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Everything posted by CampinKiller

  1. I (think) I need access?
  2. Reporting Personnel: Marc Price Rank of Reporting Personnel: Head of Security Personnel Involved: Geneticist Martin Richter (offender), Geneticist Akero'Ceyta Veeta'Pleat (witness), Security Officer Natacha Morgan (witness), Chief Medical Officer Junne Sonnberg (witness), Surgeon Augur (witness), Captain Erransis Tup'Fedranin (witness), Janitor Adolph Hammerstein (witness) Time of Incident: Real time: 1700 CST Location of Incident: Genetics Lab Nature of Incident: [X]Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property [X]Neglect of Duty []Harassment []Assault [X]Misconduct []Other _____ Overview of the Incident: The Chief Medical Officer asked for myself to dispatch Security to the Genetics Lab, as one of her Geneticists was causing a ruckus and disobeying orders. I arrived and ordered extra officers to the area, as the Geneticist, Martin Richter, had injected himself with something that made him into a green, muscular, hulking creature, and named himself 'The God Emperor of Mankind.' He had appeared to destroy a wall on the starboard side of the Genetics Lab prior to my arrival. With him was Adolph Hammerstein, who was referring to Richter as a god, and asking him to genetically enhance him. I asked Richter to surrender himself on account of illegally self-testing, and preparing to illegally modify Adolph Hammerstein, as well as failing to obey the orders of the CMO. Richter refused and became angry, accusing me of making up crimes against him. Eventually, myself, the Captain, and an Officer moved into the room. Hammerstein hid himself in a locker, and Richter surrendered himself. Augur volunteered to try and fix Richter by placing him in the genetics modification device, and I allowed it, given the risk the hulking Richter posed, should he get free. When it was unable to fix Richter, and with the shuttle about to arrive, I escorted Richter to the shuttle, where he was held and transferred to Odin PD after the shuttle arrived. Did you report it to a Head of Staff or IAA? If so, who?: No, as the shuttle was arriving at the conclusion of this incident. Additional notes:
  3. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FwoQs-dxdekfZZvfcKYYiWDaPuuSNgJuO42gctw1u4Q/edit?pref=2&pli=1
  4. Sorry for not noticing something from over a month ago?
  5. Yeah, but reading the same newscaster stories over and over is tiring. Why not have it come up in the news posted on the forums, similar to the IPC things? (Not in outcome, but how it's actually noticed because it's posted on the forums).
  6. My popcorn business is failing because of this. I have to fund better PC parts somehow, dammit!
  7. Many riot shields IRL have bullet protection. I think it's safe to say they'd have been upgraded since then.
  8. Alliance Strategic Intelligence After Action Report Agent Serial Number: 47F281CH9200 The infiltration of the NanoTrasen research station was a success. My duties as a covered EMT allowed me access to high-priority personnel who were injured, with minimal danger of exposing myself. I could quite literally have stolen high-valued items, or injected a lethal drug into high-ranking personnel, and nobody would notice or think anything of it. An opportunity presented itself early in the shift. The Head of Security of this station had been injured in some way, resulting in a fracture to their hand. I, as the only able Medical personnel at the time, performed surgery on her. During the course of this, I extracted her loyalty implant, and took it for transfer to the researchers and technicians in the labs upon completion of my operation. I believe the loyalty implant may be able to be reverse-engineered into making the implanted individual loyal to the Sol Alliance, or may be useful to ensure field agents are not doubled by counter-intelligence operations. As a final note, while the HoS did notice that the implant had been removed, they did not act on it, and I played dumb, so my cover remains intact should I need to infiltrate another station. Attachments:
  9. So, it seems to me that Code Red is overused in some situations, or at least left in place for a very long time. Take a round last night, for example. I was a ling who had RP'd being studied by R&D in exchange for protohumans to feed on. After about an hour and a half, I escape, as I know that I cannot trust that I won't be taken, experimented on, and killed by NanoTrasen after the shift is over. I go into hiding after my escape, and tell Security that I will remain peaceful if I am left alone. Security naturally refuses, but they have no idea where I am, so I am fine. However, at around the 2 hour mark, the alert level is raised to Code Red, despite no hostile acts to that point, after breaking out, and an ERT is called shortly after. The Code Red is left until at least the 3.5 hour mark, when I eventually went to the Dorms because I had to sleep. I don't know how long the round went after that. My main issue is, that despite never discovering any violent acts (until over an hour after Code Red was declared), that the RP ground to a halt. I had to stay in the department of the person's body I consumed, as did the rest of that department, and we had nothing to do. We couldn't leave, given the Code Red, and we couldn't test anything, on orders from the Research Director. At this point, I assume the ability to do anything besides stare at a wall and talk to whoever else is with you ground to a halt everywhere except Mining, the Bar, and Security. It was boring, and we couldn't call a transfer vote to end it because of the Code Red. My point is this - there needs to be a limit on the length of a Code Red, or votes should be allowed past the 3 hour mark, even if it's Code Red. If a known alien lifeform escapes, or there's an attack on the station, then it makes sense, but if you cannot find it, or they abandon the attack, then you don't need to keep everyone staring at a wall with nothing to do for a long amount of time, because that ~90 minutes worth of Code Red did nothing except keep people sitting around and looking at a wall.
  10. Yeah, but the difference is, Tajarans are seen as terrorists. Vaucra are not. If you're going to ban Vaucra from Security because of mandibles, then Tajarans probably shouldn't be in any important positions, because of their view as terrorists.
  11. I'm just pointing out that if species like Tajarans are not trusted, and viewed by much of the galaxy to be terrorists (similar to Muslims currently IRL), then I highly doubt they'd have access to any head jobs outside of CE/RD.
  12. Which does bring into account the question of how certain species (read: Tajaran) are trusted to serve as significant heads of staff/in protective roles on the station when they are not respected and viewed as terrorists by many. I can see being a loyalty-implanted role, since it basically mindslaves them to serving the best interests of NT, but other positions have always baffled me.
  13. Except, vast majority of assault and manslaughter charges end up as attempted murder charges. Re: assault, you are displaying, at the very least, intent to seriously harm. If you end up killing them, then it would be considered murder (the likely charge upon return to Biesel being 2nd Degree Murder, as assaults that escalate into a murder are rarely premeditated/grounds for a 1st Degree Murder charge). If you're defending yourself, then that is a different story. Manslaughter does often get charged as Murder, unfortunately, and the few times I've seen/tried to tell the other staff that it's actually Manslaughter, said person usually is ignored or shouted down.
  14. Murder, (off the top of my head), involves premeditated intent to kill. Manslaughter would be killing without premeditated intent.
  15. Hail Me109s. And biplanes. And B-25s.
  16. Hello, Commander. It has come to this council's attention that there is an organization actively undermining LES-COM field operations, holding some...misguided sympathies for the lesbay invaders. Your previous directive to protect all straight life on Aurora has been rescinded.
  17. Marc Price, American, Caucasian, Ranger. Hair: Black Weapon: Black Main Armor: Black Secondary Armor: Red Facial Hair: Clean shaven Eye Color: Blue Personality: By-the-Book
  18. BYOND key: CampinKiller Character names: Marc Price, Matt Price, M.O.T.H.E.R., Mike Fisher How long have you been playing on Aurora?: A couple months or so. I played here before I went on hiatus back in July, so no idea what the actual time is. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I want to be able to play (Marc) Price as HoS, and I've always enjoyed playing Command staff on other servers. Why did you come to Aurora?: Because I enjoy roleplay. Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?: Yes. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Roleplay is acting out a character who is playing a certain role in a world/story/whatever. This includes acting out a character's thoughts, emotions, actions, etc. It should be about creating an interesting story that isn't just fun for you, but for the people you are roleplaying with as well. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: The OOC purpose of a Head of Staff entails multiple roles. On one hand, new players will look to other players (esp. the head of staff of their department) as a role model, and as such a head of staff needs to act as a role model. On the other hand, the head of staff is sort of like a moderator on an IC level, and needs to ensure the people in their department are doing good roleplay and not chucklef*cking. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: To provide a great roleplaying experience by being able to make decisions that further the roleplay of a round, and provide the management of the station. They also serve as rolemodels for newer players when it comes to roleplaying properly and performing the duties of managing a department properly. Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions. Character name: Marc Price Character age: 37 Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs): Marc Price was born on August 14, 2420, in the megacity of Dallas. He has an older twin brother, Matt, who was born 7 minutes before he was, and a younger sister, Amanda, who is 7 years younger than him. His early life was uneventful, as the middle child of two hardworking parents. Upon entering grade school, he began playing ice hockey. Throughout school he consistently underachieved, preferring to focus on athletics rather than schoolwork, which resulted in him graduating high school at the age of 18 with a 2.9 GPA. However, as a result of his athletic success, he played Tier I Junior Hockey, starting at the age of 17. Marc would eventually be drafted by the New York Rangers at the age of 19. He would split time between the Rangers' AHL affiliate and the NHL team for the next 2 years, before suffering post-concussion syndrome after an injury in a fight towards the end of his 1st full season in the NHL (his 3rd season overall), and retiring as a result of the injury. In the months after his health-related retirement, Marc grew increasingly depressed and turned to drinking. By the time he turned 23, he was an alcoholic in every sense of the word, and his post-concussion syndrome still bothered him most days. A few months prior to his 24th birthday, he decided to enroll in an alcoholic group therapy program, and also applied to NanoTrasen's Internal Security division, going through their year-long cadet program. In May of 2445, he graduated the cadet program, becoming a full-time member of NanoTrasen Internal Security. Since then, he has been posted at a number of different NanoTrasen facilities, and has only recently been transferred to the NSS Aurora. As of his 37th birthday, he has been sober for 14 years. He is now seeking a promotion to the level of a Head of Security, having recently received his Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice, and an Associate's Degree in Computer Science. What do you like about this character?: Not a snowflake. No dead parents growing up, not some war-hero combat vet type who will never be afraid of anything ever, but an Average Joe who needed a job, found work in NanoTrasen, and built his career from there. Also, he normally tries to conduct himself with professionalism, though that doesn't always happen in extreme situations, or with people that have angered him. Also, he issues warnings for minor crimes, usually. So there's that. What do you dislike about this character?: Regulations whore. For the most part, he'll have no problem shoving someone into the Brig for violating minor and obscure regulations, though he usually reserves that for people that have either been warned previously, or have been a complete pain in the ass. What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?: Besides meeting the basic requirements, Price is competent. He knows how Security should work, and how the people in Security should do their jobs. He also knows that some officers just don't want to do their jobs, or f*ck around while doing their jobs, and would just love to fix that issue. While he doesn't like paperwork, he knows that it's almost never used, or filed for that matter, by most of Security, and knows that that is a problem. Also, when it comes to Officers and other Security members behaving inappropriately or otherwise violating Regulations (which can be common), he's not going to let them slide, or issue a warning (except for the most minor offenses). Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions. How would you rate your own roleplaying?: 8/10. I feel I'm a good roleplayer, but have room for improvement. Extra notes:
  19. I do, and I ignore it, to the best of my ability. Since it always happens around hockey season, I figure it has to do with a combination of the cold and my chest pads rubbing against my back
  20. We are extremely impressed with the progress of the LES-COM project thus far, Commander. Your recent results have been beyond our expectations, and that is not a statement this Council makes lightly. Remember, we will be watching.
  21. As someone who was there, I think the airlocks were unbolted because they never originally opened and were unbolted by the AI/a borg. All I saw was the drone move left and the door open, so, seems like an accident.
  22. Remember, we will be watching.
  23. That would be Johnson, as I was only on Sec comms at the time. Point of clarification: If I'm not vastly mis-remembering, that Officer actually specifically said they didn't have a problem with Rin being arrested, only with Rin being thrown into solitary from the word go. Yes, I recall Sur'kov saying (and making an IA complaint to that matter) that they did not agree with the instant-solitary sentence. Johnson thought she was innocent from the get-go.
  24. Oh man, played with him a round when he was Warden, and when he was EMT. Love him.
  25. Please, enlighten me as to when my character neglected his duty and disobeyed orders prior to the Rin escape. Also, the part about the officer manifesting symptoms is a lie, given that I played said officer and never had any sort of symptoms. Also, Price never uttered a word over public comms about you, or called for your arrest prior to the Rin incident. In fact, the only time he really said anything over Security comms against Keelin was when he was violating procedure and causing arguments to flare up with other Security members/threatening them. And even after the incident, he kept anything about it out of public comms, and on the Security channel. And I did not say she was cuffed when you began to beat her with the baton in the prior post. She was down after the first hit, with 5 bullets in her, and not going anywhere. A logical person could probably conclude that she was subdued at that point, and seconds away from being in handcuffs.
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