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Everything posted by LordFowl

  1. Implemented by; https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/4234
  2. Implemented by; https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/4234
  3. Implemented by; https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/4234
  4. Implemented by; https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/4234
  5. The "maximum sized blood splatter" available occupies most of a tile, and multi-tile blood splatters will not be happening anytime soon.
  6. I understand your point perfectly.
  7. Voting for dismissal. Slit throats already produce the maximum sized blood splatter available.
  8. At this point I am leaning towards shifting the discussion on the thread to methods of implementing Kaed's/Schev's suggestion of a psience department role based on detecting psionics, as it seems to be the best method suggested so far, compared to say a "psionics whitelist" or a species with psionics power (which, coincidentally, was the original implementation for lavaland but really wouldn't be suitable except in the context of map rotation). With this context in mind, I'd like to hear some feedback on how involved a role this "pysker detection squad" jobslot would be, some discussion regarding the psience department is their classification, the extents to which they can go to pursue the development of psience, their legality, etc. Further considerations are exact mechanics of developing psionic power (As this seems to be shaping into an inheritor of the genetic's department, I'd like to avoid inheriting the flaws of the genetics department) and the actual potency and application of psionic powers themselves. Feel free to continue with feedback on the idea as a whole as well, including specific powers and suggestions for other powers.
  9. Regardless of the outcome eventually reached, two different roles that serve the same function will not be maintained. If the janitor remains in engineering and the HoP just desperately needs to be directly in charge of someone cleaning the station, then they can simply grant an assistant access to the surface level closet. If the janitor is moved back to civilian then there is no difficulty. Redundancy in roles is to be avoided, not encouraged.
  10. Over the past few months I've sporadically been working on a project to implement psionic powers in the game, largely for my own amusement. This feature would have been present in the lavaland map, but as map rotation is currently on permanent hold on the moment I began to think of possibilities to make it a more general thing. To do this however would require some community input, as there are numerous holes in the current implementation. Firstly however, where there is so far: Every sentient being that possesses a distinct brain possesses also a certain spark. This "awareness" of the strings that manipulate reality, invisible to even the advanced instruments of the future era of 2456, are made visible to them by some undetermined virtue. This "wokeness" can be quantified, and this quantification manifests as a resource called "willpower". Some species, such as Skrell, Vox, and Vaurca breeders, have more willpower than standard, and some species such as Unathi have less willpower. Other species such as golems have no capacity for willpower at all. Regardless of whether an individual possesses psionic powers their willpower stat is tracked, although it tends to be that the awoken, as psions are called, developer stronger willpower than the awoken. By whatever mechanism that an individual becomes awoken, when they do they are given a choice of discipline. Discipline is the categorization of psionic powers, and the choice of discipline is permanent. Each discipline grants their disciples immediately three cantrips, and access to rank 4 and rank 5 powers for any discipline are limited only to that discipline's disciples. Rank 1-3 of any discipline are freely available to any disciple. However, each discipline also has an opposing discipline, which is totally locked off to that discipline's disciples. By whatever mechanism one develops their willpower, once their willpower crosses a certain threshold their mastery will develop. Mastery is categorized into 5 (technically 6) broad ranks: RANK 0: "Unawoken" - The majority of sentient beings are unawoken. They go throughout their dull lives without ever knowing of the invisible strings that manipulate their delicate reality. RANK 1: "Initiate" - These are the freshly awoken. They have access to 3 cantrips and +1 power point's worth of powers. RANK 2: "Adept" - Not much stronger than initiates, they have access to a further +2 power point's worth of powers. RANK 3: "Operative" - Twice as powerful as an adept, they have access to a further +3 power point's worth of powers. RANK 4: "Masterclass" - Very few ever attain the rank of masterclass. They have access to +4 power point's worth of powers, and the secret powers of their discipline. RANK 5: "Grandmasterclass" - Unheard of. This theoretical being has access to +5 power point's worth of powers, and the ultimate power of their discipline. At each rank-up the individual must select new powers. Each power costs a certain number of power points, and a psion must choose generally between many low-level powers or a few high-level powers. As mentioned above, psionic ability is divided into 4 disciplines, each discipline granting 3 cantrips, and 2 powers for each rank, with progressively greater willpower costs. Willpower is regenerated either through specific psionic abilities, or some undeveloped mechanism: Coercion: The discipline of manipulating intelligent beings and their component organs. Its opposing discipline is Subterfuge. Psychokinesis: The discipline of manipulating material elements through physical force. Its opposing discipline is Energistics. Energistics: The discipline of manipulating immaterial elements or material elements through non-physical force. Its opposing discipline is Psychokinesis. Subterfuge: The discipline of manipulating the world in ways to allow the user to go undetected. Its opposing discipline is Coercion. Miscellaneous: Cantrips: Cantrips are immediately granted to any disciple of their respective discipline. They are infinite use and cost no willpower, only being limited by cooldown. They are largely non-offensive. Powers: Almost all powers, including cantrips, are cast via a hand spell. This means that for the duration of the power you control the spell with an abstract hand object. Powers above the rank of cantrip cost willpower, and have both a limited duration and limited uses per casts. Backblast: Whenever a psyker overextends their willpower, or via specific conditions, wild energistic feedback blasts across their psyche, cancelling their active power and dealing damage to their brainloss relative to their willpower debt. Should this damage prove lethal their head will explode, a la scanners. The Holes: Currently, there are no mechanisms for receiving or developing psionic powers. A mechanism for increasing willpower or ranking up is nonexistent. Many of the powers are coded, but some others remain uncoded, and some are clearly phoned in or poorly categorized. Ultimately, this thread serves as both a feedback thread and a suggestion thread for developing this idea to maturity or axing it before it damns us.
  11. Further input on the topic of "wasted space". The map is not designed to be efficient. Efficiency is bad for gameplay (see atmos). That said, the map is also designed to be able to be relatively easily expanded in an outward direction.
  12. Voting for dismissal. Infections are already fun enough if you're not in range of medical. Dismissing.
  13. Voting for dismissal. Dismissing.
  14. Voting for dismissal. Dismissing.
  15. Voting for dismissal. Dismissing.
  16. Voting for dismissal. Binning.
  17. Voting for dismissal. Binning.
  18. Voting for dismissal for the above reasons. Dismissing.
  19. Voting for dismissal. Binning.
  20. Voting for dismissal. The Odin is not meant to be used. Binning.
  21. Voting for dismissal. Minor random event antags are not a terrible idea, but these ones are. Binning.
  22. Voting for dismissal. We can already smash or cut cameras. Taping it would add little especially when it has such fewer drawbacks. Binning.
  23. Voting for dismissal. Coding in new ways of dividing up the gamemodes is nothing more than a patch job to conceal the fact that the server sucks. Binning.
  24. Voting for dismissal. There is not really enough items to justify a whole new slot. Binning.
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