE: Giving out drinks until they pass out from alcohol poisoning, encouraging someone to drink a keg's worth of beer). Just something to keep in mind.
  9. I remember reading the beginning of this last night. Seeing the whole thing, I'm more than impressed! Nebs is a great player and a great RPer. I've had some great experiences with her, and I can confidently endorse this as an app I'd support! +1.
  10. I am going to repost what I put on your last ban appeal. Hopefully, you can reply to this one and we can get a line of communication opened here. A conflicting opinion to your own is not unfair judgement. Generally speaking when there is an unanimous agreement by a server's staff that you do not seem ready to come back, it means they honestly do not think you are ready to come back. I have some honest tips for you if you want to come back to Aurora. Work on your spelling and grammar. In your appeals, in your messages, in-RP. Nobody is rushing you, especially on the forums, and when your appeal looks like it took five minutes to make, complete with shoddy grammar and run-on sentences, it doesn't reflect well on how much you want to dedicate to the server. Take pride in your writing, and take the time to do it right. Consider the other side of the fence. No argument is one sided, and what you may see from your end could be completely different from what is seen on the other side. This goes for RP as well as actual interaction between players on the forum. Don't be afraid to take a step back. If a post upsets you, you are not obliged to immediately reply when you're still seeing red over it. You are allowed to take time to reply. Wait until your head clears, look at it again, and think, "Does posting this help the situation, or worsen it?". If the answer is worse, then take another ten minutes, step back, and rewrite. You have potential, but if you keep throwing yourself at a wall doing the same thing, over and over, you're not going to improve or go any further. Makes sense?
  11. I see him occasionally, usually as other IPC characters. Decanus thinks he's cool, trusts him. Sometimes they fix each others dents. He knows what he's doin.
  12. The color for Kelotane in the fire aid kits is the shiny/smooth green one, and dylovene is more of a matte tablet in texture. Dexalin is faintly two toned blue IIRC.
  13. I think Kelotane/Dermaline should share a pill color, as with Dex/Dex+. Dylovene's fine being its usual green. I mean, it works, but if you prevent it from being changeable at all, it removes a fun antag gimmick: Labeling something benign or harmful as something else. Example: Make a pill of mercury, label as Bicaridine, ???, profit.
  14. After talking with the individual in PMs and deliberating with staff, we have agreed to accept your unban appeal on a strict parole basis. In 48 hours, if you still feel you would like to be job-banned from the requested departments within the PMs, send me another message and we'll go through with it. Congratulations. Appeal accepted.
  15. Apologies for the delay, doctor. You have been accept to SAMPLe as a standard member in the Medical Division, under the General Medicinal Research Department. Welcome to the League, Dr. Oros'Sol.
  16. (( I wish I could +1 stories. This was beautifully written, Nebs. <3 ))
  17. I usually use set pose on prophet to convey that hes covered in slime goop. But I've used it at other times to convey immediately obvious flavor too, and it would be nice to have it removed so I can get right to the "He has one big, massive dent in his monitor!" Or the "She looks quite afraid."
  18. YESSSS. Fluffy is a great RPer. I've had many great experiences with her as Crow, Kala, et cetera- She's wonderful and has never done anything that, to me, would warrant suspicion or concern. I have full faith that she'll make a wonderful tree. RUSTLE ON, MY FRIEND. RUSTLE ON. +1
  19. Then I'd be for unbanning, personally. Skull did say he'd get back to this however- I'll hold for his final input.
  20. Personally, I wouldn't mind lowering the time of your ban now that there's a bit of an understanding here. The issue is, however, that we'd need proof and promise that you'll step up your game when you come back and straighten out. You shouldn't need 3-5 warnings and notes in a short time period to remind you not to break the rules, and I hope, if you are unbanned, that you choose to be a little more in line with what we expect of the playerbase. Savvy, aye?
  21. Aye. I didn't mean to give that impression- Honestly, I'm the last person to willingly taunt someone over something that isn't even their fault, so I'm sorry that's the impression you got. I'll try to sneak a lil more information in next time.
  22. 1: I crash, almost guaranteed, whenever I jump to someone. So there would be 10 seconds of frozen byond. The crash. Restarting the game. Waiting for the ad. Coming back in. /then/ spawning the item. In which time I'd be a headless corpse on the ground, too. 2:I was going to PM Nanako a formal explanation when everything wasn't chaos, but by the time I had a moment to, DB and I were handling cases of gank on part of said cultists. In the moment, yes, I forgot. So yes. I'm sorry you apparently died from this, Nanako. Normally, yeah, I'd go spawn one for you, but it kind of happened at the worst possible time for both parties involved. Sorry.
  23. The reason I didn't spawn the fire axe was because I was kind of trying (and failing) to not ICly be murdered by the cult at the time you were asking for a fire axe. Sorry, but we can't freeze the world to go spawn something in for someone all the time. I need to ghost out, find you, spawn a new one, then get back in my body, by which time, I'd probably have been headless. Admins play the game too, and while we're expected to be responsive to players, we're not obligated to give up our own enjoyment for the sake of a small bug. My OOC attitude towards it was, from my understanding, my usual stance of "say something mildly amusing while denying the request in an easy way, and explain later when you're no longer trying not to die." If you took it personally.... RIP you. ( No, really, it shouldn't be a personal thing, and I'm sorry if you took it as such ) When I told you to hush, we were in the middle of dealing with three players who'd decided it would be fun to bumrush and gank anyone in sight without a word of buildup, RP or reason to their action other than "lol time to kill people 4 nur'sie." It was just myself and DatBerry at the time, and as such, I wasn't exactly willing to get into a long, drawn-out explanation then and there as to why, exactly, I couldn't give you your fire axe. From our perspective... Consider a busy mom that has taken her son to work with her one day. She is trying to take calls, coordinate meetings, and do about ten different things on her computer. From her son's perspective, she's just looking at a screen, so he doesn't understand why she can't go get him an ice cream. Mildly irritated by the behaviour, the mother asks her son to go sit down and wait, beacuse she's busy. But she doesn't /look/ busy, I mean, how bad could it really be? Yeah. Hopefully that gives you a wee bit of an idea what's going on most of the time if the round end has been delayed for whatever reason.
  24. I'm behind this. The idea of IPC musicians taking influence and inspiration from a 21st century group (that I love, personally) makes sense to me- but if the names have to be changed, I wouldn't complain. This seems like a fairly awesome idea, tbh. ...And I'm not just saying that because I like the band ;-;
  25. I'm curious. You've been here a while, you've surely read our rules multiple times with how many times we've been over this. Yet you still logged out during staff contact, willingly, and freely admit to such. That is and always has been grounds for a ban or escalation thereof. Furthermore, you don't seem to be getting the point of, "if I were at work, would I start gouging myself with a pen for corporate security holding me for an hour? Even if the charge is false?" I should hope the answer is no. You're not going to federal prison. You'll be here for an hour or two at the most, out of your entire life, and if you think that's grounds to start stabbing yourself (even if the thing 'mechanically does no damage lol',) I honestly think you need to see a psych. Just because something doesn't do damage mechanically, it doesn't mean you have free rein to do whatever you want with it. Lighters, pens, come on, man, this is a Heavy RP server and you should know better.
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