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Everything posted by Jboy2000000

  1. Poslan stays where he is, but whispering in his normal voice, "Okay, the drinks at work are free anyway. "
  2. Poslan leans really close to the screen, making a shadow casting over his eyes as he whispers as deeply and gravely as he could, "You have no idea."
  3. Damnit Carver, can't you let a boy dream?
  4. I joined
  5. Its not that Dreamix, it's just that for every time you guys say you want, you want, you want, other people have had two legitimate reasons why people wouldn't like it, and why it wouldn't be a good idea. I REALLY don't see the problem. There are people who know the signs, swollen chest, coughing blood, means punctured lungs, as you can tell from Nanako's several posts saying that she does, and lets just ignore that literally everyone and their mothers knows that coughing blood means lungs. There are people in medical who know that, and more, and there are people who don't in medical. Oh well. There are also people in science who know how to max levels fast, there are people who don't. Oh well. There are people in sec who have every reg memorized, and there are officers who need to look in the book. Oh well. We don't need to go adding more steps to mechanical jobs just because people want.
  6. I need to point something out. If you want something done about this, you should make a staff complaint against Kead.
  7. BYOND Key: Jboy2000000 Player Byond Key: coolfire0907 Staff involved: None apperantly, but I thought this handled by staff back than. Reason for complaint: A long while back, Khalil Sheets was playing as a psychiatrist, and since I went there as one of my characters. A few minutes into the psych sessions, she forced my character into a straight jacket, stole books from him, and started yelling out confidential information from what they were talking about over the public radio. There was a Diona RD in the round who, I am fairly sure, is played by Jen/Aimless, who was involved in telling Sheets to let my character go or be arrested. Eventually it came to the point where she did need to be arrested, and the RD came down to help rescue my character. As soon as Sheets was arrested, they left, and I never saw them again, so I just assumed they went the way of Old Grayler and got banned or didn't like being told they couldn't play like that and left, so I never brought it up again. Since that doesn't seem to be the case and Khalil Sheets is in the game right now as a psychiatrist again, I want to bring it up. Approximate Date/Time: This was months ago.
  8. I can help with that. You made an appeal on the energy pistol thing and it was accepted. Link below. http://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=1280&p=11615#p11467
  9. The bulk of the drama about Convert happened just before my acceptance as a forum mod, so I can't speak for what Covy did, or who he hurt, stuff like that. But I was a member of the community for a long time while Covy was here, and he was fun. He's right in saying that he wasn't disruptive of the flow of roleplay, and from what little I can remember of his characters long ago, I genuinely enjoyed having them on the station. I was in favour of his return the first time, and I have to say that I still am. This doesn't seem like Plahunter or Mercy who did something so bad they can't be forgiven, or betrayed the trust of players and staff so many times they can't either.
  10. I remember a long while back someone made a batch of suggestions to increase roleplay in medbay. I think it was Skull, or some other admin, who said that medbay isn't the place for roleplay. You have a job to do, so do it, you're here to help people, and get them out to make NT more money. This will just add extra steps that aren't needed, that are grunt work, and aren't needed at all. And I guarantee this wouldn't "fix" anything anyway, and people would just forgo talking and emoting, and go through the new steps of scanning people just the same.
  11. Poslan crosses his arm over his chest, taking a breath to puff it out. "You doubt he can or would? How dare you sir. He challenges to a duel of honour Uriel-ly will regret it."
  12. Byond key: Jboy2000000 Character Names: Louise Dale, Yutsul Diam, Alisa Keener, Shinjlekh Ukhaan, Rozhad AlakivIda, Ida Cox, HAPP-Y, Kimii Kaytam, Ser Knyght, Diler Zakon, Emily O'Harron, So'kea Slijep, Miracle Kifer, Poslan Kur'yer-Isra What times are you available? In GMT: Anytime from 9-10am to 9 pm. Do you have any experience with Moderating? Or similar.: Ive been a forum mod for a while. Why do you want to be a Duty Officer?: Ive wanted to apply to be a duty officer since their first recruitment drive, I love the concept of it, but I feel they need help in the form of manpower. So, two birds, all that. How well can you handle stress?: In my subjective opinion, I think I handle it well. What does it mean to be a Duty Officer?: You're here to sort out undesirable characters, the kind of people who shouldn't actually be working on the station, as well as try to help people improve their characters to become more well rounded and better fitting, even if forcibly and unwanted as seen with Seon-Rin and McMullen. Anything else to add?: I know my appearance on the server has been scarce lately, but Ill make an effort to appear more often if I do get a position in the CCIA.
  13. Poslan smirks and leans back into his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. "Him? Beat? Maybe in your dreams."
  14. "Well, maybe one day when he take your job he can show how you how you really do it, without getting people like that."
  15. If thats how you do it, link it, I think it'd fit in under the Republic's "Factions in the Civil War" section, since it's the only section that mentions the navy specifically.
  16. I think it's for remove Unathi underwear. Or maybe modifying the sprites so that they show dem (non)tiddies. Either way, I think it's pointless and a waste of resources. Most Unathi just forgo selecting underwear anyway.
  17. Poslan takes a minutes to speak in Siik'Maas, cursing and praying. After he's done he scoots further away from the screen, "How often do you have to put up with people like that. The Aurora and the Exodus might be crazy sometimes, but that just seems... Tactless."
  18. Finally after a long period of time and waiting, the next episode of Taj Talk will be posted for your public consumption! Bare in note, the identity of the person has been withheld, and the transcript has been modified to protect their identity. Without further ado, download below. Withheld [DOWNLOAD]
  19. While you're waiting for replies to come back, you should think about actually getting a ship to captain. Anyone with a dream like your's would surely be smart enough to gather at least 200,000 Credit Points to get something cheap and reliable. There are a few places you can look. There government surplus ships, stuff that was old back when Sol was just unified. Then theres going through junkers looking for a seller of fixed up clunkers and junkers, but keep in mind safety and features are never guaranteed going through these channels. The most expensive option is buy something new at sticker price, but the expenses are what you pay for quality.
  20. Ignore this, Im an idiot.
  21. Nips good by me, he's great. His character is pretty al-Wright.
  22. I know a decisions been made, but I thought Id plop this here from one of Blank-Bot's books in the library.
  23. PSSSSSSSSST! Boot! You mixed up character names and the character's name.
  24. I think the interest in actually getting people back their old character lists is long past, people have moved on, made new characters, including myself, and I think people would be more pissed than happy to have their old characters over new creations. Im more annoyed that I can't go back anymore and get the records and specifics of blood, skills, fur colour and records. The records things wouldn't be so bad if people could log into Sierra's record gen again and save new records, and get their hidden ones.
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