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About Chada1

  • Birthday 30/01/1995

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  1. I just wanted to say that I am still in support of the access change, but it'd be nice if we could get a testmerge on it so we could iron out the access issues we'll probably see, like borgs not having access to the machinist.
  2. Absolutely, unequivocally, ... undeniably? Unquenchably? Indisputably? YES
  3. I feel like this could also be considered a form of powergaming if done but I dunno, a mod/admin would have to chime in. Either way, it's currently just structured in the easiest to code way possible, I can make further changes to the concept, but it'll be a test of my coding ability I guess to do so, and I do like the idea of 'borgs needing to get papers for upgrades as if they were independent mechs, it makes them able to roleplay their status as equipment more with the Crew, that is overall a A++ idea IMO There'll be another thread for this change more than likely -- where more people can give their thoughts and what to change later, rn PoZe's changes should probably take center-stage, what does everyone think about the 'borgo access changes where they're limited to just their modules department?
  4. đŸ‘‹Sorry I've been super busy and hadn't even known about the current 'borg vote or even the thread or anything, I'd have had a big text wall to drop in the thread about their current state, how they managed to get here, and where we could take them in the future etc if I had known, but by the time I managed to realize there was even a vote to remove 'borgs the thread was already locked and the poll finished, so like, ooof. I've actually put a LOOOOT of work in trying to change 'borgs on this server to not be despised by so many people and to be much more roleplay heavy role, so when I learned how close the vote was to remove them I reacted a bit negatively on Discord, so for sure I have the interest to try to work on them again if it's desired, and this change I'd be willing to tackle, again if it's desired. I'll likely toss another independent thread up when it's closer to being PR'd on the github, so everyone will get a chance to give feedback/offer changes or ideas etc This is basically the idea, and this way 'borgs can still be powerful around the mid round, but by then the Crew will have better equipment as well and if stuff like chemistry was going to be done it'd likely already be done, so hopefully it solves a large part of the problems I read.
  5. I'm worried about giving the AI access to some features, especially those involving opening up/locking off access, this is only because Security can use these features to abuse the AI again. I'm so sorry, it's not necessarily just the AI, but how the crew on the station could command the AI in many cases. Some of these could be very helpful for the crew and super flavorful like the maintenance access, but then it could be commanded by Security in an abusive way.............. We just have to consider stuff like that due to how the culture was before the AI whitelist, and I don't like it either, but literally, those were dark days.
  6. I love this idea, and I think we should do it, that or give Xenoarch its own, very small shuttle. I'd also love it if Xenoarch could frankly be moved closer to Mining, as in, literally closer. Like a Science sub-department connected to the mining department.
  7. Even if the PR is closed or you decide not to keep it up to see where it goes, if you have any ideas that could help you enjoy pets in the game more, this thread could still be useful, this is true of anyone else here too, and it wouldn't persay be you doing all of the coding, there does seem to be some interest from multiple people here for adding/removing/changing some. Also, you weren't wrong for making a PR to remove something you don't like, that's perfectly understandable, and noone should fault you with that. I've done the same thing and stepped back when public sentiment was fervently against it, it's actually not a bad thing to do at all and shows you care about others people enjoyment of the game too.
  8. It started in Russia but it didn't end there, there are domestic fox farms in multiple places, especially in Ontario, Canada, right now. I didn't know this when we had our conversation a day or so ago, but yeah it's a thing. Domestic foxes aren't just in Siberia/Russia. The new domestic fox breed that can be found around the world is part of the Vulpes Vulpes class, which makes them almost identical to regular foxes, except with the domestic gene. The siberian ones were a different breed of fox entirely. The reason these domestic Vulpes Vulpes foxes ran under my radar is because they descend from the worldwide Fur trade, and dark immoral industries like that I don't tend to delve into.
  9. This can be closed and archived.
  10. This can be closed and archived.
  11. This is a very old rework, this can be closed and archived.
  12. Borgos and their art direction is now entirely out of my hand and in the capable hands of Wezzy, this project can be closed.
  13. I'm the one who encouraged Stev to join up, needless to say, I'm in support, tho their technical difficulty needs to be addressed first.
  14. Tougher Organs wouldn't shift balance that much, they'd enter crit just as fast as they do rn, they'd just take longer to die while in crit on the ground. Don't worry too much about balance, and making humans take more damage would make them enter crit quickly and still die slower. (So it's not a good idea unfortunately) The rest of the points I agree with, but please understand that Unathi, Tajara, Skrell, etc are already stronger than humans in almost all of these ways. Humans getting a simple increase in organ resistance or the like wouldn't shift balance. Unathi's scales are represented already ingame by a brute resist. Humans are only the baseline species, they aren't the baseline mechanics/statwise, as said previously... And they're only the baseline species because they're the only ones that don't require a whitelist. If Unathi, Tajara, or Skrell etc didn't require a whitelist, Humans wouldn't be the baseline species anymore. In conclusion here, if Humans would need concessions to get a simple increase in organ resist etc, then unathi and tajara would need massive decreases across the board to balance, it doesn't add up.
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