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Staff Complaint - NursieKitty

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Posted (edited)

BYOND Key: Mogelix

Staff BYOND Key: NursieKitty

Game ID: b2e-agpo

Reason for complaint: Ban reason being fucking bullshit made up by an incompetent wanker.

Evidence/logs/etc: Oh fucking plenty




Additional remarks: Let me tell you why this is the biggest fucking bullshit I have ever fucking seen. So. I've just been in a round where I have basically fucking lost my job. Security has been disbanded in place of a citizens militia. Berko doesn't like that. He's just out of a job. And now, we're being boarded by frontiersmen, accusing us, security, and the crew, NT staff in general, of being lii'dra supporters. Indeed, I was simply observing these boarders as an assistant, and I got used as a motherfucking battering ram to open a airlock. They threw me into a airlock repeatedly. Nothing was fucking done about it because security and the crew were squabbling like petty fucking idiots. So I recuperate and the citizens militia is arming itself to deal with the situation. I get a laser rifle and ballistic armour from the armoury, y'know standard stuff. Plenty of personnel is just drunk, shit is just not fucking working, people are gloating about security being gone, me losing my fucking job, and even CHEERING ON THE BOARDERS, even after what happens next, no regs are getting enforced, it's fucking anarchy at this point, mob rule. I approach the frontiersmen and they open fire on me, hitting my ballistic armour. I blindly fire at them with my las rifle. I then spend the next five ten minutes in surgery. What do I wake up to? Everyones screaming 'oh, help, we need to evacuate, the frontiersmen are hostile.' So I've spent my entire round warning bitching and complaining about how we need security to prevent /this/ from happening, and now the very thing I said, the dis-organized militias being fucking useless to stop them, is happening, plus we're evacing. I'm really fucking pissed at the crew for all of the reasons I've just highlighted, so I say, fuck it, if the crews gonna fucking degenerate like this, so will I. I go up to the CMO and slam them onto a table after trying to just whisk their ID sneakily away. I steal their ID and head into their office, some brainlet trying to detain me with a Ion rifle. Note that I took literally nothing else, I just looked around the office for a communications console to rant into. I don't find it, so I head to the bridge. But then the snowflake CMO is upset that theirs conflict in the round, so she ahelps me, I'm winded with no fucking space to explain myself, they allow the crew to just waltz way fucking closer to my winded body, taking any chance of success out if i manage to get up, my main advantage being speed, ruined by being stopped by winding. Then we have the following conversation you can see in the logs area. I'd like to draw attention to this rule right here.


Conflict is acceptable, even if you are not an antag, but it needs to be believable, and meet roleplay standards. The average Joe will not simply decide to blow up their workplace one day. Keep in mind, the more drastic the action, the more motivated your character has to be to commit to it, and the consequences it brings. Unless you’re an antagonist, this motivation has to be developed through roleplay on the server: backstory cannot legitimize drastic things, such as trying to assault security staff because of a bad childhood, for example. It is also very much encouraged that you roleplay out the consequences to such conflict where possible.

Conflict is acceptable, even if you are not an antag, but it needs to be believable, and meet roleplay standards. Yes I know it's not very 'HRP' to just slam someone onto a table. But what do you want me to do? My action was spontaneous from pent up IC rage from how shit this shift has been going. I'm out of a fucking job. We're being boarded. /I nearly died and no one gives a fuck, is actually fucking encouraging me to die./ I have fucking reason to be pissed. So I'm going to do something retarded, in this case, my plan was to get the command ID, and just fucking rant into a command communication console. So why does my ban reason say I wanted to end the round? What the fuck does that mean? The evac was being called, retard. I couldn't do anything to end the round, bar activate the fucking nuke or something. Yes, I shouldn't have called him a fucking wanker in the ahelps, but he is pulling shit out of his ass right now. And he refused to listen to me throughout that entire fucking Ahelp.  I'm sorry for the strong language but I am so pissed at this, this is like throwing shit in my face, I hate it, such disrespect for your own playerbase. And to permanently ban me 'because I'm back at my shenanigans?' This is the first time in a while a shift has made me 'crack'. This shift was so shitty and made my character suffer so much, that I had to go sicko mode and tell everyone how much I hate them for putting me to this. But I can't do conflict apparently. I don't even have notes for this kinda crap. My notes are about shooting ninjas too fast. Not cracking and going sicko mode. I also don't know if this round is over when I post this, but I don't know, and can't know. I haven't applied for a discord unban because I still have unresolved beef with Resilynn, that I have tried to reach out to him about, but he just doesn't reply, and I don't feel comfortable having these kinds of metagrudges. So I can't tell if a round is over. I'm assuming the shuttle has left by now but I am trying to end this bullshit metagrudging ban ASAP. Because apparently, any conflict is bannable, what are we, BOAGFBAAICS13, bend over and get fucked by antags and incompetent CrewStation 13, NCASERP station 13 No conflict allowed snowflake ERP station?

End this fucking staff complaint fast, please, I don't want to fucking sit here for ten days then fucking apologize for telling them to hurry the fuck in replying.


I'm so sorry for going so sicko mode but this is so repulsive I cannot put it more maturely/eloquently. I feel so wronged looking at everything that has just occurred, I almost want Nursie to lose their goddamn staff powers.

Edited by Mogelix
Further apologies for swearing

You’re apologizing for a very rude thread but retain everything rule breaking in it.


If you want it to be taken seriously, then fix the thread, because right now you are breaking the rules. Being angry is understandable but still not excusable.


Hi. I'm here on Mog's behalf, helping him. I hope he receives a fair treatment despite how the first draft of the complaint came out. I won't really say much since this is his complaint. Everything after this is his words, not mine:

Hey. Seeing how unpolished and rude my first post was, made pretty much five to ten minutes after the round, I'm going to just sum up all my arguments here in this post.

1. The ban reason does not apply, and simply doesn't reflect what was said in the ahelp or what happened. I never, as is quoted in the ban, said, "I was pissed and wanted the round to end.". This is untrue because the round was already ending, the shuttle having been called. My motive was just to rant on a command communication console, having lost my job already anyway. See 2 for my details.

2. Maybe I didn't roleplay out the escalation out well, but it was valid escalation, I did not lethally attack or hold the CMO at gunpoint, I just accosted them for their ID so I could attempt to rant at a command communication console, having been so wronged and angered by previous events and conflict in the round. (Me losing my job, the crew being happy I lost my job, us being boarded, the crew encouraging the boarders, having my face used as a battering ram by the boarders, getting shot by the boarders, having the boarders leave; from my perspective scot-free.)

3. I don't do this? Nursie condescends me by saying I'm 'back at my shenanigans' but none of my warnings/notes describe situations similar to this. I know I act like a shitter time to time, read my warnings to see, but i'm not /a shitter/. I don't play just for shitter shenanigans, and I hope even my notes make that obvious. This is also my first time going through and reacting to this situation this way, breaking down.

4. The winding took any of the 'wind' out of the situation. Even if the Ahelp ended with me being unwinded, the CMO had full time to prepare themself and come way to close to my position with the help of said wind. These kinds of unneeded windings break any natural flow the game has.

5. Yes, I've been very rude, and I'm willing to accept any punishments that come from that.



Hi there! Firstly I'd like to apologise for the length of time it's taken myself and Yonnimer to get to dealing with this complaint. I'm at fault there since it's been a busy few days.

In short we've come to the decision that Nursie's ban was justified however the wording of the ban will be changed to the following:


"Stole a command member's ID afer wordlessly shoving and tabling them for it after being pissed in the round as a non-antag, overly insulative in admin-PMS."


Our decision was based on the evidence provided, the evidence we gained by looking through logs and by getting information from primary sources, in this case Nursie and the CMO. The interaction between you and the CMO was, to put it bluntly, sub par. You didn't really speak to them, supposedly you simply got up, shoved them to the ground, put them on a table and made off with their ID. In terms of your reasoning I don't think it's too questionable to have taken the ID. HOWEVER, the escalation and roleplay when taking the ID was very poor. This is the first reason we have decided to keep the ban in place.


The second reason we have decided not to lift the ban is due to your attitude to staff during the ticket. Instead of calmly explaining yourself you became extremely rude and defensive. You have some notes and warnings about your conduct in terms of your attitude to other players. In addition to this, you have quite a large amount of notes, warnings and even multiple permabans not counting this one. By now you really should know better.


We'll be locking and archiving this in 24 hours unless you wish to persue the complaint further.

Posted (edited)
On 20/07/2019 at 06:16, HouseOfSynth said:

You didn't really speak to them, supposedly you simply got up, shoved them to the ground, put them on a table and made off with their ID.

On 20/07/2019 at 06:16, HouseOfSynth said:

This is the first reason we have decided to keep the ban in place.

What was I meant to do? Calmly explain this was a stick up during a busy medbay scene to a Solarian CMO who probably ignores all say texts to heal everyone as fast as possible? They got their escalation when I tried to fish the ID off their person without tabling/force via the drag click menu but they moved, very likely consciously due to the big red text. By doing that, they escalated. It is nigh impossible to RP this situation out without it coming off as... really cheesy. If I felt RP wouldn't be cheesy, meaningless, and overly detrimental with this absolute stranger CMO that I was hell-bent on taking the ID off and probably had already gotten a huge stock of sedatives throughout this chaotic round, I would have given them RP. Unfortunately, it just literally wasn't.

I mean, hell, if she wanted a couple words of RP, she could have objected or just said anything when the big red texts of 'OH SHIT, YOUR TAKING THIS GUYS STUFF' popped up.

On 20/07/2019 at 06:16, HouseOfSynth said:

The second reason we have decided not to lift the ban is due to your attitude to staff during the ticket. Instead of calmly explaining yourself you became extremely rude and defensive. You have some notes and warnings about your conduct in terms of your attitude to other players. In addition to this, you have quite a large amount of notes, warnings and even multiple permabans not counting this one. By now you really should know better.

Because every single one of those warnings/bans/note has been in someway reasonable and not just randomly winding me in the middle of a round and explaining to me why I need to monologue my backstory to a CMO for a minute before I snatch their ID? Besides. There is like a solid one hell and some swearing that isn't directed at Kitty in terms of rudeness before Kitty basically says 'your reason for attacking this woman was incorrect'. Note that the original Ahelp had nothing to do with the amount of RP provided. It was just the reasoning. And my reasoning was sound, as you've just pointed out yourself, so I exploded at Kitty.

Edited by Mogelix

First thing to mention, the winding was deemed a bit much, but we didnt' include it in this post. Part of the original ban was due to nursie believing you were calling a shuttle, which was deemed not making sense, given the shuttle was already called,  hence why the ban reason was changed.

However, taking the ID wordlessly and the insults during the admin-PMS were deemed enough for the ban on it's own, given your past notes, warnings, and bans. You can't just start doing something and hope RPs come from it that way, there is not much reaction time to someone taking an ID the way it was done. As said, given all your past staff entries, escalation to a permaban was made for this.


Well, it's clear the insults aren't the final nail in the coffin in this situation but just insult to injury. Nursie made it clear that they were going to ban me for my action alone. That's what started me off. I'm not blaming them for my own actions, I'm just saying. I have a perfect standard (referring to my RP action) which I can't hope to reach.

18 hours ago, Yonnimer said:

taking the ID wordlessly

18 hours ago, Yonnimer said:

You can't just start doing something and hope RPs come from it that way,

Then what am I meant to do??? Literally tell me, describe your train of thought of what I'm supposed to do. The shuttle is coming, the CMO is probably sedatives'd to the teeth, medbay is semi-crowded and there's just too much logs and not enough time to hold down a proper coherent RP, and the crew has pissed me off with all its petty squabbling, inaction and general incompetence, not to mention I've lost my job. I'm not one to take that lying down, especially in a antag round. So, my train of thought was to attack the CMO, then rant about this terrible fucking shift and crew on a command communications console. That's RP. That's what my character'd do in this situation. You have to break a few eggs to make a omelette. So I decided to just quickly attack and snatch the CMO's ID to make this command announcement. If I was not interrupted by the winding, I would've been able to make that announcement, and that would've been RP. Every single word I type in broken angry rushed english/'basic' on that console. Even if the escalation and attack itself was a little bit rushed and lacking in RP, the motivation was RP and the pay-off would have been RP. This is RP/IC issue. It was better for the rounds RP for me to attempt my rant then for me to keep my head down and do nothing.

Posted (edited)

Nursie is very aggressive as an admin and even pings when she's objectively wrong.(decisions she wasted my game time with have been refuted by other admins) She maintain grudges and has lied to get me banned before. (Saying I was ERPing.) Even a helping is dangerous as she opens up most conversations accusingly. ( I was chewed out from her for asking for an early respawn) She has entered conversations that didn't involve her just to curse me out. I fully believe that she goes out to snipe people she doesn't like, because I was on the receiving end of her.  


All this said. You shouldn't have cursed and disrespected her. I suggest promoting awareness of her actions via complaints. You are also always able to answer an admin once you are free to do so in most situations you aren't actively griefing.


Proof of trends like this existing from not just my own experiences. Counting this complaint, this is over half of all complaints about Nursie, claiming outright toxicity in one of them, abusive and aggressive administrating in others. She baits people like this into getting angry, so she can ban them.



Edited by Bygonehero

@Bygonehero I entirely understand where you're coming from. Concerning that complaint, I've long held the belief that Nursie made that call to ban me based of preconceived notions, rather than what was happening, why it was happening, the context of any prior notes, and just a general distaste for me. Though, to be fair, I make that assumption for most people. Other than that, I've been held up for the last chunk of a round as ERT for swearing at station personnel.  I'm still not entirely sure whether this was an actual offense on my part or just some weird arbitrary implementation of their own standard onto how I should play ERT troopers.

On 22/07/2019 at 11:06, Bygonehero said:

I fully believe that she goes out to snipe people she doesn't like, because I was on the receiving end of her.  

I've no idea if Nursie intends to come off as being aggressive or malicious in their actions. But it can come off that way.


In regards to this complaint specifically, he went too far; he got a reasonable outcome. He doesn't have the standing or rapport with them to act that way and not expect an immediate ban. Honestly, this would have made more sense as an appeal, given whatever he can bring to the table is almost entirely outweighed by his behavior in the initial situation, and here. The only real thing that can be separated from the heated nature of the situation, is him being winded initially and ( @Yonnimer take this into account) Nursie very clearly rolling with the intent of banning him from the start, hence her winding him before actually talking, suggesting that she already made up her mind as to whether it was okay or not- if she was unsure as to the legality of his behavior it would have made sense to wait for the situation to calm down, and him to respond, rather than effectively remove him from the IC immediately.

I can't really foresee any outcome of worth or weight to this complaint. Don't talk shit on the staff in ahelps and in your complaint reasoning.

Posted (edited)

After looking into a few more things, we've decided the perma was a bit more than was warrented, and would be changing it down to a week. Given it's been a over a week, the ban will be lifted completely, although a note of it being changed to a week will be made.

We are still considering taking the ID wordlesly invalid on your part. The result of something doesn't justify doing it in the first place. Given your past history, we deemed the week-ban valid, but not a perma. Although in the future, another case where there isn't enough RP for somethign to be valid, a perma may be placed.

@BygoneheroYour concerns are being looked into, but the results wouldnt' be posted here.

We'll be locking and archiving this in 24 hours unless another concern is made. If any problems with the unban happen(IE can't log in still) PM me on discord.

Edited by Yonnimer
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