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I'm gonna preface this by saying these will mainly be for me!!! I'm not advocating for ideas guy-ing all the actual mappers. I enjoyed making an odyssey map and would like to gather up good ideas for another one. With that out of the way: Title. Fairly self explanatory, please don't spam ideas (shove them in one comment if you got a lot), leave suggestions with as much detail as you can, I'd love terrible MS paint diagrams as well. I may or may not make your suggestions, other mappers might too if they feel like it. If you're another mapper and wanna do an idea, just like reply to it or something so multiple people don't do the same.
is there any way to make the facial expression more horrifying
Even if we do add a cap (I'm in favour), as Yonni said it would be very nice for IPCs to have a second wind. Maybe some tiny microcell of like 1000 power that is "shielded" or something, that activates only after an EMP. Maybe for balancing, it can't survive a second one, and has to be repaired surgically?
Pretty much what the title says. A purchaseable upgrade (maybe equivalent to an ore magnet, or maybe replace the ore magnet with this?) that is slotted in to a satchel the same as a warp pack, and causes your pickup range to be 3x3. I'm hesitant to say it should act like the ore magnet does now, where it shlorps all ore from around you up, since that tends to be extremely laggy. I think just making it effectively have a wider input radius would be extremely useful (just W+M1 for the win), while probably not being too laggy. I hope. Also, I'm not biased at all, but I think it'll make mining considerably more enjoyable for slower races such as G2's and Bullies, and especially for people with higher ping, since picking items up can sometimes be inconsistent when holding a satchel, which I assume is ping-related.
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Get rid of "X selection" entries in loadout
stevIII replied to GeneralCamo's topic in Suggestions & Ideas
I think selections are alright to keep the loadout from getting incredibly messy, but I think the search function should be actually capable of telling you what is in each selection. Maybe also have a little line of text beside each ones description that says "This selection contains: Item, Item, Item, Item" so it isn't just a complete guessing game. -
2 dismissals Give Atmospheric Technicians insulated gloves again
stevIII replied to hazelmouse's topic in Archive
That was really unfair of me to say and I'm sorry, I'm not going go try excuse it since it was just a shitty and inexcusable comment made while annoyed. I am very sorry. -
2 dismissals Give Atmospheric Technicians insulated gloves again
stevIII replied to hazelmouse's topic in Archive
All this is going to do is make Engineering more annoying for everyone involved in lower population rounds. It's absurd to say that the fully trained engineers shouldn't be allowed insulated gloves, just because they're also meant to tinker with the thrusters. My main complaint with this is how it removes more of the often somewhat limited game play of Atmos techs. If you're playing a low pop round, you set the SM and thrusters, and then are largely done with your job for the remainder of the round. Disallowing Atmos Techs from hacking doors or fixing vendors just means that they become literally useless after about thirty minutes. What is the God damn point of the job existing at this point? How about we also ban Wardens from using guns, Miners and Machinists from the warehouse and Surgeons, Psychs and Pharmacists from the GTR, if what you want is "Job Separation" No one consistently complained in the months AT's had insulated gloves, otherwise the PR would have been done back then. Furthermore, why should a maintainer decision made months ago then happily ignored without any serious or consistent complaints now suddenly be enforced. Things change, we're not being held at gunpoint to always listen to the decisions made by people not even playing the role they're affecting. -
2 dismissals Give Atmospheric Technicians insulated gloves again
stevIII replied to hazelmouse's topic in Archive
From testing on a private server (So take this with a grain of salt), Atmos Techs do not have access to technical storage. -
Incredily solid application! Looking through, it had answers to pretty much every question I was thinking of asking you, but I can probably scrounge up a couple little personalising questions. What is Tal's opinion on the other hive's? What is Tal's opinion on the other corporations? What does Tal do in their spare time, for hobbies and recreation? What kind of living arrangements does Tal have on the Horizon now? And the final question, what is Tal's general personality like?
Simple concept, give little items that broadcast a bluespace distress signal to any department that regularly visits planets (Mining, Research, Bridge) and also add a couple in EVA. When out at a site that isn't the Horizon, these beacons can be activated, causing a signal to be broadcast to every ship on the map, similar to existing distress signals. Could possibly allow a short (like 10 word or less) message as well, or maybe just have a few pre-set options. Useful for if you get lost while mining, get injured, or need backup at a site, but are past holopad or comms range. It could also be used for some great traps by Freebooters and antags, say "oh heck we're in danger come save us" then blast whoever comes to save you.
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I do not BELIEVE this has been reported, so: Ranger Gunboat airlocks are messed up. Ranger Gunboat windows are also messed up
I really love the new bar changes, especially since walking up to the side to mix drinks was. Let's face it, really dumb. However there's one gripe with it, that kinda feels like a bit of a bug? But I'm unsure. This vending machine here blocks off the corner of the counter visually, but not mechanically. It's still perfectly functional as a surface, but it feels really awkward to imagine your character reaching around awkwardly to place somethng on half the table.
It kinda bugs me that some desk windoors (Specifically the Pharmacy, I have not checked elsewhere) are now solely outwards facing, and ID locked. This means that to put something on the desk, you have to either leave it on the ground, or get the inhabitant to open it. The north-side windoor in the Pharmacy is inwards facing however, and far less annoying to deal with. .
Set-pose is a verb I don't personally use very much, solely because I entirely forget about it and then realise an hour later that every single examine in that time has said I was upside down. I have two simple ideas for how to fix this, though am open to criticism and such. Idea 1: Timed set-poses. When you type the pose, it pops up another window saying "How long do you want this to last", and you input a time in minutes/pick from a drop down. Presumably there would be an option for indefinite as well. This ties in to Idea 2: Have a little pop-up in the top right corner of the screen, near where it would say things like "Bleeding" or "Cold", which tells you whenever you have a pose active. Clicking on it would then instantly disable the active pose.
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BYOND key: Steviii Discord name/id: cormallenfield Borg / AI names: T.E.R.R.A - Borg A.P.E.X - AI (Very Old) I was also advised to put my characters in here, for identification purposes. Have you read the Aurora wiki page about the AI?: The main one, Modules and Procedure. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: Chief reasoning: I only have two whitelists to go, and I wish to collect the set. Now for something a little bit more useful: I quite enjoyed AI when I used to play it, I think I was a fairly decent AI player, and I often frequented Cyborg as well. This sort of fell to the wayside once I got Species and Command whitelists, but I still did enjoy it occasionally. I also don't think we really have enough AI players, and I would love to help fill out the roster sometimes, so it stops being such a novel rarity to have one. Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? : None substantially since 2020, my most recent was in 2021 and it was for joining as a Revenant and then leaving immediately. No idea why I did that to be honest. Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action?: I am fully cognizant of that, and think with the sheer capacity for round-ending an AI holds, removal of my whitelist is very warranted if I end up messing up. I hope to not disappoint you. Notes: Please ask me to expand on any of my answers if desired. I'm not entirely sure how much I should write for this, granted my main reasoning is literally just collecting the infinity stones of whitelists. Okay love u besties xoxo ❤️
Hey, thank you for the questions. I'm not completely read-up on the Peacekeeper Mandate, so if I missed something that was in a news post, feel free to correct me. 1: Due to Akyn's stance as mostly a support legionnaire, they saw very little if any of the severe impacts of the Mandate, even though they served in the CRZ. All that filtered down to them was more hurt Za's and damaged vehicles in need of repairs. Their personal stance on it, largely manipulated and filtered by the Legion's propaganda machine, was that the unstable Zone needed someone to civilize it, and the Legion was just the force to do as such. They managed to get out of the Legion just before the real rioting broke out, as their contract ended in very early 2464. Their stance on the Legion now is likely quite a bit more critical, due to seeing how they basically mistreat and misuse their Zo'ran forces. (I assume, I'm not certain if that's canon anywhere, but let's be honest lol) 2: With my original timeline, Akyn likely would have been out of Flagsdale months before the increase of unrest and thus it didn't impact them. But that's less fun. Their general stance on it is what they have been told by their 'cell' in Flagsdale, which was partly made up of Vaurca highly antagonistic towards the police and other districts. Akyn has somewhat of a neutral stance on it, but their general abhorrence for violence makes them not a fan of the Terroristic acts. They do believe that Queenless should still be entitled to larvae however, perhaps just in a lowered quantity. 3: They're generally friendly towards Zo'ra queenless, thinking of them as just misguided or lost siblings. They would if guidance was needed, happily go to a Queenless Ta for advice, viewing even Queenless Ta as highly competent and experienced leaders. They firmly disagree with the Zo'ra hive's choice to cease Larvae shipments to the Queenless, thinking that the survival of the Vaurca race relies entirely on co-operation between hives and cells. They do however have no love for the Ak'riix, thinking them to be extremely misguided in their way to campaign for further rights for Vaurca. (They have no exposure to K'lax Queenless and thus don't have a stance yet) 4: This ones the big one, and the bit that I really don't want to misconstrue. Akyn is an Akaix, thus meaning their personality is and can be fully developed, their low time in VR just caused them to have a very low knowledge of culture, and their personality had to be slowly and insularly developed later in life. Their personality very likely would also expand slowly over time on ship, acting as sort of a cultural sponge for whoever they spent the most time with. They have likes, loves, hates and indifferences. They enjoy tinkering with old shuttles in their spare time, and collect TCFL momentos and surplus with some of their money. They even have an extensive collection of miniature shuttles and ships in their room. However, due to their very sheltered and stunted upbringing, and spending the majority of their time holed up inside of a Hangar bay, their general stances on the Spur itself is one of naivety, awe and confusion. They firmly believe that everyone has some good in them (Except the filthy Lii'dra hyezzz), and that violence is only the answer in the most extreme cases of mistreatment or abuse. They firmly believe that even Vaurca those corrupted by misguidance, those with no contact with their Queens or the Ak'riix for example, have something good within their two hearts, and could be taught to understand. I'm always very happy to answer more questions, and would love to have some more follow-ups. If I missed any details with the Queenless or Peacekeeper Mandate part, that's because I had read neither of those pages very recently lol.
BYOND Key: steviii Character Names: Mains: Xorie Jixktu, Fox-Hound, SUPP-ER.1 Secondaries: Stuart Walsh, Reynhelde Volvalaad, Fadiil Yuusif Retired/Rarely Played: M.ART-YR, Sakina Impukane, Ingrid Makeda, Milanko Romanuv, Akanne Oluwamisimi, Antahn Sander. Species you are applying to play: Bug Hyezzz (Vaurca.) What colour do you plan on making your first alien character: 71, 0, 31, an Akaix of Scay's brood. Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Hyezzz. I have read all pages that I was required to read. This equalled Vaurca, Vaurca Biology (Outdated?), Virtual Reality, Vaurca Hives, Scay, Zo'ra in the Republic, Vaurca History, Vaurca Culture and Society and Vaurca Religion. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. hyezzz Why do you wish to play this specific race: Full transparency, I mostly am just collecting the whitelists, but also Ra specifically really appeal to me, since I love the absurdly tall gentle giant trope. (Also I like Tyranids) Now, for a more useful answer: I'm a big sucker for more alien style species and races in games and media. I love things that break from the norm, since it allows me to challenge myself and play something different, when most of my characters are pretty similar. Oh, one character speaks with an Eridanian accent, but they're still quite human. Even Diona don't quite scratch that itch for me because of how kinda irritating they can be to play, though I do love me a good Diona. I feel like Vaurca is going to be a lovely middleground between the really fun alien mindset, and not being considered psychological warfare to play. (Just kidding Diona Devs I love you guys <3) Also, trophallaxis being a taboo is absolutely hilarious. This is a solid 50% of my reasoning behind applying. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: I reckon it would be easier to describe the things that are similar between Humans and Vaurca than it would be to describe the differences. I think chief amongst them (Without just vomiting out the biotechnicianal differences) is the sheer differences in mindset and culture. To a human, your childhood is spent adventuring, learning and growing as a person. To a Vaurca, your childhood is planned out via quotas long before you're even born, everything about you carefully decided with pheromones, left to ripen for a bit, then you're shoved in VR till you seem well adjusted enough to go give your life for the Queen hyezzz. A human may be highly specialised, say they're a scientist specialised in theoretical physics. But two theoretical physicists would have completely different skills, maybe one has done a first aid course, or one cooks in their spare time. Two people that seem functionally identical, same culture and occupation, would be completely different if you looked deeper than the surface. Whereas, Vaurca are much more likely to be somewhat “consistent.” An Akaix specialised deeply in to theoretical physics will know an extensive amount about whatever field of study they're interested in, but it's considerably less likely that they'll have any interdepartmental knowledge, beyond maybe what they've been told by co-workers. Now this isn't to say that Akaix don't have personalities of course, but it can be more expected for some Akaix to have far less developed hobbies, while still being extremely competent at what they're trained for. Viax of course are just toasters hyezzz Of course, there is plenty not touched on here. I think a big part is Hivenet as well, providing a perfect way to transmit not just your words, but your every thought, emotion and feeling. Unlike a radio where you may transmit “Good morning” a Vaurca would transmit “Good morning”, along with the pheromones that inspire a feeling of warmth and greeting to the recipients. Character Name: Ka'Akaix'Akyn Zo'ra Please provide a short backstory for this character Born as a member of Scay's brood on New Gibson, Akyn was destined to be an Akaix. The first few months of Akyn's life was quite standard, spending around six months in Scay's brood chambers to be left to develop. Akyn then spent about three month in the Aether, learning how to be a brood chamber bio-technician, while also developing their firm commitment and belief in the Hive Pantheon. Akyn was chosen as a bio-technician to further Scay's aims in augmentation and experimentation, by running experiments on the larvae. However, Akyn's life would take quite a turn when Ozdemir invaded Biesel, prompting the Zo'ra to bolster their defences, and amplifying the need for qualified augment mechanics. Akyn was dragged out of the Aether quite early, due to showing promise as a qualified and competent bio-technician. Serving for around a month as a bio-technician, Akyn mostly helped to create more Za's for the meat grinder, as the TCFL's supply was slowly damaged via fighting against the 35th. Once this became less of a pressing issue following the defeat of Sol, Scay opted to send out a batch of Vaurca to the TCFL, under the mission objective to simply maintain and integrate the Za population. In this position, the naive Akyn got approached by a TCFL recruiter, who offered them a more permanent position in the Legion. Akyn appraised this as a fine way to keep an eye on the Za's, along with allowing them un-monitored access to the genetic material of any vanquished pirates and foes. Serving as a hangar mechanic and adviser to the Za population in the Legion, Akyn was a curious yet very single track Legionnaire. Never one to stray near a fight, Akyn spent their year stay in the Legion largely tinkering with vehicles, exosuits and warriors, learning all they could as fast as possible. During their stay there, their co-workers were never warm, nor particularly aggressive towards them. They spent very little time socialising, instead opting to spend their time in a shared barrack with twenty three other Akaix. Once their contract with the Legion ended, they were given the proper discharge ceremony, then dumped in a street in Mendell. With little understanding of the world beyond the Legion, they quickly fell in with a group of fellow Zo'ra in district 9. Continuing to learn very little about the world, they did at least manage to evade the criminal gangs of the underworld, just long enough for an Orion Express recruiter to come knocking around, looking for a bunch of cheap labour. Akyn's small hive-cell pressured them to join, prompting Akyn to sign up as a Machinist. From a personality standpoint (Since that's a little harder to represent in this montage style thing), they're highly naive, curious and un-travelled. They may have physically gone distances with their Legion vessel, but they spent their entire time holed up deep within the hangar, repairing and maintaining the equipment, and not socialising. Their religion is Modern Pantheon, holding a firm belief that every Queen is a deity, sent to further Vaurca, in and outside the Aether. What do you like about this character? What I like about Akyn is that due to their somewhat underdeveloped personality, and severe lack of exposure to the spur, they feel like a sort of middle-ground between an Akaix and a Viax. Incorporating that wonderful sense of contentment and naivety that a Viax may have, in to the otherwise more complicated opportunity for a personality with an Akaix seems like a fun character concept to me. While Akyn may not have much in the way of cultural knowledge or hobbies, I quite like the idea of a fairly impressionable but highly competent character. Also, TCFL bug mechanic is funny to me. Sue me. I'm just imagining a Warform getting hit with a tank shell, so Akyn smacks them with a wrench and says “Good azz new hyezzz” How would you rate your role-playing ability? Asked a few people so this isn't just me, got 8/10. I obviously would say 10/10, since I am a paragon of virtue who never makes mistakes. Notes: I have applied for Vaurca before and was denied, but I believe I've put far more time and effort in to this application than I did prior. Also please ask me all the questions in the world, my writing style generally works best when I can bounce it, and I don't have many friends who know Vaurca lore to get confirmation on stuff.
accepted NM (Comrade Batman) - Command Whitelist Application
stevIII replied to NM_'s topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Though I have only experienced their roleplay first hand a few times, I have witnessed Lucius Volvalaad quite a few times as a Ghost, and seen no grievous issues whatsoever, along with someone who just clearly understands what they're doing. They roleplay extremely well, are patient with new players and communicate well with their team. I would personally love to see them as a permanent fixture to the Command roster. A big fat +1 from me. -
I'm totally not being bullied in DM's in to leaving this. I've seen your characters about plenty, you're perfectly competent, so I've got some little hypothetical situations for you to answer. Three hypotheticals 1: You're the only command staff online, you've otherwise got a perfectly adequately stocked station, and a group of raider/mercenary/burglar/jehovah's witnesses show up, and start doing their shady business. What is your first course of action. (Let's say your assets are two security officers, a warden, and a full stocked medical team.) 2: You have a moderately stocked command staff online, (Let's say a research director, chief engineer and you.), and one of them starts doing shady business. What do you do. 3: In a sleepy round, what do you do to drum interest and get people remotely engaged. Answer as both HOS and HOP
Command Application - Equairio
stevIII replied to Equairio's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I feel it's my civic duty to make a comment here, since I like seeing command burgeon and grow. I have interacted with your character about twice so far, hence why I can't give a direct + or -, but I want to ask some hypotheticals, to (vaguely) see your command style; as you seemed very competent under stress in the round I have seen you (The round with a vampire in medical, I was Martyr) 1: What is priority number one in the case of raiders/mercs/ninjas/yadda yadda with a moderately full command team (at least two other members, let's say an RD and HoS) 2: If you're the only command member, and the station is going to hell, what do you do first 3: What do you do in a sleepy round, to make people more interested and engaged This last one is just a question, really What qualities do you look for in interim staff and or what qualities do you strive to improve -
Atmospherics just made me pog
I'll get this started with posting the slightly modified version of the format I use for all my IPC's, especially command characters -=-=-PUBLIC//RECORD-=-=- Name: (The designation of the frame and or positronic) Positronic manufacture date: (The year the positronic was manufactured) Frame manufacture date: (The year the frame was manufactured) Frame type: (The frame type.) Simulated mannerisms: (Male/Female/Null) Citizenship: (If they're free write one, Null if they're not) Ownership status: (Are they owned.) Tag: (Y/N, Their tag) Chassis colour: (Their main paint colour) Height: (Vertical Proportions) Weight: (Weight in KG/LB, specify) Eye/Lights colour: (The colour of their lights or eyes) Employed as: (Current occupation(s)) -=-=-EMPLOYMENT//RECORD-=-=- Experience: (What jobs they've worked in, NanoTrasen or not) Training and or simulated education: (Academic Training, or Pre-Programmed training) Pre-Megacorporation Employment history: (Jobs they worked before being employed by a Megacorporation) Megacorporation Employment history: (Jobs they worked while in the employ of a Megacorporation) -=-=-MEDICAL//RECORD-=-=- Software Diagnostics History: (Equivalent of Psychological evaluation) List of Prior Repairs: (Equivalent of Prior Operations) Scheduled Repairs: (Equivalent of Scheduled Operations) -=-=-SECURITY//RECORD-=-=- Security incidents: (Any crimes or misdemeanors committed, inside or outside a Megacorporation) Threat Assessment: (Whether or not they pose a serious or minor threat to any of the Megacorporations) Prior Programming Issues: (Any quirks or issues in their programming that could and or do contribute to a Threat Assessment higher than Null)
Explanation: After a small discussion in synth-general, NiennaB and the community decided that we should have an official community made IPC record format. If you want to assist, read through the example and comment with your own idea. Otherwise, criticize either the example, or anyone's suggestions. At the end of this when we have one coherent thing, we'll eventually pin the format and or add it to the wiki somewhere. Remember to read through all the comments before writing your format, so you can take all the criticism from everyone else's formats. Example format: Specifically being the one I made and distribute occasionally, posted in a separate comment as to not flood this immediately