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Everything posted by Allakai

  1. Heyo! So, I will be honest I don't know much about IPCs. so I'll leave the big hitters that know IPC lore to ask the questions... but...! I can talk about John Normandy! And I will say I really really enjoy John Normandy as a character. Sometimes I think he's a total meme and a goofball, but his quality as a character is refreshing and fun. He gives great RP and I really enjoy him for what he is as a character. I support this whitelist and would like to see Dark grow as a player
  2. Zahra Khrazzar Ilkenov Yu'illa Mrakiizar I.E. generic tajara#272381. It's funny how long I've had Zahra Mrakiizar, I made her sometime in... I believe either late September or early October. She's been a character I've held deeply for several reasons and when I look back on her, she's easily my favorite character to play, but equally one that actually makes me sad. Let's go back to when I made Zahra, I was fresh off the boat on Aurora station, I have played Tajara for give or take two weeks or so since I was whitelisted and I was really not enjoying being a officer, mainly because I was 1) new and 2) I didn't like the responsibility of having to do so much, which plays into point numbero uno. Zahra I developed with the full intention of being a cute character, the gig is up and I am found out. Zahra Mrakiizar was intentionally designed, much like any good Tajara stereotype, to be cute, short, naïve, and relatively innocent to the world around her. Yet as I played Zahra I really actually became more invested in her development, she was a cadet for an entire month and as such I really did play her like a cadet learning things. And Zahra easily has my most favorite memories and there isn't often a time I really disliked playing her and in fact I have many pictures of happy memories... When I made Zahra I didn't have much in the wayside of a backstory for her, I just made her as a cute straight off the boat Tajara female that was curious of the universe and those that inhabited it. Yet as I developed her I added more: She was a PRA supporter, how would I possibly create a character that was so almost fanatical for space communists? Her father was a PRA politician. She cares for those she sees as comrades even if they are not Tajara. I truly enjoyed the moments she's had and the friends she's made, to name a few but definitely not all: Shawn Carson, Essh Kesan, MiniuOS, Willow Harper, Daniel Carmichael, Cosmos, Arlo, D'Jar, Sariik, Edward Sholl, Michael Lee, and so many more... I truly have made good friends with her ICly and equally made friends with them through Zahra OOCly. What I'm trying to get at, is that I really have enjoyed this character for what she was worth, she's canonically lost her leg to a space shark when she was cornered, she's blown off her hand touching an electrified grill, she's fallen down elevators, she's been shot before by accident, tasered, pepper sprayed, punched, and even tool boxed (yes by a bald headed assistant that proceeded to call her a furry). She's developed and changed from the cutie cadet to a real officer of the Security team. Recently as I have been getting back into Aurora I really have put some hard thought into Zahra and who she is as a character in the universe of Aurora SS13. With my rambling mostly over I really want to turn this conversation to you guys. What do you all think? What are your thoughts? I really am curious of a character that I have really grown attached to and really put my feelings and attention into.
  3. This entirely I will admit was my fault. Certainly I did not mean to become so angry, and I will admit my reaction was uncalled for. But certainly I felt a little attacked personally. And the "taking my slot" I actually say as a joke, that entirely is NOT serious behavior and was only as a joke given as I am on trial and would like to play command. Yelling at a player is not true for taking my slot as it was entirely a joke and not meant to be taken seriously. Saying I am being uncool over an OOC joke is a bit of a stretch as I actually do not mind if people take "my slots". Never once do I honestly care if people take a command slot given I am on trial. Again, I will say this : I DO NOT care if people take my slots, I know Fresh is a meme, and I was playing along with such. Onto the actual matter at hand. Yes. I was incredibly upset at an event I was trying to run from a statement I made in my very own command application The round in question where I am being salty, yes I was very upset, was what I had believed to be an honest to god rev round due to me not understanding some as simple as a piece of paper that said "raise morale and promote those that are loyal to the company." So with my earlier mindset, I took it upon myself to... do a gimmick. To actually do something to promote player fun and not keep what I feared to be a slow and stagnated rev round, to not be that very word. I pulled together a basketball game as an intentionally cheesy and bad attempt to cause fun, the problem was, nobody wanted to play along, sure fine, that entirely was the point. However what you leave out is WHY I was so upset, sure I didn't make it clear but the fact that my attempt to make some fun during a round was trampled over and I felt personally attacked in OOC. Especially when you had gone out of your way to refuse to talk to anyone in command when it was obvious I was trying my hardest to cause some intentionally bad trouble, and in fact if you had said anything in the command channel during the round in question "Hey I set up a pool party" I would not have at all been upset. It was a stressful round as I felt entirely alone in command and what I felt was to be something fun for other players was made fun of in OOC and I am mocked by some players for something I honestly wanted to give people to do. Saying my behavior is uncool and "worrying" is frustrating especially when taken out of context and the entire situation of the round at hand is not given. I was very upset, and in my opinion, rightfully so. Yet I still played my role as command perfectly fine, I interacted with crew, I promoted a story for the round, and I did my job.
  4. hey all! So I actually got to play two rounds of this, and I can say with FULL pleasure, this Tajara/ Adhomai station has to be the best experience of roleplay. I will agree with Armory and his statement: This is NOT meant for the general crowd of Aurora that play for the space station. This little thing is AMAZING but is probably more meant for the very specific niche that enjoy actually roleplaying and doing basically chair rp (at least in my experience). But while I say chair rp (and hear collective groaning) I do have an interesting story. So enjoy this story! "I was the commander of the fortress, Commander Mi'juul. All was relatively quiet in the town, we had spoken to the hunter, we traded, a wanderer came into town and we allowed him to stay for the night. Yet... something was amiss, my Levy, Coman, was attacked! later it was discovered the hunter had shot at one of my soldiers and actually killed the town's blacksmith! He was to be hunted down himself and brought to justice. Yet during our expedition into the wilds I was foolish enough to become separated and I was trapped within a cage set for a larger animal, or perhaps it was designed to capture Tajara? I tried to break free but it was useless when the hunter approached. I didn't know him well, he was always quiet. He dragged me through the snows of Adhomai deep into the forest, I yowled and begged for help and to let him free me, he said he was to hunt a game, a most dangerous game... the mighty Cave Geist, and he needed live bait. He dragged me within the dark and dreary cave, shrieking and yowling, banging his ice lance against my cage "MITENKA! DINNER!" were his cries, as I looked around from within the cage I saw blood. Blood everywhere, bones of Tajara, some were old, some were young and small... how long has he been doing this? It was dark, and he turned to my cage, unclasping it. Then I saw it... A huge creature, easily two to three Tajara men standing on top of one another, fur as black and thick as the cold steel of a tank, claws as long and sharp as the scythes used to slice wheat, but these were to slice and flay Tajara, and its blood curdling shriek. Its massive paw swiped at the M'sai hunter and I heard a sickening crunch. I didn't bear to look and my feet carried me faster than I could think. I did not need to look back to know the hunter was dead, slain by the creature he so desperately wanted to hunt. I collapsed in the snow, wheezing, tired, hungry and lost. I returned back to the village unscathed, but my heart ached from the fear. Never again will I return to those caves to the southeast... never again..." And that was all on extended!! Thank you Mofo for playing the most dangerous game and having a spectacular show! Even if you are not mildly interested in Tajara lore, at least give the server a try!
  5. Another squid! My experience with Avery has been nothing but absolutely positive. They clearly show a masterful understanding of not just roleplay, but something that I strive for all players to know and understand. Being a good person. Concerning the actual application. A very well written skrell application and not any major issues I can really distinctly see. Though something I am curious about is that her grandparents sided with Glorsh. Does that not affect her outlook on synthetics? She seems rather okay with synthetics? Very important questions as I do like how she feels accepting of new technology and isn't obtuse enough for it to inhibit her learning. Though as I said I am not entirely against it! I am more curious how Vieara is going to go about with her feelings on synthetics, especially if her grandparents supported Glorsh! How will she handle the stress of other skrell being aware (if they ever find out!) of her familial past? Of course these are more "what ifs" that are quite vague and can be more answered and found out ICly, but I am curious :))
  6. Hmmm while I appreciate the thought and care put into this whitelist I cannot quite agree with a whitelist given your experience on Aurora for one week and your relative young age on SS13; however! That is not a negative thing! I certainly appreciate the enthusiasm behind this! While I am not giving a blanket +1 or a -1 I am going to simply say I am neutral but leaning towards no than yes. Again this is not a negative -1 (hah ironic), I simply am not certain you are ready for the role of a command member. I suggest perhaps playing Aurora for at least another month or so and certainly make more characters as I have unfortunately never met Nathan Horrowitz. Concerning some other things you had stated this: I do believe instead of a command application you are searching for an IPC whitelist, I highly suggest applying for that instead! Again this is a wonderful application but my earlier stated points are my thoughts on the whole thing. Edit: I am a massive joke and realized you are requesting a blanket whitelist request not a command whitelist. Yikes on my side and my bad. But my points still stand lmao.
  7. Hey! Sweet another tajara application! This is actually very exciting as I am always excited to see new players! I absolutely love this. It's incredibly well written and definitely shows you have put a ton of effort into it. Lancer also OOC wise probably is the funniest guy I know. He's extremely chill, easy to talk to, and a wonderful example of what it means to be a whitelisted player. Regarding the Tajara app again I do not have any serious qualms with it. Though my only real question is how he sees the other races and species! How does he feel about them? What are his opinions on the other Tajara in Tau Ceti? These can usually be addressed ICly but still quite important! All in all +1!!
  8. Thanks a ton for the support guys. I appreciate the comments. With Wiggles point that is quite valid that I times I can be snarky in OOC. Yet I do not mean it. If I ever do actually upset someone I realize what I did and will attempt to apologize.
  9. BYOND key: Allakai Character names: oh boy well here ya go: How long have you been playing on Aurora?: Since September of 2018… so… give or take… six-ish- seven-ish months? Why do you wish to be on the whitelist? : I feel as though I am ready to finally become a member of the community that is qualified for a command role. I wish to be a member of the community that new (and veteran players alike) can look to and trust. Especially given with the explosion of new players I would enjoy being one to teach people how to play and be a command role. Why did you come to Aurora? : Well the long story is pretty long and kind of silly. I did not have a ‘reason’ to come to Aurora. When I first downloaded SS13 (I actually came from Barotrauma haha) I saw Aurora, saw it was high roleplay, and joined. I stuck with Aurora because I enjoyed the atmosphere and the high roleplay, the community was pretty nice and everyone was really friendly even when I was a goof. Have you read the Aurora wiki on the head roles and qualifications you plan on playing? : I have. Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? : I am not aware of any serious admin actions. I have done things wrong and I believe at the worst I might have a warning for some poor choices. Yet I do not have any serious admin action. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Roleplay, in the literal sense, is to play someone you are not in real life. Roleplay is exploring different characters, personalities, and living in a world that you do not. While certainly in some aspects you aren’t what you are roleplaying you certainly take on that personality of who you play as. Roleplay is something that is used to describe elaborate and crazy stories of things that suspend our disbelief just long enough to truly create powerful emotions. Roleplay should have emotional impact on the people who play their characters, and on those they interact with. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, in game? : In the OOC sense, a head of staff is meant to a mentor. If you’re brand new to the game, or an old player coming back, everything is pretty damn daunting. If I were an engineering apprentice, I would turn to my Chief Engineer for guidance and what to do. If I were a cadet in Security it would be the same thing. A head of staff is also meant to drive a story of a round or just in general meant to keep the round going. If things are going down the head of staff is meant to keep a round from stagnating, to keep their department and its occupants safe. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them? : As I said before my responsibility as a whitelisted player is to be what could best be described as a role model. I am meant to be the one people look up to and say “Yeah, that guy knows what he’s doin’.” It’s a privilege to be allowed to be a whitelisted player that people look up to for guidance. I would uphold my position by being easy going, understanding, and fair. Nobody likes an anal boss that has such little humor that it feels like you’re talking to a brick wall. Yet I will still put my foot down and bring order when it is needed. Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau ceti and how it affected your character and their career? Tau Ceti is in a state of shaky panic if that makes sense. Currently the reigning government is the Republic of Biesel but things are a little wonky. There are many many different types of species and cultures mixing and interacting there. While it is mostly an equal republic and place to live, some species are still discriminated against. Particularly IPCs and Vaurca. Along with major events such as the Solarian threat as well as the Vaurca threat. People still go about their own lives, politics, etc and so on so forth. Many of my characters live there on Biesel. Particularly my Tajara. They live in District 6, Imperial Plaza/Little Adhomai, it’s often a hectic and rough living there. Yet despite what they live through, they keep going because it’s better than nowhere. My particular Tajara, Zahra Mrakiizar has accepted where she lives and even is a frequent listener of electro swing and frequents clubs. My newest character, Samantha Mayfly has recently moved to Tau Ceti with her flotilla during the off-worlder event. After being hired by NanoTrasen she has interacted with the people of Tau Ceti. Given she has very literal interaction and struggles with the multiple cultures and her difficulty in speaking Tau Ceti Basic there are some issues. Yet generally she is fine living in Tau Ceti, despite the poor living and cramped conditions of the Odin Apartments. What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted? : Chief Engineer Head of Personnel Maybe Head of Security Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking. : New: Kaalii Rajaar-Akhii (Hrrarar Tajara, HoP) Will think of a skrell ‘gineer, maybe Tajara CE that’s a Najrir but in the meantime I have no name for one. How would you rate your own roleplaying? : I would feel my roleplay quality is very high. I do my best to always maintain a high level of roleplay to give a realistic feel to my characters and the roles that they play. Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? : Of course. I fully expect that my actions have consequences and if I do wrong. I will accept my faults. Have you familiarize yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles?: Yes. I have familiarized with command roles and I understand the responsibility I am willing to take. Extra notes: If it helps I have been command roles on other servers and I feel as I am ready for this huge request I am making.
  10. No u ? but in all seriousness, thanks, Read. I appreciate your words a lot. Life is tough for a lot of us and little things like this make it easier for me to get through things knowing I have a lot of good friends here on Aurora.
  11. Given how much of a fan I am of Tajara I wholeheartedly am excited for this. Particularly because we are able to do something other than Aurora, as much as I love the station, constantly playing the same three (well five I think) leveled station all day every day gets repetitive and rather boring. It is mostly exciting because it allows for more things to do and would open the door for more unique "Aurora" stations to be opened on different maps/ unique locations. Though some points people have made that are valid is that it is "Aurora" station. Though Aurora has now become more of a lore and background than a station. It is "Aurora" Tajara that we are exploring. I would certainly like to see this Adhomai colony thing come to fruition as it would involve people more in the lore, especially of a species that is so highly populated as Tajara and could even open the door to other unique ideas such as an underwater station for Skrell, or a jungle planet for Unathi, and so on so forth. To remain on topic I don't have any major concerns for this outside of how command positions will be handled. Some things such as how ERT/ whatever equivalent would be handled, especially things such as Central Command or the TCFL as obviously the TCFL would not be there. Many things come to mind and I would like to discuss more of these things how we can improve and tackle these smaller details.
  12. hmmm today I will contemplate on a command whitelist then chicken out.

    1. Synnono


      Apply! The worst you'll hear is a 'no.' They're supposed to be easy to get and easy to lose, try your luck.

      And if you get it, the real thing to dread is doing literally anything as Command ;D

  13. I like it quite a bit. Always appreciate seeing new things being added in. Though it would be confusing to some that see it and you're a borg, not an IPC. Again nothing wrong with it! I like the sprite and it'll add flavor. Just thought that would be some lame complaint some would have. Either way I'm liking it. +1
  14. So eyestab, is it now on par with the screwdriver in terms of omgwtfbbq when it comes to self defense, but better? Now I know to aim for the eyes B)
  15. This actually is probably the most difficult question that I have been made to face concerning Qexel. After giving it some thought, I do have a reason: said reason concerns that Qexel can use his time to prove that he can be humble enough to work as a security guard, that he can start from what can be viewed as a lower position and finally work up to strive and become a Head of Security. It drives him and views this as a challenge. Working aboard a research station such as the Aurora, how I can see it, can show he is willing to work with a wide range of species and cultures and still be able to function and do his job properly with the upmost efficiency.
  16. This would be incredibly useful for medical stationbounds to have, I'm actually surprised it's not in their arsenal to begin with!
  17. Too many skrellgineers ? Xib is the district of the place he grew up in, he wants to one day give back to his community as the right thing to do. He holds his community and his home closely as it has defined him as who he is. Qexel is pronounced kwex-el but more as one fluid word.
  18. BYOND Key:Allakai Character Names: Zahra Mrakiizar, Faith Wilkerson, Jazmine Hoover Ra’dmufami Ja’Siir, Radaam Adwahiir’Iza, Nayah Ha-Fay’Medmaya, Mayyaada Fay-Assad’Yahlim Species you are applying to play: Skrell What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Dark blue Have you read our lore section's page on this species?:I noticed the lore was updated, so I had to reread it again. I even read the cuisine section of the skrell lore Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: The skrell race is actually probably one of the most alien of the species aside from probably the Vaurca, at least in my opinion. Also recently a reason also comes up that I really just like the idea of the skrell. I would love to explore this species as to further refine my understanding of the lore and interactions of other species. I actually enjoy the idea of the skrell, while not physically strong, they are extremely calculative and almost come off as unimaginably intelligent to other species. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: From how I am understanding the skrellian lore is being calculative. Everything can be scientifically understood and broken down. In a way, it’s opportunistic that nothing is impossible. Playing as a skrell everything is a calculated and well thought out movement. Playing a human or Tajara it has to be made in the moment, being a skrell would explore a more thought provoking method to everything I can do. Character Name: Qexel’Xib Yuteel Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Born in 2418, Qexel was born into a family of military service. His parents were both in the military. As such he was inspired and driven to follow in his parents’ footsteps. He attended academies since he was young. His life was peaceful and relatively painless. Growing up he showed a knack for decisions that were both efficient yet rapid, yet in turn he grew an inflated sense of self-worth, sometimes he believes only he can be capable of rational decisions at times. Though at times his own self confidence gives him an air of aloofness. It does not help that he distrusts mechanical beings, believing much of their designed intelligence to be completely unnecessary, and at times ignoring a synthetic’s words out of his own stubbornness. With his desire to join the military academies, he needed references and sources for him to be properly admitted. He had no such training in the field. Looking for a line of work Qexel found a hiring position with the NT security program. He works to prove himself that he is the best in his field of work, while not aggressive in any form of the word. He does come off as hard headed and certain that he is always right. Even if clearly he is wrong. What do you like about this character? I like the most about Qexel is the idea of being hard headed and ready to prove that I am wrong. While not being totally mega jerk about his “I’m always right mentality”, but certainly it’s something that I would like to see iron out with himself being difficult to talk to. How would you rate your role-playing ability? Really I like to think my roleplaying abilities always need perfecting. I’d give myself a . . . 7/10? Notes: Please give me feedback:^) I enjoy hearing other’s thoughts, don’t be afraid to ask questions as I will be more than happy to clarify anything that I’ve worded awkwardly.
  19. Considering my brain decided to ignore the instrument part of the post I didn't know what I was talking about lmfao and of course. It will be a bombastic marriage.
  20. I'm an idiot... I didn't realize what this was on about... wew don't mind me then
  21. Oh sweet :^) I dont actually even use the note writer that often except when I need to write bolt and ID wires.
  22. Today I will begin my work on my Totally not Garfield Tajara that is a chef.

  23. Basically this. Several of my human characters (All of three lmfao) have Sol common and are all from Sol. I agree with Senior on this one. Very least allow skrell to understand it. : )
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