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Everything posted by Juani2400

  1. Hey there. I'd say I'm decently active, despite my lack of participation in both discord and the forums, in which I've never really been involved much, even during my administration tenure in which I exclusively used the forums to carry out server administration duties, pretty much. I still go over the discord pretty much daily and the forums every few days (since I really have no need to nowadays). I'm European and I usually play either on off-peak times just before peak when population is not that high or during peak in weekends, when I can afford to stay up late without much worry of getting up in time the next day. That said, I've been playing almost daily for a while now since I picked up Aurora again, with the same characters I've always had; then again, I barely play the same character or role frequently, with a list of about 25 characters and using them all sparingly. The only one character I've been using repeatedly lately is my Captain, which is listed first on that list. I've continued to play Aurora on and off throughout all these years despite not being around, so I'm sure what the source of that information is (if it's the forums' last post, it's probably true, though: I don't really post on the forums, as mentioned). I always have kept a kinda low profile so to speak, so I'm not particularly surprised by the questions; I still remember you and some of your (old) characters quite vividly, and really haven't come across them either. In any case, I'm happy to answer any questions to clear out any doubts or concerns here, so thank you for your feedback!
  2. Basic Information Byond Account: Juani2400 Character Name(s): Vera'Qaule Weqrr-Xeblakk (Captain) Gara Betancor (Executive Officer) Iirun-Xiiux Ka'lesh (Chief Medical Officer) Ke'Quip Wiqsaiit (Chief Medical Officer) Kilqrr'Quraqk Xiiqrxum (Head of Security) Zahrir Al-Bayenoh (Chief Engineer) Oisla'rrk Waa'rii (Security Officer) Ibrahim Al-Enezi (Engineer) Ka'Viax'Leeth K'lax (Janitor) Cinnamon (Cook) Plenty more, most of these are already old, but still kind of in use... AI Name(s): N/A Discord username + tag: juani2400 Age: 26 Timezone: GMT+0 When are you on Aurora?: Usually around the evening, time depends on availability. Usually just before peak times lately. Experience How long have you played SS13?: I've been playing SS13 for over 10 years (?) or more. How long have you played on Aurora: For around 8 years. How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: I'd say I know most mechanics of the game as a whole, although I got to admit I not 100% up-to-date in some areas I don't usually play. Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: I was a moderated on this server for about 5 years, as Primary Admin. Have you read through the criteria thread; https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=4198 - and believe that you mark off all the criteria?: I have read it all, and meet all criteria. Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: No, I haven't. Personality Why do you play SS13?: To this day, SS13 remains one of the most feature-complete and innovative games out there. There's simply nothing like it, and quite enjoy my RP sessions on here. Why do you play on Aurora?: Aurora's lucky to have such an invested community who ensures to keep everything fresh and unique; it's still one of the best if not the best RP server for SS13. As such, and even if I've tried other RP servers (inc. Baystation and Hypatia back in the day), Aurora has always managed to come out on top in terms of quality and uniqueness (lore-wise specially). What do moderators do?: The moderating team ensures that a certain uniformity is followed, guaranteeing that most players' experiences are positive and balanced, as well as ensuring the compliance of lore restrictions in accordance to the vision of the lore team. What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: It means I'm able to contribute in the only way I possibly could to this community, as I have in the past. To be able to lend a hand to the admin team on their duties and assist the playerbase in the best way possible. Why do you want to be a moderator?: See above, I'd love to contribute again to this wonderful community now that I'm active in it again. What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: I'm a rather chill guy, with a broad perspective capacity and usually flexible to understand the position of each of the parties involved and believe in second chances. In my time as an administrator, I don't recall having any issues with my rulings, in which severe bans or punishments were rather scarce. I'm usually motivated and ready to get to work when needed, including the couple of work teams I was part of when I was part of the administration team in the past. How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: I'd say I'm rather unimpressed by any anger or insults and usually don't let it get in the way of a fair ruling. What's stress? Anything Else You Want to Add: For reference and memories:
  3. This penalises people who would otherwise take their time to catch up with updates in lore and command-related matters to get back to playing Command and would be perfectly fit players. Command whitelists were never given out to ensure lore compliance, but to ensure people knew their shit about the server and could maintain a high level of quality with their characters' portrayal and function in the role. These two key pieces don't really change over time, and if they do, it's a matter of a couple rounds to catch up once again. I can't favor this change with how it's been planned. It'd be pushing out a great deal of good quality RPers out of critical positions that require them the most. Implement cooldowns, make them do a few rounds as non-command before allowing them back into command roles automatically, but outright removing their whitelist is excessive.
  4. I am also interested in learning the ropes of DM coding, so sign me up.
  5. This appeal has been denied as per the reasons stated above.
  6. Trial passed. Congratulations!
  7. Hello. You were spoken to or punished about the reason of your final ban 9 times before it happened. You evaded, in fact, a permanent ban on your previous account, which is what lead to this accumulation of notes and various punishments. You bypassed the system and kept doing the same with the newer account, which made you end up here. What makes you deserve a tenth (tenth!) chance at it? You were already explained how what you were doing was completely against our rules, and our staff was already pretty lenient with not perma-banning you earlier. I am not completely closed to unbanning you under severely strict conditions, but I will need some time to discuss this with some people first. I will be back at some point this week.
  8. Trial will be granted. It will start today 07/MAR/2020, and will end in a week, on the 14/MAR/2020, inclusive. Good luck!
  9. Hello. I will be handling this application. Please continue to gather feedback. You can expect a review of this application through the next week, before weekend. Cheers.
  10. Alright, then the trial will be extended for 72 more hours, starting now, until wednesday, 4th of March.
  11. Reporting Personnel: Kilqrr'Quraqk Xiiqrxum. Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Head of Security. Game ID: b5W-dgbl Personnel Involved: - Holiday Lynn (visitor), offender. - Riori'Uptari Nunuz, (captain), witness. - Quintin Copperfield (visitor), witness. Secondary Witnesses: (Name, Job Title: Short description of what they witnessed) - Katherine Linenbord, Security Officer: potentially was aware of Mrs. Lynn's takeover. Was not present for the slander. Time of Incident: ~12:00-13:30 aprox. Real Time: 00:00 UTC, 01/MAR/2020 aprox. Location of Incident: Non-relevant. Nature of Incident: [ ] - Workplace Hazard [ ] - Accident/Injury [ ] - Destruction of Property [ ] - Neglect of Duty [ ] - Harassment [ ] - Assault [ ] - Misconduct [X] - Other: Regulations breach Overview of the Incident: As you may be aware, such shift was a problematic one given the arrival of a ship from the People's Republic of Adhomai full of hostile robots. Hostilities among the crew arose, and by the end of the shift, our Captain was physically incapacitated. They were still concious. It was at this moment when, Mrs. Lynn, who had been with the Captain as a visitor at all times during the shift, decided to take justice by their own hand and take over the Captain position. Mrs. Lynn is hired in the position of Captain for the NSS Aurora, but this time they were just visiting. They did not seek the approval or even mentioned the take-over to the Captain or the rest of Command. They acquired Captain-level items (including, but not limited to: Captain headset, Captain-level ID card), and started to exercise their authority over the rest of Command staff and crew, including over myself. They fully expected to be complied with their orders, and did not think twice of insulting my management of the situation after being in the position for less than twenty minutes, suffering from asymmetrical information and lack of situational awareness herself, due to not being kept in the loop with the previous events or the on-going tasks and orders of the Security team. They did so in the open, with several other visitors who she invited into the shuttle's cockpit, among them, Quintin Copperfield, and at least one more whom I can't get the name of. I felt slandered at the time, unable to defend myself over the very resounding arguments and attitude she was having. You must know, it is strictly prohibited, under company policy, to be assigned a position if the subject's status on-board is nothing but a visitor. Only the Captain, under extreme circumstances, is allowed to circumvent station's policy in this regard, and they did not do such. Even more, when they took over without authorization or approval from anyone in the Command team, they did so with their implant off, which could have resulted in catastrophe would they have been in the position for longer, as they may have incurred in wrong decisions against the interests of the Corporation. Charges of Mutiny, Grand Theft and Slander on a Head of Staff may apply. Submitted Evidence: No physical evidence is available. Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: It was not reported to a superior due to lack of time. Actions taken: None. Additional Notes: Please consider that Quintin Copperfield's statement may be biased due to openly siding with the offender at the time. I have no more names of the staff present during the slander situation. As for the acting captaincy, several other crew members are surely aware of this happening, but I do not have any concise names to give.
  12. Hello. Since you are arguing a decision on the highest level of the hierarchy, that has not only been reviewed already a few times, but has also involved discussions in the administration team as a whole, we will not be reviewing this complaint. The ban will be kept in place indefinitely. Following discussions made some weeks ago, the ability to make appeals and complaints by proxy will be removed. Community-bans are already discussed widely among the modmin team and we feel that this process is enough to guarantee the fairness of the procedure since consensus needs to be reached. Closing and archiving this complaint.
  13. Hello. First of all, apologies for the slight delay in handling this. I have been reviewing the rounds you've been playing, and it looks like the feedback just stops after a certain date, but you've kept playing the character and the role after that time. Not only that, but you have also played the Chief Engineer role with a different character than the one in the application. Is there any reason for that happening? You are expected to play a consistent Command character through the trial, in order to aid the feedback gathering process. I have no particular issues with the feedback given; it is mostly positive, but since it's a bit vague, I'd have loved to see a bit more of it. I'm considering extending this trial for a bit longer to see if you can gather a bit more of feedback. Would this be convenient for you? Cheers!
  14. Feedback is quite positive and uniform, and I have also personally seen you play and interacted with your Consular. Trial passed.
  15. @Boggle08 @Lemei @Screemers @Skyflieger It still exists, but it is not very active. It's still reccommended for every whitelistee to have access to it, since CCIA sometimes post stuff in there. Please PM me via Discord or forums your whitelist application from the archive and your forum name if interested, and I will get you sorted in no time.
  16. Perms granted, trial started.
  17. Trial started, perms granted.
  18. I'm content with the new answer, and the grammar and format have improved significantly. I'll be granting you a trial that will start tomorrow 18/FEB/2020 and will finish on the 25/FEB/2020, inclusive. Please remember that you'll need to continue to advertise your application (preferably after each round of Command played) so the people who have interacted with you can leave feedback. If not enough satisfactory feedback is gathered, there's a risk of the application being denied at the end of the trial. Also, please, try to maintain the effort toward grammar correctness. No point in fixing it in the app if no result is seen in-game, which is where it really matters. Good luck!
  19. As per recent events, this complaint will be locked and archived. This will be reviewed privately, still.
  20. Alright! Your trial will be starting tomorrow, 17/FEB/2020 and will be active until Monday, 24/FEB/2020 inclusive. I expect to activate your whitelist by the late European afternoon/evening, so don't expect it too soon in the day. Remember that you'll need to continue to advertise your application (preferably after each round of Command played) so the people who have interacted with you can leave feedback. If not enough satisfactory feedback is gathered, there's a risk of the application being denied at the end of the trial. If you are unable to be active during the period, we can cancel the trial and reschedule at another time, if needed. Contact me if that's the case. Good luck!
  21. Hello! I'm not particularly familiar with any of your characters specially (besides one of the vaurca), but I am confident your ability to RP is on-par with what is required from you, as that is what I am hearing from these people. In any case, since your Ta has not lived in Tau Ceti and it has not directly affected them yet, how about you tell me about what they can expect as a Vaurcan Ta in the system? How do you think this experience will impact them? Do you think they will feel similarly treated as the rest of Vaurca, or will get treated in a different way due to their position? Please include your availability for a trial in your response, since you've told me you are not available at certain times of the week. It will last for a week, and we can start it at anytime it feels right for you, if the answer to the questions above is satisfactory.
  22. Hello. First of all, sorry for the delay, since I've been unable to work on this earlier. Getting to the point, I have no issues with what I know about your RP, but I do have certain issues in regards to your application, and thus I would like you to ammend them before continuing: Format. The format is a bit fucked up, specially in the initial part of the application. No biggie, but given that we are going for a set of corrections, I'd prefer if you repaired it. Grammar and capitalization. This one is particularly important since you are going for a Command position. The ability of the player to type correctly and to capitalize letters as required is pretty important, in my opinion. No one likes a head of staff who can't type correctly, they simply don't inspire trust or seem rather new. Consider that all we see from a player in-game is the text they write, so I think it is an important point to take care of. I don't know if you are a native speaker or not, but I'd rather have you work a bit on this aspect and ensure you can transmit IG what a whitelisted player is supposed to. Just fix your application and make the effort to maintain the level if your trial is given. Answers. All the answers are pretty okay and you answer what you're expected to. However, I would like you to clarify a bit on "Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau ceti and how it affected your character and their career?" question. The second paragraph is a bit confusing, and I don't know how it gets to affect the character entirely. Try rewording it a bit to see if you can project your initial idea a bit better. I'm available in Discord for any specific questions you may have about what I asked here. Please post on this thread once the editing has been conducted. Again, sorry for the time this took. I will get back to you soon. Cheers.
  23. Hello. I will be handling this application. Please ensure you gather enough feedback before I review this application, which should happen over this weekend, hopefully.
  24. Hello. I will be handling this application. Please ensure you gather enough feedback before I review this application, which should happen over this weekend, hopefully.
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