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  • Byond CKey

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  1. This PR tweaked heat efficiency to make it so cooling down sensors is a lot faster, and I think this alone removes about all the clunkiness; the range buff is a cherry on top.. Couple this with Matt's test-merge that adds a roundstart Points of Interest list and I see no issue left besides datalinks breaking when you dock. Having to re-trace contacts that left your view was only awful before because ships had nerfed ranges and heat took so long to cool down that you couldn't reliably stay on higher ranges. Same for more hazards blocking sensors. I'd say now that both of the above enhance the experience now instead of taking away—most obvious in combat, ironically enough. They also keep the buffs from being too strong. Hazards can be used to break contact and retreat, but one can spin them to enable a counter-attack where you spam-accelerate your ship to get closer for more hits while the enemy can only approximate your location with only the periodic tracing updates to go off until contact is fully established. A similar strategy can be tried with shuttles to use them as impromptu boarding pods, or as distractions to bait the enemy to facing the wrong way. Sneakier tactics are possible and I like that a lot.
  2. This doesn't seem sensible just by virtue of space being much larger, and would make a logical inconsistency with the existing psi-ping: Skrell would be able to sense life from star map grids, but also somehow be unable to sense if there's a person at the other side of the hall?
  3. To add QoL suggestions to the post: - Datalinks should not be severed when you turn sensors off. This doesn't add anything other than tedium re-linking after docking back. - Contacts shouldn't be forgotten immediately after they leave view. While I have yet to try ship combat under this, I don't doubt having to re-trace ships after they leave view wouldn't slow down gameplay and be very frustrating icly and oocly. Contacts should be 'lost' over time, like how they're first identified over time.
  4. i'm verbally (textually) giving support because I want my name in history
  5. I'd say suit sensors are what actually add most of the intrigue. People knowing someone got hurt is what usually escalates a round, and it's less risky than purposefully leaving a corpse in a public-ish area. The victim's health being broadcasted doesn't actually out any info about the antag, so it only adds to the atmosphere. Suit sensors also spawn randomized; most people forget to set them to tracking if they're not Sec or reminded by medical. Most antags (including Traitor) have easy access to stuns, and any notable side-effect comes gradually. Paralysis Pen is just 1tc, Stun Talismans as Cult are just made from paper, and Vampire stuns are literally free. Add that Sec can't use cams on Green, and it's not really hard to get away with stuff without being seen.
  6. I think this just removes different avenues for Vamps with nothing gained and just holes left behind. Also confused on how it would even be more fun. The mainstay Vamp combo is: Hypnotize -> Grab -> Feed If feeding would leave the victim conscious...you just have a very straight-forward death each time. If the victim isn't drained to death for whatever reason, they will have enough of their blood drained that it becomes mechanically harder to play (mainly screen-shake and possible collapses). I don't think it's a stretch to say this is worse than just being minorly inconvenienced. Vampire can often be OOCly boring, but I'd rather that than frustrating gameplay or deaths you can't fight to evade. Also, yes, both the above can happen even with memory loss, but there's much less incentive to do so..
  7. This doesn't feel that moody, and I feel like it's something you'd just forget about after a few rounds; it's like adjusting your screen brightness. I think we can just use more red lights like maintenance for, well, 'maintenance' or engineering-focused zones. Both the Tesla and SM Engine rooms should be red bulbs and tubes by default imo, to give an appropriate sense of 'Woah, this is something that can easily fuck up and ruin the station!' for the dangerous work engimains do at the start of every round. And for the average crew member, stepping into those red-lit rooms could make them more...cautious. Yellow lights (diluted) could be for a bureaucratic look. Done well, it's not jarring from white, but keeps a weirdly fake-sterile tone. Green can be exclusively for medical wards.
  8. Type (e.g. Planet, Faction, System): Vaurcae as a whole, but the K'lax get a lot of focus Short Description: Vaurcae make special boxes for Sedantis nostalgia. How will this be reflected on-station?: Puzzle boxes could be selectable from loadout w/ some mechanical differences. Does this addition do anything not achieved by what already exists?: Puzzle boxes didn't really exist before Do you understand that the project may chansge over time in ways that you may not foresee once it is handed over to the Lore Team? Yes all too well , this is really just a formal suggestion, even when accepted. Long Description: Notes: If the text flows bad, it's because the original draft got deleted from tomfoolery and I had to rewrite everything from memory in three hours.
  9. May I suggest borgification, in these trying times?
  10. I'll miss 'em...
  11. Type (e.g. Planet, Faction, System): Sol and Tau Ceti Describe this proposal in a single sentence (12 word maximum): Movie-going evolves to become more of a social event, rivalling sports. How will this be reflected on-station? It can't really be reflected onstation, but it gives a unique little bit of extra culture so future humans don't feel so similar to present us. Does this faction/etc do anything not achieved by what already exists? It removes the short-sightedness of some written things. Similar to how those in the past thought mechanical horses and auto-driven carriages were the future: we too are shorted by the present. Movies and other subcultures don't have to stay the same and they probably won't. Why should this be given to lore developers rather than remain player created lore? This can't stay a headcanon because it is too massive of scale (for something small) and currently a bit too obscure for anyone to just pick up and get from me casually referencing it IC. Do you understand that if this is submitted, you are signing it away to the lore team, and that it's possible that it will change over time in ways that you may not forsee? Yes, though I would still be slightly annoyed if this was taken....then just dunked on. Long Description: As subscription-based, video on-demand (also known as VODs) services became more popular and profitable- the cinema industry began to fall. No company wanted to die, but none of them could compete with the already giant VODsites people were now using; cinemas could not force things to stay the same and they could not squeeze anymore money from concessions or ticket inflation. The companies needed to adapt and create their own ways of hooking people in and, through an analysis of hype-culture and a retrospective on what made them so much money in the first place, they did. The industry was forced to evolve and keep itself alive, the classic movie theater was now mostly a thing of the past as old theaters were essentially mummified, turned into museums to gawk and be in awe of. Movie Stadiums became the new norm- capitalizing off of hype-culture to feature only the most anticipated films each week, and even readying itself for the inevitable bad film with offers of pausing and rewinding to laugh and mock the production live. The Movie Stadiums of present-day have nearly all been absorbed into the Megacorporate Giants that are Zeng-Hu and NanoTrasen and have been funded greatly, making holo-projections and AR even more common. Zeng-Hu Stadiums are known for their opulent atmosphere, giving even the poorest man with just a few hundred credits the ability to feel premium and fancy; their staff is a mix of low-paid humans and synthetics, with simple drones and Mobility Frames often used to deliver orders while humans man the ticket booths and announcements. NanoTrasen Stadiums are popular for their humor and their casual environment, smelling of grease and cheap food while the stands and booths sell such. The corporation has also used the numerous small-time businesses immediately merged into itself by Tau Ceti Law as "backup staff" at times, it is not unorthodox to occasionally hear music or songs from lesser-known music groups- or for a movie that has turned out to be so horribly bad, have a holo-projected comedian crack jokes as the film is paused; the quirky and jokey nature of some of the stadiums are what keeps people coming back. Notes: I know this is a bit long, but it's honestly the condensed version and it still might be hard to condense onto the wiki. This doesn't feel fully complete in my eyes, and I may add example subsidiaries or stadiums so it can be condensed easier? If that makes sense.
  12. He keeps refusing basic ASMR. I gave him a choice on joining back unathi discord or giving me ASMR and he chose NONE.
  13. Though personally I'd be fine with being able to combo a bite into a headbutt- I know why it's an issue, especially since you literally can do 50 damage in like 1 second if you have a bite macro. However, if biting just drops the grab- I think that would be fine since the person would probably know to now run to not get bit again and keep distance. The bites have a 7-second cooldown right now, so you can only do the 25 once and then have to rely on your claws to do another 25 (which technically isn't really hard, nor is getting 25 damage WITHOUT the bite which a lot of people forget about)
  14. That's because every vaurca species mechanically, except Warforms, are frail. They will never be tanky unless they had some way of clotting and not having to constantly worry and care about something literally no other species cares about. If you get downed or stunned at all, you have to pray your enemy doesn't remove your breath mask so when you get up, it isn't a downwards-spiral of a fight as you suffocate and start blacking out while trying to run or fight.
  15. Throatslits easily causes suffocation and can rapidly kill someone from the low BO. Bugbite only does a flat 25 and causes bleeding, but you can do that 25 and bleeding far faster with normal claws, before you get to the killgrab. Force gloves should be taken out of the equation for the most part since they don't come up, and this is assuming people are unarmored and w/o real weapons.
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