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Security and Detainee System Reform:

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Detainee’s Privileges/Rights:

1. You have the privilege to communication devices.

2. You have the privilege to visitation.

3. You have the privilege to privacy.

4. You have the right to basic necessities, be it sustenance, clothing, and medical/robotics care.

5. You have the right to report and appeal to appropriate parties.

These privileges can be revoked at any given time within justification, rights are irrevocable as they are federal rights. Infractions that are i300s involving HuT or Cyborgification will have their privilege automatically revoked. NanoTrasen is allowed to enforce cyborgification should the crime(s) be heinous enough to justify so and are not summary executions.

In ascending order in rank and preference:

To directly report mistreatment and/or request to appeal: IAA, HoP, HoS, Captain, and CCIA.

Those who can seek to lessen/repeal your sentence:  IAA and HoP. 

Those who can ultimately lessen/repeal your sentence: HoS, Captain, and CCIA.


If this were added to the wiki and game, I would request that a plaque detailing such above would be placed in the following: Head of Security's Office, Warden's Office, Equipment Storage, Cell Rooms, and Communal Area for ease of access by both Security and Detainees.


Adding essentially what is Miranda Rights but on a corporate scale to ensure that security does not overextend their validhunting or abuse of power, letting the detainees know that they have a set of privileges and rights provided from start of their sentence and whom they can report and/or request to appeal.

To explain each of the clauses. Access to communication devices has always been and will be a privilege that can be revoked (For being an ass, ordered by an authoritative figure, or otherwise justified). Visitation is there for a reason, whether to talk with those who wish to speak with the detainee but can be revoked (Visitor is conspiring with them, getting aggressive/inappropriate with them, or otherwise.) Privacy for when a detainee/SO/Warden/HoS is harassing them and they request to be left alone for peace of mind. Basic necessities is a no brainer and is non-negotiable. Lastly, the right to report and appeal is a given right provided by both NanoTrasen and the presiding government (Republic of Biesel in this case), should they be mistreated or would like to appeal for a charge to be lessened or repealed all-together. 

As clearly stated, the privileges can be revoked at any given time within justification. If it is justifiable or is charged with a HuT/Cyborgification included infraction, it can and will be revoked. This is to allow security to treat detainees according to behavior or otherwise, however is not an excuse to revoke out of spite. The rights are rights and will never be revoked, you are to oblige with the detainee's request unless it has been denied or the charges is too serious to a point that it is out of the crew's hands. 

I was deciding to add warden to list of who you can report to but thought about it, it does not make sense when you have two, maybe three Loyalty Implant personnel who can hear you out, additionally with a non-LI who can still deal with detainees in form of a complaint or otherwise. Additionally, the warden is the overseer of the brig and under normal circumstances is the processing officer, so there is some potential to be biased against the detainee as it is their job to watch them. As for repeal or lessening of sentence, it would make sense to have the HoS, Captain, and CCIA to be the who can say whether they can be forgiven and released or have their sentence for good behavior or false/unnecessary charges.

Having a plaque put around security would help both detainees and security personnel easily access them when they need a quick review.

I will leave this open to discussion.

Edited by Soultheif96
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A few things that I dont like about that suggestion:

  • Why would a i300 charge automatically revoke all the privileges? - If they are behaving themselves, why would you revoke the privacy / visitation or communication privilege.
  • I do not like the inclusion of the HoP, as this will validate HoPcurity, which is something that we luckily got rid off.
  • I do not like the inclusion of CCIA in the appeal chain as the captain should be the highest authority on the station and appealing to CCIA will take too much time and make borgifications pretty much impossible if CCIA does not respond (which happens relatively often)
    • The maximum charge a single person can issue is HuT, which will get reviewed at central anyway.
    • For a borgification, there already needs to be a majority vote.
  • I don't see why you shouldn't be able to appeal your sentence to the warden.
    • The warden, as the overseer of the brig should be the first person to go to (as they are the most available)
    • Worst case nothing is going to come out of it, but then you can still appeal it to the HoS and the Captain

I would therefore propose a simplification:
If a prisoner wishes to report mistreatment or appeal their sentence, they can contact the following persons in order:
Warden, HoS, IA (who then makes a recommendation to the captain)

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I have spoken with a few about including the warden and have been told it would make the warden be allowed more authority, almost on par with the head of security, should they have the power to appeal sentence, so instead of having them be able to, they can seek to lessen/repeal their sentence based on good behavior with the HoS or Captain. Though at the same time, I can see this not happening during rounds without either, so I would say sure, let them have the ability to do so.

As to clarify for i300s revoking privileges, I meant ones that include a HuT/Cyborgification, as they have already committed a heinous enough crime and would likely not be able to be released. It would be in the best interest of security that these individuals would be under intensive watch to ensure that they do not plan to escape, harass the crew about security being (Shitsec, spew insults, etc), and if they want to be visited, they would likely be done with the visitor outside of the cell and the person inside a cell, under watch by an officer. Truth be told, being held until transfer is usually boring enough to a point 90% of the players grab that steel hoe and claw themselves to death, hit up cryo, or do something to get the attention of a warden or SO. 

I can see the point with CCIA involved and will just remove it. As for the HoP, they will not have any power over security but when it comes to mistreatment, it is usually their area to intervene and formulate a report about said treatment. They won't be able to repeal or lessen sentences but they can make suggestions to Warden/HoS/Captain. This would keep HoP in their lane while still being able to intervene on a basis of a reported offense and report said officer(s) on it.

So I modified it in this case:



Detainee’s Privileges/Rights:

1. You have the privilege to communication devices.

2. You have the privilege to visitation.

3. You have the privilege to privacy.

4. You have the right to basic necessities, be it sustenance, clothing, and medical/robotics care.

5. You have the right to report and appeal to appropriate parties.

These privileges can be revoked at any given time within justification, rights are irrevocable as they are federal rights. Infractions that are i300s involving HuT or Cyborgification will have their privilege automatically revoked, however can they be granted back by their respective authorities. 

In ascending order in rank and preference:

To directly report mistreatment and/or request to appeal: IAA, Warden, HoP, HoS, Captain.

Those who can seek to lessen/repeal your sentence:  IAA and HoP. 

Those who can ultimately lessen/repeal your sentence: Warden, HoS, Captain.



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You absolute madman, @Soultheif96. I've never expected you would to approach this from a criminal justice perspective. Let us tango, my friend. 

I'm going to read it off on the original post and better your understanding of Central Command Internal Affairs. I will speak as a Ex-CCIA speaking from experience and prior knowledge. This is subject to change by god knows who is changing what in Central Command Internal Affairs Agency for better or for worse. Central Command Internal Affairs works externally and does not and should not weigh or interfere with station's proceeding as a whole. In turn, they should expect that the station knows how to take care of themselves. Admittedly, Aurora Station is the only station that we will actually play on this entire time. We only see Central Command Internal Affairs Agents boarding Aurora Station more often than any other stations. Not like we're heading to other stations and roleplay. This could be done if we had a larger playerbase and et cetera but only a dream. Point is, the game that we play on revolves around Aurora Station built on lore by many different people through time. 

Secondly, I have to argue @Arrow768 and agree with Soultheif that to reportly direct mistreatment or request to appeal to Head of Personnel is best recommended as Head of Personnel is nonetheless a human resources command staff. If anything, it gives Head of Personnel something to do. On the other hand, I will not be happy Head of Personnel being able to reduce/repeal sentence. I'm satisfied where Soultheif has it in his modified case and I have no problems from this perspective. 

For i300, I'm standing on the middle ground here between Arrow and Soultheif's perspective. Some privileges should be removed but some privileges should remain. Suppose if a prisoner with i300 infraction is sent to the private brig. He does his best and follows through the procedures of how to be a good boy. He can get more privileges just by doing that like with some of U.S. prisons. tl;dr: You be good boy. You get good stuff. 

And yes. The warden should be the first person to speak to about appealing. Communication should be passed down from the lower chain of command through to the top. I am unfamiliar with how appeals can work on Aurora Station.

So, I'm going to wrap my wall of text up because I have real life. I like most ideas. I believe few needs changes. It would be difficult to uphold this. 

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3 hours ago, Butterrobber202 said:

I don't think NT really should care about criminal justice, they have all those bribes and wiggle room for a reason. I think NT should be harsh and unforgiving to those that commit serious crimes on their stations.

As much as NanoTrasen is focused on profit, they definitely do not want to see losses in form of life or property. Not everyone takes bribes, sure, a security officer or a warden can, but I have less belief in that an IAA, HoS, or Captain would take such as it is their obligation to act in the best interest of the crew, station, and their company. There are honest people who work in security that will allow leniency towards detainee’s if they are acting on good behavior, thus privileges that are provided and accessibility to the communal area. 

As for NanoTrasen being harsh and unforgiving with serious infractions, they would conduct a review on the detainee. If they have found them to be guilty, they will turn them over to the local authorities (Republic of Biesel of Sol Alliance depending on where the crime is committed.), or cyborgify them if they desire so.

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I really dislike this for the following reasons:

  • IAA should not be able to lessen/appeal sentences, they are not lawyers
  • Appeals in this game are used to avoid crimes and are overall a waste of time
  • rights already listed in corporate regulations
  • CCIA doesnt have jurisdiction on criminal law, p sure Tau Ceti wont be happy if a company lets a murderer go free because "Oh this guy said so"
  • You already can ask IAA, HoP, Captain, etc. to report mishandling

Overall I feel this is unneeded and will over-complicate security. -1

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