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Everything posted by ShesTrying

  1. Hello. After taking time to review the logs, etc, @Pratepresidenten and I have come to the decision that the both of you could have played better that round. Burger, you still need to follow orders as a borg. Following orders within reason only applies to non-malfunctioning cyborgs, and you are slaved to your master AI. If you have an issue with actions, please ahelp. Ignoring orders because you OOCly don't agree with them isn't acceptable-- you will be noted for the failure to follow orders. UnknownMurder, you were a malf AI on a somewhat staff-strained round. Just because you tried to get gimmicks across, doesn't create escalation. If the crew had no idea what you were doing, of their own volition or not, you need to bear that in mind before escalating so much. I can see that you both ahelped. I can see that you both were frustrated. With lack of staff, the situation got worse, and I don't think it is fair to fault the two of you for trying to use the resources you had available to you.
  2. god imagine being a human loredev. that kind of stinky attitude is everything I would love to see in another moderator. Borya is good and chill and he has my support
  3. Myself and @Pratepresidenten will be taking this. Please give us a few days to review logs, etc.
  4. Where Vollic is now is very different to Jargon, in the amount of speces and the general populace around one. How is Vollic adjusting to humans, unathi, tajarans, etc? How is he dealing with the racism that vaurca face? Where is he living?
  5. Bring back Finley and I'll give you a +1 >:c Nienna has amazing characters, and she is one of the people I want other players to look to when it comes to roleplay and just general sense. An amazing roleplayer, a great person, and an all-around shining member of the community. Even tho she stinkey, she one good egg. +1
  6. Hi there! I love seeing vaurca apps, but I have some comments! First, you need to note that each brood has a colour. Mouv's is a pale white, not a dark green. What made you choose Mouv's brood specifically? What interests you in c'thur, when some of k'lax's broods are a bit more mechanically-inclined and oriented? It's also important to note that vaurca are not a hivemind!!! They have hivenet to communicate, yes, but unbounds have independant thought. While playing a vaurca independant to a hive is an interesting concept, it's important to note that most placements of vaurca come from the Queen's placement of the vaurca on a station, rather than a vaurca's individual desire. Everything your vaurca wants should boil down to pleasing your Queen. Why did Vollic come to Tau Ceti instead of staying in Jargon? How do they feel about Skrell? Where are they staying now that they are integrating with the biesellian atmosphere?
  7. I don't really have anything else to add, other than what I said in the unban request thread. You refuse to look at your own ticket and your own words, and I denied your appeal so you would take the time and realize that your actions do, in fact, have concequences.
  8. If you have an issue with my ruling, you can make a staff complaint.
  9. If you read the logs, you swore. You came out of nowhere complaining about the fact you were bwoinked. I gave you information about the drinks ans as I was about to tell you to enjoy the round you, of your own volition, came out of nowhere asking if you were going to be permabanned. Your warnings and notifications are your own responsibility to remember and acgknowledge. You cannot join the game without looking at your warnings, and as such not knowing about them is not an exvuse to continue poor behaviour, and you have at least two warnings about poor attitude/arguments in tickets and ooc, with both players and staff. I'm sorry you didn't like the way I handled the ticket, but the end result came because of a month-and-a-half long trend of you exhibiting a poor attitude in LOOC and tickets. Please stop lying in your boldtext statements, it's not very hard to dismantle them. Appeal denied. Wait out the three days and clean up your attitude in tickets.
  10. Hi there! You're right-- playing xenophobic characters is not inherently bad. In fact, once I'd determined that it was only xenophobic behaviour, and not self-antagonistic, I was going to close your ticket, no harm done whatsoever. It's important to note that I did not ban you because of your actions-- I banned you because of your attitude OOCly. Admins and moderators are voulenteers. It is not tolerated behaviour to salt or complain or insult in tickets. You had accumulated far too many notes in a short period of time without any real action that you, a player, can take note of-- and now you can. The ticket actualy did start out as you suggested-- I'll post the logs so we can both refer to them as the ban appeal moves forwards. I want you to understand that attitude in tickets is not acceptable. You are expected to be cordial in tickets, and work with server staff as we do our due dilligence. The only reason you were contacted was for clarification, which you then made worse of your own volition.
  11. I'm not going to toss insults back and forth, so I'll keep this brief. As I said, I tried to wind you before you shot the welder tank. I was late on that, I'll admit that fault. Had you taken the time to talk with me, there would have only been a quick discussion regarding lack of interaction with the cadet. Your attitude is why you were banned. Your decision to take it into aooc, and looc, and the way you spoke to be in bwoinks. You failed to answer any of the questions I asked and instead allowed yourself to devovle to insults instead of explanations.
  12. Hello! I’m very sorry you felt that I was abrasive in our ticket, as that was not my intention at all. In the future for complaints, please remember to wait until the round is over to post them, as this constitutes IC in OOC and is against our rules, as said in the complaint format. Now-- allow me to respond. You’re right that bombing the lobby by itself was not worthy of a ban-- your dayban was placed because you were breaking rule number one-- don’t be a dick. I will admit, I was slow with the winding. I was aiming to wind you before you could blow the tank up, and wound up winding you as you ran out the door (and into a security member.) As you will notice from the logs, however, I didn’t allow them to arrest you. I told them to take the handcuffs off of you, as you were winded. Let’s go through what happened during the ticket, however, point by point. You took a welding tank into security. There was a vaurca cadet in the lobby-- not a word was said by you as you set up your bomb, and fired your laser into it, nearly killing the vaurca with no words spoken. You got out the door, and you were winded. I bwoinked you, asking you why, and when a security officer stopped by to cuff you, I had them uncuff you. During the ticket, instead of answering my questions, you proceeded to devolve into insults, accusations, and complaints. While I tried to clear things up with you, you continued to complain about the winding itself, and went into AOOC to complain, which I asked you to stop. When I did unwind you, security was nowhere near you. You were in an empty hallway. I said ‘don’t do anything drastic’ and, despite still being in a ticket with me, you went straight up to security, and proceeded to complain to them in LOOC, and tell them that they couldn’t arrest you, while standing in a large group of security members who were not even looking for you, nor looking to find you, as you were winded, and they were instructed to stay away. This, in my books, counts as something drastic. You then, after being caught by the security members that you walked in to, announced in LOOC that you were not going to roleplay at all, and even once saved, you decided that roleplay was not something you needed to do, and shirked off the revolutionary trying to interact with you. Still, you had not answered my questions, insulted me, and continued to shirk any responsibility for the actions you did take. This is what netted you a ban, not your poor escalation with welderbombs-- which was, still, poor escalation. You cannot expect to remain on this server with a horrible attitude, towards staff and players. I was being as lenient as I could, but there is only so much leniency you can have when people just can’t understand that what they are doing is wrong. In the end, all we ask of you as staff is to follow the rules and be cordial to us in ahelps. Life is a two-way street; you get back what you put out. Had you answered my questions, this whole situation likely would have ended in a warning, maybe even a note. Please remember that we are people, too, and underhanded comments, poor attitude, and snide remarks will get you nothing but banned. Please see the attached cleaned up ticket logs, and note the timestamp between 19:49:35 and 19:51:38 is when the complaining in aooc started.
  13. You lied to me, saying that Kindnesschan was not you. You knew you were banned. You were banned while you were online. You told us that you would not create any more accounts. Stop lying, please. You're only digging yourself a deeper hole.
  14. I banned you on kindnesschan not two hours after Cnaym banned TwoTales. You lied to my face, saying it was not you.
  15. I love Fren, and I love these sprites! I may be bias but I helped create the sprites, but it's a great concept for a great roleplayer. +1 +1 +1
  16. I would, in honesty, prefer this to be a custom item. I paid for the sprite work, and while I wouldn't mind psychs having blankets, because it would be great for all RP, I'd still like Naali to have a blanket that is, uniquely, hers.
  17. Byond key: ShesTrying Discord key: Olivia#4393 Character Name: Naali'Xiiux Qu-Uish Item name: (if you are applying for multiple items, it should be made into a list with the description, name and appearance together): fuzzy pink blanket Item function(s): It is a blanket! Goes over clothing, can be equipped. Item description: A rather large, pink, fluffy blanket. It feels quite heavy, and smells slightly of saltwater. Item appearance: See sprites! Why is your character bringing this item to work? How did your character obtain this item (1 paragraph or more please): It is a well known fact that humans like fuzzy things, and blankets are already used in commonplace to comfort trauma patients. One of the first things paramedics do is wrap a blanket around patients who do not need immidiate help. It is a comfort item, much like the stuffed animals in the psych closet. What value does this item have to your character, and what story does it tell? (2 paragraphs here please): Naali came to Tau to study humans. She wants the best for them, and as such, she's purchased a few things to help them feel comfort in a way that is uniquely her's. She uses her Stellascope to calm frightened patients by showing thems constellations, and I have frequently roleplayed wrapping a hospital gown, or my own jacket, around a patient 'like a blanket'. It would be nice to actually use a blanket. For Naali, being a psych is all about being comfortable. This will simply aide in that, and help to make her patients feel at home and safe in an otherwise stressful or horrid position of being cloned, facing trauma, or finally getting in to that tragic backstory(tm). How will you use this to better interact with crew and/or stimulate RP? I plan to use this nearly exclusively in roleplay! As stated above, it's a comfort item for patients, and allows Naali one more tool to help make her patients feel warm, safe, and just OK again. Sprites: Additional Comments: Wonderful sprites made by Wezzy! @wowzewow
  18. I echo everyone's sentiment above. Make it a rule >:c
  19. :^) For sure! When Naali first came to Tau, they very much found themselves floundering. The rules and education of the profession that they had been studying for the majority of their life were very suddenly just not applicable-- and that’s scary! Over time, Naali developed a set of rules for interacting with humans, and how to help them to feel comfortable in the face of an alien, open up, and communicate better. 1. Allow the human time to observe their surroundings, and settle. Have a variety of places to sit readily available, for as their comfort level changes their preferred location and posture will change as well. Blankets, pillows, soft things. Humans like these near beds and lounge chairs. 2. Do not rely on the wake or your auditory stimuli to convey your understanding or emotions in general. Humans cannot hear the sounds you make or read your body language. Lean forwards if you are interested. Tilt your head to the side for curiosity. Sit back a bit if the human says something particularly egregious. 3. Do not compete with humans you do not know very well as you would with skrell. They find this offensive and undermining. 4. Acknowledge human’s emotions with verbal confirmation. It may seem redundant to you but it is important to them, to help them feel heard. 5. Humans do not always mean what they say. Watch body language to determine if it is true in this scenario. Looking away is ashamed. Modulating their voice down means they are sharing something private. The more lax their posture and speech, the more comfortable they feel with you.
  20. BYOND Key: ShesTrying Character Names: Thea Reeves, Gwendolyn Miller, Cleo Ora, Ka’Akaix’Voa C’thur, Ka’Akaix’Vind C’thur, Ta’Akaix’Ivara Zo’ra, Cera Rivers, Naia Willam. Species you are applying to play: Skrell What color do you plan on making your first alien character: RGB 213, 234. 245 (A light, pale blue colour with a hint of gray) Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yus! Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: I’ve recently found myself re-reading the skrell wiki after interacting with a few folks, and after reading it through, and getting a little push from some folks in discord, I put a concept that’s been bouncing around in my head to pen and paper. I think skrell, while arguably the closest to humans in terms of xeno species, have such an interesting history and backstory that I wanted to try to branch out into this uncanny valley of frogmen to see what I can come up with and contribute. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Skrell, while they may have human-shaped bodies, are very different from humans proper. The most notable is that they are, primarily, amphibian. From the mucus that their body naturally secretes, to the gills, to their webbed hands and feet, their similarity with humans ends past a cursory glance. Skrell need to keep themselves hydrated, another hail to their aquatic nature, but past a purely outside standpoint, the way that they communicate, live, and interact are very, very different. Connected through the wake, and in the srom, skrell are intermingled in a way that humans cannot hope to achieve. They communicate so flawlessly that they can nearly predict the other’s thoughts, and I think that there is a beauty to that that shouldn’t be discounted. From their culture of always pushing to be the best you can be, to the gentle competitiveness of almost all their interactions, they are so similar and yet so different from humans that it’s a refreshing splash in the face. Character Name: Naali’Xiiux Qu-Uish Please provide a short backstory for this character: Born on the tail end of the Supernova Era, in the year 2380, Naali was largely considered a miracle by their parents, and the people around them. Sheltered in life both by the location of their hometown of Oibuish, and the adults they grew up with, they often found themselves asking questions about their circumstances that they were given no answers to. Serving as a sort of emotional support for all that were grieving, they watched as the adult’s cheeks became stained black with time, often times listening to grievances without understanding just what they were being told. As they grew older, however, the rubble of their city turning to buildings, and the weeping turning to quiet sniffles in the night, they became more privy to the atrocities that had occurred, and the consequent burden that had been placed on the shoulders of the people that raised them. A receiver from birth, they quickly learned to adapt and assist with those grieving, quick to pick out those that might need comforting. It was this role, since childhood, that pushed them into their field of study-- psychiatry. Tearfully moving from Oibuish to Qerr’wesi for their studies, they found a surprising switch in the roles they had been accustomed to their entire life, the elderly skrell, Xiiux-Gra Vu’ex, they were staying with often comforting them in the transition from the familiar to the unknown, telling tearful stories of an AI they had treated like a child as though the child had died in a tragic way. Passing away at the age of four hundred and ninety one, during Naali’s twenty-seventh year of college, was enough to, with their parents’ encouragement, drive Naali to push past Jargon’s borders with some of the first groups of skrell to integrate with humans, finishing their residency on a Nanotrasen medical station, the Avra. Their studies completed after their thirty-first year of schooling, Naali was lucky to take up a full-time position on the station, eventually settling down into a specialization of hypnosis, and communication skills for humans. Of course, humans were not so easy to decipher as skrell, and Naali often found themselves confused and struggling with the alien species, as their lack of telepathy and alien body language left Naali worried about how they could possibly communicate in an effective way-- which was, they could not, not very well. Quickly dedicating themselves to providing the so-direly needed communication skills for humans, Naali began to write papers on the strangeness of a life without telepathy, without the wake, without the srom. How lonely one human could feel even surrounded with other humans. How secluded their minds must be, and how one could assist them to communicate better, even without the wake. Naali stayed with the Avra until it’s eventual merger with a larger medical station, twenty-one years after their full-time employment began. Discontent with the new management, Naali began to look for other stations as potential places of employment- eventually settling on a Nanotrasen-run hospital in Mendell City, Naali spent the next eight years there taking patients, mostly, from one station-- the NSS Aurora. Eventually intrigued by the trend, they looked further into its statistics and were rather surprised to find a daunting portion of staff having had some large trauma in their lifetimes. Intrigued at the anomaly, and in the interest of furthering their various research papers, Naali placed their transfer paperwork near-immediately. What do you like about this character? Honestly, I’ve been meaning to get back into psych for some time, but it’s difficult for me to do without an inspiring character do so with. The development of Naali has been a wild ride, and though the name, city of birth, and workplaces have changed the general idea of something like this hasn’t much. I enjoy their sentimentality, and that they have some experience to bring to the table, lessons to teach, and lessons they have learned. I often find myself playing younger characters, so I think that the branching out into older, more experienced personalities will be good for me. How would you rate your role-playing ability? A solid 8/10-- there is always room for improvement. Notes: ^~^
  21. +1. Tailson is what I want people to look to when they are wondering what they should do in an HRP environment. Their AI's and synths were some of the first ones I interacted with when I started out with the Aurora, and they remain today a shining example of what I think synth play should be, not to mention a kind and wonderful person oocly, which I think is really important in whitelisted members of this community. The synths I have seen them play are top-notch, interesting, and feel grounded and realistic in our lore and setting without feeling boring, and I have had very few issues with them, if any. I love this concept for a character, and I have no doubt that Tailson will be able to carry it out wonderfully. I cannot speak enough praise for them, if I am being honest. They deserve this whitelist, and they deserve all the love that will come their way for it. I'm so glad they've applied for IPC, because it will really only improve their roleplay and roster of characters. I am proud of you ^~^
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