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Everything posted by Susan

  1. Because there's literally nothing wrong with the current system. Stop being salty you get permabrigged for murdering people.
  2. This is monumentally stupid. There's two kinds of people who ever get in trouble with security. There's your first time offender, and while I can't speak for other security officers, I usually let people go for low level crimes with a warning if they aren't colossal fucks to Ana or repeat offenders. Making a prisoner clean up their own vandalism is obvious and should be done already. The other kind of person who gets brigged is the shitler. These are people who do serious, violent crimes and then harass security constantly or shout and scream IC or OOC - these can be regular players or balds. Allowing these people out into the station is not a thing we should do until their sentences are over. Arts and crafts can be done in the communal brig. People can visit the communal brig. But if you're going to be a massive cock to security in character, why do you expect them to sit down and visit you? I am entirely against outrageous, low-rp notions of 'forced test subjects' or anything of the sort. What you people fail to realize is certain crimes like assault are crimes under the Sol Alliance and Biesel law, and can carry sentences upwards of seven years. Murder. Rape. Drug peddling. These are all federal crimes. Security shouldn't be letting these people off scott-free. Put more things in the communal brig for people to do. Christ.
  3. Because. This is a heavy roleplay server. It has to make sense. And it doesn't run Biesel yet, does it? So no. NT law is not Biesel law.
  4. No. Security does not have the authority to force people into basically indentured servitude. All they have authority to do is hold people until the actual police take custody. Stop breaking the law, don't get arrested?????? It's punishment. It's not supposed to be fun.
  5. Welcome to light roleplay. Your mistake is ever allowing OOC to influence IC. If I let a traitor go, it's because I don't have evidence to hold them. Don't let people go because you OOCly know they're antags. Guess what? That's metagaming. Any gamemode with an antag has always been crap. In the malf round, I would have questioned you too - we're not obligated to 'play along'. If you say Central told you something of critical importance, then I'm going to investigate. Come up with a better idea next time, or plan for these events in the future; In short - stop letting OOC influence IC. Take it as it happens, and don't give people chances. People are awful. This is a light roleplay server. Just play IC like you would play IC. If your character would only shoot someone once, then do it. If they wouldn't, don't.
  6. Hey. Hey guys. Hey. Blood smells. It smells like blood. Ergo - slitting your wrists open to smear your life-giving vitae across the floor in a closed-circuit air system makes smells.
  7. hardsuits don't protect against flashbangs Wear a hardsuit helmet. Now you're immune to flashbangs, and if you get caught close to one (3 tiles), it's like a two tick stun. Let's stop trying to emulate Bay and nerf security's equipment to gargle antag cock.
  8. Ana's aggressive because she doesn't have three million dicks stuffed in her furry holes. Unlike 99% of other Tajaran.
  9. I realize you're very sore about your self-antagging getting cut short by security having half of a brain but I think you should look up what you're talking about before you speak. Hardsuits entirely negate the effects of flashbangs outside of a three tile radius - just the helmet, in fact. And if you get stunned within those three tiles, you're down for about a second or two. Ergo, unless you walk right up next to it or get hit by a cooked grenade you have more than enough time to escape the blast. Similarly, even security sunglasses don't protect against flashbangs. I have been stunned by being too close - you don't drop, but you are frozen and cannot do anything. Outside of a certain radius sunglasses negate the effects - half of the normal range, I'm pretty sure. They don't need to be balanced. They are fine as they are. Blinding people in this game is completely and utterly useless. It does nothing. Whoo three seconds of whiteness does literally shit. Flashbangs are designed not to just blind you, they disorient you. Deafness and blindness literally do nothing. Antags will not care about the fact they are deaf. No one will ever care about RPing the effects of anything. Here is how you beat flashbangs: wear glasses, walk away. If security is smart enough to cook a grenade and actually land it, you got outclassed, bud. Whoops. Oh well.
  10. Put sunglasses on. Marvel as flashbangs do just about nothing to you. w0w so op...............
  11. Susan

    Gender Restricted Hair

    Remove the restrictions. Don't be surprised if male cats with female hairstyles are ridiculed and made fun of. IC issue.
  12. I cannot believe you all are just letting this slide. Aurora is supposed to be a heavy roleplaying server; I fail to grasp how behavior like this is acceptable. Need I remind you that newer players have been banned or penalized for similar 'lel its round end lemme do something stupid' behavior, like the ERT agent who C4'd the admin armory just before the round ended so he could check it out. The fact of the matter is that you need and should remain IC until the next round begins. Literally, are you incapable of maintaining character for like three minutes while the game winds down? Plus, this isn't the first instance of Alberyk chucklefucking; nor is it the first time he's skirted the rules. I can specifically remember a round in the last week or so - I can't check, as I'm at college - where he brought M'rychny Lyar to maintenance and beheaded him in the last few moments of the round because he wanted to. Because he was the antagonist. It's not about whitelisted players behind held to higher standards. It's about the fucking quality level of roleplay you want on this server. Signature is relevant. We're heavy roleplay. We're not goon. If you want to feed people brains and cut their butts off go there.
  13. I'm willing to give you a chance, but your whitelist will be probationary. Ergo, any complaints and it could very well be revoked. Approved.
  14. Did you literally not just say you are a new player, which constitutes the fact you have zero idea what is even going on on the server right now? I did not say Tajaran are blameless. I said that it's a cycle of toxicity because the players piss them off and then they piss of the players. Can't just cut one end and expect the other to remedy itself.
  15. Apparently I need to further explain myself because my assumption that I was conversing with a reasonable, logical group of human beings was an incorrect one. I am not comparing Tajaran discrimination to the holocaust. I don't think I even feel the need to state this, but given that illiteracy is apparently rampant and cherry-picking out of context misinterpretation to pretend you're in the right is common amongst SS13 communities. The analogy was regarding jokes made in poor taste. Ergo, simply because these posts were made in a joking manner does not mean they are funny, nor are they immune to being considered shitposts. You people want me to crack down on bad Tajaran. I have not been on Aurora for three months. You ask me to review whitelists, to examine the problem. In the short amount of information I have been given, I have deduced the problem. It is not the Tajaran players entirely; there exist whitelist holders whom are disregarding my lore and are making me contemplate punitive action. But the other half of the problem is our playerbase. My main point, which has not been addressed because it is so much easier to construct a strawman than debate points, is that by screaming about fucking catbeasts and how you should kill them all both on the forums and on server fosters a hostile environment between Tajaran whitelist holders and non-whitelistees. You are baiting them. Let me repeat that. Baiting them. Spacevoidagent and those like him are pissing on Tajaran players ICly and OOCly and then when they react they come crying to me for whitelist strips or use it to further their own ignorant, anecdotal argument and then point fingers at the lore team for failing to police whitelistees. In reality, the moment you goad a Tajaran into reaction, I cannot do anything. You are pissing on them for the sole purpose of inciting anger and then when they react accordingly, I cannot take action. I am going to state here what I said to Doomberg and Scopes. I cannot reliably do my job and police Tajaran whitelists when our community continues to insult and bait them. So by extension, if you want something to be done, stop with the over the top racism and 'ha ha funny jokes guys' posts. Or don't, I don't really care. But then when people react it is entirely out of my hands, and the only one to blame is you. This is why I request this sort of shitposting be removed.
  16. ok so how does this have anything to do with the main point being the joke is in poor taste and has been heard over three thousand times since the tajaran's first inception and how ICly and OOCly being a meta shitlord to bait tajaran to react and then come crying to me or using it as evidence to further an ignorant schewed argument and then blame the loremins for not doing anything when you are literally shitting all over players to get them upset being a thing we should allow or disallow are you a jew im sorry if i offended u frances
  17. It's an analogy. It's 11 o'clock at night, I'm tired, and I have to deal with you people being so fucking childish that I literally get called away from my hiatus playing a game that isn't a complete utter waste of my time to come back and slap your shit because, evidently, your crying was so loud it ruptured the admins ear drums. So I have this to say to you: Get over it. Either you have a rebuttal for why baiting cats is funny and cool and omg the oppression n censorship muh rights, or you're just going to flail and further waste my time listening to incessant bitching.
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