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Everything posted by Nantei
Probably would be abused at least once. I'd rather it was at least five minutes or something so that people couldn't cryo and instantly join as some other more pressing role. Like, "We need a doctor." hops into cryo and immediately rejoins as their doctor. Basically for atmosphere reasons. I want to reward people for correctly logging out, but that's probably too far.
Directly insult me. Very cool. I don't know many people who threaten murder in the heat of the moment either. That's pretty fucked up. She already pulled rank, you were getting arrested no matter what because you threatened to kill a free IPC in front of another free IPC. Running made absolutely zero sense, and it's very clear to me that it was an ooc decision to 'try and stick it to security' or something equally silly. The only real reason to run from an arrest is if you believe someone is going to physically hurt you, and it was clear that wasn't the case. It would have ended at an arrest had you not run. You turned what would have been handled icly into something that had to be handled oocly via an IR. Not a good look. Right, except that is very clearly an attempt to bypass the rules so that you can get your precious KA. From the rules: Characters must be believable, and well-rounded. No insane or psychotic characters. No Mary Sues. (Over the top characters, characters who know too much, have no weaknesses, etcetera.) Restrict yourself to your character's knowledge. You, as a player, might have the knowledge of how to hack airlocks, but your average doctor likely doesn't. Reference the glossary for definitions of powergaming and metagaming. This rule is further explained in the character creation section, as well. The only charitable way to interpret this is you haven't read the rules, so I am really curious which it is here. If it was not obvious by now, using your other characters to give your current character knowledge they shouldn't have is a pretty big faux pas around here. Especially because this would be a violation of an NDA and get you immediately fired. Genuinely, for the roleplay you want, I would recommend Baystation. I am not saying this as an insult, but as a genuine recommendation. The style there probably better fits what you are after. Wow there is so much wrong here and I feel it perfectly showcases why you just don't get it. First things first: Bluespace Technicians are supposed to be ignored. It even says this on examine I believe. They are OOC tools for admins to use to fix things that need an actual mob, or are otherwise much easier with one. Second: How do you know his name? This is a thing I see a lot of people do, but it's particularly egregious here. Just because someones' name is on the radio, or on examine, does not mean you should know it. Consider how difficult it would be to read a tiny, little ID from across the room. A better way to word this: "Whoever was playing in the booth, open up." I also want to be clear here. I made this complaint, not to try and get you banned or something petty, but to try and address the behavior that I think is rule breaking. I am not trying to 'make you meet my version of what I think should be played', I am trying to make it clear to you that some of this behavior is simply not okay, and needs to be improved on. I'm not a very spiteful person, you'l note this is my first ever complaint or IR, I made this because I didn't think talking directly to you would be very productive.
So basically the reason I have been against respawn time changes in the past is I think it could tacitly reduce the impact of character death, at least oocly for that player. If you could just respawn in ten minutes, it wouldn't be that big a deal. However, what I would like to see is if we could get a ten minute respawn for people who use cryo. If I am cryoing it's usually because I either want to switch characters, or log off, sometimes only to come back later. It would be nice if I didn't have to bother admins for a respawn as much, and it rewards people for logging out properly.
I actually love Kyres' idea of making it blind and damage the eyes. It's dramatically better than getting ghetto blasted to death by it. Getting chain stunned sucks, chain blinded is way less bad.
That's actually a great point. I was going to delete this thread, but I will keep it up and change a few things with that in mind. Also that officer regretted doing it after the fact, I know them. But it is the round that inspired this thread.
Right, so EMP's as a solution to IPC's/other Synthetics are a rather clumsy and unfun magic bullet. Being stunned for five seconds by an ion rifle isn't great, being killed in two hits from an ion rifle is even less great. Shells already cannot realistically wear helmets, leaving them pretty damn weak to weapons fire as is. If you are using lethal weapons, shells are probably disadvantaged in the long term. You might ask why that is relevant? The answer is because the Ion Rifle is often only pulled out when lethal weapons are similarly an option. Because you are moving to the armory. Now, I understand currently ions are necessary as a method to stun IPC's so they don't have to be straight killed. I get that. But it doesn't have to be that way. So here is my suggestion: Lethal ion rifles do dramatically less damage to Synthetics, make them on par with a laser rifle. They bypass armor already, so that's already very good as an anti-synthetic weapon. No need for it to just mulch an IPC in two hits with delimbs to spare. If possible we could have it still do strong damage to exosuits if that's desired. Alternatively, have lethal do no damage, but it drains batteries and blinds the IPC. Stun on ion rifle should be replaced with a blind. A blind that bypasses armor is already extremely strong, there's no need for it to outright stun IPC's. Kyres' rework project may take quite awhile, so this could work as a temporary stopgap while we wait for a more permanent rebalance.
That's pretty much exactly what I want as a bandage fix, but I think that's more appropriate to the other thread about R&D.
I love that black one with the blue highlights. Please add.
It's a really great idea. R&D is awful, so replacing it with a minigame that is actually enjoyable to some degree would be lovely. The only question is if someone will code it.
BYOND Key: Nantei Game ID: The behavior has spanned multiple rounds, the Game ID prior to b2X-ahxf has bits and pieces that I screenshotted. Player Byond Key/Character name: Smoke_th/Ignus Volkov, Smoke Thums, likely more I am not familiar with Staff involved: None. Reason for complaint: Breaking Atmosphere, Unrealistic Character/Behavior Did you attempt to adminhelp the issue at the time? If so, what was the known action taken by administration/moderation? Yes. I have ahelped them I think twice in recent memory, but both tickets didn't get answered. The behavior has spanned multiple rounds for an extended period of time. Approximate Date/Time: August 27th, 5pm. (The most recent occurrence) Right, so initially I was fine to have most of this handled icly or via ahelps, but the behavior has gone on so long without improvement that I feel a player complaint is appropriate. Smoke has become rather infamous in my mind for constantly pushing the limits of what is acceptable abbreviations. I don't mind people saying shorthand versions of things like 'lol, tho, etc' every once and awhile, I occasionally do that in everyday conversations too, but it's fairly excessive and constant with Smoke to the point of being fourth wall shattering. In the most recent round I have two examples: I would have ahelped the second, but it was literally right before the round ended so I didn't have time. Behavior like this is extremely common for him, but it doesn't stop there. His characters often do outright insane things that would get them fired on the spot, and also just for me raises a lot of red flags. Of particular note is this incident report: I can oocly verify all of this is true. They threatened to essentially commit autamacide, assault if you want to be very generous—they were aware Clockwork is free to what I know—over an argument. How many people do you know who would 'drill you open' over an argument? Someone who makes threats like this would not be around long. They then decided to run for seemingly no reason. I was attempting to cuff them, I had shown no precusor of attempting to hurt them. And all of this started because they decided their other character should be able to pass information to them icly mid-round, so they could get an upgraded KA, that strikes me as pretty powergamey; especially since it is encouraging others to break their skillset for it. There have been other cases of behavior like this, but I heard them second hand and don't feel comfortable putting them forward as evidence. @Brutishcrab51 ,@SatinsPristOTD ,@Dark1Star , and Schwann should be able to provide more testimonies as witnesses to this.
The 1st Quest of the Tau Ceti Kataphract (Picnic From Heck)
Nantei commented on an event in Event Calendar
Nyx Krastev, Lab Assistant. "I didn't really expect to do any fighting, really. I am planning to make my masters into xenobiology, so the prospect of an unknown fauna was really cool. I brought weapons and such mostly to give to others if they lost anything, but... it did not really go like that. Honestly I didn't even know where we were going until we landed and I recognized the foliage. I pretty early on noticed the fauna were both hostile, and very clearly not native. They didn't seem to fear us much at all, despite our group being heavily armed and large. I found some sorta paper that said they were, like, brought here by some smugglers, but I didn't get a very good luck at one until it came and hit me in the chest." She clutches her chest at the painful memory, "Once I got back to the lab and started to attempt a dissection it occurred to me they were probably 'Cave Geists', which is really exciting! I hope to take one apart once I have some more specialized tools. I don't think I have seen much on their anatomy, so I am super looking forward to diving in there." -
No. No they do not. Their respawn timer is extremely low, they have less responsibilities than a fully fledged role, and their actions are supposed to mean less than a fully fledged role. An antag deciding to use two emag charges on them does not make them not a ghost role. Drones are supposed to have low impacts on rounds, not turn into combat beasts the moment they get swiped. And removing the PC really does not change that they are absurdly obnoxious. Drones have strangely high health pools, full AI access, and run pretty damn fast. An emagged drone is already extremely useful for a traitor as a pocket-sized door opener that can bolt, shock, etc. That's already superior to an emag, and you are telling me they need more? I don't know what you expect two emag charges to do if that isn't enough for you.
Ghost roles are not station roles. I am not sure why you are comparing drones to stationbounds, of whom are less obnoxious than the drone too.
R&D is a shitty minigame that shouldn't be in the game while it remains shitty. Does anyone here really enjoy doing R&D? I find it's a pretty rare opinion. That should probably make it clear we should streamline it a bit. This is also why I suggested levels coming in gradually instead of instantly. Anything to make R&D not such a pain in the ass. Compulsory activities should be at least somewhat entertaining, or if not they should at least be mercifully short. R&D is the longest round start chore, and still probably one of the worst.
That would work too. I feel traitor stationbounds are pretty weak as is, and flashing is hardly fun gameplay for anyone involved.
Player Complaint - Khaled Al-Bastaki
Nantei replied to VTCobaltblood's topic in Off Topic Discussion
Khaled is too short to be an HoS. Unrealistic character, TBH. -
My information is outdated then. 30 brute is pretty mild for an ERT weapon that can't shrapnel, so I support this change.
Stationbounds are easily the weakest antagonist role by far, at least in direct combat. Their only real strength is being able to yakkity sax around the station, never really being able to directly confront Security because they simply lack effective tools to do so with. I feel the emagged modules in general need some love, but the discussion here is to remove flash stuns. Flash stuns are pretty awful for the stationbound. They feel awful for me as a sec player, and they feel awful for the stationbound on the receiving end. It's a 10+ second stun that can be spammed without remorse, for what is arguably the weakest antag we have in terms of direct combat. Stationbounds are already thoroughly sodomized by EMP's, and we've got a nerf for stunbatons coming down the pipeline for similar reasons. So why not replace the flash stun with a slow? It's generally better roleplay for a victim to at least remain conscious while stunned, and yet the flash completely knocks out the Stationbound. It's like if Security and other crew just had sleepy pens in their pocket by default, but they only work on stationbounds. I would similarly be fine with removing the stun, adding a slow, and removing their ability to interface remotely during it. So they can shove their face into things, but they can't just panic siphon the room while slowed, or bolt a door shut on top of someone. Also another potential alternative: Make it so that flashing a Stationbound stuns, but doesn't knock them unconscious. Then they can at least speak while stunned. EDIT: Apparently Ions on stun do not stun stationbounds because... who knows. So probably change that in accordance with this.
It's worth noting that last I heard, armor penetration works pretty damn poorly, mechanically speaking, often doing nothing at all.
I don't like the idea of forcibly slowing down medical any more. It's nice when medical has the time to go through all these steps, but people shouldn't be forced to sit through it, especially while unconscious. I don't particularly like roleplaying with medical, just my own personal thing, but I have seen several surgeons put people into the drapes and such. If people don't want to do this, don't force them to. If we were going to do something like this I would rather we just actually made the medical drapes special in a way similar to what @VisVirific stated.
Cargo often never sends those, and by the time they do it's often obsolete and faster to do it normally. Sorting the warehouse is incredibly time consuming. Also this does not address the core problem. R&D is a mandatory chore that many people do not want to do. I have seen a recent rise of scientists who icly do not know how to do R&D. It's very frustrating to play a role like robotics, and have nothing but the bare essentials because nobody wants to do R&D. And the roboticist themselves is not allowed to for skillset reasons.
[Resolved] Player Complaint - TheAbsoluteMadMan
Nantei replied to LordPwner's topic in Complaints Boards Archive
I don't recall seeing Zane directly, but I did certainly see the aftermath. The only way the holding area could have been more bloody is if the scrubbers had backblasted it. Large portions of ISD were incredibly bloody. I also saw Uriel's scan and can confirm brain damage. Find it fairly hard to believe they were not trying to kill him. I'll also note this is pretty standard behavior for him. As someone who personally knew them in the recent past, I doubt they have any intent to change. They are rather notorious for playing to win, especially as an antagonist. -
The thing is, AOOC shouldn't really be used by team antags almost at all after setup. From what I understand, the purpose of it is discussing setup and round projections, not your next move. Planning should be done icly, and I can't see a ton of valid reasons AOOC should be used over IC mid-round except for things like autotraitor or other mid-round antagonists.
Drones have this I assume to unshock doors that are shocked by the AI/Traitors/Irresponsible Engineers. I am not sure if it is possible to make it so they can only unshock doors, but it's so rarely used for legitimate purposes that I would rather they didn't have it at all if we can't make it so they are only able to unshock doors. Also I feel it is worth noting that maintenance drones are still the absolute greatest threat to the AI and I should not have to say how absurd that statement is. Have AI turrets target emagged drones please. That way if a drone wants to gank the AI, they can't just stroll in and slap them to death with tools or cut their power. They have to tunnel around or other nonsense. I know people will say just ahelp it, but in some cases it can be valid for a drone to kill the AI (As in they are ordered to), and similarly it shouldn't be so easy for them to begin with.