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Everything posted by Boggle08

  1. I feel like this could be done just by altering the loot tables in the warehouse to contain more chems that are beneficial to medical, rather than just the lukewarm sea of bicardine, ATK's, stasis bags, and kelotane that I see on a regular basis. The whole point of the warehouse shipments, in my view, is to give cargo busy work that helps other departments by making them more versatile and self sufficient in regards to their material needs. Having that happen automatically is in my view equivalent to having a portion of the warehouse pre-sorted and shipped out to medical. The inconvenience of cargo needing to ship everything out before you have it is the price to pay for the increase in versatility when you have no chemist to brew things. Having everything in medical already makes a department that is infamous for doing nothing but kicking rocks in the warehouse have all the more reason to just kick rocks in the warehouse.
  2. Multitools come out of the plumbing here. They spawn very often in the two tool storages we have, and can be mass produced off of an autolathe. The multitool is a +1 from me, just because it fits what the character is and does, and the object is extremely common. I have seen tools and welding helmets get approval, but they're usually locked off behind a job role. They might rig you up such that the multitool only spawns in your inventory when you play engineering. The coin? It should only be for flavor, and should not be able to fit into any of the vending machines, if you're going to do what I think you're going to do with it.
  3. Rev at its highest apex behaves like a small, self contained noncanon event, with AOOC buzzing with activity about where things should go next. These rounds are typically mixed round types, with merc + rev being the best pair, since the mercs can act as destabilizing agents to force action, are well equipped enough to take on the station, and are versatile to fit the narrative of nearly any gimmick. A lot of our canon events are pretty similar to Merc + rev, come to think of it. Rev is a gamemode that benefits greatly from being mixed into other roundtypes. The other valids can be used to facilitate the progress of the narrative, and therefore, incentivize people to choose sides. Pure rev has the problem of hideous complacency: escalation and manpower is almost completely out of the hands of the rev heads. You can win rev by not playing; saying no to every join prompt, refusing to escalate along with your rev head even if you have a sizable presence on the station. Ignoring the centcomm announcements as they come, growing more servile with each passing update. Four things could potentially be done to remedy this issue, in my view. They do not necessarily have to be all adopted together, this is brainstorming: 1. Remove rev as an unmixed gametype from the secret rotation, due to how people treat the gamemode at a meta level. Having additional antag types back up the rev heads would make it so you can't really ignore them. 2. Introduce new policy regarding converts. Choosing the rev role means that you've now devoted yourself to whatever the rev head is proposing. Similar to how a cult convert has their priorities re-ordered to service nar'sie, a rev will acquire similar, strong convictions to the rev head or whatever ideology/plan they're following. I've seen so many rev rounds where the participants will sign on to a faction yet shirk away once things begin to escalate to violence. 3. What Zundy said, except maybe even include other server-shaking abilities. How about being able to deploy a signal jammer that prevents faxes/distress beacons from being sent, like what we see in canon rounds? 4. Introduce force-conversion tools that can be taken from the uplink, but only once the station has hit a certain % of total crew converted. maybe even expand the concept further and have a whole side progression tree based off of % crew conversion. As for overall goals? Besides whatever gimmick the rev team devises, I think the solution will come with the NBT: When the revolution on the Spaceship has domination over the crew, they will begin working towards some kind of endgame construct, device, what have you, that will conclude the round with the entire corporate fleet going mutinous and turning their allegiances towards whatever gimmick the revs were doing that round. With cute cinematics and shit.
  4. I get what you're putting down, but I dunno about losing out on the spare, because of the dreaded solo command lowpop CBT power hour. That thing is your golden ticket, man. And that's if the antags haven't already decided to swipe it for themselves. Station bounds are a thing, sure, but they're not always on, and they're not always on the station's side. Especially on lowpop. I would be cool about losing the spare if we had a new system in place that encouraged variety in playstyles and antag stratagem, like what you are proposing, but the spare is an immense utility to the crew when we don't have enough command members, stationbounds, or just personnel in general. It's useful even on extended rounds. It is too much utility to lose for both parties without a suitable replacement system.
  5. The rollback would allow people to fit in more lore into the setting pertaining to IPC's, and, as the OP stated, provide a more natural flow for what we currently have within the lore. I do not think this is inconsequential for character backstories at all. I feel a lot of character backstories for IPC's have to be extremely compressed, especially when it comes to the younger models. People are either incapable of not fitting in enough and keep it brief, or they have to stack and overlap events in their backstories in order to cram everything together. On the matter of IPC rights, I do hope that the unique vulnerabilities our robots have in-setting are preserved when the date rollback happens, and that the justification from the powers that be is strong. I'm certain the lore team will account for this, however.
  6. Thanks man, this'll probably remedy my problem, but I really hope we do get the Zelda lock on or "aim intent" down the line as @Myazaki described it. Something accessible and intuitive for new guys or people that don't engage in mechanics/combat enough to commit to making macros. I think the new sight cones have the potential to add a lot of depth to combat or even new mechanics based around such(i.e. turning away from a flashbang to negate some of its effects), but it also has the potential to become a severe injury upon QoL. Aim intent would be a perfect compliment for the new system.
  7. I'm fighting the camera just as much as I am fighting my opponent. I wouldn't mind the vision cones nearly as much if I could actually look at what what I'm doing. I feel like I'm playing 2D Epic Mickey. People pulling sneaky shit and slipping past my vision's fine if I can actually control where I'm looking independent of movement keys. Maybe have It so I just hit a key and then my dude is facing the cursor and strafing. I've been playing a shit ton of Darkwood lately, and the experience is something like that except with terrible controls and latency. And before we put out the vision cones, Fast characters were kind of a meta thing in SS13 related combat. Going fast and not getting hit is better than being slow, getting outmaneuvered, and then getting robusted. Hell, even if you have the advantage as a slow cunt, if you can't out range or trap your opponent, they can simply run away and fight you on their terms. Just the nature of things.
  8. I considered the cones something I would just tolerate until I tried to step into combat with these things PR merged. The "camera" isn't controlled by the player's cursor, and if we had that implemented, that's the only way I could see something like this being feasible. Gun fights, you could probably manage just fine, but melee is a confusing, frustrating exercise where people dart out of your field of vision and hit you in the back of the head before you can react. You can't strike people in your blind spots, you have to click twice in order to look at them, then hit them. It gets worse the faster they are, and the slower you are, since movement speed now controls how fast you can look at things while staying mobile. Now we really can't anticipate what people will do, and when you're lagging to shit, it just makes it worse. Trying to walk around to dodge/fence with someone WHILE attempting to keep your camera/sight on them is a fight in and of itself, and it is never a good thing to have your players fight the camera, in any game. If this came bundled with a mouselook, or maybe even a targeting system like a zelda game or something, this would be better. Right now, it just isn't working out.
  9. Honestly? Construction projects are usually hollow efforts. Most of them start off with a CE backing them, end thirty minutes to an hour after completion, and then get ignored by the entire crew for the rest of the round. There after, the transfer happens, the shuttle sends everyone back to centcomm, and then the server purges your progress. And this is if you don't get interrupted by carp, blobs, or station antaggery. We have so many lounges, break rooms, and hang out spaces, adding another one does not matter. Regardless if we are HRP or not, mechanical complexity is one of the selling points for SS13, and having a mechanically complex engine in a relatively tame server is perfect for mechanical experimentation and exploration. The best part of the SM, and why I think it is superior to our other engines, is it's reliance and interaction with atmos mechanics, allowing for a lot more creativity when it comes to unorthodox coolant setups, pipe reconstruction, delamination strategies, and engine restoration tactics. I really like what you are proposing. If I had a suggestion, it would be to add beneficial effects to the crystal, depending upon if certain conditions are met. For example, put in a certain gas ratio at a certain temperature? The Crystal is now outputting Hawking radiation, and you can gather that with radiation collectors. Do the same thing with a different ratio of gas at a different temperature? The crystal is now generating an new compound of gas with unique properties that can either be utilized by the crew or sold to cargo for a decent sum.
  10. Having LOOC around to shoot the shit with is a feature that adds to the game.. In moderation, it can be used to introduce variety with how you can interact with people on the server. I think it actually mitigates burn out, because the alternative is endlessly desk RPing until you run out of things to talk about. If we restrict LOOC to a local mentor help channel, people are just going to tab out of the game more than they already do to talk about other things. Merely having the client screen open in front of you and inputting text into the game is engagement. I don't mind admin intervention if someone makes it a bad habit of spending the whole round in LOOC as a station character, but I also don't wanna see more alt-tab zombies. My real concern with LOOC starts when we get off extended/slow rounds and some real shit is going on. Mostly just for ghosts. If were were to add more policy, I would be 100% ok if we had a policy on ghosts using LOOC in proximity to locations with high round activity(i.e. Delaminating engines, busy medical staff, shootouts, or even antags trying to be sneaky.) I think ghosts giving tutorial advice in LOOC, even if it's to remedy a bug, teeters on borderline round involvement, especially if what they're advising on is the byproduct of antag shenanigans. LOOC also has a surprisingly large radius. If I'm operating the cargo desk, I can hear people talking in LOOC all the way from the chapel. Say I'm an officer looking for a merc team silently moving through the tunnels, and Ckey: Chucklenuts, who I know loves trailing antags when they ghost, says something as the team is sifting through the dark. I now know that there's a valid there, and that if I act on it, I'm entering a dangerous grey area of rule violation because meta information was disclosed in proximity to me. I think the above is already enforced as a general infringement of disclosing meta information, but It wouldn't hurt to make this more obvious to people when they step into the ghost role.
  11. My question was answered in discord, but I am going to also make this question a forum post for others to see: Does this mean every new addition to the coat, hat, and jumpsuit slot in the foreseeable future has to be tied to a specific setting or culture in the lore, until the loadout system is in a happy place?
  12. That could be counteracted by separating multiple sections of the rafters with maint access doors/reinforced walls, and limit the number of locations you can use to travel up and down the Z-levels without a ladder or jetpack. The goblin rafters should only extend over specific departmental lobbies(if at all), customer areas of service departments, and the primary halls. The rafters themselves should be skeletal, very linear, and easy to dismantle like the ones pictured in in OP, and there should be very little or no maint loot up there. If a secman catches you on the rafters, you'll be out in the open unless you're close to the airlock, build yourself some ground to work with, or able to leap onto the lower Z level safely. I could even see the rafters being useful for departments that are not directly involved in the antag cat and mouse game. As a cargo technician, I've delivered crucial supplies to medical via the rafters in the OP's pic during the finale of the last Tajaran lore arc we had. EMT's could use the rafters to get to people separated by hazards or atmos related obstuctions. Engineering can use the rafters to quickly get into breached parts of the station, or even lay additional vents and scrubbers up in the rafters to make refilling areas easier.
  13. How I see it, a serious discussion channel would serve as an intermediate between posting something on the forums, and just screaming into a channel that is tangentially related to balance discussion. People talking on discord tend to do this weird thing where we jump back and forth between shitposting and genuine sentiment, which derails discussion. Forums do not have this issue, but they're far slower, and there's only a small handful of suggestion threads that get attention at any given time. With instant messaging, discussion into different topics is more frequent. To remedy the problem of a channel moving too fast, discord has the option of introducing timers into the channel, so when you post something, you have to wait a set amount of time before you can post again. Fully committing yourself to an idea and posting a suggestion you want in game should still be something done on the forums, as should serious business discussion for balance and policy in general. This channel will be a place dedicated for talk about the game without getting buried under unrelated discussion or shitposting.
  14. Honestly, if you wanted to buff out the bite, keep the aggressive grab, and just make it act identical to a G2 crush. Crushing is functionally identical, yet it does enough damage to rip dinged up heads and limbs off. Mandible bite's just a fireaxe swing, on account of it being 25 brute. Alternatively, you could just ditch the bite in favor of staying power, like what several others in this thread are suggesting.
  15. You would be surprised by how many changes are spurred from someone booting off of a shitty round and typing up a forum post. Without echoing to many of the sentiments already posted in the the thread, I think that dionae need some kind of health rework. They actually have organs, I say we give these organs purpose: create a new health system for dionae that at the very least incentivises the cluster staying together. If you collapse into a tide of nymphs, you lose all of your useful organs. And when you lose all of your useful organs, you start losing out on all of your immunities. Want your organs back? You gotta eat, get light, and wait. Or you can pick them up off the ground and stuff them into your chest if they haven't gone rotten. Dionae can bounce back very fast from grievous injury or splittings. Every race on the station needs complicated surgery, specialized personnel, a shit ton of time, and chemicals to bounce back to full health when they get dabbed on. Dionae should have a system that mimmicks this. As the treemen are right now, they are mechanically robust enough to almost be their own antag type. Until they get a rework, I'm all for the race getting barred from selection as antags, with the exception of Rev and Renegade(just a dionae with a gun, no uplink). Despite all the the disdain for treemen lately, I have never seen more Dionae on the station than I have since I started playing about September of last year. Dionae are objectively the most alien race you can play as on the server, I think that factor alone makes them worth keeping around.
  16. Things are the way they are because IPC's dab on everyone with how their health works. They don't feel pain, and when they get hurt, they don't get worse unless you drag them or they have shrapnel. A lot of people die in the medbay because of how brainmed kills you through the brain, blood, oxyloss, or necrosis. If you get trashed as an IPC, you can just wait somewhere until a roboticist or someone with a massive satchel of nanopaste can fix you up. It's like wearing a stasis bag, all the time. I've read the numbers and seen the arguments for why lasers are suitable enough for IPC counterplay, but that ignores the logistics backing up the IPC when they are in security. IPCurity has access to a bigass armory: They can load up on ablatives to counteract laser issues, or stack on other body armors to double up on the resistances they possess. In ideal circumstances, they have a department that can meet or outnumber most antags, the rest of the crew to support them, and a robotics bay that sees very little antag activity(compared to medical). In a vacuum, where we're banging numbers into numbers, lasers are an suitable counter to IPC's. When you take into account the amount of logistical support backing the ISD, and the fact that the robot man will be running around trying not to get shot, and that he has a team to protect and recover him, they become stronger. The Ion is horrible design, and is everything I think we've been trying to move away from. It kills in three hits, irregardless of armor, distance, or IPC subtype. Its first firing mode is a non-negotiable stun that knocks you on your ass, while the kill mode absolutely cucks you, dealing heavy damage indiscriminately throughout the body and slamming you to the ground for a long stun that guarantees the next two follow up shots will make you into dead metal Pinocchio. It has the ammunition economy of a fucking laser carbine, and so worrying about running out of shoot juice isn't a problem. We permit this atrocious thing because 1) it turns the ISD's fancy laser rifles into paperweights and 2) IPCurity(no really). It fucking sucks getting Ion'd, believe me, I've been there, but it's the unhappy and necessary solution to a playable race that completely spites the health/pain system we have balanced our races and combat around. I've heard talk of reworking their health with organs and coolant and shit, I think there is even a thread up somewhere in projects, but I don't think any change will happen till then. For the current order of things, maybe increasing the amount of shots it takes to kill an IPC or reducing/removing the stun on kill mode will make it less frustrating to play against.
  17. I get the impression that the lore team is retardedly occupied right now, but having additional languages at least for a few major human factions would be fantastic. Everything being a dialect of tradeband, freespeak, sol common, or ceti basic is a duct-tape solution for many planets and factions, especially Dominia, Elyra, and the Scarabs.
  18. I've had about five or so rounds of rev with this new system in place. You've basically managed to rework rev into a game mode wherein both sides focus on designing a small, self contained narrative rather than validing each other. Because security and command are not intrinsic to one of the sides(and the HoS/Captain cannot pick a side), it means that security is less likely to manhunt, and are more concerned with stopping everyone from killing each other. Rounds are more likely to turn into three way chaos fests involving the contenders, fellowship, and station authority. It becomes even better when you mix additional antag types into the round. AOOC during Rev rounds is constantly buzzing with where the story should be taken next. I'm running into more and more rev rounds that feel like micro events because of this. It's great.
  19. Then we should change the legislation of the station to support unethical research. I have an orange jumpsuit D-boy that I've made to fucking die from science every round. I already have enough problems with the science team not having any ideas or the spine to murder me in the name of science. We're part of an amoral mega-corporation dammit.
  20. IPC's are manufactured almost exclusively by humans and human organizations. Because of this, IPC's inherit much of the same settings, organizations, and cultures humans also use for character background generation. These two factors alone make the dynamic between the two very present. In many respects, they share the same lore. The relationship between the two races has always interested me, because it opens up a lot of philosophical questions about how the two should coexist. The controversy associated with IPC's is treated like an issue of civil rights in our setting, when we could go much deeper than that by making it a philosophical issue as well. Is it the right thing do by determining the best course of action for IPC's through the lens of human ethics? Is it a moral thing to make IPC's in our image, when we ourselves are extremely flawed creatures that haven't transcended our own struggles? What course of action would best prevent an AI singularity, whilst making all parties happy? I want us to ask these using our setting, how different planets or cultures treat and utilize IPC's. It will give much more depth when discussing Synthetic rights, and it will give players both human and IPC much more to consider when designing their characters. It would be something I would love to collaborate with the IPC lore team on.
  21. Besides my interest in fleshing out Sol-Alliance a little more, I do want to expand a little on corporations. To supply them with some overarching themes, and give an idea on what it's like to live on a planet or settlement that is 100% purchased and owned by them. With the introduction of the new star map, it placed a lot of empires, both human and alien, in relatively close proximity towards each other on the bottom half of the map. I would love to collaborate and write about these nations interacting with one another and playing the game of international politics and power. The last few things I would be interested in expanding upon is adding more offworlder backgrounds for people to work with, and expanding upon lore for the various frontiers and unknown regions of space in our setting. For the latter, It would be done through the addition of some lore on exploration and expeditions into these regions, and maybe even including some named installations or planets. Not enough to take the mystery and emptiness of these regions away, but just enough to create intrigue and character backgrounds. I like it. I'm all about internal consistency and balance when it comes to putting together lore for our setting. I am extremely receptive to criticism, and unironically enjoy the peer review process. As a lore deputy, I will telegraph my proposals, and assist in the creative process of others. I would start with little things, such as holidays and civic traditions. From there, I would expand upon the founding principles of the Alliance, their cultural identity, and the political ideologies that hold their nation together. In appropriate contrast to this, I would introduce some regionalistic differences and identities within the empire; each with their own cultural practices, attitudes, and how they feel about the Alliance as a whole. Right now, we have Sol set up so that its demographic regions radiate out from Sol itself, and that simply is too broad, in my opinion. When Solarian characters discuss their country, it's usually in the context of the named planets we have and a few home-brews. When I am finished, people will have a greater capacity to discuss the Alliance in its totality. As a final note, the expansions to Solarian lore I am proposing will give us more foundation and material to work with should the lore team decide to collapse and/or balkanize the Alliance.
  22. It should be something like what Aimmo has suggested, where it feeds IPC's afflicted by it strange cravings or inclinations. These "Ion behaviors" should expire after a TBD amount of time that can be checked by using self diagnostics. Removing the behaviors prematurely should be done by a roboticist or other trained equivalent by opening up the chest cover and then using a debugger.
  23. We've got all these cool faction flavor armors that only really pop up when mercs want to try a gimmick involving them. I'm only interested in a body guard role so we can see those sprites more often. If the body guard does manage to get implemented, they shouldn't be carrying anything stronger than a laser pistol, or even a taser.
  24. I don't play consular, but the idea of being able to call in a secretary or faction flavor body guard to shoot the shit with sounds pretty neat. +1
  25. The title of this thread should really just be "replace the rounds in the detective's gun with rubbers." I don't see why the detective can't have a rubber gun when the entire department is walking around with one in their pants, but I've seen the lethals cause mishaps before. People often forget the gun is even loaded with angry stuff, and they can cut rounds short/escalate too fast like what happened with Kyres.
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