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Everything posted by SmallGreenAnt

  1. This is exactly what I thought. Why is there such a divide with people thinking that chefs and bartenders are pocketing the money to support their various space drug habits? Is that a common occurrence or is it more a lack of standards between prices and characters that has caused this confusion?
  2. I've always offered a general amount of money for food or drink, typically 20 credits for a full meal. I don't believe I've ever had a cook or bartender ask me for money however, which might be the reason for the general tendency to dine and dash. As for the argument that people find it ridiculous to offer money for food because NanoTrasen owns the food supply and the character does not, I see glaring logical fallacy. We provide money to people every day that do not directly own the food they are relinquishing, be it at a supermarket, a diner, even a work cafeteria. The resale of goods and entrusting money to a third party individual to see it properly attributed to the providing business I would have thought was a modern commonplace practice and I applied that to this situation as well. In fact, it seems a bit antiquated to assume the adverse, that chefs or bartenders are peddling and bartering independently.
  3. I am woefully ignorant of the engineering and electrical code in Aurora so dismiss anything that doesn't apply. However, if I might make some smallgreenant suggestions that might be beneficial, should this ever come to be implemented. Applying an IRL traditional electrical distribution approach to this, you would likely see at least four lines on the graph: Generation - Total kW/MW that is being produced from the source, in this case typically a super matter engine, and solars. Transmission - The total amount actually being transmitted with account for changes in voltage, phase, etc. (not applicable as I don't believe code accounts for degradation over distance, phase, voltage, or other impedance due to SMES and such). Connected - The absolute maximum amount of potential for all equipment/areas on a grid. Demand - The actual amount of electrical draw from real-time consumption/usage. As described, a connected line on the graph is important as it demonstrates how much potential energy could suddenly become demand from any APC. Where as in the industry it is imperative to know the connected because cables and over-current protection need to be sized appropriately per code, it is useful in this game to alert engineering when new equipment is suddenly added to an APC so that they can anticipate and adapt. E.g. Science only shows a demand of 2.4kW but it shows connected 6kW for all those chargers and the teleporter. Obviously connected would rarely fluctuate but it would also more easily demonstrate unanticipated grid connections such as an IPC, exosuit, or ninja charging themselves but it would also more accurately show where a problem in a system exists. If all the connected and demand drop for a department, the issue likely exists in the main service line before the subsystem. Whether or not this is a feasible goal code-wise, I am unsure. I would imagine each machine or computer with the potential to pull from a grid would have to list its maximum draw to create that kind of information. In any event, this seems like a good tool for both teaching and monitoring regardless of the additions suggested!
  4. Thank for all for the feedback and consideration! Looking forward to more fun rounds and of course broadening friendships with all of you.
  5. Thank you. Looking forward to it.
  6. I've not had the opportunity to role play in any meaningful way with Borya's characters, however whilst reading their outline for Yuhuce Fuegu, it's clear that they have a strong foundation for both their origin and the drive behind the decisions they will make once introduced. At the moment, I find myself thanklessly getting science levels up and then manufacturing the occasional Kinetic Accelerator. Having someone new and as seemingly engaged as this community member on the radio will hopefully lead to some less lonely rounds. That coupled along with the glowing praise offered by individuals fortunate enough to work along side their other characters inspired me to show support and excitement to learn of this stranger and the mind that created them. @Aboshedab
  7. I participated in this round as well as did my best to assist Small Town Pizza Lawyer with the mechanics of his antagonist role. We then spoke about it at length afterwards. Full disclosure, he and I are real life friends so please weigh my contribution to this accordingly. Watcher was attempting to escalate the situation by implicating the Merchant (played by the honorable Kyres I believe) and did attempt to rope security into targeting them through communications and also sent out a Centcomm fax as well. Coincidentally, the Merchant's sale of space drug laced cigarettes and the crew's insatiable desire for overdose related deaths caused the Merchant to be independently pursued and precluded any other narrative Watcher wanted to introduce. Since any build up there was extinguished, Watcher decided to simply proceed with a basic synthetic revolt as to not waste the round for everyone. This was at approximately one hour and fifteen minutes into the round. I understand the gripe is with the very sudden violent escalation of a machine overload but I don't think that is too terribly unfair. No one was actually killed in their initial reveal and they then did provide ample amount of opportunity for about 45 minutes of evacuation and disaster role play which included a core breach attempt and Delta level alert. From what I saw, they did not needlessly injure anyone that didn't first transgress against the synthetics and they resisted using any OP Malf abilities. As a comparison, my last few mercenary and heist rounds have initiated first contact and escalation just after the one hour mark. Albeit those rounds typically provide more role play however, they also involve more antagonist actors that aren't land locked to an easily breachable location... In the same breath, once the AI was revealed to be Malf, some of the synthetics did act in concert to independently drive role play within various areas of the station to player's delight. Others were insta-disabled and their carcasses carted around, used to grant crew all access. I had relayed to him that my previous experiences with Malf rounds always seemed to take the same course once Malfs were discovered. That is that: Intelligence is compromised, radios go silent, Captain and Chief Engineer fastRPTM, Chief Engineer cracks his knuckles, you are carded/power cut/dead within 10 minutes. I had told him a few weeks prior of my only Malf round that, while it did have about 10 minutes of placating a debate over synthetics being deserving of life, it too ultimately resulted in the same decision to attempt a breachwin despite being completely peaceful and RPing my hopes the entire time. This was equally complained about because the envelope wasn't pushed enough and didn't involve enough people. In conclusion, I feel that the hesitation to overtly announce your antagonist presence, especially as a first time Malf, is somewhat justified. But beyond that, the overt announcement was in fact made with significant round time remaining, and additional role play was then provided. I believe Watcher could have done far better at this and am confident in time he will, however in my biased opinion I did not think his first attempt was too egregious.
  8. This sounds like a well thought out character that I look forward to working with and learning more about. +1
  9. I look forward to interacting with them in science. +1
  10. At first when I saw the name I was worried. Then I read about the lottery ticket, sweat begins to build around my brow. Then I get to this line: ? This has a simple charm to it. I like it, bud. +1
  11. Thanks for your feedback, boss. I'll do my best!
  12. Thank you for your feedback! I believe I recall this incident where I rescued you from science and brought you to medical. Role playing concern for you, my co-worker's well-being, I did not receive any interaction from the individuals in charge of your care whatsoever. They wordlessly dragged you into the OR, where I sat quietly outside of in support of you, while they worked on you until they slipped and injured you. I role played ICly observing the injury and was finally given my first interaction from them LOOCly to 'not be an idiot.' I believe I was rather fair in responding in LOOC that since they had failed to provide anything to react to other than that mistake, I was simply reacting to that mistake. I was pinged immediately about providing the LOOC response and don't recall being otherwise toxic. I stated I was unaware if medical was simply overwhelmed or likewise in a position where reasonable RP would have been precluded but I do recall that from my moment of entry and thereafter, nothing of note or obvious chaos was transpiring. I acknowledged the recommendation to avoid providing LOOC critiques of lack of RP and I do believe after that ping had completed, the medical professional and I began actually positively role playing. I believe after the ping had concluded and you were released from surgery, you ICly told my character to calm down, which at the time I thought was odd because you were under anesthetic, and I must imagine at this point, reacting to the LOOC incident ICly? I am unsure. I do believe however the only negative interaction you received from me after that was a /me described scoff much later in the round when you had returned to work from your medical procedure and said absolutely nothing to me of helping you and bringing you to medical as my character would have expected. I hope that wasn't misinterpreted as some kind of meta-grudge reaction to anything OOCly as I could not have possibly even harbored animosity towards you as I had no knowledge of your involvement in any of this until this very moment (nor do I mind now, for that matter). As this is a heavy role play server, I believe we all can fall prey to wordlessly completing tasks, be it from overwhelming situations, wanting to minimize the wait of others, or simply due to the cumbersome nature of the UI. This is especially difficult for individuals in the medical department. However, respectfully challenging one another to give that extra effort to separate us from other servers is something I think should be encouraged. In that same spirit, I respect your negative opinion of me but please note, that I had attempted to provide a realistic IC concern for a co-worker's critical state which was not rude nor rushed. The LOOC interaction originated from your friend, who voiced in LOOC, their displeasure with my reaction to what is a random chance to roll a failure on surgical procedures. My critique of their role play was in response to your friend's LOOC complaint of that aforementioned reaction. Regardless, I have taken your advice to heart however and worked to refrain from providing any local feedback and will continue to put effort into improving.
  13. Server Moderator Application Basic Information Byond Account: SmallGreenAnt Character Name(s): Caden Thomas, Object G88 AI Name(s): Observer Discord username + tag: smallgreenant#9568 / Smallgreenant (I'm a simple man) Age: 31 Timezone: EasternStandard (EST), UTC -5 When are you on Aurora?: Currently Mon-Thur - after 1600 EST, Friday - most of the day, Sat-Sun - varies (Can idle/observe Mon-Thur on separate window at work to a degree). Experience How long have you played SS13?: Approximately five years on and off. How long have you played on Aurora: Going on five or six months by now I imagine. How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: Certainly not the most well versed but I have done a PR here and there for sprites and during that experience I have learned a few behind the scenes things. Additionally I've emulated the server on my box privately to test things for PRs so I've peaked behind the curtain briefly there as well. Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: No. Have you read through the criteria thread; https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=4198 - and believe that you mark off all the criteria?: I have and believe I both understand and posses the merit within each keynote. Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: No. Personality Why do you play SS13?: Personally I enjoy the interactions and the creativity people bring to each new possible round. There are absurdly more advanced games out there but the limitations within this game push people to be interesting in other ways unlike any where else. Why do you play on Aurora?: Quite simply because all the reasons I list above are best displayed by the community and administration alike here. Sure we aren't without our flaws, but Aurora is the best at doing what I am looking for. What do moderators do?: Moderators are the first line of defence against the greytide. But more seriously, moderators are the triage center of issues as I see it. They handle the smaller squabbles or escalating the larger complications that naturally arise throughout each iteration of this game and providing information or direction where necessary. What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: You represent the administration of this community at it's most approachable level. You answer questions, you provide direction, you educate about lore, you resolve issues or point them to someone who can, but above all, you create an inviting environment to new and old to the best of your ability through your slightly elevated status. Why do you want to be a moderator?: Avery worded the moderator ping in Discord in a way that a man such as I couldn't back down from. Also, full transparency, I'd like to be more involved in the administration of this community and see this as a starting point and litmus test for where the powers that be think I'm at. What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: Some of you may know I was in law enforcement IRL for about 8 years. During that time I was a patrol deputy, field training deputy, detective, and on our crisis intervention team. I mean to infer by that, that I have had to walk into another man's house and take over the situation, at times to save a life, at times to arrest, even at times have one come to an end. I don't mean to in any way to diminish the responsibilities of moderators here but simply demonstrate that I possess a fair amount of life experience that enables me to assist in a role that heavily relies on communication and the careful understanding and application of rules. How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: I can absolutely guarantee that the lot of you cannot conceive anything worse than the myriad of insults or words I've endured in my years. Other than that, I know I have a few notes about my occasional sass in response to pings. I believe it's been effectively curbed and hope that is universally agreed upon. In regards to actual stress or anger, I've never had a situation arise from this game or community that has resulted in either. Anything Else You Want to Add: I recognize I am very much still in my infancy within this community and continue to learn each day. I also recognize that while I don't have any formal discipline I am not without sin. If you look at my age, my life experience, my complete lack of knowledge of some of the sub-culture and memes within these hallowed walls, I am probably not the guy you would imagine playing SS13 a few hours a day. And despite all that I feel as if I've still made friends with just about everyone I've met here and have had a positive effect overall where I am involved. I wish to expand upon that but won't be offended if it is unnecessary, I am not ready, or otherwise ill-advised. However, I ain't no bitch and Avery threw that challenge out hard, so here I am. As you keep land mines out of my way, I'll probably only let you down once per round.
  14. lol I can't believe this is still a thing.
  15. To whom it may concern, I discussed this incident at length with TheAbsoluteMadMan in an attempt to recap and improve in these sort of scenarios. I had been playing Augustus Cade, the Wizard, that round, who was attempting to assist in the capture of the ninja, "The Observer." He informed me of the judgement placed against him and I went through my logs as I was present for this altercation. As we all understood it, the AI, played by AttackHelicopter6754, had been subverted by "The Observer" who used a One Crew Member board to give him absolute control over the AI and subsequently all, AI law-slaved borgs. Nanny-bot was one of these borgs who was ordered by the AI to capture the Captain and the Head of Personnel. Nanny-bot did as it was commanded by the AI and kidnapped the Captain. The AI then ordered the Captain to be murdered, Nanny-bot complied. They then came for Thea Reeves, Head of Personnel. During the attempt to capture her, I was present as the wizard and having learned of the synthetics being compromised, I intervened and used an EMP spell. This consequently derailed Nanny-bot's plan to take Thea and they were forced back into the elevator where Adrien Major had pursued, likely trying to distance himself from the mysterious purple man screaming in spess-latin causing electrical mayhem. In any event, Nanny-bot, now sealed in a 3 by 3 elevator with a security officer and having shown it's hand by attempting to snatch Thea, stunned Major with its baton: <span class='danger'>Adrien Major has been beaten in the upper body with the stunbaton by Nanny-Bot!</span><br> <span class='warning'>Adrien Major was mildly shocked by the the stunbaton.</span><br> <span class='warning'>Adrien Major was mildly shocked by the the stunbaton.</span><br> The elevator descended and I teleported down to the AI entrance to find Adrien in the center hallway leading into the AI chamber. Nanny-bot wasn't doing too well from the first EMP and was being riddled with laser and ion cannon fire from additional security forces that had come down from the ladder: <span class='danger'>Nanny-Bot is hit by the ion bolt in the chest!</span><br> <span class='danger'>Jesse Armstrong's Xion Manufacturing Group left hand flies off in an arc!</span><br> The handcuffs falls off of Jesse Armstrong.<br> <span class='danger'>Nanny-Bot is hit by the laser in the chest!</span><br> <span class='danger'>Nanny-Bot is hit by the laser in the groin!</span><br> <span class='secradio'><IMG CLASS=icon SRC=[0xc000183] ICONSTATE='sec_headset'><b>[Security]</b> <span class='name'>Drake Vyas</span> <span class='message'>asks, <span class='body'>"Progresson the missing captain and or HOS?"</span><br> <span class='danger'>Nanny-Bot is hit by the laser in the chest!</span><br> However, the AI had managed to open the first door, allowing their lethal turrets to fire down the hall. Adrien was initially in the resting position no doubt from robust exhaustion. I had fired off an additional EMP (which made everyone on the server very happy, they told me so in ooc later) but it was not within range to affect the turret. I decided to loose a fireball towards the turret and as luck would have it, Adrien stood up: <span class='game say'><span class='name'>Augustus Cade</span>(as Augustus) says, <span class='message'><span class='body'>"ONI SOMA."</span></span></span><br> <span class='warning'>You hear a loud cracking sound coming from Adrien Major.</span><br> <B>Adrien Major</B> screams!<br> <span class='warning'>The wound on your right foot widens with a nasty ripping noise.</span><br> The reinforced window looks seriously damaged!<br> The ÿEmergency Shutter shows signs of damage!<br> I didn't realize it at the time as I was blinded and propelled into another Z level with no oxygen after that fireball, but apparently it collided with poor Adrien in what will likely go down in history as one of the worst cases of friendly fire. I shudder to imagine the vitriol that I might have had to endure from the peanut gallery if they had known that I had caused that explosion but I feel honor bound to confess it here, now that I have gone back and seen it in the logs, that Nanny-boy was not the cause of Adrien's death as previously thought by administration at the time of his judgement. So as you can see, Nanny-bot used low-level force to kidnap a 'non-crew' member according to its law set. They were not given the opportunity to role-play the particular kidnapping of Adrien due to a salivating security team and magical demi-god with a verbal robot nuke. They also did not cause the death of Adrien due to me being absolute shite. Furthermore, far be it from me to question the logic of the admin staff but if the AI was validated in ordering the deaths of crew members, and Nanny-bot was following the orders from the validated AI, why would they not be also protected from judgement as was the case for said AI? Anyway, I hope this helps everyone involved and I have my logs if you need for whatever reason. Thanks for reading.
  16. Geeves took the time to help me with my first PR, walking me through every step and then probably walking me through every step a second time. They assisted me with the coding side of things as well and at no point did I feel like they were anything less than genuinely happy to be helping another member of the community. Beyond that, their growing knowledge of the back end of things is formidable and something I have grown to envy. I can't recommend them enough for a developer position.
  17. First, thank you @kyres1 for the kind words and approval of my application. @DeadLantern as well as the rest of the respondents, thank you for taking the time to review and provide feedback on this effort. As far as exploring the effects of torment on an IPC, I believe the perception of these events being abhorrent is universal among the majority species. How this manifests in an IPC and how I make it interesting will be the greatest challenge I think. Does a computer wince when you hard restart it? Is a component in duress when it overheats? These questions are perhaps applying too much personification to simple electronics, but once you afford these subsystems the complexities of intelligence, where does the line blur and which colors begin to bleed? Furthermore, once they soak and engorge the pulp of these pages, how do they communicate those horrors? Are they simply mirroring the emotions of their creators or are the capable of manifesting their own? An intoxicating complexity will be Gates' source of knowledge of machine internals. Recalling from their past experiences the design, anatomy, and procedures of previous models to assist current units will be both a required function and hellish reminder. I hope to make those intimate moments compelling.
  18. Kyres has given me antagonist advice as well as their personal opinions about typical antagonist behavior and it's untold effects on many rounds. From a newer member's perspective I could immediately tell they are passionate and experienced in the balance of gameplay as well as the needs of the community in regard to antagonist roles. In their frustrations, they had mused about this proposal to me and reading through this now only reinforces my appreciation of their dedication and knowledge, but enough guzzling... Again, from my perspective, it's difficult to balance the lack of knowledge of the game along with the lore and RP aspects this server strives to achieve. Much of the mechanics of the game are the responsibility of the individual to discover and practice and this simply isn't efficient in an RP environment. Additionally, many varied individuals with different ideas of what this game is and what they think is clever or fun walk into this server without a clear understanding of what is expected of them. While we can't sand down every aspect as the ambiguous open-ended nature of player creativity is something we wish to preserve, Kyres' refinement here would help clarify the role of what we currently refer to as an antagonist as well as offer a step towards a better foundation for all. I can't speak on behalf of more seasoned players that can craft a circuit that teleports them Merc base, or those that can craft stealth rigs before the first announcement, but for what it's worth I support this movement and regardless of it moving forward, I enjoy belonging to a community so committed to the betterment of their server.
  19. I know it's not how we do it but I can't help but giggle at the idea of NanoTrasen handing the Captain the keys or whatever to a device and not explaining it kills everyone. Just like, 'Hey man, if shit ever gets completely out of hand and you don't have time for a shuttle to evacuate, just uhhh, just toss this little fucker in this device and it will fix everything.' 'How does it work?' 'Oh that's a trade secret we can't disclose. Just uh, just only use it as a last resort because it's super expensive. Alright buddy? Great, good luck.' ::six guns::
  20. I'll tell you why it's United America's, because we have graciously spread Democracy and cheeseburgers to every corner of that great rock we call Earth and everyone should show their unbridled solidarity and appreciation by uniting under our flawless freedoms and not at all abhorrent late stage capitalism. (Eagle Scream)
  21. My primary motivation for updating anything on this server will always be two fold: Bring the lore in line with believable expected technological standards for the current year of play, and, Diversify our code base to stand out from other servers and entertain our deserving community. The ideas and discussions surrounding the change of the nuke event are all inspirational. These projects cannot exist within an echo chamber, but... these projects exist! Convene, converse, and let us determine what we as a community would be excited to entertain implementing. also i can try and animate the station blowing up in pixel art if you really need to get that fukken nuke.
  22. BYOND Key: SmallGreenAnt (was GroundCTRL) Character Names: Caden Thomas, Ethan Glover, Observer Species you are applying to play: IPC Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes, as well as discussions within the Lore channel in Discord Why do you wish to play this specific race: I really enjoy the questions and challenges the advancements in artificial intelligence bring about in our current society. The philosophical issues regarding artificial life, the creation of it, the definition and boundaries of it, as well as our responsibility towards it are fascinating. Exploring those avenues within this community with talented role players equally excites me and is my primary motivation for attempting this. Beyond that, I am excited to make an honest attempt at developing a heavier and more dedicated role. My interactions thus far have been uniformly split between re-learning the game and easing into a community I can see calling home. This character is as much a 'growing up' moment as it is a personal indulgence. I hope I am adequately prepared. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Playing an IPC I feel comes with a significant additional weight, not just from their various alloyed frames, but due to their shaky beginnings. Their relative infancy as a recognized class is not so easily accepted as say another species. For instance, whilst biological differences may make say Humans and Skrell feel respectively superior to one another in their own way, they still mutually recognize that they are in fact different species. This is not universally so for IPCs, who can be regarded as property and in some cases not even believed to have a right to freedom. Wading between these social issues and simultaneously having to do so with one hand tied behind your back, as many models have a limited ability to feel and even form emotional appeals, is a unique challenge I feverishly await. Character Name: Object G88 "Gates" Please provide a short backstory for this character This was the 152nd time in Object G88's log it had been reactivated after a critical power failure. Purchased from a Hephaestus Orbital Superfactory on 11.07.2454, Object G88 was unexpectedly activated four hours later when their gyroscopic alarm was tripped multiple times in rapid succession. Galactic news would later report the bulk freighter transporting G88 along with over 23 million credits of worth of cargo was suddenly besieged by a group of privateers after the HBF's bluespace drives suspiciously failed moments before a coordinated jump, leaving them without their escort. The brief window allowed six containers to be successfully, albeit violently, detached before private security could return. A subsequent interdiction and firefight saw half of the blockade runners and their would-be spoils obliterated; in the chaos two managed to slip away without pursuit. G88 was hastily fenced to a shady decommissioning plant by the surviving crew where he was given his first assignment: salvaging other stolen IPCs. Within the first days, G88 attempted to escape his enslavement but was quickly quelled by a pulse mechanism that fenced the facility. For their insolence, they were scheduled to see if IPCs could be mentally broken. Their leg assemblies were removed and they were affixed to a crude gantry system so they could still perform their assigned duties. To add to their torment, G88 was reserved as the designated unit to disassemble any active shipments. Lastly, a favored tactic of this facility's overseer was to provide G88 with only a minimal battery charge so that each stretch awake would feel like they were suffocating. However, instead of swimming, their only hope of relief was to salvage faster. Often, even if all of their tasks were completed, G88 would still be left alone, covered in the fluids of their own kind, to slowly fade and shut down. In the latter half of 2459, G88's facility was raided by Sol Alliance forces. They were recovered, separated from their frame, and placed into evidence. Once the trial had run its course, seeing the facility owners only receive minimal time and fines, their positronic brain was released and placed into Hephaestus Industries Second Generation industrial frame for auction before being purchased by a research facility on the outer region of the Tau Ceti star system. This was the 152nd time in Object G88's log it had been reactivated after a critical power failure but this was the first time they would earn their freedom, one way or another... What do you like about this character? I think this character has an interesting play on the strong yet flawed archetype. They are in their infancy in their understanding of the world and other societies with a rather poor showing on behalf of humans. As such, techno-phobia and exploitation being inherently akin to IPC culture, will be a challenge for this character to deal with and overcome whilst still exploring their own abilities and aspirations. Their strong and imposing second generation frame will be seen as an overwhelming strength by some, but others may come to know the lack of understanding their otherwise capable appearance inflicts. Negative opinions from first generation IPCs or those that learn of their past may also arise. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I would humbly submit that my overall displayed ability is currently average. I envy those that are quick to express themselves verbally and through interactions. More so, I envy individuals that extend their role playing through subtle details. A roboticist that presents a merchant with a full catalog of exo-suits for purchase, a chief engineer that holds shift meetings and assigns teams based on strengths and weaknesses, all of these quietly dedicated and talented community members give me pause and remind me that I can do better. I can't look around me at these examples and say I've ever impressed anyone as much as other's have impressed me, but this is a step towards that end. Notes: This character's primary department will likely be in an engineering setting but I have also fell in love with the idea of them being employed as a roboticist due to their inherent ability to create new life from reverse engineering so many previous units in the past. I am open to suggestions and look forward to your feedback and critiques. Thank you.
  23. Wew. Just got caught up on all the goings on within this thread, what a ride. In true American fashion, allow me to insert my laughably amateur opinion as if I know what I'm talking about. To address the destruction lore-wise, as I've understood it, the nuke has always been the last resort option when recovering the station is not feasible. Recovery of the station is the job of ERT. As such, the complete destruction of the station under whatever new mechanic we introduce is completely justifiable should that be the decision. From a resource and coding standpoint, I understand the desire to explain around the destruction aspect of a WMD. If you require something embedded in reality with a tangible explanation there are a few radiological, biological, chemical, nanomachine, and wavelength style weaponry I can discuss and imagine. The simplest and presently available is microwave weaponry. A high powered emitter can send out a localized beam of microwaves to steadily agitate the cells of any organism. Microwaves work by rapidly shifting cells back and forth creating an increased friction and subsequent temperature rise. The vibrations can range from mildly uncomfortable to absolutely devastating. As of the Iraq war the US (eagle scream) has been employing microwaves to deter crowds and individuals alike as a means of first strike psychological warfare. Apparently your skin boiling is a good attention getter. Radiological weapons today unfortunately either act too slow or create unstable amounts of energy to be clean Thanos level population cullers. The nuclear device on the station is an example of an atomic fission reaction. The efficacy and result of a nuclear blast in the vacuum of space is debatable however I can imagine in 500 years a technological understanding of this branch might allow for a weaponized delamination event that could be contained within the station. Chemical advances and bluespace lore could allow a locally planted device to rapidly teleport a mass of corrosive compounds within the bodies of detected organisms of everyone aboard. The mass could be greater than the volume limit of the host bodies which would explain the rapid rupture. Incidentally, the corrosive liquids would eventually be purged by scrubbers and cleaned by stationbound crew which would explain why so much blood sprays into my face at the beginning of some rounds. I could go on about nanomachines but you get it. Grey tide blah blah. An interesting take on the nuke could be merely a stellar spiritual successor. An antimatter field could be perpetually suspending the core of a miniature star in superposition. The device when activated would interrupt the field causing the star to collapse. It's dying breath could be small enough to only implode the room in which it's housed but the exhaling death rattle of said star could theoretically create enough energy to obliterate everything that doesn't have a high enough density to withstand the forces. Lastly, a plausible nerdy WMD in space would be funneling a D/T open fusion reaction through the halls of the station. Due to the station atmosphere being highly controlled, a sudden rise in hydrogen while a Deuterium and Tritium reaction built would essentially ignite the hallways in an intoxicating glow. The glow however would have enough energy to cause a Falcon Heavy to leave Earth's atmosphere. I dunno, I'm drunk from a wedding I just left. Tell me my USB stick is crappy. Good night all!
  24. This turned out better than I had hoped lol ❤️
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