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Everything posted by Kaed

  1. I see a lot of complaints that this is a really complicated idea, and sure, it's got a lot of moving parts. But it's really more of an overhaul on what we already have than making everything harder to understand. I do not think that people would be unable to intuit that you put cake pans in an oven and burgers on a stove, this is the sort of thing that basic human knowledge of how food works should be able to cover. And I'm actually trying to move AWAY from wiki dependency - the overhauled cookbook and requirement that you insert all the components needed in a secondary container (pan/pot/tray etc) before even being able to cool it, with a prompt guiding you every step of the way on what is still needed. We are simply adding more components and user friendliness to the kitchen, not making it a scary, formidable place wherein you have to run to the wiki just to get anything done. Incidentally, you already have to do that now. The cooking system we have now does NOT encourage experimentation at all. You do it right or get burned messes. I can understand the feeling that it seems odd to overhaul cooking when research is a boring as fuck dumbed down reverse engineering shithole, but, counterpoint: Think up a research department overhaul yourself, then. I'm not interested in the science department, my suggestions are going to involve areas of interest I think can be improved. It seems nonsensical to me to say someone's idea is unfeasible based on comparison other things that no one has yet suggested change for. The code has many areas that need work. this is just one of them.
  2. You see unnecessary complexity, I see an engaging game experience that will continue to engage beyond cooking a dozen things and leaving them on the counter before buggering for the rest of the shift.
  3. So, in bay, cooking works like this: you throw a bunch of things in a microwave, and then it turns on, and either a food pops out, or you get a wad of inedible slop. This... works. On a basic, minimalistic and functional level. But it's not really that fun, to be honest. I have heard a lot of complaints that being a chef is an unrewarding, unengaging position, and mostly people try to look at it from the side of the food itself, suggesting we encourage people to come more by making hunger different. This thread presents an alternative (other than 'port in TG's stuff'): We throw the microwaves in the garbage, and make the kitchen and actual kitchen. We will need things like a stove/oven combo, pots and pans, a mixer, cake trays, a cookbook that is actually a cookbook, rather than a resprited piece of paper with a half dozen simple recipes listed in it. A list of summarized ideas regarding this. -Items are cooked where they are supposed to be, and individual components may be cooked in different places before the order is actually assembled. Ex: You chop up a chunk of meat into cutlets, cook the cutlets on a stove (this probably takes a short amount of time to complete (bonus points if you have to flip the cutlet during this and can burn your burger if not watching close enough), meanwhile, you mix the dough in your mixer then bake it in the Future Oven that can somehow cook bread in a timeframe that isn't an hour, before inserting the completed meat patty in the bun. All food items would be constructed in a similar way, with some need for restructuring, such as all pastas being made as plain pasta and the alternate forms coming after you add toppings, some of which you might have cooked in other places (such as meatballs) -When making complicated items that have multiple ingredients put in the same place, a prompt is given that indicates how much you still need to add, ala making an autolathe or other machines. Ex: You have a cake pan, and through some method (using a cookbook on it, perhaps?) you set it to 'lime cake'. Then, it tells you that you need to add 5 units Milk, 15 units Flour, 5 units Sugar, 9 units Egg Yolk, 3 units Lime Juice, 1 Lime, and each time you add a component, it pops up a new prompt saying what is left. Once you are finished, you take the new Lime Cake Pan and put it in the oven. Pots would also work this way on the stove for making things like soups. -Due to the above, making a 'burned mess' is much less common, but you can intentionally make one by, say, overcooking meats or other foods, or letting a valid recipe cook for too long. Food no longer automatically pops out of it's cooking station when done, instead the station dings and gives some kind of prompt saying you need to remove the food before it burns. -Add a way to make pepper. As in, the condiment, that comes in pepper shakers. Right now, it is a non-renewable resource, as far as I am aware. -Add a way to rename and redescribe food finally for god's sake. Suggestions and critique are welcome.
  4. Going for the poison route next time you're traitor, huh?
  5. Janitor: The new ERP position. Once, you had to join medical for this. Now, you can 'get dirty' in the janitor's closet.
  6. Kaed

    Bridge Secretary

    I can't really endorse this idea. Like someone said earlier, captains and HoP are often not terribly interested in having a personal assistant, and it is rare that players ask to be one. The positions can be done just fine without assistants, HoP is already barely a one person job as it is, all you'd be getting is a gopher - and you don't need to promote someone to 'secretary' to get a gopher, just tell a passing assistant to grab you some coffee. You say you have a character designed to be an executive assistant, that's not the responsibility of the design team to give you a special position just to allow you to do this thing you made up that was never a thing before. Secretaries are usually found in big businesses, not research stations manned by less than 40 people. During my trial as a mod, there was a security officer who was 'trained as a mech pilot' and demanded that he get a Durand to justify his backstory. It doesn't work like that, you can't just make a backstory that doesn't fit with the opportunities everyone else gets, and expect everyone to accommodate you. This thread is 100% the result of salt for the times that the player was given a promotion to an imaginary position with (near) all access by a captain and everyone just rolled their eyes at them, and/or when the captain went to cryo, stopped respecting their promotion and told them to go back to being an assistant. You don't need mechanical support for this kind of thing. Just ask to be a secretary, and enjoy it while people accept the captain's authority on the matter. When that authority expires, find a new job rather than being huffy. And for the love of all that is holy, don't take it upon yourself to decide you are the new acting captain/HoP because you used to be their secretary.
  7. I don't know what you two are talking about in they last couple of posts, but running up to someone with a gun pointed at the head of a skrell HoP to try and knock the gun out of their hands - whether you accidentally were in harm intent instead is not exactly relevant so much as the intentions you had in your mind - is exactly the kind of nonsense this thread is talking about. We could do with a whole lot less 'badassery' on this server and more 'thinking logically' The 'badass behavior' excuse reeks to me of trying to justify his actions retroactively It breeds a culture of not bothering to attempt hostage situations when security, captains, and passing engineers simply disregard the hostage and run at you, batons and disarm spam at the ready.
  8. This analogy somewhat falls apart when you consider that the reason there is instantaneous contact with centcomm in the first place is because of a 'bluespace broadcasting relay'. How far away is central command? It's a 2 minute bluespace engine drive to get there in a shuttle. The point is, phone service is 'robust' because it has had years and years to have wiring laid out all over the bloody place, on a solid planet where the greatest distance a signal will have to travel is ~12500 miles (given that the surface of Earth has a circumference of ~25000 miles). A floating research station is not connected to central command directly by an infinitely long wire, and even if it was, How far will the signal have to travel to reach central command without a bluespace instant communication relay transmitting it? Assuming the transmission travels at the greatest possible speed possible in normal physics (light speed), It would be almost 10 minutes if it's only the sun-earth distance. Should central command be as far away as, say, pluto is from the sun, it would take ~5 hours. If it's in another solar system entirely? Good fucking luck with that.
  9. Holoss is intended to gauge the amount of pain your body is in, not how damaged your body is. It affects only your perception of damage, you are still perfectly healthy. This really doesn't make sense as a concept, for your physical pain to begin showing up on the monitor as random actual damage. It doesn't read your mind, it gauges the health of your body.
  10. How do you expect this to work? From a coding perspective, I mean. If you do this on a per-door basis, it is unnecessarily tedious - you may have to go through several doors, have the AI accept the override for each, before you get there. If there are shutters in place for a valid reason you will also cause atmospheric leakage this way. On the other hand, if you want this to temporarily change the access rights of the department to include medical, that might be feasible, but if you have the AI's attention for that, they can open the doors for you anyway. I think, if you wanted to implement this idea, going the way of the AI holopad is better. By which I mean, a simple text-window notice saying "Urist McMedic wishes access to Security Brig", with a link allowing you to quickjump your AI eye to the door in question. This way, if people DO decide to be annoying and spam it, you are capable of ignoring it, without an obnoxious popup window prompt appearing.
  11. I have to agree that this process is redundant and unnecessary. If the AI manages this process, you just ask them, "AI OPEN DOOR EMERGENCY" or similar, and if they are active, they open it. Giving them a prompt to click will only cause annoyances if they are in the middle of typing or something. The areas are secure for a reason, medical doesn't get an all access pass whenever they ask. Just because suggestions are things we don't necessarily need doesn't mean every suggestion has inherent value. These already exist. The guest pass terminals are located in every department, near the entrance.
  12. I would like this incredibly more than their current setup, which just regurgitates garbled nonsense that you can't turn off and drives every ghost insane who has ghostVision set to global. I frequently try to encourage people who dig one up to destroy them, as they are the worst artifacts.
  13. BYOND Key: Kaedwuff Player Byond Key: Lordpwner Staff involved: N/A Reason for complaint: The behavior of the character Uriel Evans Approximate Date/Time: Varied. I don't believe there has been a thread like this on the forums before, so I am unsure how to really format this, or where to place it. It's not related to an administrative action, and it almost exclusively pertains to non-canon events (antag interactions) so this seemed like the best place.to make a start. This is, in effect, an attempt to form a class-action complaint against the behavior of the character Uriel Evans. What is wrong with Uriel Evans? For the most part, not a lot. He behaves reasonably during normal shift behavior. He manages the station, keeps up with the other heads, and does his job. However, when round antagonist begin showing up, as they are wont to do nearly every round, it is when his behavior begins to break down. I haven't seen everything LordPwner has done as Uriel, but I can personally testify to one incident where Uriel decided that during a malf round it was okay to go to telescience and have them drop an EMP grenade directly into my core, then teleport in himself and demand I allow myself to be carded, or I would be telebombed - this was, I wish to clarify, before I had shown any hostile action, but after blue screens had shown up enough to make people suspicious. There was absolutely no preamble to this highly aggressive action against me, malf or not, and it was literally a gank. Today, I witnessed him run up to a person holding the skrell HoP hostage (in neckgrab with a revolver in the other hand) and, unarmed, kick this traitor, completely ignoring the threat of the situation. He was subsequently shot, but that is sort of beside the point - he frequently acts in a fashion I can only describe as strongly leaning towards validhunting. I have heard complaints from other people on his behavior, and that it sucked the fun our of their antagonist experience, but I'm not here to give secondhand testimony. This is supposed to be a group testimony of people affected by the behavior of Captain Uriel Evans. I do not wish for this to become a flame war. I imagine that not every incident involving Evans interacting with an antagonist is tainted with shitty behavior. So, I urge you to only post here if you have a valid complaint to lodge, about something that you feel breaks the spirit of what makes the game fun.
  14. That always struck me more as a half-assed excuse why they do not need to be redesigned rather than an intent or plausible backstory. I'm having a hard time stomaching that a 1990's style fax machine is a 'powerful bluespace machine'. If you want to redesign the sprite into something that doesn't strain suspension of disbelief so hard, maybe that would work too.
  15. The fax machines on station are okay for the purpose of sending faxes, but there are a number of issues with them I feel need to be fixed, along with some features that would be really helpful to add to them. First, the problems: (It is possible that in recent days some of these may have already been fixed, I do not know) -Fax machines cannot be disabled. To my knowledge, the only way to render them unusable is to blow them up, either by an actual bomb, or the use of the Overload Machine malf command. They are completely separate from the power supply in a room, and are capable of using what I presume is an internal bluespace communication device installed in each one to get messages through to CC, as disabling the relays on the Comms satellite does not stop fax use. I give this as a joking justification, along with the common answer I hear about the fax machines having 'internal batteries', but I'm 90% sure they only function this way because they were only coded as an independent item intended for their function, and not as objects that actually rely on other aspects of the station. No other electronic/mechanical device on the station can function without the room being powered, nor make bluespace communications without the Tcomms satellite being functional. -Moving Fax machines is an incredible hassle. For an object that is supposedly just a desktop fax machine, it's incredibly clunky, being massive, impossible to pick up, and unable to be walked over, Moving it to another table top, as far as I am aware, is an ordeal that requires an admin to manually move you on top of the fax machine so you can build a table under it. Most of these problems would be fixed by just not making it a solid obstacle, like how tabletop chargers are treated now. -The fax machines do not use paper. You can put a paper IN them, to fax it, but where do they get the supply to print out more paper? To my knowledge, they simply spawn a sheet of paper through Bluespace Magic, completely independent of actual supplies you load in them. They also don't use toner. -You can't make, or break, fax machines. You can blow them up, like basically anything else, but laser them all day and they shan't care. Some things that could enhance it: -Being able to fax pictures alone would be helpful, without having to pin them to papers first -Making AI able to create and mail interdepartmental faxes would be great, as having to speak everything over the radio can be inefficient, especially if you are compiling a large report of some kind. Also, being able to fax photos, so you don't have to print it out at one of the very small number of photocopiers on the map.
  16. Assuming they are different from station bound borg in that: -They're not auto-lawed on spawn to the AI -They can't open every door for you -The AI and security can't watch you through their camera -They don't show up on the Cyborg Control Console -They don't show up on the EoR borg list
  17. This isn't so much a function of people as a limitation of design and perhaps to an extent the engine. It is the least used of the 'civilian' locales, because there is jack shit to do in there. There is no food, or drink, or priest to hold sermons. If you are lucky, there is a librarian, but since the bookshelves are by default empty, that means the librarian has to populate them manually, which in itself is a tedious process only the dedicated bother with. There is a 'check out' process, but it means very little, as the magic library computer can print infinite books forever, replacing anything people wander off with and never bring back (or the librarian can just print out 400 copies of Lusty Unathi Maid and throw them all over the station). There is a table in the back, but that serves more purpose as a secluded meeting place for antagonists to plot their 'book club' or whatever. Sometimes people try to start D&D sessions in there, but I have never seen that go very far, because: A) They're supposed to be working, they're at a job B) There isn't enough time to actually get anything done in an average round That is not mentioning the books themselves. There is a smattering of old poe and lovecraft books, mixed with a sea of stupid shit, some of which is joke books, books that have nothing but keyboard mash inside and serve only to have a memetic title, or contain only one sentence, or have bad grammar. And they are all really SHORT, due to what I presume is engine text limitations and people not having the patience to write a novel for spessmen. Most or not all books can be read in less than five minutes, including the actually good ones, and after that, you might as well toss them, because they're just clogging up space in your inventory. There is only so much you can expect people to do that means anything in such an empty, open-ended content area of the station. For the most part, people will just ignore it in favor of going somewhere that has exciting things for them to see or do.
  18. Yeah, I don't really see why this is needed. The only thing I could feasibly see a notice appearing for is if you request an empty supply shuttle, because I imagine your nanotrasen supply department would raise an eyebrow at you ordering nothing but a shuttle, but at the same time, you can ship things back, so maybe even that's not much of an issue.
  19. All of the downsides you are stating for this update seem stupid to me. I'm not saying you're stupid, Nanako. I'm saying that if these are valid concerns you have for fixing a broken piece of code, and you legitimately think they are concerning enough that people will want to keep things broken, then I wonder why you even bother to update at all. Everything you stated there except for the last is how people should be realistically reacting to hearing an explosion - finding out what happened, and realizing where it came from. I frankly am sick of people making exploding cigarettes then setting them off in the bathroom and giggling as the entire station is thrown into a panic at omnipresent explosions constantly. We should be able to locate where the shitter is, then go punch their teeth in.
  20. What server have you been playing on. You can't tear out hears or rip off limbs in this code, they can only be surgically removed or chopped/shot off. And organs are not edible. That said... the library doesn't really get a lot of use. It's a largely pointless, fluff area, like the kitchen and chapel. I think I've visited it once or twice to actually look at the books. but more often use the librarians back room to suck out people's fluids in privacy. So I'm like,... not sure this is such a vital aspect of the game it needs much attention?
  21. I'm not sure about most of this suggestion, but I would really like the 'cartoon nuke' to be removed and replaced with something less overtly silly. Particularly something that doesn't get pushed around every round by Tom. On that note, can we just remove Tom? He doesn't add ANYTHING to the round, hardly anyone sees him, and if we're not going to change the nuke any time soon, the least we can do is delete him. Going back to the idea of the self destruct terminal.. I'd like this mainly because it's less an overt 'this thing can blow up the station' object. A terminal is something that ACTIVATES the fail safe(s) on the station, not the cause of it. We wouldn't have people screaming to throw the nuke out during delta, because I'm fairly sure the actual nuke's location itself has very little to do in code with the round ending 'explosion' mechanic. But I might be wrong.
  22. Kaed

    Xenobotany fixes

    There is evidently an aspect of xenobotany that lets you plant your modified plants anywhere you like, like some kind of crazy mushroom trees, growing all over the halls and the bar, should you be obnoxious enough to spam plants all over. It's been happening a lot recently, but not putting any names here. While I'm sure there's some sort of reason why this is a thing people can do, what is a lot less sensical is how hard it is to REMOVE these plants. It takes upwards of 10 swings with a damaging object to clear a single tree or bush. Plant B Gone doesn't remove them either, from what I've seen. I propose that we make it considerably easier to remove these plants when someone decides to throw them down all over the station. Less swipes needed to do it, or an easy instant removal tool of some kind. Maybe make them burn in fires.
  23. There are only minor differences between the backstory of this app and the previous one. You do not seem to have really grasped the spirit of what made your character implausible, and changed little to nothing other than removing a few aspects of the story that seemed off, while leaving the core message intact. I suspect you will not be satisfied until you get to make your feminist unathi character. This may be an issue in your viewpoints in life, as you are, evidently, a self-proclaimed feminist. That is not to say there is anything wrong with being feminist (as a human), but it does seem to be coloring your perceptions and causing you to project them onto space lizards. Rather akin to people who see Islamic burka as horribly oppressive to the women there (when some of them still wear them willingly after having immigrated to the US, because it's part of their cultural beliefs), you are inserting an undercurrent you wish to exist in the form of an unathi female who desires to resist her own culture that has worked fairly well for unathi for many a century. While perhaps the human tutor and living on Ouere influenced this, I would question her TRADITIONALIST UNATHI father allowing any tutor to poison his daughters mind with alien cultural ideologies. That said, I do appreciate that you took some time to understand concepts such as guwandi, though. along with some more plausible reasons why her father would refuse the marriage. Abusiveness and adulterous behavior are both good reasons for a father to decline a marriage. I should also point out that since you put her on Ouere, there's a very small window of time in which she could have lived there. The planet was only colonized 20 years ago in canon, and I expect some of those years were spent creating the cities you mention in her backstory that her family gravitated away from. Given the timing of things, I don't see her being realistically born on Ouere without her being something like 15-17 years old, unless her mother arrived with the first 350 colonists already pregnant or her parents immediately began banging to break in the new planet. Alternatively, she could have grown up on Moghes during her very young, formative years, before her family migrated, but given their desire to stay away from the refugee influx rather than BEING PART OF IT that seems slightly less plausible. This isn't to say your character can't work, but to point out that you have some limited choices in how old she can be if you want her to have been born on Ouere. A lot of the points were covered by Loow earlier, so I won't rehash them. Were I in charge of unathi applications, I would hesitate strongly before accepting app, honestly. As it is, I am hearing murmurs from Jackboot that he is considering accepting it, and I'll stand by his decision if he does, but probably watching closely. If you start showing signs of playing an obnoxious feminazi character, I will be very unhappy with you and complain to said Jackboot. Admittedly, it sounds like you intend to play her as just having no desire to bow and scrape to male unathi. Keep it that way, instead of having her insult every male she sees, or, I don't know, scream how men are pigs over the radio. Pls no tumblr in spess.
  24. Really, though. If we could just edit food entirely like I have suggested several times. this would be redundant. Can't seem to find the thread about it. I think I made one?
  25. This thread has become a joke, and people arguing over whether it's worth ignoring logic and sense for the sake of the gag. Personally, I think at this point that this thread has been thoroughly to be pointless. Maybe focus on suggestions that actually improve the game somehow , rather than exists solely to make a couple people giggle. I don't drink, and I don't even know what Mad Dog 20/20 is. This is basically another LOL ADD DRUGS PLS BECAUSE iT'D BE FUNNY thread. To reiterate what I I think from earlier: I could see vintage brandy/wine/etc being a thing on the station. It being a current day product illogically ported in for a joke item, no.
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