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Everything posted by Boggle08

  1. As long as the new plate durability/carrier system supports crafting from materials/autolathes, I'm game. It'd give more reasons for people to swing by cargo. It would also be nice to assemble the ultimate trash armor. I dunno how demanding such a suggestion would be, but I recommend also giving us the ability to craft or acquire things such as leg and arm protection. Stuff we can pin either to the carrier itself or our jumpsuits. For most armors(and most races), Damage resistances are localized in the chest and head. For melee combat in particular, the best way to win a fight is by going for the legs until they break, causing the spaceman to go sideways and drop his shit. It's a great equalizer, but having armor countermeasures would necessitate more variety in combat.
  2. I'd like to participate too! I'm GrandMasterChef on discord.
  3. Just give them rubbers instead. If you think that the detective is just another officer slot, remove an officer slot.
  4. There's legislature and/or practices limiting the prospects of advancement for Unathi and Tajarans? It's easier to imagine for IPC's, Vaurca, and Dionae.
  5. In retrospect, I like the concept of RnD being a shared responsibility, but I don't like the mapping changes as they currently are. The Robotics lab in this PR is structured in a way such that they can operate completely independent of the rest of the science department. They have pretty much all of the necessary machines. The lathe room for science doesn't have a destructive analyzer or a circuit printer. You're going to completely cut the science team out of circuit board use and RnD contributions with these changes as they are. Due to how you've structured RnD, Station crew will be incentivised to take everything up with the roboticist. Science doesn't have a windoor help desk anymore, and the primary bulk of RnD is in Robotics proper. Before your proposed changes, You had to go to two different desks for different things. After this, people will bring their requests and material shipments to only one desk, effectively monopolized by one job. The fabrication room in the back for robotics looks cool, but it would be better if we had a shared lathe room. This can be done by either: - Keeping the station unchanged, and just altering the ID access on RnD to accommodate Robotics people. - Taking the RnD equipment out of robotics, share access on the re-purposed circuit room, and have both parties use that together. - Reconvert the science lathe room back into an auxiliary lab, then add a door south of the new fabrication room to give scientists access to the manufacturing area. I'm still fine with this PR hitting the server anyway, but I doubt now it'll make it due to the concerns about powergaming. RnD is a crayon eating matching game that scientists complete usually out of obligation for other jobs. Widening the pool of people able to do it is something I like the idea of.
  6. When I play my scientist, this would make me feel less guilty for not doing RnD every round and constantly hovering in proximity to the desk for crew requests. I can try the other things the department has with less interruptions. When I play characters who aren't research, This means I can count on at least the roboticist to be in proximity to the lathes, and able to process my requests. +1
  7. Right now, the cargo tech game isn't a lot of work. You get a few orders roundstart, a warehouse to sort, and you are effectively done with your job barring the odd miner dropping off some admantium and phoron. You have your bounties, yes, but those that you cannot secure in the warehouse or collect yourself are both at the mercy of your coworkers' laziness and the disruption of antags. Sometimes you will get special requests, or even become a courier for extremely important material, but those times are infrequent. I propose a small change to warehouse bounties, just to add some extra work for techs and some incentives for the rest of the station to complete them: Every bounty has a side reward that benefits the department said bounty is intended for. Once the bounty is claimed, the next time the shuttle returns to the station, the side rewards will come shipped in their own containers, ready for delivery to the relevant departments. There are some bounties that are cross-applicable to multiple departments: those can either contain rewards that are cross beneficial to the departments in question, or we can implement a selection menu to pick the reward relative to whichever department completed the bounty. The item quality of these side rewards may be modulated to fit the balance of the game, but the intent behind them is to give cargo techs more things to do. The incentive behind the bounties increases the likely-hood of other departments participating, while the bounty rewards themselves give idle techs work, as they have to deliver these boxes.
  8. Ckey/BYOND Username:Boggle08 (discord tag: GrandMasterChef) Position Being Applied For: (Deputy Lore developer): Humanity Past Experiences/Knowledge: I've been here and active since the start of fall 2019, and my schedule for the foreseeable future permits time for me to contribute. I've always have had an interest in fiction, I have folders and computer files filled to the brim with excesses of setting ideas and character concepts. Examples of Past Work: I have my IPC application https://forums.aurorastation.org/topic/12977-acceptedboggle08s-ipc-application/ and Burzsia(currently a lore cannonization app). https://forums.aurorastation.org/topic/14011-the-system-of-burzsia/?tab=comments#comment-133754 As examples of my ability to write and utilize our setting. Additional Comments: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1l5AYZyTkklKfEPEvYzU7ya-Z96FJDkm5og9rfpz_hpg/edit?usp=sharing
  9. The one that Cybs posted was my attempt at turning the entire engine room into SM containment. It ran a mixed coolant of N2 and Phoron to minimize crystal waste gas production, and the legion of grey scrubbers you see up top directly filtered out any waste gases that the crystal did produce. I later crammed two extra emitters inside that room, it was safe enough for the machines to be sparking in there. You could light up a cigarette in that room and not have your head catch on fire. Another project I recommend is putting N2O into the engine for the hot loop. it has the second highest heat capacity of the available gasses, and is an oxidizer, So you have to focus on keeping the ratio of phoron the core produces to a minimum. Else it will start a runaway chain reaction that will leap the temperature up to delamination point.
  10. I haven't really mentioned the bounds for that precise reason of focusing on character generation. There are bounds used on the installations I listed, as well as on some of the more extensive/environmentally shielded construction and mining operations on Burzsia I. But yes, the humanoid chassis are more common as they are more flexible when it comes to braving the conditions of the system, especially for the ones operating in the asteroid fields.
  11. There is plenty enough reason for forklifts to exist in our setting. They are less complicated to maintain and repair, they are conceptually better at bearing load than anything two legged(tank vs death robot argument), and they're cheaper. However, we are a state of the art research facility, so getting a decent powerloader isn't an issue. @Fortport What ingame mechanical advantage or reason would there be to having a forklift around, when Powerloaders (and potentially those RIGs I mentioned) exist? That mechanical gap is still filled by mechs, which are far more versatile, and already exist on the server.
  12. A large chunk of the job for engineering is dragging machines and canisters. Needing a full blown forklift would complicate our ability to drag equipment into rooms with bad atmos, set up the engine, or do anything involving pipes. Creating an inflatable airlock whilst trying to fit a forklift would be annoying. Attempting to position an emitter to stop a malf or blob core would be a nightmare. A weightlifting exoskeleton RIG would be better, if we wanted to implement mass for our machines and containers. Something the boys can wear over a voidsuit and customize using upgrade modules from the roboticist. As it stands now, a female 17 year old 4'11 cargo tech is better at hauling boxes containing several tons worth of processed ore compared to a G2 unit that can pry open airlocks with their bare hands, simply because the human has a faster land speed, and the weight of the box doesn't mean shit.
  13. I'm fond of the gamemode, because the culture around wizard usually lends itself towards gimmicks that aren't inherently about beating the shit out of the station crew like malf is, and the kits available give the user a lot of control. The gimmicks I've seen usually focus around fucking with the crew, rather than killing them. On the flip side, if we had more player controlled round types that aren't designed from the standpoint of station vs. antag, I wouldn't miss this game mode if we removed it. Just as, say, the merc game mode tends to produce gimmicks that pit the players against the station as antags, Wizard creates Wiztards. If you've seen one, you've seen them all. Removing Wizard from rotation should be something done later.
  14. Type (e.g. Planet, Faction, System): System Describe this proposal in a single sentence (12 word maximum): Hephaestus's mining, salvage, and construction mega-doom project. It's also IPC hell. How will this be reflected on-station? It will primarily affect character backgrounds. Does this faction/etc do anything not achieved by what already exists? It adds more planets to Sol space, and introduces another dimension for IPC discrimination to take. Why should this be given to lore developers rather than remain player created lore? There's a variety of reasons. This is a Solarian based system that will have 47% of its population being positronic. In terms of both scale and cost, it will bolt a leviathan mining and construction project onto Hephaestus. The system will have an mortality and workplace injury rate that places it in the top ten range for Solarian space. It will introduce a contentious philosophy regarding IPC's that is topical enough to extend beyond the system and into debate halls. The implications of this star system exceed the bounds of its orbit, which is why it can't simply remain player cannon. Do you understand that if this is submitted, you are signing it away to the lore team, and that it's possible that it will change over time in ways that you may not forsee? Yes. More than anything, I want this thing to be consistent with the rest of what is written. Some Additional notes: -Population size remains outside of the main document. That can be up to the discretion of the lore team, due to the demographic composition of the system, but the Ideal population size would be somewhere in the lower to mid hundred million(248.7 million is good). I notice a lot of systems and planets on the lore page don't have any population figures, so we could simply not worry about it either. -The current name of the star system bears similarity to an Elyran planet in our lore, Bursa. If it is preferable, Buranthiazar may be substituted. Long Description https://docs.google.com/document/d/14VS4j6_Otve8dWqCtxaeJ_Z0Ep4o71ypKD1HW9QCM6k/edit?usp=sharing
  15. Add me (If it still exists)
  16. Xiram is very well rounded as a character, and the player behind them knows enough to work the CE position. That you're already going out of your way for interim is a good sign. +1
  17. I have full confidence in both Williams's technical understanding of engineering, and their ability to create good, well rounded characters. They'd make a great CE. +1
  18. Good lord, it's been impossible to get drunk. I've tried using makeshift stills, absinthe, pan galactic gargle blaster, all manners of hard spirits, and I've even managed to convince science to feed me raw ethanol by the bucket. No intoxication messages, and the most that can happen is your character throwing up from yeeting too much liquid at once. Worst I've had is minor toxin damage. That's it. A pill fix, if you don't decide to walk it off till round end. With these new damage changes I'm seeing in announcements, it sounds like the liver is going to get buffed even more. Can't play a space drunk without the drunk part.
  19. The skrell probably can't take any clothing or items with them through the airlock. I think it would be a humorous means of escape, watching the skrell schlorp through the airlock, and come out the other end butt naked and screaming for help
  20. Boggle08

    Remove Cargonia

    Cargo needs something to do in red alert scenarios that isn't just ordering guns and hunkering down. I think people are incentivised to cargonia because there isn't much shit for them to do mechanically/contribute to the round besides loading up on guns. I've started playing cargo a little more, and as I understand it for techs, we worry about the warehouse and the bounties primarily. The former is done early in the round, the latter is completed as the round progresses. Bounties don't get done when SHTF. It is dangerous to wander the halls when SHTF. What else is there when the other departments can't complete bounties and no one is ordering shit in a hazardous round? I don't see any other ways cargo can contribute to a crazy round unless other departments go out of their way to order shit. Take engineering. We have our own "militia", but it is usually contained within our department, and the characters who are violence adverse don't assemble weapons. It's because we have obligations to ensure the station has power and air. Such obligations incentivize us to stay put, ensure engineering isn't compromised, and stay alive. Reaching the shuttle is a hard feat when the road there is paved with depressurized halls, and you can't fix shit if you're dead or validhunting. It is a natural response to whatever's going on, and it's in the interest of preserving the lives of the people who work in engineering rather than stopping "greentext". A heavy handed approach to culling bad cargo behavior will only be agreeable to me if it is a temporary measure in service to finding some more things for cargo to do during red alert. What would cargo do otherwise? Roll down the shutters and wait for the alert to pass? There's enough downtime in cargo already. Do keep in mind, through all of this, I am not justifying cargo to go on wild hunts scouring the station for the bad guy. Cargo should be locking down their department with their weapons instead of doing that shit. From an IC perspective, some shit kicking job at NT isn't worth dying for. Give the department more responsibilities to the station during crisis, and I believe things will get better. Idle hands are the work of the Unga.
  21. I can make the accent come and go, and adjust coherency depending on circumstances. I may even have Rakt "force" proper basic when speaking with command staff or in dire circumstances. As for professionalism, I suppose I can start by having Rakt wear an actual shirt to work. Maybe even a tie.
  22. Sure thing, I can talk about Ruul. I've had some good interactions with the character as Rakt, I actually think the two are similar enough to become friends. However, I wonder why command staff haven't tried to fire you yet. You've tried to get one of the boys in medical to honor duel you using wooden swords, shaved my head and someone else's in a hazing ritual, and the whole fragmentation paper thing (Though, I suppose that doesn't count too much ICly, since you just threw paper around). If I did any of that as Rakt, Any CE worth their white hardhat would've suspended/fired my ass or at least would've given me a severe talking to. You play Ruul at times like they don't give a shit about keeping their job or not, there isn't too much grounding the character right now. That being said, I don't think having one insane character on your roster should disqualify you from a command whitelist for an entirely different character, who sounds a lot more reasonable and well rounded by the way you describe him.
  23. BYOND key Boggle08 Character names Markos Rakt(Atmos Tech) Horace Thratch(Phoron Researcher) Riktor Skriggs(Shaft Miner) R4-ND(Security Officer) How long have you been playing on Aurora? About half a year now. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist? I feel like I'm hitting an upper limit in engineering, and doing this is one thing I haven't tried yet. I also want more people to know how atmos works. Why did you come to Aurora? Wanted to try HRP. Now it's the only server I boot up. Have you read the Aurora wiki on the head roles and qualifications you plan on playing? Yes Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? I've been kicked for using the L-wurd, Warned for throwing around a singletank gas explosive around near red dock during transfer(never detonated), and got booted and warned for going afk 40 minutes as an atmos tech(real heavy IRL shit going on with that last one). Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about Creating a character in a story with no protagonists. Starting with a rough idea of what you want, fleshing it out, testing it, making adjustments, and improvising. It's a very entertaining way to exercise creativity. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame? If I had to summarize in three words, "get shit done". You train new comers, you ensure tasks are delegated and everyone is working efficiently, and in the case of something like a CE, you authorize station projects and make sure everything has air and power. Heads have a lot of clout too, and what they decide to do can drastically change the direction of where the round is going. It is their job to respond to situations, but it is also their job to generate something interesting for everyone else. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them? Having a whitelist for heads assists in maintaining a HRP environment, and it helps people understand their expectations going into the server. This is the kind of place where heads of staff will fire or suspend you for doing drugs, getting into fights, or doing extremely unsafe shit. Whitelisted people are passive, non-intrusive quality control. Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau ceti and how it affected your character and their career? Tau Ceti broke off from the Sol Alliance, Their government is sponsored by NT, and there's a shit ton of Phoron in the system. Biesel is a hub that promises retaliative freedom, prosperity, and safety compared other locations and factions in the galaxy. The amount of control NT has over the government, the rapidly expanding population of foreigners, and the rights of IPC's remain contentious issues. Rakt moved to Ceti for work and safety. Previously a spacer, the ship he worked aboard was destroyed by Vox raiders, killing most of the crew and leaving Rakt as a one-armed alcoholic wreck. He hitched it to Tau Ceti in order to find safer work, and found it on New Gibson's Blue Mesa facility. Fifteen years later, He's on the Aurora. What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted? CE, further down the line I'll try to make an RD out of Thratch and maybe a HoP. Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking. Markos Rakt, for Chief Engineer. How would you rate your own roleplaying? Like, a 7/10. Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? Yes. Have you familiarize yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles? Yes. Extra notes I think I have more than enough knowledge to qualify for CE, but the character may need adjusting, or even a few background changes. No matter what happens, he will calm down so he can work a CE position in a reasonable manner. I am eager for feedback, no matter what it is.
  24. In a medium RP server, Science would be yelled at in perpetuity for never upgrading anything. Going to RnD is a 50/50 shot of either getting what I need or having the scientist either waste my time or ignore my ass. Just having one technician who can handle requests and roam the station plugging a RPED into everything means that everyone has better shit. Science benefits because they can focus on RnD without being interrupted by requests, which means more time for them to fuck around with the other parts of the department. Everyone else benefits because they're no longer stuck with lazy scientists.
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