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Everything posted by Evandorf

  1. We shouldn't remove them altogether from higher pop consideration. If you want to give modes like merc something like a weighted rating during high-pop, fine, but traitors are one of the most versatile on-ship antags available and should be left as a fallback in the likely event that we don't have the readies available for other modes. Not to mention that traitor-mode will attempt to generate additional traitors as the round goes on so what's available at roundstart isn't all you get.
  2. Suvek Tokash Canonically the most loyal medical rewards program cardholder Advocate for the Hegemon or unrepentant war criminal? Terrorized by small kzlth women Avoids Socialization like the Plague Retired SecMain
  3. Thanks for applying, I’ll reach out to you soon to set up an interview.
  4. Regardless of if we retool for Odyssey or normal game modes, I feel like making antags more versatile and less dependent on specific abilities/tropes should be our goal. Ling has already benefited from giving you a 10 point loadout from the start and moving away from a need to drain people. The ability to change your voice, manifest clothing, ect lends itself well to being able to switch identities on the fly and I’ve used it to pretty decent effect in the past. Vamp is probably the least flexible role at the moment due to the need to drink blood and their abilities being largely combat related. A shift in abilities to be more utilitarian and the ability to get normal blood from animals would be a good place to start imo. I also agree with Dreamy that most people are hesitant to play onship antags and screw with their relationships, even if it’s not canon. Even when I play a character like Shaw who is supposed to be unlikable and regularly an antag it gets stale after a while and I can’t truly change things like fingerprints or DNA without admin bus. Some mechanic to allow for antags to truly change their character when they roll antag but remain onship would be good.
  5. Hey, thanks for applying. I'll be reaching out soon to setup an interview.
  6. I think another problem we run into is that aside from stabbing an officer who might be onto you, there are few situations in which going from 0 to ‘mauling a bitch’ fall within our expectations for escalation. If you’re providing sufficient RP and escalating properly I don’t think the tiny amount of time saved matters too much.
  7. I guess what I’m getting at, and touching a bit on what Fluffy said, is that depending on what you mean by concealed there are a lot of options currently available. You can hide quite a number of deadly weapons in your bag or pocket that only take a second to activate. Maybe if you described your intended use or maybe an ideal scenario for the concealed energy dagger it might help me understand the need it’s trying to fill. If you’re simply wanting a wider variety of melee options I think that’s less a symptom of the items not existing and simply them not being available on the uplink.
  8. I’m always up for new toys but beyond the aesthetics of a Bond-esque gadget is there a significant change in what this provides over other options? I have to imagine that damage and utility would be lower than an esword to balance for the size reduction since a pen can be hidden more easily and in more places. Ganking is generally frowned upon so in practice I can’t imagine it would be much different than pulling a knife from your boot or even just a screwdriver from behind your ear. I can only really think a primary benefit would be passing a security search. All that said, I don’t see many downsides to having it aside from uplink bloat.
  9. I appreciate your interest in the AI role and also appreciate you putting in the time to apply but unfortunately we will have to deny this for the same previous reasons. There's no problem with having to leave a round early, but we need to ensure that people will store and ghost properly and not simply disconnect in limited roles, including AI. In your app you acknowledge that you were again given a recent warning for this and we would need to see an extended amount of playtime without the issue repeating before we could reconsider. If you have any concerns or questions please feel free to reach out to myself or @Lmwevil here or on discord.
  10. For most ghost ships I agree, but we do have some beefy ones floating around out there. I'm not saying this is a deal breaker, just something to consider.
  11. At the end of the day this is an OOC consideration, but would reducing the Horizon's profile unbalance the need to have 3rd party ghost ships avoid conflict with it? We obviously don't want ghost ships fucking up a round just because they can but one of the main IC reasons for it was because of the Horizon's size, armament, and status. With the removal of the Levi and now a sort of downgrade in status it seems like that justification is getting thinner.
  12. Part One of Interview with Mae Lin, Pharmacist, speaking of events during the humanitarian mission to Izilukh Approximate Date of Events - 29062466
  13. Greetings, friends and allies. I have been speaking at length with Rsair Aksssohi, Warpriest of Mukari, who you may know from their competitions, both physical and mental, as well as other recent activities they have hosted. In discussing the crew and its past it has become apparent that much is not recorded and at risk of being lost. Of course, the broad strokes have been recorded by the Conglomerate and its member corporations but the soul of a ship is not fed by clean and clinical accounts. Years from now, when the archives speak of Operation Dizang, you will read of how an elite SCC Strike Force was dispatched to siege the area and destroy a transmitter, yet who will describe the unending darkness of that night and the distress of the injured and lost? You may read of the ill-fated mission to Izilukh and the death of the Federation scientists, yet likely no one will be present to describe the adrenaline in your veins and blood in your ears as the shouts to retreat to the shuttle echo from every radio. These and yet older stories will be lost if not recorded as those with the knowledge leave, retire, or die. To this end, we will begin to record and transcribe the accounts and memories of crew members who wish to volunteer their time and personal perspectives. We will seek out those we know to have stories to share but any are welcome and encouraged to volunteer their experiences, great or small. The task will likely take a great deal of time and may never be truly finished but I believe it is a worthwhile endeavor; should you wish to assist and join Aksssohi and myself in keeping these histories do not hesitate to contact us. - Suvek Tokash, Hegemony Consular (( An OOC note: we're going to be starting with personal accounts from people during the main lore arcs, but other, canon information is welcome as well. Ideally an IC interview would be nice but I know scheduling can be a pain with that sort of thing so if you'd rather just write up a draft in first person of what you want to discuss and shoot it to us then that's cool too. It will all be posted into this thread but if I find a different system that works better we might jump to that. I just got into a melancholy mood about people leaving the server for good and wanted to save what we can, even though life will always go on and things will always change it's good to remember what's passed. ))
  14. -Posted by Consular Suvek Tokash, drafted with help from his friends in the Research Department. PURPOSE The Hegemon and his allies remain vigilant for any resource or technology that could aid in reclaiming the wastes and end the suffering of his people. To that end, I wish to leverage the Horizon's unique position and mission within the spur in discovering these resources; all that is required is the proper focus. This proposed program is entirely voluntary. Fruitful research and discoveries that are approved by the overseeing Corporation for collaborative use will be rewarded generously. OBJECTIVES There are three primary obstacles to be overcome and therefore three areas of study we will be encouraging. Research outside of this scope is not discouraged but will need to be evaluated on its own merit. Desertification Hydrology and Water Retention - Key to overcoming the wastes is the recovery of lost ecosystems that once thrived. Research into effective use and storage of available water will be key. Soil Conservation - Research into stable soil aggregates to reduce erosion and increase water capacity. Terraformation - Thorough testing of combinations of various methods and processes to ensure long term success of our efforts. Radioactive Contamination Hazard Identification and Isolation - We must have non-hazardous and effective measures and tools to locate and isolate existing blast sites, short sighted waste disposal zones, and hidden, decaying stockpiles. Decontamination - Current methods of removing radioactive contaminants are insufficient. We must find new, effective means of neutralizing the most deadly of our current threats. Secure Storage - Collected material must be disposed of or stored in such a way that it cannot again be a danger. Habitability Aquaculture - The discovery or creation of aquatic life that will thrive in new biomes, while not impacting existing systems is one of the highest priorities. Agriculture - Horticulture, farming and growth of plants that are able to withstand extreme shifts in temperature and nutrition, predation, and possible radiation poisoning is a key research. Ecology - Synthesis of all applied research into a stable system will determine long term success. RESEARCH SUBMISSION AND EVALUATION As a rule, only research with verifiable results will be accepted. All applications should follow the provided template and are encouraged to be thorough. To ensure proper use of resources and to prevent squandering Initiative funds on fruitless or intentionally dishonest endeavors, all submissions will be subject to an evaluation period. Your methods and outcomes will be reviewed and a full account will also be provided to your parent Corporation for review and approval to release the results for Hegemony use. AWARDS AND ENDOWMENT Any research that is found to be fruitful, no matter how small, will be awarded either a monetary sum or a personal boon if possible and within our ability. The specific amount awarded will be appropriate to your contribution. If it comes to pass that your corporation will not release the submitted research, it is still my intention to provide some amount of recompense. Your contribution will not be dulled due to bureaucracy. Template Format:
  15. I know this isn’t a huge issue but adding the shuttle here leaves no room for visiting shuttles to land, right? All visiting ships would be connecting at the 3rd deck docking arms? Not a huge issue I suppose but there’s no piping up to the 3rd deck arms for refueling or anything like that, not that all shuttles are standardized for those ports anyway. I suppose if you really wanted to use the hangar you could move a ship out. Honestly with the Leviathan gone and that wide open room in maint near research on deck 2 it would be neat to have a dedicated research dock which would prevent potentially dangerous anomalies from entering the public hangar areas at all. Not saying that what you’ve got here is lacking in anyway, just spitballing.
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