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Everything posted by Zer0Winds
I mean, in all honesty, everyone's hung up on the Research part of the station's purposes, but not the Mining part. It's not just a Research Station. It's specifically, a Phoron Mining and Research Station. And I have no doubts that NT would be willing to make some cheap labor mine for them on the station. I mean, come on, Cargo already acts like they are anyway sometimes. I get why some people think it doesn't make sense. The brig is... a brig. I don't know about you guys, but I think of a Brig as a temporary holding, punishment thing, for Ships, and Stations. It's not a prison... its a Brig. That's marginally circumvented by making it not a permanent prisoner, like people are thinking it is. It's just someone who's on the station, temporarily, as a brigged inmate. I do believe, it'd be interesting for Extended, for Wardens, at least. Security is fully capable of being RPed, both Secret and Extended, but sometimes, someone might want a bit of a push in a direction. As for "it'd be boring in the brig" well, that's why its opt-in... and there's a cryogenic pod in the Communal Area. Your definition of fun isn't always the way someone else would have fun. Personally, I would do it... It may seem boring to you, but also to be honest, so is Botany to me, but people have fun with that. I'd support this, but I do understand the "brig isn't a permanent holding cell" argument. I could counter it, by saying... it's not a permanent prisoner. I don't know, sounds cool, in theory at least.
No preface, just my suggestions, go Projectors. It could be somewhat interesting, if done well, for visitors mainly. Merge the Business Cards and Holder, and increase the amount of Business Cards you get from one. At the moment, you can only use the one, and you can't give it to anyone, only show it off, like a glorified ID. Copying it in a photocopier turns it into a regular paper, as well. Not relevant anymore. Return the mailman hat. Rename it if you have to, I just really liked the hat, and I want it back... I usually renamed it anyway. That's about it for now, goodbye. Honestly just here for the hat at the very least.
port Camera Drones from Bay or whoever has them
Zer0Winds replied to Butterrobber202's topic in Archive
You were able to read newscasters on your PDA, before the PDA became just a Modular Computer. Camera drones sound pretty cool, and would be nice to have, yeah. -
Clear Statement Regarding Taking Research Off-Station
Zer0Winds replied to Zer0Winds's topic in Policy Suggestions
Alright, as I've mentioned before, it specifically says you can't take things out of their labs without command permission. That is vague as it just encompasses the lab, and all you need to do to bypass that, is show your respective RD or Captain that "Look at this cool artifact, it literally doesn't do anything, its a 300 year old mask made of quadrinium with cool emerald spikes. Can I display it in the Library Display Area or something" and boom, that directive is no longer an issue, assuming the RD says sure And there's actually a librarian to put it in the display area. Thing is, off the Aurora falls under that category, with that being Vague. I have gotten permission from Command to take artifacts off station. These were done frequently, as well, before CCIA said in OOC on a relatively high pop round that you can't, as I'm fairly certain that it wasn't well known, and as I said, the directive is simply "don't without permission" and I was being good and asked permission. Never the ones that melt skin off mind you, simply mundane artifacts, with the IC reason to either straight up attempt purchase of the artifact + donation to a museum or further study in private. I even had written paperwork to show that the RD/Captain authorized it. I do think that while a large number of people may know now, thanks to that OOC talk, but that's still limited to whoever was there that even saw that, with OOC enabled. Similarly, to extra people made aware that it's a hard rule, not just a "well in my headcanon". I think it wouldn't be a problem, to just append to the directive that says to not take them off station, as to include something along the lines of "and under no circumstances should research materials be taken off the station." Just a single sentence that changes it from the vague "Don't take them outside the lab without permission" to "Do not take them off station with or without permission." After all, it's not "just my headcanon" that things are transferred between shifts from the storage and whatever, that's how it is. It's technically punishable then, for both Command and the Scientist who weren't aware and gave or was given permission to take some mundane artifact off-station. -
So most of my characters don't drink, or if they do, they drink very little, occasionally. Thing is, some pretty basic non-alcoholic drinks, just don't exist, and that's just sad. Anyway, whether you make them, or they just become dispenser/bottles you get from the bar/cargo I don't entirely care, and leave to everyone else's discretion. Anyway, without further adieu or whatever. Chocolate Milk. And Strawberry Milk. These two are the most important obviously. Milk is alright, but you know what's better? Chocolate, and Strawberry Milk. Adding to the two above, Chocolate and Strawberry Milkshakes, that take the normal recipe of the Milkshake, but replace milk with the other two variants. Almond Milk. This is more of a personal preference, as I personally like Almond Milk, and don't care for Soy Milk. It might not be able to be used in recipes that call for Milk/Soy Milk, or it may, I leave that to the coder's discretion if they want to add it. Point is, Almond Milk is nice, and it'd be neat to have an alternative for milk, if your character is vegan or just prefers it like I do. Optional Chocolate, and Vanilla variant. Is there a Strawberry Almond Milk? I haven't seen any. Getting away from Milk... On to some various sodas. Vanilla Cola. Space Cola's nice, but Vanilla is better. Orange Soda. Is that what Brown Star is supposed to be? Berry Soda. I wasn't running out of ideas, its a real thing around here. I have this strange feeling I had more ideas before writing this, but I can't seem to remember. This list is a lot shorter than I thought.
I do like the idea of the locker. The librarian doesn't have anything to store stuff in, and it bugs me. The backroom is pretty crowded though, and while there's space for one more thing (the locker) in there, it just becomes so crowded in there. I honestly think the Arcaneum Desk or whatever should be removed to compensate. I have no idea what it does, except that it's probably for cult shenanigans, and I've never seen that used, if it even still can be. It'd still be crowded, but it'd be as crowded as it is now currently. This reminds me of a mapping idea I had for the library though, but that's for another topic. I'm against the paper scanner and book bag being removed from the job load however. With the Curator and Tech Support Alt Titles, and similarly unique job loads, it wouldn't entirely make sense. And I'm not sure about putting them in the locker anyway, as that means the Curator gets a price scanner + Librarian stuff, and the Tech Support gets their card + Librarian stuff. And if I'm perfectly honest, the Book Scanner + Book Bag aren't really a big deal if you get moved into the role by a HoP or something. The Book Scanner is finnicky as hell, and honestly a pain in the ass to deal with, I typically just use a laptop, tablet, wristbound, or even my PDA to keep inventory much more efficiently. The book bag is just a small luxury that's used rarely by people who actually stock the shelves as a Librarian. If the Librarian got another unique item to compensate, I wouldn't be as opposed. But, as it stands, Librarian is a niche role, and Curator/Tech Support are even moreso.
I absolutely love this idea and was literally just thinking of it a little while ago and how to do it. I especially like the "readable or desc only" thing, and if it is readable, it could be like the business card where you can input your own stuff. The ability to bring your own religious texts is also nice, as a Librarian is not always available to print a bible, nor is it always necessarily a bible specifically you want. Like Colfer said, not having the library selection makes sense. If you want a book from the library you could probably just manually copy-paste it yourself.
RyverStyx - Command Application
Zer0Winds replied to RyverStyx's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
RyverStyx is a great RPer. I especially like Rusty, and I will admit to limited interactions with their other characters. Golden Deep Affiliates are something extremely uncommon, and I'd love to see one in Command. I can definitely say I support this, and that Ryver should get a trial. -
Rotharia's Command Application
Zer0Winds replied to Rotharia's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
While I haven't seen them too much, I have been one to promote them to Interim Chief Engineer with Floating Among Stars. Otherwise, I've seen them around here and there, as various characters. Their Diona, from what I can tell, isn't bad. Similarly, PLEX, if I recall them correctly, is another character that isn't too bad, and honestly, they should get a trial. -
I honestly do not see the point of making Freespeak now just "says" instead of the growl that it used to be. It added flavor to a gruff language that is used for the reasons it is. Besides that, however, is one problem with actually seeing that someone is speaking in Freespeak. I don't know about most people, but I, and a few meta friends, have difficulties noticing the slight font difference. It's slightly smaller, and in large sentences I can notice it a bit more, but otherwise, I might completely miss that its in Freespeak, unless my character doesn't speak it, which it's obviously not Basic then. Similarly I notice it easier on the radio but in person, less so. I assume the color has something to do with it, I'm not sure. In the changelog it says that Freespeak is changed to match "most other" human languages, but that's not true. Trade is still "enunciates" compared to Basic. Sol Common is "says" yes, because it's just the Solarian Common language, that's been around longer than Tau Ceti Basic has, and it has the benefit of being a different color. Making Freespeak a different color might help, but I don't think color coding languages is all that necessary if you don't have to, especially when colorblindness is a thing. Honestly, it would be easier to just keep it as "growls" for that extra flavor, as well making it more noticeable.
CourierBravo/BejewledPot's Command Whitelist
Zer0Winds replied to CourierBravo's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Chief Engineer I feel can probably be one of the more stressful Command Jobs, next to HoS. Hannah however, is a very good character, and Engineer, and CourierBravo does it well, and handles everything nicely from what I see. I have limited IC interactions since they have been a CE, but when we do talk, it's always great. Definitely needs to keep the whitelist. -
I truly don't think Librarian and Chaplain should be combined. They are distinctly different from each other, and as a person who actively plays in the Librarian Role, I don't want to have to also manage the Chapel and be a Preacher or Counselor or whatever. Even if both jobs aren't the most popular, they should stay separate. That being said, Bridge Officers and Pilot Role sound cool. Always up for more RP-Jobs. I also agree about Bridge Officers being unwhitelisted, since as it stands right now, the only job you can play that has even a semblance of "authority" in a department, is Quartermaster, if you want to try to get a taste for Command before going for a Whitelist.
Clear Statement Regarding Taking Research Off-Station
Zer0Winds posted a topic in Policy Suggestions
Earlier today, or I suppose yesterday considering the time I am posting this, there was a discussion relating to taking Xenoarchaeological Artifacts off-station with permission from Command Staff. I had been under the impression that based on the wording of the Guidelines, in the RnD Section in particular, that it was fine should you get permission, especially for something as harmless as an artifact, Note: Artifact, not Anomaly but it apparently turns out that that is not the case. "Qualified researchers in a given field of science are authorized to conduct experiments in any way they deem appropriate. However, unless authorization for their release is granted by command staff or an emergency situation requires it, the works and derivatives of the research- department are to remain within their respective labs and testing areas." Notably it doesn't specifically say that you can't take them off the station, to the Odin. It says you can take them out of your lab, and that technically applies to the Odin. I spoke with one of the CCIA about this, and when they confirmed that you are under no circumstances supposed to take artifacts or anything from science to the Odin, I felt like it was important we should probably have that mentioned somewhere. They did make a point about bloat due to the amount of regulations and directives, but this is one that I feel is misleading entirely and is important to be mentioned as a lot of Command Players don't even seem to know this, with the amount of times I gain permission to take artifacts to the Odin ICly. I suggest that the procedure is made clear that you are not at all to take Research material to the Odin, unless in an emergency and you are trying to literally save the research materials in an emergency. I also feel like the fact corpses are not to be taken to the Odin, unless they need to be transported immediately should be made clear as well, considering how often that happens in rounds. I don't feel like "bloat" is a good reason to be withholding information that can potentially have IC consequences. Sure, CCIA may just let you off with a warning if you just didn't know, but to be honest, we should know. It needs to be common knowledge, and I feel like either I'm a fool that happened to be surrounded by similarly misinformed people, or it isn't commonly known that these restrictions apply. Maybe I'm overreacting though. I'm curious what anyone else thinks, however. -
It is exactly as the title says. We need a fox sprite for the pAI Holoform Foxes are adorable, and might help alleviate some of the cat pai's with fox pai's for variety. Might, I don't know, cats are powerful.
CourierBravo/BejewledPot's Command Whitelist
Zer0Winds replied to CourierBravo's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I actually only knew that Bejeweled was Zeke, and that alone I like them. However, finding out they were other characters I liked was a pleasant surprise, and only further makes me support them as a Head of Staff. They are quite capable of RP, and And I have no doubt that they can handle issues that can arise from Head Positions well. To which I must +1, and hope they get a trial. -
[Accepted]Lorilili's Dionae Whitelist Application
Zer0Winds replied to limette's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
I haven't interacted with Simon a lot, but I can say they are pretty good at portraying a Dominian characters. They aren't one of the people who read "machine bad" and left it there. I saw them talking about this app not long ago too in deadchat, and as one of the people encouraging limette to post this, They asked questions, and seem genuinely interested in playing a Diona for the RP. I can +1 this pretty confidently in my opinion, and would like to see more Dominian Trees around, since they are an interesting character type, and I have no doubt they can do it well. -
[Accepted]Jrphoenix303's Diona WL Application
Zer0Winds replied to jrphoenix303's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Phoenix is pretty good. Their characters are each different and all have flaws, and she acts accordingly. Her characters have emotions, and weaknesses, and are all realistic enough. I was the Diona that was helping her nymph as well, and she did well, and anything she didn't understand about Dionae, she wanted clarified, so as to be as realistic as possible. I don't doubt her ability to properly play one, and she picks up on things quickly enough. The backstory is good in my opinion; short but to the point. Plenty of room to develop and grow, as they interact with the station. -
I mean, I'm willing to try that, I guess. I don't know your Discord name though. Mine's just Zer0Winds#0173, if you DM me.
Now, this is of utmost importance. It is necessary. Absolutely vital. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you are blessed by ignorance, for once you learn you just must have it. Anyway, we should have a plushie selection in the loadout. There's not much else to this suggestion.
Server Moderator Application Basic Information Byond Account: Zer0Winds Character Name(s): Dea Seong Qrose Nyala'Toqli-Fet Alice Stratos Shepherds From Vast Deserts Phuan Van Dao Index Akhtar Rrhamrare GERHARD Workers Of The Abyssal Depths Memories Of Steel Rain Vleset Qil'xuq Riley Stahl AI Name(s): AMADEUS Discord username + tag: Zer0Winds#0173 Age: 19 Timezone: PST When are you on Aurora?: When I'm on, it's usually around noon-ish, to midnight. Basically, the latter half of the day/night. If I don't have anything important in the morning however, it's not unheard of for me to go until about six in the morning. I tend to be better at night and the later hours of the day, versus the morning. Experience How long have you played SS13?: By now, I'd say more than two years. How long have you played on Aurora: Take my SS13 playtime and subtract a couple months, from my time playing Goonstation. How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: By this point, I've got a lot down. And while I don't always have faith in my abilities, nor do I like to say I'm good at something, I do say that I am exceptional at learning. I pick up new skills quite easily, but of course, I still have much to learn. In particular, Medical is still my weakpoint. I've been learning Chemistry though, and I can probably do more with it later. Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: Nope. Have you read through the criteria thread; https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=4198 - and believe that you mark off all the criteria?: I suppose I do. I mean, I read through it, but like I said, I find it hard to qualify myself. I leave it to others to judge me for how I am... For better or for worse, I suppose. My main problem would be activity. I can easily become more active in the forums or Discord, however. Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: Never been banned. Not on this server, nor the other two I played. Personality Why do you play SS13?: The game's just fun. I like to RP, and I like space. This game is both of those things. It's a unique experience compared to most games, and it just simply is one of my more loved games. That's all there is to it, honestly. Why do you play on Aurora?: Well, the HRP tag was what piqued my interest. The playerbase, lore, and such made me stay. It's pretty much the only server I play now. Other than that, not much to say. It's a good server, so I continue to play it. What do moderators do?: They moderate. Basically, they are in charge of making sure rules are being followed, and handling situations in which a rule is either blatantly, or suspected to be broken. They also tend to help out people on the server they moderate, answering questions about game mechanics, or rule clarifications. What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: It means you are probably an upstanding member of the server, capable of helping out, and following the rules, and you respect people on the server. Thing is, the Aurora is slightly different from other servers, being HRP, and as such, have other rules that need to be upheld, and in turn moderated. Why do you want to be a moderator?: Well, I just want to help I guess. I play the server a lot, albeit sporadically, and as a result, I feel like I could probably try to help contribute... Except I'm not capable of coding or spriting, so this would be one of the next best things in my opinion. What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: My least favourite question in anything. I'd guess my honesty, patience, lack of bias, level-headedness. I don't know. I'm sorry I can't particularly answer this one well. How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: I don't take offense to anything that is said to me, if someone insults me. I don't really get angry too easily, and if I do get angry, I'll step back, and either calm down, or let someone else take over. Stress, depends. If it's really stressfull, I'll probably end up stepping back, thinking on it, ask for help. Anything Else You Want to Add: Alright, so I did copy some of my answers from my previous application, as they haven't really changed. Otherwise, I reworded everything, albeit much shorter. If you would rather I have the more paragraph answers, I can add to it. Also, I don't have any plans coming up, far as I know, so no three month absence coming up this time, hopefully.
BYOND key: Zer0Winds Discord name/id: Zer0Winds#0173 Borg / AI names: AMADEUS (AI) Have you read the Aurora wiki page about the AI?: Yep. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: Well, I like AI. The aesthetic, and gameplay is just fun to me. I don't always play it anymore, not on this server, but I've wanted to get back into doing it again. Other than that, that's about it. I just enjoy AI. Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they?: None, as far as I know. Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action?: Yes, I perfectly understand.
Allow Vampires to be Acknowledged ICly WITHIN Reason
Zer0Winds replied to Zer0Winds's topic in Rejected Policy
Honestly if they were made something else, similar to what Danse says, such as some other space monster phenomenon, then you can talk about vampires without issue. Then anyone can put their character's beliefs onto that creature. Shaitan, Vampires, Demons... Or aguments, mutations, et cetera. Superstitious people exist, and will exist into the future. So will people who try to find scientific answers about it. -
So, I understand the rule in place to avoid metagaming. It just doesn't entirely make sense considering Vampires are an actual thing, and I don't believe they'd just... be forgotten simply because it's the future. I feel like you should be able to acknowledge vampires in-character, especially if you have reason to. I mean, other races or specific factions can reference their mythological entities without issue. Some examples... Tajara. They can yell about their mythological beasts for pretty much anything, not limited to vampires. In fact, they often tend to. It's the same exact situation as yelling "vampire" or "ghosts" or "demons" or whatever, but under a different name. Unathi. Similarly, they can yell about their own entities. A little more vague, such as "Daemons" in Si'akh, but again, same thing, different name. This is less common, unless the Unathi is like a Shaman or whatever, but it's perfectly allowed. Scarabs. Shaitan are almost a perfect fit for vampires. The only thing Vampires do instead is drink blood, but the way Scarabs are, some iterations of Shaitan are likely able to have that part of it. As a result, Scarabs can call out Shaitan instead of vampires... Exact same thing, different name. So, here we have a human. Guy from... Let's say Biesel, as its generic enough. So, we have a person drinking blood, paralyzing people with their eyes, making people their thrall, phasing through walls... And if you call vampire, you have a chance of being bwoinked for metagaming. So they instead go "Huh. How strange. Those are some pretty advanced augments." or "Wow, what a peculiar mutation". I get those excuses being used by a more scientific or less-superstitious person, but what about a guy who would believe in vampires and ghosts still? Why can't they say "Holy shit. It's a vampire." when they are being obviously supernatural? All these other people can, just with a different name. Tell me, is it really metagaming to acknowledge a vampire? Or to believe in them? Why, just because its a gamemode? You have all these other supernatural, mythological beings that exist in lore, that people can, will, and do reference instead of vampires. It has the exact same effect, with a different name. I mean, if someone immediately jumps to vampirism when a patient missing blood comes into medical, without any reason, then that would likely be metagaming. But that can and should be met with a bwoink, for good reason. Established slightly superstitious characters should be allowed to acknowledge vampires without issue. I'm not saying these other entities are the same as a vampire with a different name, either. I am saying that calling a vampire those entities in-character, is the same exact situation as calling a vampire a vampire in-character, but a different name. The only difference is that calling a vampire a vampire might get you bwoinked.