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Everything posted by CampinKiller

  1. Where the fuck is XCOM when you need them?
  2. Skull is a big meany poopy head who caused two crashes in one day! We need him bant!
  3. Have it, want to play it.
  4. Thiiiiis never happened? What character said this, considering you don't seem to know any of my characters from the Evelyn Fermi RD situation (kek) . If you've ever met me, I generally give ERT players that are Engineering and Medical a lot of shit WHEN they bring heavy weapons, because Medical ERT and Enginering ERT should only have general self-defense weapons, unless the situation is extremely hostile and they know this. I've only been ERT in the last two months, and have only been there for three. I was told by staff that Ana was your character. I don't have time to actively follow the face behind characters, as I work a full time job, go to school, and have to have time for myself. No, that was SueTheCake who was getting on to you about not taking weapons as ERT.
  5. No, it wasn't, as you guys fired it two or three more times after I woke up. It not being ready to fire means you're trying to shoot too fast.
  6. So the constant click, click, click I heard as I was unconscious, and then after waking wasn't the shotgun? Considering the stun revolver had plenty of ammo left, it had to be the shotgun.
  7. No physical threat towards me - minus him pulling the trigger on the shotgun and it not firing, several times, which is why I disarmed it from him before he figured out he needed to rack it. If him trying to fire a shotgun loaded with lethal slugs isn't a physical threat, then I don't know what is. Not to mention you'd shot me with a revolver several times already, so there was very much a threat you might finally figure out how to shoot the shotgun after knocking me out again
  8. I stole the combat shotgun after you made several attempts to fire it, but couldn't because you hadnt racked it. I also did not know it was loaded with lethal rounds until I shot you two with it when you started shooting me with the revolver again, and that combined with the fact you were attacking me makes it justifiable to blow you away with lethal force.
  9. Except I didnt. You tried to kill someone who was unconscious because they didn't have the ability to treat you. That's an uncalled for escalation of force. Me blasting you with a shotgun is a proper escalation, given you tried to kill me with it and both attacked me.
  10. Are you mad? Can you read? I never touched anyone when I got stunned. Ever. EDIT: Turns out I did. Even then, you escalate to lethal force and attacking a doctor for trying to take a headset that you shouldn't have? EDIT 2: You also accuse Sierra of lying, but you two did beat the fuck out of each other in the Psych Office, and Junior was screaming. Multiple people can attest to that. In fact, I witnessed most of the events Sierra mentioned, so just calling everyone liars is counterproductive.
  11. Yeah, totally lying. I never tried to take your headset until you were dead, if I recall, and considering nobody was threatening me, why wouldn't I call Security for two armored and unstable individuals? In fact, as the above logs show, you guys were the ones stripping people. And pardon me if I can't remember everything 100% accurate over 12 hours after it occurred, but I specifically recall being attacked and you trying to shoot the shotgun after you were able to stand, and so I disarmed you of it and used it when you guys began kicking me and trying to shoot me with the revolver again, not a stretch for an ex-Marine. All your explanation did was basically admit to self-antagging, though. EDIT: Also, I never shot either of you once you were down. I only fired when one of you stood up, and so blasted you again to put you back down, and then just let you bleed out.
  12. I think Europe and the OPEC nations got into a small scale nuclear war as well, if memory serves. One thing that confuses me is that, in FO4, you find that the nuclear attack (ie. The ICBM tracks, inbound bombers, etc.) was confirmed at 9:27 AM, but the warning wasn't sent out until about 9:45 AM, shortly after some cities had already been hit. What was the point of doing that?
  13. As someone who was there at the bomb incident, I don't know why you were there, but when they were pepper sprayed and couldn't see, they caused the bomber to move, which caused the Detective holding the bomber at gunpoint to fire, which caused the bomber to automatically press the button.
  14. So, I play Matt Price, and will throw my 2¢ in here. For some background, Matt is an EMT and former Sol Alliance Marine for 6 years, and was a field medic. He was involved in some anti-piracy operations, so he knows his way around combat and life-saving medical support. I come to the Medical lobby to find these two guys armed with a shotgun and a stun revolver, and call for Security. Another Doctor opens the door, and they come inside. I scan the grandfather and find out that he's fine, minus the mental retardation, and also call for Security, while they beg me to help. I tell them that I'm an EMT and I'm not able to help them as they need medicine/surgery that I am unable to do. About this time the younger one shoots me once with a stun revolver. I then try to disarm and pin him down, but the older one is able to stand up and shoot me with the revolver. As I lay there unconscious, and when I wake up, I can hear them attempting to blast me with the shotgun. When I wake up I am beaten with the butt of the shotgun, so I shove the older one over, and take the shotgun away. I then realized they hadn't racked it, and did so myself. They then both came at myself and a doctor who had come towards the sound of the fighting, and so I defended myself and the other doctor by blasting them with the shotgun (which, come to find out, was loaded with lethal slug rounds). They attempted to flash bang us to get the shotgun back after they ran out of stun revolver ammo, and ended up killing a surgeon that had a mechanical heart with an EMP grenade, but eventually bled out from the shotgun blasts I'd put into them. Was I playing the hero? I don't think so, given the backstory of the character, and the fact that Matt was being threatened and attacked by these two guys. Regardless, I think Tenenza handled it fine, given the other shit that was ongoing.
  15. So, in other words, it's perfectly acceptable to vent significant portions of areas without the slightest amount of roleplay involved, and for powergamey reasons? They literally admitted to doing it in an attempt to win the round. If that's not powergaming, then there are serious issues with your interpretation of the rules. If antags are given free reign to circumvent to rules and bend them, then there are serious issues here.
  16. I'm not saying it's gank. I'm saying it's atmos grief and powergaming to immediately vent an area multiple times for the blatant purpose of winning (as admitted in OOC from Delta's post), so you can pain-crit people instantly and fully depressurize a place because the lolz.
  17. Sigh. This is why you test things on a private server. EDIT: Also, Jboy, trusting someone else with access to the server is not usually a good idea, especially after the Scopes incident.
  18. He did? No, but are we just going to wait around until he does?
  19. Reporting Personnel: Marc Price Rank of Reporting Personnel: Head of Security Personnel Involved: John Devereux (Detective), Sslazhir Yinzr (Officer), Ana Roh'hi'tin (Officer), Aersari Yinzr (Warden), Mordred Artorius (Cadet), Kellie Hastings (Executive Assistant), Robin Calanthe (Detective), Ro'grif Sodead (Assistant) Time of Incident: Approx. 8:20 Tau Ceti Standard Time Real time: 12MAR, approx. 2200 CST Location of Incident: Holodeck, Brig Nature of Incident: []Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property []Neglect of Duty []Harassment []Assault [X]Misconduct [X]Murder Overview of the Incident: Ro'grif Sodead failed to utilize proper Holodeck equipment in a fight with Cadet Mordred Artorius, and then used a blunt force object to kill them after said fight. Their spouse, Detective Calanthe, then attempted to cover up the death by hiding the cadet's body, but he was spotted by the station AI. After being apprehended, Calanthe confessed, and implicated his wife, Sodead, who also later confessed. Calanthe then, during his holding until transfer, attempted to kill himself twice, resulting in massive Medical resources being expended. His wife, Sodead, also tried to kill herself, but did not cause as much injury. Did you report it to a Head of Staff or IAA? If so, who?: No. Additional notes: N/A
  20. Some assistant called for Security over comms, reporting,"The Chef has been taken into Mining." We don't know if that meant being kidnapped, or just being taken there to see some things. Regardless, we couldn't raise them or the QM, and the AI wasn't responding. I called for two officers, and went myself to provide access. We then went onto the Mining Outpost, and still couldn't get anyone to respond, and so we had to break into the port section of it. We then simply searched the area, and then opened the door to the dorm room. Our equipment was the standard officer equipment, plus my energy gun as the HoS. All 3 of us were wearing our armored vests, but that's normal for most officers. As to what Pootis said, taking into account what Delta posted, I find that venting it multiple times, the first being before anyone could say a word, to be chucklefuckery. And nobody was armed with a laser rifle, the only person armed with a gun was myself, and the HoS is always armed. Also, making a gnarly scene makes no sense. You'd killed everyone who came to the Outpost, had vented it in multiple places, and then single out two bodies to decapitate, both of which happen to be the only Security who responded and could be a threat if cloned, and cut them into pieces for good measure.
  21. BYOND Key: CampinKiller Player Byond Key: PootisManiac Staff involved: Garnascus Reason for complaint: Atmos griefing, Powergaming Approximate Date/Time: March 11, approx. 1900 CST So, PootisManiac, aka Walter Bash, was a vampire. Security received a report about the Chef missing heading into Cargo. Myself and two officers go to investigate the report, and head onto the Mining Outpost. We eventually get to the outpost dorms, and open the door to one of the rooms. Inside, we see Walter Bash and the Chef, and before we even say a word, Bash vents the room with an RCD they printed off an autolathe. They then proceed to vent the outpost 3 more times in order to kill everyone inside of it, including medical staff that responded to the vitals loss. This was ahelped and I was informed that it's not atmos grief to freely vent areas, nor was it ganking to suddenly kill two Security members who weren't even there to arrest anyone, but looking for the Chef, as well as Medical staff who went to help the Security forces. Later in the round, Bash then decapitates my body, and Nia Snyder's body, for the express reason of preventing us from being cloned. In fact, he didn't just decapitate them, he dismembered them completely. There was no reason to do this other than to prevent cloning, which seems to me to be blatantly over the line of what is acceptable, especially after murderboning said people minutes prior.
  22. You missed my point entirely … but it’s ok don’t worry, no one is surprised That's basically what your point boiled down to. I like this change, considering how conservative and traditional Tajarans are. Not that it matters though, considering that the majority of Tajarans who are straight will be the Super Social Justice Warrior type and love all Tajarans, lore be damned in favor of edginess and not hurting people's feelings.
  23. So, anything? -cries tears of loneliness-
  24. Uh, what? Aurora security isn't mallcops. That's been well established for some time. They are a paramilitary corporate security force. Most RL corporate security forces at a research facility are armed with lethal weapons, because it's better safe than sorry. I'd support giving officers energy pistols.
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