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About SampleTex

  • Birthday February 22

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    scifi, video games, art, design
  • Occupation
    College Student (Certified Pharm Tech, need license to work)
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  1. I have no problems with the character, and when I initially messaged you I wanted to give you a heads up that Guddin was incomprehensible to some players and was dancing the line of heavy speech impediment, which would prevent them from working in engineering. I didn't want to see the character get shelfed or deleted either, so I felt a nudge to tweak the accent to be a little more easily understood from a player (but not necessarily in character) perspective would be appropriate. I was really only trying to help nudge you in a good direction so that this issue wouldn't arise the way it did.
  2. I shouldn't have to, but I'm going to say it anyway, this is me poking fun at stereotypes (at least the ones I believe these jobs to have) as and with the view of a player (and not a staff member). Stereotypes are a thing for a reason, even if you don't fit them. This is a stupid meme I have put way to much effort into for the funny man points. Quarter Master Commonly the closest thing people get to being some sort of command without actually being command, with the exception of interims. QMs usually fall into two categories, over glorified cargo technician who just has slightly more access than the others and is generally chill. You'll get anything you order from cargo delivered, usually in a reasonable amount of time, and they're pretty chill about payments, sometimes forgoing charging people for departmental supplies unless they need the money to afford it in the first place. Only thing that sucks about them however is they will generally argue for their technicians regardless of what they did, which makes handling minor issues a pain in the ass. The other one is Mr/Mrs micromanager, who does nothing besides sit in their office and yell at people for doing things wrong, even if they do them right, because they like the feeling of power. Expect high handling fees, slow delivery times, and being hounded for credits because you dare order some more chemicals for the pharmacist to use to make their blood pressure medicine. Thankfully these ones don't stick around and aren't very common. Also, QM never was and never will be a command role. Go play HOP. Expect gameplay to be exactly that of a cargo technician, though people complain to you rather than about you for slow delivery times. Corporate Liaison A role that's gone through so many different reworks that the only stereotype that exists for it is "Oh wait we that's a role we have, I forgot about that." That and they're generally very preachy over whatever they are representing, which makes sense icly. If you ever spot a while Corporate Liaison, make sure you give this endangered species some interaction and maybe they will return in the wild. Oh and also apparently no one ever bothers checking their office if there isn't one on shift. Depending on the character, you might not find a whole lot to do, or your going to be swamped by the same several people. I haven't personally played this role before, but that's what it appears to be like for me. Head of Security This person likely is a security main, at least they are if they stick around for more than a round or two. Much like the QM, there is two flavors of HOS, the baby sitter, and the armchair general The Babysitter HOS is one that spends a majority of their time trying to keep things reasonable with security, walking the fine line of balancing security officers' response to antagonists and actually giving antags a chance to drive a story. Now if they are actually good at this or not is dependent on a lot of things. A good one can actually let antags do their thing and interact with the crew before retaliating and doing so in an appropriate way that makes sense icly while allowing for the story to continue, while a bad one can't do that, and either accidentally crushes the antags too early, or gets rolled over by the antags because they responded way too late to them. The Armchair General is kinda the opposite in a weird way, going out of their way to try and lead the group of security officers to victory and valids secured endgame screen. Some are competent at actually leading people, others suck and end up putting officers in bad spots where they get killed or can't effectively do anything. The quickest way to identify one is to see how quickly the armory is opened and lethal weaponry is handed out. Unless you are the Armchair General, expect this to be like babysitting 1 to 7 other people of varying levels of competence. If you are an armchair general expect salt and/or a character complaint. Research Director Another rare one, since most of science is self governing and doesn't really like listening to what a command member wants them to do unless they really force them, in which case they won't be happy. RDs end up being rare because of that, and either are over glorified scientists or a command member that tries to organize a group project only to be ignored in favor of making bombs, weapons, and other various murder machines (including bee guns). Over glorified scientists do basically anything a normal scientist would do, with the added access and occasionally needing to speak in command chat and give an opinion. If something big that needs a scientist actually comes up, they usually get tasked with picking someone to be the lamb to poke it with a stick before they do so themselves anyway. That is assuming they haven't blown themselves up already yet or aren't drugged to hell and back with their own mix of space drugs. The Ignored Command Member usually tries to get peoples attention, organize projects, and then fails miserably, which is a shame because I have heard of some outright clever things that people have thought of doing with an organized science team. Next time you are playing science, maybe try and coordinate something with them and you could be pleasantly surprised with a new friend or a fun idea. Playing an RD means you're either going to get ignored by everyone, or you already acknowledge that you are going to get ignored by everyone and then do your own thing until someone wants you to print them a battery cell or something. Chief Medical Officer Chief Medical Officer was originally the go to for being a super doctor, doing surgery, chemistry, first aid, and general check ups all wrapped up neatly in that light blue labcoat. Thankfully now of days they stick to one practice and actually allocate their team to doing things, or at the very least hope their team is competent enough to handle things and then step in when they turn out to be a bunch of idiots. They also tend to make really good hostage targets, since most of them are smart enough to not try and run off immediately, so you don't have to shoot them in the back immediately and then duct tape them to a chair. Personalities for CMOs are generally a mixed bag, some are genuinely nice, others are too tired to deal with your bullshit, and some probably only saved your life because they are being paid to do so. Expect a lot of poker face, there's usually a lot going on and because they are the CMO they get dragged around not only by their own department, but by others, usually security or the rest of command, because everyone knows people are going to end up getting hurt anyway. In short, good hostages, generally being overwhelmed, and really good at pretending to know what's going on usually. Playing CMO is like walking into a room where everyone is running around on fire for some reason, there is a bald man in a grey jumpsuit screaming "LET ME IN" at the pharmacist because they won't make them space drugs, and for some reason there is a black kois outbreak specifically in the surgery operating rooms all while you have a miner who forgot magboots existed has punctured lung, good luck! Chief Engineer For some reason Chief engineers are either always some sort of alien species, or some sort of cowboy like human, rarely is there ever something else. It fits engineering quite well, almost a little too well, which might explain why there are so many cowboy like frontiersmen that find themselves in charge of a rag tag group of engineers who all either know how to single handedly fix most of the station or barely know how to turn on the shields. Chief engineers usually fall into two groups when its actually time to work however. These are The Hands On and Backliner. Hands On Chief Engineers are hands on with the repairs, suiting up with the rest of the department and heading out to oggle at the damage from the safety of a hardsuit for a minute or two before getting to fixing the station as quickly as possible, usually because shit is vented as an antag set a bomb off in the hallway again. Generally these CEs are way to busy to actually teach you anything themselves but there is still a lot to learn just by watching them. The only reason they picked chief engineer is because the engineering slots are all taken and they don't want to play their engineering character as a visitor this round. Backliner CEs are the opposite, they usually distribute their gear to the trusted engineers and organize things for them to do to try and keep things efficient, all while oggling at the damage from the safety of their office using the engineering cameras. These engineers usually don't want to teach you anything so they pick someone at random to do it for them. They know what they are doing, but they picked command to order people around, not do the grunt work after all. Like playing Engineer/Atmos Technician, but you also need to know Atmos/Engineering and are expected to do them if the need arises, better hope the apprentice set the engine right this time as well, because if they didn't the first wave of blame is going to probably be going to you. Head of Personnel The Lord of Paperwork! But wait, you left your laptop in your office and lost your pen, again. Time to tell them to meet you in your office for that access change under the guise of needing to print and then file the paper work. HOPs usually see the more advanced greytiders, and by advanced I mean the ones competent enough to get to the HOPs office before getting bwoinked by admins for something they've done. If the Let Me In Meme was a person, it would be the ones that the HOP has to deal with, since that's the only time people remember they exist, or when they get snagged by the mercenary team again because people don't normally wander around command. There are technically two categories of two types for a HOP to fall into, depending entirely on the character. These are Office Lurker or Station Stalker, and Paperwork Nut and People Person. Office lurkers usually just stay in their office and handle most, if not all their business over the radio. If you want something you need to go to them, because the only time they leave their office is when they are dragged out of it or its currently on fire. Station Stalkers rarely are in their office, generally toting a backpack full of IDs, a laptop, and their stamp, along with a briefcase stuffed with access papers so they don't need to print them in the future. If you want to find them you need to ask where they are over the radio and hope they don't go some place else before you get there. Paperwork Nuts are self explanatory, requiring every piece of paper filled out perfectly and stamped before they will even look at your ID, and then you need to fill out another paper for the access request, and a different one stating why you want the access. Paperwork is their game, and picking HOP is admittedly appropriate for them. People Persons generally just fill the paperwork out for you and ask all the questions on the paper, only needing you there for your signature and nothing else. A great way to trick people into filling out paperwork for you with the use of copy and paste, especially because most are willing and prefer to do it that way! Playing hop turns into a big question of what the antag is. You are either going to be kidnapped to issue them all access, or the station is going to promote you to interim captain and expect you to handle the problem for them. Either way, your life revolves around access, so you better hope your ID doesn't get stolen. Captain The role all newly whitelisted command players say they eventually want to play, and when they do, quickly realize it is not only a lot of work for little reward, everyone has their eyes on you. Oh, and don't forget, you are the ultimate hostage, with literal all access in your back pocket to anything and everything on the station, odds are your office was already broken into before you even get off the shuttle from the Odin. Captains come in a few flavors, but the most common I've seen are either the Fun Police, or the Only Just Existing captains. Fun Police, also sometimes called Buzzkills, are exactly as the nickname implies. There is no quarter or retreat with them, the antag either completely fails, or completely gets away. Negotiations are only a formality with them and usually end in failure, since whatever the antag wants is either too much or the captain demands they get their half first so they can just send security in without the risk of collateral. Brutally effective, and a nightmare when trying to be an antag. Only Just Existing captains are generally forgotten about shortly after the announcement over the Radio says they are coming in with that little whistle sound effect of days gone by. The only time you will ever see them is if command pressures them into making an announcement, you are a member of command yourself and are collaborating with them over the command frequency, or the mercenary/raider team took them hostage. Playing captain is a nightmare, expect literally anything to happen and then not be prepared anyway. Either that or people treat you like an over glorified HOP and you have to deal with petty arguments over who should have gotten the last donut, and why it shouldn't have escalated into a fist fight.
  3. The warning was applied as I felt the short responses weren't really contributing much substance and the report had been made by another staff member (of whom I won't name unless they wish to be named). I'm willing to have the warning removed however if you feel that this was truely applied incorrectly.
  4. Reporting Personnel: Kikuasol Zueh Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Psychiatrist Game ID: cac-agi2 Personnel Involved: Zahiid Al-Mrrhalgr, First Responder: Main Offender Ayishah Al-Amin, First Responder: Offender Sabah Hirron, Surgeon: Witness Bethany Strange, Drill Technician: Witness Lily Dennis, Visitor: Victim Secondary Witnesses: Za'Akaix'Ijai C'thur, Medical Intern: In medical bay at the time of the incident Vol'Qix Ziqum, Medical Intern: In medical bay at the time of the incident Adelina Valdemar, Surgeon: Informed me that I had a potential patient (Lily Dennis) to speak with later, was presumably in or near medical bay at the time of the incident Time of Incident: Around 14:00 station side time. Real Time: About 2015 MST, 01/19/2021 Location of Incident: Station Surface Pool Nature of Incident: [ ] - Workplace Hazard [ ] - Accident/Injury [ ] - Destruction of Property [X] - Neglect of Duty [ ] - Harassment [ ] - Assault [X] - Misconduct [ ] - Other _____ (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.) Overview of the Incident: Miss Strange had requested that I meet her and her friend, Lily Dennis, at the pool in order to check on them as Strange had expressed concerns about severe depression and drug abuse that needed attention from a professional source. When I arrived to check in on the two and invite Dennis to my office for an appointment, I found that Dennis was currently experiencing symptoms of a drug overdose, including a severely slowed reaction time, difficulty breathing in the form of repeatedly gasping, and somewhat lacking situational awareness. I called in the paramedics as a drug overdose, regardless of what drug is being taken (If I recall correctly, space drugs), has the potential for severe complications in a patient, especially one that has been reportedly overdosing repeatedly. When first responders Al-Mrrhalgr and Al-Amin arrived on scene they stood around the patient, Al-Amin collecting a scan with a hand scanner before picking up their roller beds, Al-Mrrhalgr verbally abused Dennis and refused to administer any form of treatment and Al-Amin stood by idly. Sabah Hirron had arrived on scene as well, and after I grabbed one of the roller beds in the area, helped me get the patient on said bed and transported them to medical to have the drugs removed from their system while I spoke to Miss Strange to get some more information on what could have lead to this kind of medical emergency so that I could plan an effective appointment with Dennis and attempt to get them started on the path of rehabilitation. On my way back I also encountered who I believe was Al-Amin sitting in a chair outside of the pool with headphones on and no radio in ear or on hand to listen for if they would be needed. Submitted Evidence: Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: No, as there was no head of staff on shift at the time of the incident occurrence. Actions taken: None as there was no command on staff Additional Notes: First Responders refusing to treat and instead yelling at someone as they are a repeat patient and have the potential, not even a guarantee that they will be fine without treatment, is outright unacceptable and a hazard to everyone on shift at the same time, especially when that patient is potentially suffering from depression or substance abuse.
  5. Mel is absolutely the kind of person I would want to see representing the community as a staff member, they're nice, handle themselves well with tickets that Ive watched them handle in the past, and I don't think I've ever witness anyone have any form of issue with them as a person. We also need more people for the Australian time zone. I am in full support of giving Mel their ban hammer privileges back, and letting them represent our community once again. +1
  6. I did ask Bjorn what happened, infact what I was investigating was Bjorn, since someone ahelped as they didn't know if he had just frenzied for no reason and started attacking people. The only reason I asked about the pickaxe out the gate was because they're incredibly strong and miners have a bad habit of two handing them and attacking antags they shouldn't. You weren't the primary cause for the ticket, I got what I needed, and you never even got a note from me. I probably could have worded a couple of my questions better but I ended up with what I needed regardless
  7. Haydizzle is exactly what I would want in a lore maintainer, I can't imagine anyone fitting this spot better. +1
  8. Right, so I am going to deny this, after consulting with some of the other staff I have been informed that the door was not only open, it was being held open by a cargo technician, who probably could have opened the door for you should it have even closed.
  9. Right, thank you for the clarification. Can you give me a rundown as to what you did and why you did it, starting from just before you got stuck in that room?
  10. Hello, I am SampleTex and I'll come right out the gate with this: So did you have irl stuff come up or did you just not want to play anymore? There's a massive difference. Two, you have a history of doing things like this back in 2018, and while that is a while ago, I haven't even known you existed until recently, and considering your doing exactly what you have done before, which is valid hunting, this gives me the impression you've just come back to try and get some valids on antags secured before moving back on to the next server.
  11. Hello! Normally I wouldn't comment on this kind of thing, but considering how this thread has been going, along with a recent round I was involved with you where you shot at a security officer and cadet for being at the wrong place at the wrong time, specifically round b85-ar14, shortly after the mercenaries docked, I've decided Ill throw in my two cents. I play Slhaik Riu, I absolutely would say you the way you played wasn't acceptable. When I was looking in maintenance for the bluespace abnormality and encountered you, you asked if I wanted immortality, and considering how I was aware that it entailed you murdering me just to add another skeleton into the round, I told you no. When you didn't like my answers even after you continued to press, in an interaction that wasn't even 30 seconds long, you proceeded to spam me with spells as quickly as possible with the intent to knock me over and kill me. I tried to run away, and as a unathi, I could have very easily pulled a knife out on you and killed you, but that would have broken several rules, ones that I'm supposed to be enforcing, about believable/sane characters, avoid pain, and to a lesser degree, escalation. The screenshots you included in your document even show that you put the bare minimum in to kill me for the sake of killing me (and I will be including at the bottom of my post for record keeping) Now, onto the mindset of playing to win. This isn't inherently good or bad, it has its (albeit small) place, even in a HRP server, however when you hop onto a hrp server, you aren't looking to play to win, that's what mrp and lrp servers exist for. A HRP server comes with the risk of things such as dying slowly and alone in a somewhat unsatisfactory way at the expense of driving everyone else's round because you didn't play to win and be the most robust person you possibly could be, which is fine. The only time playing to win can really be any good is when you're in an even fight against another player, similar skill level and equipment, etc, it would make sense that your character is fighting their damn hardest to win that fight, especially when their life is on the line, but against someone actively trying to flee for their life and not retaliating with physical harm until its their only option, that's not a good place to have the "play to win" mindset; keep that only to an actual fight for your life, and nothing else. Being barely not ganked in maintenance by a lich who has no threat to their safety at any given point with no real reason other than "More skeletons!" or any drive to the story, is absolutely terrible. I was so angry that there wasn't anything I could do at that moment about it because you technically didn't break any rules, that I had to step away to avoid the risk of an administrative action being wrongfully applied. I wouldn't be nearly as mad if it was any other wizard outside of lich, and wouldn't even comment, however lich is the salt in the wound, because its only used to avoid death and go on a murder spree, as many other people have said, so I wont beat a death horse by continuing an already exhausted point. Lich is being removed for a reason, enough said. If I had been playing to win, I would have taken your phylactory, which I found in maintenance in a locker but left alone because ICly Riu wouldn't have known what it was or that it was the source of the bluespace abnormalities, and crushed it in the compactor or incinerated it in a crematorium. A play to win mindset being used there, or even me just trying to say "I win" at the end of the round, would have allowed me to end yours right there and then in a rather boring and sudden way, much like you did with me by spamming spells at me in maintenance and then beating me until I could not wake up to fight back against you strangling me. As Haydizzle has said, you claiming you don't play to win, and then that you won, screams to me low effort lie, and gives me the impression that your playstyle for antag would be more suited for a MRP server at best, as HRP is not a server where play to win is a mindset you should have every time you play. You even showed that you have a play to win mindset in the mercenary round that I just finished earlier with you and mentioned above. I overheard on the radio from you something about two officers in the checkpoint. They attempted to flee since they knew they were outmatched and you fired at them wordlessly as they ran, without taking any of the time they actually did sit there to try and talk to them. You knew they were there, we had just arrived, and you had been presented with a great opportunity to drive story for the round. You instead shot at them in an attempt to take them out of the round as quickly as possible presumably to reduce how many people we would have to fight later on. Throughout the round during negotiations instead of actually negotiating you either antagonized security or threatened to shoot people, and tried to put yourself in the best possible position to kill security officers. Overall from my perspective and experiences as a staff member, you're playing to win, getting upset when people try to call you out on it, and making passive aggressive remarks to defend yourself (such as with the title of the screenshot document) in an attempt to make yourself look better or put sensitive cards/topics on the debate table in hopes people stop bothering you. You have an aggressive attitude on the forums, have consistently done poor antag play by toeing the line to avoid more notes/warnings, and to some degree, don't give off the impression you plan to improve these things any time in the future. I'd recommend you do, otherwise you will find yourself at odds with the community. Screenshots below.
  12. So, gonna get this out of the way since so many people have already said it, your good at RP, which is deserving of a plus one, but I'm more interested in your responses. You at least show you understand the importance of how command and other whitelists are for driving different kinds of RP, rather than just another means to an end with mechanics or securing valids. Since I also know you a fair bit, I'd say it extends beyond just showing that you just understand it, rather you truely understand it's importance. Tl:dr, he shows he knows his rp stuff both verbally and with his actions Fat +1
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