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Everything posted by LordFowl

  1. Virologist is a non-role. Merging them with chemist is functionally equivalent to deleting the virologist, consider this: The only valuable part of virology is the ability to cure viruses. The mechanics for creating viruses are incredibly shallow, and the system itself is several years out of date. Instead of hamfistedly merging the two roles I would alternatively propose removing virologist entirely. The sublevel becomes focused on quarantine and the curing process becomes more streamlined so regular medical staff can accomplish it. Alternatively the spirit of this suggestion is pursued in that the chemist becomes responsible for curing viruses as a side-job, through the creation of immunization chemicals that Burger is working on, although more in-depth mechanics would probably be necessary as they become the focus instead of an option. In a sense, the only distinction between what is proposed and the original suggestion is we get rid of virus creation entirely and we don’t use the dumb BioChemist title, with the option of also focusing on immunizations instead of just reactive cures.
  2. Virologist's and surgeons are identical in the sense that they are both just alternate titles to doctor.
  3. Moving to the policy subforum, as a suggestion such as this is rooted more in politics than development.
  4. Such has already been suggested before, most recently in https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=9814&p=90566
  5. The current core already has shield generators. That will be incredibly ugly, not to mention it is independent of this rework. There are already turrets in the current core. You can do so, but you are only fixing a problem that you yourself introduced. I disagree with your objective to make the core look alien, and I think this current core looks rather ugly. It spreads like a cancerous mass, such as to say that it is needlessly massive and open. Once banned is once enough. EVA training is not a positive of this rework. You have introduced massive chasms that lead below. From which someone can easily breach, instead of currently where they either have to come from the bridge or wander the asteroid. Altogether I don't see the necessity of this remap. The only real vulnerability with the current AI core that needs to be fixed is the ability to throw rods from above, which this does not really fix, and does not need a total remap to fix otherwise.
  6. - This does not prevent emitter memes. In fact, in a sense it facilitates them as the AI core is now completely linear, e.g an emitter can be set up easily from the lift area. - How does this stop people from dropping items on the AI? It is still just as possible to drill from above. - Yes, people will not need to drill because you have made the core more vulnerable by removing walls...How does that make sense? - Makes it look more ugly, more like. Why exactly does the core need to look "alien" anyways? - You already require training for law changes. If people are going to ignore that training, they're going to ignore the need of EVA training also. Meanwhile, you've made the core infinitely easier to breach from below, which previously was not really possible.
  7. Closing on the above grounds. This suggestion is ridiculously vague and goes all over the place. As has been outlined, there are numerous opportunities for dead players to re-enter the game, and some of your "suggestions" already even exist. If you have a specific idea regarding implementing a specific ghost role, you are encouraged to create a new thread regarding it. Otherwise this suggestion thread is unactionable simply because it is too vague.
  8. So... chemistry? I don't see how any of these suggestions have to do with alchemy.
  9. The drumroll is ridiculous.
  10. This PR does not remove holes. Just to quote my apprehensions from the PR verbatim regarding this PR: Technically no longer valid since space carp and spiders have been removed from the PR, but the "all the way" philosophy is still pertinent.
  11. If RNG really must be implemented then the devs responsible for this madness should take a good look into the concepts of bounded accuracy and probability implemented in tabletop games. These sources provide have spent years fine-tuning die-rolls into a system that is both sane and sound. The probability for an action should not be simply decided on the randomness of picking a number from 1 to 100 when much better systems have already been designed.
  12. You will have to provide the sprites or the actual location of the sprites of these pens, as they do not appear to be present after a cursory search.
  13. https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=8506&p=80330
  14. I nominate [mention]Garnascus[/mention] for community manager position.
  15. We are all "messing" with the code for an entire playerbase out of our own self-interest. We are all volunteer coders, and even if our goal is so noble as to make the game perfect and beautiful so everyone can have fun, our methods are more often than not shaped by our own interests and observations. You say that the post isn't about the PR itself, but I think that is not quite true. PRs made "selfishly" before did not merit similar complaints, because they do not merit similar complaints. The fact of the matter is that the PR itself was bad, and the community did more than hate it. We do not need to crucify the PR author as a scapegoat to remedy this - as I've said before the dev team is always looking for constructive feedback and suggestion on how to better organize our efforts. These past few incidents already have spurred the dev team to consider and undertake some changes to better facilitate community outreach. The dev team is by no means inflexible in these regards, so we do not need to resort to such base considerations as "repo-banning" someone that made a single bad PR.
  16. Nerfing the capabilities of a species is not "punishing" them. A species having different mechanics, perhaps even less "fair" mechanics is not a "punishment". When you play as an alien species (or in this case a robotic one), it is not your "right" to just play exactly the same as any other species. Accept this and stop trying to use these complaints in your arguments, because it makes you ridiculous, especially when the only "punishment" of this revival method is an ugly sprite, you snowflakes. That said, considering that this ugly sprite is only a result of a certain coder laziness, for lack of a better word, I don't see a reason we can't allow roboticist's to construct specialized frames, considering they can already print the limbs. Just have the borg chassis check for the brands of limbs attached.
  17. Github is not the ideal place for non code-related feedback. If you want to target a PR for more discussion then create a forum thread referencing the PR, do not clog the PR's page with non-code related discussion. PR's that grow contentious are usually marked as such and all discussion is moved to a forum thread.
  18. Could you post an image of the sweater over a human being wearing the standard security loadout?
  19. If the problem is artificially delaying end of round by delaying the shuttle, the solution is simply to remove the means of delaying the shuttle, and just have the shuttle launch as is.
  20. A reminder that except in outstanding circumstances (feature is bugged or outright broken, staff/contributor is convinced otherwise, counter-PR is posted and approved (which would require staff being convinced otherwise anyways)), the no kneejerk revert rule is still in effect. However I also recommend that [mention]BurgerBB[/mention] take an active stance. I personally do not mind junk food causing active health issues that can manifest in the course of the round, however if people are consistently receiving serious heart damage it is possible that the brush was applied a little too broadly. Edit: I also recommend that people become somewhat more constructive in their feedback on both sides. Calling ideas terrible and asking people to just "deal with it" is unlikely to contribute meaningfully and more likely to make it an argument of bruised egos and hurt feelings.
  21. For it to be added to the ID it would need to be added to the character sheet as an option, a la religion and such, which seems somewhat clutterous for just a yes/no option. It really is something that is best handled in medical records. If you have a problem with records you should create a suggestion pinpointed regarding them.
  22. Knowing someone's religion is of administrative value and having it does not preclude having an organ donation slot. That said, organ donation sounds better suited for the medical records along such things as do not borg.
  23. Voting for dismissal. Certain common items having effects such as vodka healing radiation or tea healing toxins is not disruptive to game balance, especially when the tea heals so little. It merely adds flavour and some harmless edge-cases. Even if these hypothetical powergamers of yours somehow managed to micromanage 20+ cups of tea for their cardiac arrest or their drunkenness, it would only serve to reduce their budget and soften their symptoms as the tea only heals the toxin, not the source of the damage. If you still can't help but want for some way to nurse your wounded immersion you are still free to ahelp people who just down 20+ cups of tea. Beyond that, as others have pointed out, many of the hypothetical extreme cases you construct tend to be just that - extreme cases. The common use of tea is far more benign.
  24. Vampires are not still human and to my knowledge they have not been registered as a sentient species. Off to the autopsy table.
  25. It’s a fucking vampire.
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