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Everything posted by Jamini

  1. I will maintain a simple fact: "Most people are unimaginative." This isn't a jab directed at anyone in particular. It is simply something I've noted over a long time playing. Unless given a push, or a suggestion, or a wild card to go hog-wild, people tend to just... not do anything. I personally rarely get bored in extended. Be it chair RP, building a supermatter engine in place of the PA, playing around with high-level tech, or trying a department I'm unfamilier with: I can always find some way to occupy myself. That said, most people simply don't.
  2. The ruling has always been "you forget the circumstances surrounding your death." and anything else additional forgotten was optional. Unless Aurora has significantly changed that.
  3. Cyborgification as it is currently is a 100% complete death of personality. The entire mind, personality, and memories of the original person is entirely gone and the brain now acts as a processor for the synthetic "Kernal" (operating system, synthetic's memory). The unit itself can have memories however. Just nothing from before when it was cyborgified. It sucks, but that's how it is until someone up and changes it. I mean seriously, current Aurora borg lore makes it that nobody would ever get borged willingly. You'd be literally committing assisted suicide.
  4. PoZe and King George (from the server) ups the count of "I will leave if we remove cloning." To four players. Just saying.
  5. This player would be dead. Permanently. Unable to return. I highly, highly doubt this player (who is NOT me) would stay on the server if they couldn't participate in a round because of events like that. Deaths like this are very common. Cloning would still exist in-lore. People could easily retcon their deaths as grave injuries, and keep their cloning as off-station/off-company. One reason why cloning would not exist on-station - but still remain in-universe to people who want it - is that tbh, there should be very few people who actually wish to be cloned after their accidental/unpredicted death. It doesn't bring you back to life. It only creates a copy of you. I hate every word of this with the fiber of my being. I cannot express how much hate this comment bring out in me. No. The very IDEA of this is absolutely fucking terrible. People rarely play geneticists. (It's the job in medbay you see the least.) When they do, I have not seen them play so they can clone people, but so they can either chair-RP, or mess with powers. A lot of the cloning ends up being done by the CMO or regular doctors exactly because there are no geneticists around to do it. Are we playing on the same server? This is the point that perplexes me the most. I would like to see the change go through as a trial, as I honestly have no idea if people will be able to care more or not. It is difficult to make assumptions on this end, as clear, focused changes have resulted in shifts in roleplay in the past. I suggest that we get a test server and run that change over THERE then. Not on main. This change is too radical and too terrible to push straight to a main, popular, server. I guarantee, you will get nothing but hate for this change. -You will actively drive many players away from the server lmao will people actually leave over this Yup. Including me. I will outright say, this change would drive me to different pastures. By mass-killing people? Mass killings never get cloned. They're either rejuvenated (because whatever that person did was against the rules), or the station is evacuated. Do we play on the same server? If you do not like being cloned, then fucking put a DO NOT CLONE in your file. Don't go forcing your fetish for funeral RP onto the rest of us. My problem is around the availability of cloning in general, and procedure of cloning every death as it happens (or idea that all dead can be cloned later.) A single, or select few people refusing to be cloned does not fix this. Cloning is readily available because death is cheap in SS13. One cannot exist without the other. The only way this would be acceptable would be if it is accompanied by an across-the-board reduction to weapon damages, a complete re-balancing of chemicals, a total rework of the injury and organ system, and loads and loads of administrative oversight for antagonist. Even then, ultimately you are screwing over everyone because you have a godamn fetish for deathRP. Which generally will not happen in any populated server. If you want more impactful deaths, play a popular DNC character and see how much of an impact your death actually has. (Hint: None) I will fight this tooth and nail until this thread dies the NOCLONE death it deserves. This idea is literally the worst I have ever heard suggested, and that includes the idea of instagibbing stamps and goon-style voltrons.
  6. This change is a horribly terrible idea. Do not do it. Do not do it. Do not do it. If you do not like being cloned, then fucking put a DO NOT CLONE in your file. Don't go forcing your fetish for funeral RP onto the rest of us. This idea is BAD, in big flaming capital letters. As a final word from me Dead People Do not Role-play. Removing Cloning Will Not Increase the Amount of Role-Play. Period.
  7. This. Cloning is integral to the game and many mechanics. Removing it is the absolute worst thing you can consider doing. I'm not kidding. This is the worst idea you could possible consider suggesting in the history of bad ideas. Removing it is an absolutely fucking terrible idea. OH YES ALSO BORGING IS ALSO LITERALLY HITER IN OUR LORE. IT IS A COMPLETE DEATH OF PERSONALITY AS IT STANDS CURRENTLY. If this happens even in a provisional or test sense I will be gone so fast the rest of you will get knocked over from ZAS from my exit.
  8. Name: Amaya D'Zrit Age: 42 Gender: Female Race: Human Title:Chief Xeno Relations Officer (CXRO) Brief Bio: Born to Sam and Katie Maple, a couple originating from an outer colony, in the outer colonies. Officer D'Zrit's father was a crewman aboard the first ship that discovered the Tajara when she was the two years of age. Upon his return home the medical doctor regaled the young girl with stories of the, at the time, strange and unusual new species that he treated. Sparking what would become a lifelong ambition of young Amaya to study alien species. Young Miss Maple spent years perusing a pHD in Xenobiology, her love and intense curiosity towards the study for nonhuman species swiftly making her a leading expert in a wide variety of Xenoflora and Xenofauna. For her scholastic internships between the ages of 20 and 23 she chose to sign on with Nanotrasen, acting as a lowly lab assistant. The reason she later gave in an interview being that it had several high-ranking skrellian officers in addition to its human staff and had started plans to drastically increase its Tajaran employment rates that the instability on Ahdomai had been stabilizing for the previous five years. In her personal life, outside of work, Miss Maple was a vicious activist for Xeno rights. Often both in the corporation and in Sol Alliance territories she spent much of her time organizing rallies or writing treatise promoting Pro-Xeno treatment and improving the pay and living conditions of nonhumans in nonhuman territories. Three times she was detained by local government for participating in peaceful protests. Many times young Miss Maple had threats against her life by more radical elements of the Pro-Human movements out of Sol. Despite her young age, she soon became an expert on the anatomy of both Skrell and Tajara, and was part of the team which had produced the first major scientific and medical journals on surgical procedures applicable to both species. For her thesis she submitted a paper detailing a procedure now widely used for preparing blood plasma for multiple species, a document which earned her a Noble Prize. At age 32 she was officially promoted to middle management on research station near XBL-215, which was assigned to research an unusual amorphous xenobiological life form. During the course of her experimentation she suffered severe genetic damage in an accident, rendering her un-clonable and barren. Upon discovering this fact, Dr. Maple dove into her work and activism. By age 37 she had bought significant shares of Nanotrasen, and she using her position in command she pushed for several new programs. Specifically NT-VoTec, a training program designed to help poorer humans and non-humans attain degree-level educations in return for five years of mandatory employment with the company. Many highly trained aliens within Nanotrasen have gained a degree or better thanks to this program, several of which have went on to become heads of staff within the corporation. Dr. Maple's crowning achievement however was her "marriage" to Mr. Zoren D'Zrit, a minor Skrellian stockholder in the company. It was determined upon their legal union by internal affairs that the pair together had acquired enough stocks to be considered major shareholders. While the legality of their union is hotly contested by many conservative holdouts within the corporation, Dr. D'Zrit, along with her husband, moved quickly to attain a more permanent seat on the board. Her long and very successful tenure with the corporation also aided in her efforts, and she was the first and thus far only person to be assigned to the office of Chief Xeno Relations Officer. Dr. D'Zrit has continued to push a heavily Pro-Xeno agenda through the corporation, resulting in many initiatives to hire poorer non-humans to fill the ranks of the corporation directly out of depressed areas. To many Pro-Xeno groups she as seen as a inspiration and a saint, while to many Pro-Human groups her ideals and followers are seen as an existential threat. Dr. D'Zrit she continues her scientific work out of a private lab on Beisel, under the protection of two high-ranking ERT officials. She has adopted three children with Zoren D'Zrit: Mvri D'Zrit (Skrellian. Age 2),Alison D'zrit (Human, Age 5), and Tavu D'Zrit (Tajaran, Age 7). Alison and Tavu are currently attending a private academy at an undisclosed location. Dr. D'Zrit is especially notable for sending signed letters of congratulations to any nonhuman who is officially promoted to head of staff. Her portrait is currently hung in the Mendell City NT-VoTec Campus as its founder.
  9. I have enough spam from Aurora and Unity chats. Thanks!
  10. http://piratepad.net/ep/pad/view/ro.9mkscL9BilA/latest Mostly done now. Some minor things. Do want feedback! I've avoided going too in-depth into things that should probably be included in the standard engineer and atmos tech guides, since duplicating information is generally unwise.
  11. "Technically" this is true. Though I'm sure you guys can find some way to open those. I believe all engine parts are CE-only access to prevent folks from up and building their own engines all the time.
  12. Jamini

    New Brig

    I can get enough tech to make the high tier of weaponry from RnD with about maybe five minutes of dedicated work. Producing them is trickier, but there are means to gather silver and diamonds (illegal ones) that very few people employ. Also: bombs. Cargo can easily, easily make powered crossbows and obtain other gear which can utterly wreak most opponents, even ERT. (I've, in fact, killed a few ERT with them) If you think engineers need guns to overthrow security, you clearly know nothing. John snow. As for crates. Crates are piss easy to open if you aquire an emitter or a gun of any sort. -- That said, the reason the armory is exposed to space on one side is to make it easier for antags to neuter security.
  13. Re:Re: Sean Crawe He had a medical scanner and a heads-up display, both of which showed significant toxins damage (He remembers seeing 166, but he might miss-remember the exact numbers. It was defiantly over 100) as you left medical, as well as the CMC. To the best of his knowledge you had neither, and outright refused treatment despite multiple medical staff telling you that you were poisoned. It's really hard to poison yourself in chemistry if you are actually careful with working. The fact that you did and then walked out of medical to get equipment you really don't need in chemistry shows you have no real idea what you are doing and probably shouldn't be a chemist at all! He's been already warned for treating you by the CMO on duty, so next time it happens (and he has no doubt it will happen again) he'll let you die and mark it off as a suicide, since you seem to not be interested in staying alive anyway. That's after he calls in security for neglect of duty. We get lots of bad chemists here on Aurora, it looks like you are one of them. He won't miss you. Omnir Al-Nasser.
  14. Jamini

    More Vampires

    Bahahahah! A Vampire has everything they need to incapacitate and kill another character right from the start. Glare -> Cablecuffs -> Headset Strip -> Drain to death. The good vampires are the ones that let you live. I honestly don't play Vampire enough to say whether or not we need more of them. I remember a good Vampire round, a lot of Glareganks and almost always getting torn apart by those bats. And this is different from lings how? Silence Sting > Armblade thrice > Cablecuff > Headset Strip > Eat. High-end lings are just as bad as vampires too. Death sting, lots of alternate identities, and greater form, etc.
  15. Except such things have indeed happened. In fact, I've seen at least two mute/deaf characters be required to revise their characters to date. One of whom, a skrell, I haven't seen much of at all lately.
  16. For one, cracking down on "No species language over comms" is a good start. I still adore the change, but people who abuse such privileges/abilities should also be subject to repercussions for such actions. Mind, I am saying directly as someone who fairly consistently plays as a species that does such. Encouraging people to stick to Tau Basic in public areas, much like we encourage people not to play deaf/mutes. Public areas are just that: Public. We, as players, need to keep in mind that a worker who intentionally and consistently uses their own language to badmouth their boss would probably lose their job once said boss finds out. Doubly so when one remembers that the telecomms logs translate what is said! (And that the AI/synehtics can translate, as can pAIs) Going too ham with a language that isn't standard is shaky ground to tread, and people need to be reminded of that occasionally by their bosses and co-workers.
  17. To Odin IAA corps Uh, he worked a bit with Sean last night, and he really thinks that this report is probably wrong for a number of reasons. He wasn't there for this particular incident but uh: during "testing" of dangerous chemicals, Crowe severely poisoned themselves and then ran out of the lab to get a gas mask and fire suit against regulations. They they proceeded to ignore multiple other medical staff about their injury, despite severity (On our scanners 166 toxin damage. A lethal dose) and then assaulted him while he was trying to save their life. Why a chemist who knew he was poisoned would run out of the labs, to escape, to grab equipment that they don't need to do their jobs, while having taken a lethal dose of some chemical, is something he doesn't understand. He believes security was fully in their right in this incident, considering how Crowe acts, and in fact Crowe is the one who should be investigated for Neglect of Duty and Misconduct. Not the officers. Uh, that's everything. -Omnir Al-Nasser
  18. I'm sorry Frances, but this is just 100% incorrect. It is easy to give access, and very hard to take it away. The spirit of the game is survival in space and the fear that anyone can be a traitor. Extra access, and the refusal thereof, does not factor into that. Considering aurora has very, very strict requirements for most jobs ICly I would argue that the exact opposite is true. Giving additional access without a very, very good reason is something that should not as a rule be done. I do not and will not give access to people unless I have extensive proof that they will not go and abuse their access. Especially considering how difficult it is to reduce or remove access. If you want to fill a role, you should join as said role. If someone took your slot, tough luck. If you latejoined... well you latejoined. Take what you can.
  19. That is why you shouldn't go messing with the core until the AI is nearly ready to go to delta? Sounds like a failure of judgement on your (or the AI's) part here.
  20. You made me chuckle with that comment. Honestly though,any prepared and skilled engineer or scientist is a nightmare for a malf AI. Part of malf is being prepared to handle threats to your well-being preemptively. Pick out the experienced engineers and scientists and remove them from play. Your control over telecomms and the robust strengths of your borgs mean that in ambush you can very readily eliminate major threats as they come up. While you should always try and give your targets some lead-up, ultimately you want to use your borgs and abilities on a small scale to weaken your foes before going for the station's throat A good malf AI will always be conscious of his borgs. What they are doing, what they are capable of, and what they want to do. While the AI is the head honcho, his borgs are his hands, and a borgless malf is vulnerable as hell. I will say from personal experience: assuming equal ping and players: any borg will utterly wreak an engineer or scientist 1v1. And if the AI is assisting, it becomes even more like 2v1 or 3v1. In the end you don't even need to always kill high-threat players. Stunning and cuffing, or stripping tools and bolting them in a closet can be more than enough. Basically: as malf, you aren't alone. Use your tools as a synth and do your best! As a human in malf: focus on shutting the malf down once delta is called. Please. Simply always evacuating to mining is counter to the mode, horribly uninteresting, and fairly saddening to observe. The point of malf is to have a massive battle between living and crazy synthetics. Not to abandon the station and give up your livelihood, and likely any possible chance of rescue.
  21. -Command maint doors have security access, not command access. --Fixed
  22. As a long time Taj player, both here and on bay, I can outright say this isn't true. There is quite a lot of stuff said over :j and ;o that could simply have been said in :0
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