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Everything posted by CampinKiller

  1. What the dank did you just blazing say about me, you little meme? I’ll have you know I ayy’d top of my lmao in the Dank Memers, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on 9GAG, and I have over 420 confirmed memes. I am trained in gnome warfare and I’m the top sweglord in the entire /r/dank_meme forces. You are nothing to me but just another 9Fag. I will smoke you the fuck out with memes the likes of which have never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, memer. As we speak I am posting my secret network of dank memes across reddit and your karma is being rekt right now so you better prepare for the storm, shitposter. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your karma. You’re fucking downvoted, kid. I can meme anywhere, anytime, and I can dank you in over sixty nine ways, and that’s just with non-dank memes. Not only am I extensively trained in danked memeing, but I have access to the entire stash of Snoop’s dankest kush and I will use it to its full extent to blaze your miserable memes off the face of the thread, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you wouldn’t have posted those shitty memes. But you did, you had to, and now you’re paying the price, you little 4chan. I will blow my dank smoke all over you and you will choke in it. You’re fucking memed, kiddo.
  2. It is my ground to hold, and yours to lose.
  3. You won't be living for much longer, then/
  4. You hippie, you can't force me out! I'll napalm the lot of ya!
  5. then i guess i will be telling the tales to our youth You underestimate my shitposting.
  6. History is written by the victor.
  7. You shall not pass.
  8. I claim off-topic now. https://gyazo.com/6ece85706f6966c2ec0497215a1ac4c9
  10. Error. Mental interface failure.
  11. Not if I smash your attempt to spam off-topic
  12. I'll give YOU a shitpost. of COLD SHOWERS.
  13. Who said he was telling the truth?
  15. Apply cold water to burned area.
  16. Sorry, all purchases are final! -runs for the Cayman Islands-
  17. Piper's not a synth, actually.
  18. Reporting Personnel: Marc Price Rank of Reporting Personnel: Head of Security Personnel Involved: Alex Graves (Security Officer), Einherjar VI (Cyborg), Station AI Katana Alpha, John Westerwood (Security Officer), Rin Fukuiomoto (Assistant), Qooxrimzaooqu-uu Xuqzaoo (Scientist) Time of Incident: Approx. 17:00 station time Real time: Approx. 1630 CST 19FEB2016 Location of Incident: Brig, Science Nature of Incident: []Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property [X]Neglect of Duty [X]Harassment []Assault [X]Misconduct []Other _____ Overview of the Incident: Suspended crewmember Rin Fukuiomoto was illegally in possession of an EVA suit from Science, without proper authorization or paperwork. I ordered them to be relieved of said EVA suit. Xuqzaoo immediately began causing a ruckus over the general frequency, including making threats to physically harm and report me to Central Command, as well as admitting to exceeding their official powers by issuing an EVA suit to Rin without authorization. Xuqzaoo then began to slander myself over the general channel, calling me "idiotic" and claiming myself and my department had "illegally stolen Science equipment." Upon ordering their detainment for said slander, they again threatened me when brought to the Brig and continued to misuse the comm channel. It should also be noted that Xuqzaoo placed Rin Fukuiomoto in danger by using her in Telescience testing prior to the above incident, that resulted in her being teleported to the asteroid without internals, and without written consent for testing. Did you report it to a Head of Staff or IAA? If so, who?: I attempted to report it to Agent Victoria Belikova, but the shift ended before the form could be delivered. Additional notes: I find Xuqzaoo's conduct on the station, as well as flagrant disregard for authority and regulations to be utterly unbecoming in a professional work environment.
  19. T-the a-amount of s-stuttering a-and e-edgy ch-characters is t-too d-damn h-high
  20. Playing devil's advocate here, I've seen complaints in which people have willfully admitted to purposely executing antags who've been arrested or easily could've been, and that person has gotten off scot free, and these were blatantly obvious, as opposed to what could be an accident. It isn't too hard to imagine it being accidental, given the circumstances (lag, spam clicking, only one shot, the antag being in crit), regardless of the reputation of the player involved. Also, if it matters at all, up until reading this thread I thought Security could order a DNC, and have seen it regularly done by Command/Security in the past.
  21. If the last spot's still open, I'll take it
  22. Reporting Personnel: Marc Price Rank of Reporting Personnel: Head of Security Personnel Involved: Thtithik Pakseech (Quartermaster), Rin Fukuiomoto (Chef), Jared Clarkson (Security Officer), Jaylor Rameau (Engineer), Abel Coates (Detective), Za'Akaix'Tlexa Zo'Ra (Warden), Oliver Roadman (Chief Engineer) Time of Incident: 4:30 Tau Ceti Standard Time Real time: 15FEB, 2100 CST Location of Incident: Engineering, Brig Nature of Incident: []Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury [X]Destruction of Property []Neglect of Duty []Harassment []Assault [X]Misconduct []Other _____ Overview of the Incident: Shortly after arriving on the station, I was informed by Chief Engineer Roadman that the Quartermaster, Pakseech, had deconstructed his office door with an RCD. We began investigating, and ultimately searched Cargo to locate any other contraband, as Rin Fukuiomoto reported that Pakseech had hacked the autolathe. Pakseech was observed by myself, and multiple other officers, making a plan with Rin Fukuiomoto on an alternate communication channel to kill or maim Jaylor Rameau, as he had allegedly made racist comments. Pakseech was then reported by Chief Roadman and Mr. Rameau to have entered Engineering without consent. Myself and Officer Clarkson responded to the scene, where Pakseech verbally debated my order to detain him for threatening to seriously injure Mr. Rameau, as well as suspicious conduct, and even claimed he was loyalty implanted. After Pakseech was implanted with a tracking implant per i115: Threat of Murder or Serious Injury, he began to verbally abuse myself, and after being escorted out of the Brig, made a vague threat to kill me. Did you report it to a Head of Staff or IAA? If so, who?: It was reported to the general command channel. Additional notes: None
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