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[Accepted] Mama Farthole's IPC Application

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BYOND Key: Mama Farthole

Character Names: Ada Bishop, Ryan Barrett, Rudavina Rosina

Species you are applying to play: IPC

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yup!

Why do you wish to play this specific race:
Mostly? It's been the conversations I've had with members of the community about the lore, and the different situations IPCs could get into. I've been really interested in the hard-wiring of an IPC compared to a Human. Where a Human could do what they please in a sense, an IPC has a set of coded, opaque morals that they have to follow religiously. Even with these coded commands that IPCs are normally equipped with they  strive to fit in with the crew even though this could be entirely their programming telling them to do this. I think that's whats so appealing about the IPCs. At the end of the day, any action that you perform as one, is driven by code.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:
If you've seen my character Ryan you probably either love him or hate him. He's a chavvy, obnoxious bastard that goes around annoying people and getting shouted at by Security. An IPC character would be massively different in perspective to Ryan. Where Ryan the Human has his own wants and desires, (which an IPC could have too) an IPC is basically forced into carrying out their actions in a more limited, lawful way. They have this "invisible barrier" thats built into them by their creators which stops them from doing anything morally dubious. When you play an IPC even though it's your character and their backstory is yours, it feels as if you're being forced into another playstyle which isn't that of your own. 

Character Name: Bling-35 (Could always change it!)

Bling was a privately manufactured, privately bought service bot that spent it's time looking after it's elderly owner. Right away Bling was tasked with learning the etiquette of a "proper man" as well as mimicking the several accents it heard from the owner and the people who visited. Posh. Well spoken. Mature. Bling was bathed in classy ritz-like behavior which was the only thing it knew. It grew elegant, high-class (of course this was all mimicry. How could an IPC even begin to understand the fine dining and activities of a gentleman?) and desired only to serve the pompous collective that mingled with it's owner. Even though Bling was taught in classiness, this didn't stop it's owner from ordering it to perform menial tasks such as cleaning, decorating, socializing and of course Bling's favorite order, making "fancy" cocktails for it's owner when their friends visited.

It was a simple subservient life that went on without any hitches. Year after year Bling would blindly and loyally follow it's owner, fulfilling any whim that the old man wished into being. It was apparent however that as the years did go on the health of its owner deteriorated more and more and less time was spent keeping the sizable house clean or inviting over the owners friends for their little parties that Bling grew to enjoy. It became more unpleasant. Real. Most of Blings time was taken up helping it's owner to the toilet, ensuring that his pills were taken at the correct time and cleaning the blood that splattered the bedspread on one of it's owners "bad nights." 

The inevitable happened shortly after and Bling was left with no one to command it. A pointless life. All this money. A house, quiet and empty. Bling waited. Waited for someone to order a mojito, or ask for some sort of cocktail. It was only till it decided, whether it be the programming or just by chance to venture outside of the house that it was met with thousands, of different people to talk to. But they didn't have that same "pizzazz" it's owner did. Some of them were dirty, outspoken and to it's surprise didn't even say please or thank you! Disgusted with the manners of the general public, Bling inquired around. Where could it find similar people to serve? Fashionable people. Swanky people! Soon after it discovered The Golden Deep collective of IPCs, becoming one with them quickly. 
With the Golden Deeps approval and agreement that people needed to understand the importance of well-spoken manners and the pursuit of currency, Bling was able to get hired by Nanotrasen as a Bartender. What better place to work? So many upstanding people!

What do you like about this character?:
Oh gosh. I've spoken so much about this whitelist and the character that I've been wanting to make. I'm really excited to play an IPC that has a little flair to it. This being the poshness and snootiness that's been driven into them since their creation. I think it'll be a lot of fun to play as, as well as to interact with! (Hopefully!) 

How would you rate your role-playing ability?:
I think I'm good at RPing in general. If I had to put a rating on it though? I think it differs from character to character. This would be my first IPC RP on Aurora, (duh!) So it might not be as good as my Human RP but I've played IPC on other servers before so I don't think there's too much cause for an alarm. If I do get accepted and you ever see me in game, and think I'm doing something wrong just tell me! 

Thanks to everyone in the Discord that helped me after I ended up deleting my first draft by literally pressing CTRL + Z. Your advice and support was really appreciated!

Wanted to add quickly that the backstory isn't set in stone. It's just the kind of the gist of what I've been wanting to go with.

Edited by kyres1
Adding a paragraph! + Adding notes
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While I must admit I don’t know all that much about IPC’s or their lore, I can still comment on my experience with Mama as a player.

I have had interactions with all of their characters and they have shown the ability to consistency roleplay quality personalities. These interactions are not sparse mind you, I would not be commenting if I had not been able to reliably gauge their playstyle. On top of that, I find their backstory to be compelling and genuinely interesting. All these comments put together I can confidently say that Mama will be an excellent addition to the IPC race and has an interesting story to bring to the game. I hope to see their character in the coming shifts.


I cannot +1 any harder, good luck mate. 

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20 hours ago, goolie said:

With the Golden Deeps approval and agreement that people needed to understand the importance of well-spoken manners and the pursuit of currency, Bling was able to get hired by Nanotrasen as a Bartender. What better place to work? So many upstanding people!

Love it. What could go wrong? I'm sure you'll have hilarious moments with the  rough miners and would love to see you set up a private command meet and greet or something like that.

What have i seen from your RP so far? All of your characters are consistent and you are always up to standard even during emergencies. I distinctly remember a round where Ada got turned into a Vaurca Breeder by the wish granter and had another Vaurca convince them that they are indeed beautiful now. With Kaiser as a warform guarding them and trying to build a new hive. It was hilarious, it was great RP! It was deeply traumatising :)

Would love to see your RP as an IPC. I get that people either love or hate Ryan, but if the same people figure out you play the uplifting, kind and dense Ada Bishop they really turn their heads. Proof that your IC and OOC have a clear difference. Setting up a high bar for your IPC will be hard work to RP. Something that, from what I've seen, you enjoy and have fun with.  Good luck!


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My dude, your characters are so refreshing to interact with-- they're literally like nothing else on the server. It's always fun to RP with you-- and I know Barrett quite extensively, since he always lingers at the bar when I'm playing my bartender.
-1 for stealing bartender slot in the future--oh wait nvm HAHA I want to see you play IPC's my dude, and your app seems good. Good luck!

Edited by BoryaTheSlayer
vesper is kill
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The backstory is interesting and well-written (even if we do have a surprising number of IPC bartenders now My robot waifu is dead. Here's your 1,000 Credit bonus.), the answers the answers look good to me. Their characters are also good, with Ada Bishop being one of the only janitors I remember aside from that guy that held the door for me when I was a security officer. I don't remember his name, but he was really polite. Anyways, Bishop is a really unique character, Rosina made me want to rip my hair out when I tried to order a hot dog (in a good way), and Barrett is always interesting to deal with as security. I'm excited to see how they can pull of playing IPC, and definitely support this.

Big +1 a real gamer.

Edited by NewOriginalSchwann
Vesper is kill.
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I'd sign off on this, sure.

You've shown in most of our encounters that you have a pretty impressive range with your characters, so much so that I didn't even know that you played any of them until reading this. They're all unique, well done, and fun to interact with. I doubt your IPCs will be any different. +1

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I've never felt safer in accepting an application along these lines. You brushed over the Golden Deep (which nobody's done before), delved into the odd lack of indifference during times of struggle, and in-game you're everything one could ask for in RP and more. Great app, great player, great characters. What more could I say?

Application accepted.

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