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  1. hey wait; I don't think(?) security is allowed to just tell Cargo Techs to do this. just saying.
  2. No objections here. I'll just reinforce the point about antag interference with my case handler and hopefully just handle it today. Again, I just wanna stress, not trying to spy on the company, as that's a bit in antag territory, I was watching to see if people were acting against the state.
  3. Not being purposefully informed about something and going to fax central, instead of resolving it on station with the character is a poor play on the Command Staffs part and I suppose you as well. Having a shoot first and ask questions later approach only makes things worse, this is why your expected to communicate. If there is a merc and you see them and they have one small thing sketchy about them, would you shoot them? No, it's an improper act of escalation, this is why this complaint is also against members of the command staff as well. You would've and I wouldn't have contested the bug, somehow, being in a place where it shouldn't have been, it doesn't change anything. I vividly remember stating that I don't care about the IR originally, that was because I felt, on an ooc level that everything was fine, but after dwelling on it with others to further verify and hearing their opinions, I made this player report because of the lines; >Seeing how the originals went missing this one left his own copy at the consulars office so they could at least enjoy the scripture by our donators for themself. >He did not want to cause a political issue by saying that he brought it to their office so he claimed to have lost it and some other crewmember must have then delivered it to the office of the consular. Because by enabling the scenario, he used it in his IR to use said scenario against me and the IR system shouldn't be used by this, moving on, As I said, my character had reasons to do the things she did, it is a DPRA consular during a celebration day, moving books is something that could've easily been handled ic, the bug was completely unrelated to do anything against the PRA. It certainly is believable act that my character took offence to, I didn't blow up anything or shoot anyone that round, it was something minor (I did in front of an admin, mind you) that wasn't directly effecting the round and you, yourself, found the whole plotline interesting. What I had done was small and at most, an inconvenience at best, now Cnaym, willingly placing a book, refusing to tell the truth and enabling an incident that he used against my character is where I draw the line, IR's are not supposed to be done like this and I find it an act of utter bad faith, I will also remark that my goal is to assist Liberation Army personnel out on the field, it would be against my character/faction so I did something small and believable and just moved books and planted bugs to ensure there is no one going against the Al'mariist State and I got no bwoinks about it. The ISD certainly can do something to me, as well as the Captain, as cited in Directive Twelve, medium to high level infractions are when you contact CC, this was at most hooliganism and is a gross overreaction and this is something that could be resolved ic, instead, command immediately shot for removing privilege's over an invasion of privacy, at no point did command staff bother to talk to my character, which is, again, another reason why I made this report as well. You making the IR would've changed a lot, the only thing I would've contested was the bug being found. Once more, the only part, originally, I would've contested would've been the bug being found, I would've been fine to accept the consequence, had however, the Command Staff handled this situation originally. I will also state that there is a reason why the role, such as Detective exists, your supposed to question people and communicate with characters because were here to roleplay, let us again, place this in the situation where I was an antagonist, would it be acceptable to not even interact with the character and put them on arrest when they hadn't attacked anyone? No, of course not. I actually was willing to go with this entire scenario, I've said this numerous times to other people involved over DMs but once I was aware of possible foul play/bad conduct, I made this thread to complain about it because enabling a rulebreak is not an acceptable thing I should enable. I don't appreciate that your attempting to accuse me of evading consequences when I said numerous times that I was willing to accept the IR, on everything but the bug and now, the fact Cnaym caused a scenario, targeted at my character directly, and used the fallout of that scenario to add it to his IR against my character. Had you filed it, I wouldn't have cared, but I don't appreciate the accusations here and I'm more than willing to ask others to testify about me saying I'd accept the IR, outside of the bug (and now the, the aforementioned fuel Cnaym willingly created) I do I agree over IRing someone over moved books? Partially, I feel It's petty and a waste of time I feel but I took that consequence, in accordance with the believable views of my character and goal as a DPRA consular. and, to close this off; I don't have anything against Cnaym, I do, however, have issues when someone willingly enables a scenario and misuses the IR system, I had spoken to a few people and the conscious was that I should contact the person handling the IR which, led me to here, there is some other stuff I was aware of and I've consulted people about it, hence the IR. Once more, and to make it abundantly clear, I do not have any issues with you, Sue. I've willingly made sure I was transparent with you and be respectful with you, I think you know that really well after that post on my deputy application. I just take offense to how things were handled and I very much apologize if there were any perceived insults in my thread, it was not my intent, I was just trying to explain it all, I do my best to be respectful of others and to act lawfully and I feel like people in this community know that because when I've messed up, I've owed up to it. With that post out of the way, I'll be discussing with whoever about Cnayms responses.
  4. Back so I'll respond; Oh, okay, that makes more sense, see my complaint here was more so; Hey, the situation was resolved, now I'm asking for you to go to people because, as mentioned earlier, antag influences preventing others from offering a testimony to you, that's why I asked for you to talk to them or at least organize someone to talk to them because I had the HoP straight up walk away and seemingly avoid me after I tried talking to them, they were told they were "busy" with, from what I was told after talking to CCIA who answered the fax, faxing central, again, about me, or getting a fax from central, I never got a verdict on that. Oh I know, I'm not trying to blame you, it was just very frustrating that I was being held against for not having a witness testify, even though I explained that some person bit them and they've been disrupted since, that's why I asked you to intervene after the threat was resolved, near the vault if you remember but you refused to even get someone to collect the witnesses, hence why I took qualms with command conduct moving on; You are right, my character was not questioned or arrested but I do cite one of the rules of IRs, that being you have to make an attempt to resolve the situation, instead of communicating with the character to get intent, you shot first and faxed central. It's comparable to constantly faxing central to confirm a Merc antag gimmick is "from the company" to get a chance to get them in trouble ic, your supposed to work with people as a member of the command staff member, you shot first and put your own intent into the fax instead of communicating with those affected. Once more; I feel like assuming the worse is again, a poor act on being a command staff member, you directly influence the round so just assuming the worse here to fax central to revoke diplomatic privilege's is really abrasive move when the entire thing could've been spoken about in character in her office. DPRA consulars exist to ensure that the rights of Tajara are enforced and Al'mariist views are upheld, that is the intent behind the bugs, spying on NT itself would've been self antagging which wasn't my goal, my goal was to ensure no one is betraying the Al'mariist State on the Holiday of their enemy, this is basically why we are given surveilance devices. My character had attempted to, numerous times, my character yelled for the Captain, we spoke, we sorted it out, she wanted time, I asked again, got(?) no response and then I found the Captain by the vault after the situation was resolved. So again, I vividly remember asking for someone to resolve my situation, both before and after the situation. I had also sworn that you'd back the decision of the Captain, not the Hop though maybe, I'm remembering it incorrectly but I do remember the HoP being in the room as well. You say kick down the doors but I vividly remember being by diplomatic reception, opening the doors and stopping before the security department, in the door way, I asked for you over say, then over command radio and you said "busy!" when you went over to.. Somewhere, presumably to collect the fax. That's fair enough, again, my issue was that I remember going to you previously, once the situation was resolved, you told me you were busy, okay, and then you never made any attempt to communicate with me, up until I requested the FT to be with me to ensure there was no foul play involved. Again, let us put it in context of my character being an antag, would it be an engaging story to attempt to deal with a diplomat antagonist by just constantly communicating with people that can destroy the round in one piece of paper? No, it wouldn't be, it'd destroy the gimmick and the antag would likely ahelp you for rushing central, instead of requesting the local ISD or anything similar. You, yourself, said its "CBT" to engage with diplomats, and your expected to deal with difficult scenarios but instead, you just faxed instead of communicating with the consular in question. Except I wasn't an antagonist, I was a simple diplomat who felt like she was insulted and being harassed. The issue is that it's your job to communicate. The reason why there was no ahelp was because I had no idea why or what was going on and I thought everything going on was fine conduct wise, just that command was busy with letting people know about the vampire situation, though after talking about it with people and being told what was done behind the scenes, I felt that wasn't a good play with other characters as a command staff member. Originally, I was fine with the whole thing because I thought, again, everyone was acting within ooc regulation, and then I spoke to people, I dwelled on what I was told, I spoke to a few more people about it and my opinion changed on the whole case, being advised that I should make the complaint because it wasn't just an ic problem, command staff refusing to communicate is more so an ooc one, from what I was told, hence the complaint being made now and why that wasn't made earlier. and that just reinforces my point, the bug shouldn't have been out in the chair, it should've been along the middle of the table yet for some reason it was on another tile, another tile I couldn't been able to reach. I'll now be talking to Cnaym now, because I've been holding him up for a few days while also having some IRL situations to deal with as well.
  5. As explained to Abo, being aware that there was a celebration, my character wanted to see if they was anyone not upholding Al'mariist views/acting against the state. Moving on that I know, if I said he was, I was confusing myself and I apologize. I had vividly remembered placing the bug on the table, and me, being aware how.. Buggy, they are, even emoted them being placed under there should, for whatever reason, should one want to contest it was just "found on table," Leaving bugs and the such out in the open isn't something my character would realistically even do, also considering the fact that my character wasn't even near the seat where it was found, I find it in bad faith that after I explained it shouldn't be there, Cnaym added it to the appeal. Regarding the sudden burst, that was, from what I believe was the Hadiist Manifesto being found, she blamed Ana and wanted an injunction against them because of the perceived insults with the Hadiist manifesto being found shortly after, my character was on edge (over the bug being found because she saw it through the PDA) with insults being sent to her, though that is what she perceived IC as I was told oocly, it was directed to Sam, the Cargo Tech, though this was told after round. The issue here was I attempted to speak to you guys numerous times, admittedly, during the antag threat though I recall waitin and then I saw the Captain talking to Tamir so I went to you, and you brushed me off, even though the threat was resolved, so then I went to the Captain who refused to see a witnesses I had cited because they had come up, even though that round they were unable to because a vampire had sucked them dry, so that by antag influence brought on by an antag, the characters could not testify, further leading to the IR because had the Captain, or you, or anyone, refused to even talk to them or meet up with them in person, something, I feel, Command staff should not be doing because it is your job to communicate with people and instead, you worked around me, in secrecy because, as you say here, "CBT" I want to direct you to Directive Twelve that states the following; Command staff are expected to engage representatives through diplomacy and to consent to reasonable requests. The representative is not part of the station chain of command. The representative is granted special status in relation to corporate regulations;" The representative does not serve brig time for low level infractions, the fine alternative can be used in those cases. The representative can serve brig time for medium and high level infractions, with command staff being able to contact Central Command requesting the revocation of the representative's privilege. The representative's office offers immunity to the representative. Security may not enter to conduct arrests under normal circumstances. Entering or refusing to exit the office is considered trespassing. The office's immunity may be revoked by the captain or a captain level decision. Read more at: Station Directives: Directive 12. You or the Captain, the two people I had sought out, refused to consent to a reasonable request, that being my characters requests for a witness even when the vampire incident was resolved near the end of the round. The way your wording is that, it was confusing, causes stress and it was easier to just file the fax, which was done, and I find that, again, an act of bad faith because you could have resolved the scenario had they been spoken to about the bug, instead, the situation got to the point where she assumed a political enemy was plotting against her. There was certainly enough time for it to be resolved in round yet my consular was never spoken to about the bug or even books. As for faulting you on the bug being found, I'm not, if it looks like it, I'm sorry in that case. I was saying that, to Cnaym, it is bad faith to act on bad faith when it was revealed that for some reason, the surveillance device was offset to a location it logically wouldn't have been in, as you can see in the image, my character was sitting there and as I said, she was icly under the table but somehow, the surveillance device was somehow across the seat.. out in the open? The crux is that it shouldn't have done that here. Regarding this, in a scenario where you are a diplomat, you are given an insult by a political enemy in the midst of a cold war. You are then suddenly dropped off, mysteriously, a book of your political enemy after the insult, of course the character is going to wanna see, personally, if there was foul play involved in the whole scenario considering that also, the Forensic Tech had NKA citizenship, my character anticipated foul play, that's why they were involved. If you consider, at most a yellow tier infraction, punishable by at least 3 minutes in the brig to be the sign of a malicious agent, with only one bug being found, I find making an IR a gross overreaction on the part of the command staff. It was done to ensure there are no enemies against the Al'mariist state secretly celebrating the holiday of their enemy and if NanoTrasen harbors a political enemy, this could cost some serious political damage, of course, this would've been revealed ic had the command staff sought out my character about the bug which never happened. There was no attempt to resolve it on station with the character and because of, what you said, "is utter CBT" When I attempted to resolve the incident, the Captain refused to get witnesses, and then used that against me, saying that it never happened if they didn't come up, despite the fact that because of antag influences, that being a vampire, they were unable to testify, leading to, again, the Captain saying she doesn't care. It shouldn't matter if you don't care, its your job to communicate, the both of you and because of the lack of communication, we have this --- For Cnaym, because I wrote a lot, I'll explain in a few hours here or over DMs to Abo, but I will say, sending a joking response about how your trying to get a character punished looks bad, and after dwelling on it, that's how I perceived it. If I went up to Sue and went; "I'm so ready to get that Hadiist rafama IR'd," she'd, naturally, be pretty pissed.
  6. BYOND Key: Dantzy Game ID: caT-dozT Player Byond Key/Character name: Cnyam Staff involved: Alberyk though only in passing, I asked about the bug being found and he couldn't do much as it was too late by then Reason for complaint: My main reason for the complaint is that I feel there was a bit of bad faith involved in this scenario. I will say that originally, I did not care for the IR, save for the bug somehow being exposed though after dwelling on it, I feel there was some foul play involving Cnaym's character causing the incident that he used to add/create an IR. The main points I'll be covering are; Reaction/Information after the round concluded This is in regards to it being told to Sue and Matt that, considering where my character was sitting, there would've been no logical way the bug would've been found. In a realistic sense, anyway, my character was under the table, I planted it via a simple click so it wouldn't show up in chat though instead, Ana had found the bug on a chair, completely out in the open when my character had been sitting here; Ignoring the meatpudding in the diagram above, the bug was found completely opposite of where they were, I remember seeing the user who played Yermak was also there to see that my character was sitting nowhere near the chair in question. I had asked in an discord with Matt that the only way it would've been like that would be through a sprite glitch which we agreed on, then cnaym, who wasn't even near(?) Ana when they found it yet it was added to the IR anyway, knowing full well of the conversation that was just taking place and how it wouldn't make logical sense for it to be there. Bait into an IR Moving on from that, the character played by cnaym had placed a copy of the Hadiist Manifesto under the pretense of, in the IR's own words, " left his own copy at the consulars office so they could at least enjoy the scripture by our donators for themself" Such an action would obviously cause a negative reaction, you don't give John D. Rockefeller a copy of the communist manifesto as a worker, you'd be fired, so following that up, my character assumed it was Ana who did it, "The consular made a big issue out of this to harm Ana Roh'hi'tin even though he said multiple times that it was his manifest and that it was simply missplaced. Why would they misplace it in the diplomatic reception? There was no reason to, he did it on purpose to provoke a response and he got one, and this was added fuel to the IR. I also have a screenshot of cnaym saying; Considering his joking tone, it's clear they were attempting to do that to fuck with my character and they did, they got a response and added that to the IR in question. Later on, cnaym writes in the IR the following He did not want to cause a political issue by saying that he brought it to their office so he claimed to have lost it and some other crewmember must have then delivered it to the office of the consular. cnaym was not an antagonist or anything else of the sort, he knowingly caused an issue here and admitted that he didn't want to tell the truth here for fear of punishment, instead, he enabled a bad scenario, had a character yell at another and made it a big point of his IR over "misconduct" over something he caused. In this scenario honestly, I don't appreciate the fact that cnaym willingly baited a hostile reaction from a character and used it as a main point in an IR he caused, knowing full well that he would make the DPRA consular upset and not only did they make them upset, they made sure to use that interaction to further fuel an IR and again, made that the main point. Regarding Command, my main issue will be with the Head of Security, "Evelyn Morgan" and maybe the Captain but not quite at the same time. My character had been seeking an injunction on Ana for perceived insults, perceived being the fact that they thought she was called a beast when apparently, it was Sam but she didn't know that at the time. She had saw that the bug was found by her via the PDA/tablet thing. My character, following that, went to her office, chatted with Milo and came out with seeing the Hadiist Manifesto on the desk outside. Yalena attempted numerous times to communicate with the Captain, and they did, they investigated it. She had however, been waiting sometime for a response so she had attempted to speak to Valery here and instead, they were told she was "busy" What was she busy with? She was busy faxing Central Command about my removal. Meanwhile, IR rules state that; You are expected to try and find a resolution to situations in the round within the chain of command. You may seek further action on unresolved issues via an IR. By "resolution" they had attempted to resolve it with Central, Yalena was never spoken to by anyone in Command about the bug, which they made a fax about. And I do find that poor Command play because it's your job to communicate and instead, they purposefully avoided my character, basically a shoot first and ask questions later situation here. the other issue is that I had attempted to gather a witness and the Captain made no attempt to collect a witness even though she had one and they were unable to testify because of a vampire gimmick, leading to further faxes (behind the scenes) and arguments in the security lobby. All in all, the main issues with Cnyam is that; >Bad Faith regarding the use of bugs after Matt, Sue, and I agreed it had to have been a glitch, no regular consular would leave bugs out in the open. >Bait into making an IR/perhaps adding more fuel into an IR by placing down a book that'd clearly offend an obviously already irate character and refusing to speak up and saying that they placed it down and taking the reactions and making that into the focus of an IR followed up by; >IRing over an investigation that led him to being unable to celebrate the holiday, even though he could've gotten out of the entire situation by saying he placed it down, instead, he said someone else misplaced it and didn't want to admit it, so by refusing to admit it, he enabled a bad scenario and has used it against my character, again, baiting into an IR. The IR system wasn't, made for this, however, and I didn't appreciate being immediately being messaged about it without any provocation by Cnaym previously, as one can find here; For Command Staff; >Poor Command play, refusing to cooperate with a consular, hiding details from the person involved aka, a lack of communication from the Captain and Commander/HoS All in all, the only thing I want is for Cnaym to be punished, I feel like the Command staff in question could be just asked to be more mindful next time but other than that, I don't like the fact his character was enabling a situation to get another in trouble, a situation he caused. I'll inform staff who the Captain was in question in a secure channel to ensure privacy, as well as the Commander/HoS Did you attempt to adminhelp the issue at the time? If so, what was the known action taken by administration/moderation? (Yes or no, then an explanation for why not, if applicable.): See staff involved. Note I'm not contesting, I'm bringing up something that came up. Approximate Date/Time: Twelve hours ago.
  7. I don't like playing antag purely because the fact that you have the entire server/deadchat watching you and constantly making snide/hostile remarks to both sec players and you which is then followed up by you getting immediately ahelped over a simple mistake over something very subjective because people have a certain view on antagonist RP/behavior. as @VeteranGaryonce put it, it's like stepping on a dozen egg shells at once and it's just not fun
  8. Title: Changeling Gameplay What is this request about?: Request, though big, a rework on changeling to give it diversity. How would this effect the server?: For one, I feel the big thing about changeling is how restrictive it is. To "progress" or drive a gimmick, you sort of need to kill and devour others and, while yes, there have been one off cases where changelings are decapping others 7 into the rounds, restricting people to horror form or blade arm is very boring for everyone for everyone involved, this is why this thread will be advocating for diversity. To this end, i've written up some possible changes to the changeling antagonist; Bioweapon; "You are a mutant agent made by a power only you are aware of. You have access to an armory of organic creatures that serve your aims, ranging from spiders that explode into gas to flames that can deny an area, preventing entrance or taking others down to you, but ultimately, what you do is up to your employers. Good luck, operative." >Access to optional objectives that give you upgrade points. They allow you to become more durable, focus on the aforementioned organic creatures or faster, what you upgrade yourself with depends on you but being a jack of all trades is not advised. These objectives can be traditional "steal x or y" items and ship it back to your employers or, you could simply consume organic matter. You can either retrain your humanity or become a creature that can lay and command spiders. Leach; "You have been infected with a mysterious infection. You must resign yourself somewhere and spread your infestation. Your infestation allows you to infest/control robotics and place souls into custom made automata that serve your goals, from scout bots to a very expensive droid with a laser carbine. Propagate, steal energy and reveal yourself for the glory of [DATA EXPUNGED] >Tower defense like antagonist Start out small, sort of like a blob, you leach power from departments over time, you can hide through vents though at a certain stage, you are too massive to hide in vents and you have given up your humanity. Ions and fire are very much deadly as well, and your "CPU" can only handle so many bio-organic droids, think the WAU: The Assimilator; You are a swarm of nanites, purely technological. Your main weapons are subterfuge and stealth. Your goal is to absorb the genomes of crew members and to consume inorganic matter to further heal and mend yourself. Weaponry is very deadly so you are to hide until you grow stronger, attempting to assimilate the AI however, might yield interesting results. . . >You can infect crew members. Purely optional thing that too, maybe. Allows those to be infected to either be an antag or be cured. Assimilators can perfectly mimic and impersonate other crew members save for the actual mannerisms. They find themselves unable to take memories from others as well. If you are able to assimilate the AI, however, you become a fully charged Leach, forcing crew members to start relying not on technology but themselves. --- This thread was made in response to the current problems facing changeling, expanding on the more alien aspects of the changeling concept with themes of biological weapons and technological infestations/themes, a complete facelift here, rather than just changes to what we have already.
  9. I can personally vouch for Carpe here because after my remark on McRibs deputy application, Carpe themselves, went into my dms and tried explaining the whole thing, with why x and y was done, allowing me to appreciate the concept of a Skrell much more than before and it's because of that, that I'm making a Skrell character now. Carpe didn't have to dm me but they did. Often or not, I expect hostile responses and doubling down and, instead, they communicated with me about their issues with my post and we reached an agreement and honestly, I never see that anymore. In fact, I recently had an issue about a lack of communication and instead of ahelping or pming me on discord about a character, they shot first and answered questions later, wasting the time of me and the other involved who asked me about it, after I explained everything in the most peaceful way I could. I will be honest and say that, regarding the interaction about Silversun synthetics, I can certainly understand the frustration coming from Carpe. I was watching that very conversation and they had been trying to explain their point of view for quite sometime. I can understand why, a baseline would be given a Silversun accent, the same way the droids in Fallout have an English accent, it's simply just an accent.
  10. As I said on the other thread, Ninja and Wiz are generally the main game modes that enable people to go hehe you can't find me and no one enjoys it though that's really one of the ways to remain alive when your dealing with them. I recently, as did @limette, had a round where a wizard wordlessly threw stuff around and was just being a shitter, I asked for someone to do something and no one did. I've seen some really silly wizard name/gimmicks and they completely take me out of the experience. And don't say I don't try out gimmicks because I most certainly do, I've done some interesting wizard gimmicks involving a play, I've done a fun gimmick was a tesla trooper with @Butterrobber202at one point and we were ninja. There are however, serious flaws in the concept of Wiz and I urge people to code it themselves or deconstruct it, I myself had some lore and aesthetics ready for another type of "wiz" which tl;dr, is a technocratic agent who deals with reality deviants, all other wizes were just anomalies, they are dead, wizards are dead, there is only technology now, and that's the whole thing, so I'm sure we can pool something together. But all in all, the wizards that we get all the time just don't help the server at times when its struggling in the early morning and we see 5 instant cryos, why I make sure to engage/watch first before staying or cryoing.
  11. Greater beings through augmentation, yes, through embracing technology. The DPRA clearly doesn't, that's why, to appeal to the common folk, he wants to issues subsidize the education and research fields through grants and the growth of corporations, he is effectively appealing to the downtrodden and humbly requesting that by opening the markets to a contained degree, the DPRA would benefit, which is what I mean by xenophilia, perhaps, having the word xenophilia was a bad choice and more so integration is much better. In regards to the cultural aspect, it was more so, through using the culture of the Tajara people, by posing them as superior beings that could gain the power of Mata'ke gained after slaying the God-King as mentioned in myth. It is a cultural revolution of self glory and by extension, the state that is the DPRA. It will be a democracy. I will admit, I've had to do a few rewrites to accompany what you and the others wrote so I apologize if its a bit messy, I didn't expect it would be like so. The thought process behind it being called "Reformed Al'mariism" was that it was an inherent bastardization, a name made to give itself a false sense of legitimacy think of the Holy Roman Empire, it wasn't Holy, nor Roman, or really an Empire, it was a hundred of toolboth castles fighting for control over the Germany area. Zaft believes that, yes, he will preserve the cultures of the original people, from the lodges to the Zhan communities yet he will use them to glorify the Tajara people though outsiders would see it as a bastardization.
  12. So I have a few questions here; I'm a regular who wants to make a skrell character but I'm finding a few issues here which have just driven me away. One thing that has always felt very off is the whole weird dimorphism thing and pronoun use, as well as the whole polygamy thing that goes with it. It was really just jarring and not really something I expected from a race of frog people? It kind of reminds me of old vaurca lore with the iron cages which just.. Grossed me out, the vaurca, iron cages, I mean, not the poly/binary stuff. I see your responding to the relevancy which, is cool because I (had that drive me away mainly and) personally feel a lot of factions are without relevancy, something I'm hoping is fixed soon.
  13. I'll rewrite the one with Orthodox Al'mariism then in a few hours.
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