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[Accepted] Goretto's Command App

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BYOND key: TheGoret
Character names: Katheryn Linerbord, Omega, Christiana Torpey Ethan Duroger, Martin Duris, Chris Levins, Elise Dumoigner  (I only really played the first two to be honest. All the last are characters that I play once in a while)

How long have you been playing on Aurora?: I've been on Aurora since the end of 2017.
Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I feel like I could improve some things, some people recently brought up the fact that some heads were kinda breaking rounds.
Why did you come to Aurora?: I wanted to escape from Garry's Mod, and I knew SS13 existed. I decided to stick here because I liked the community. Loved so much that I'm still here.
Have you read the Aurora wiki on the head roles and qualifications you plan on playing?: I did read this, indeed. 
Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? I only have 1 warning and it was when I first started playing on Aurora. 

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.

Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about:
Roleplay is about being able to create a character and play someone totally different from the person we are in real life. The possibility of driving someone's story, in another universe with the help of other people is something wonderful.

What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: A head of staff will help drive the round and work along the gimmick of the antags if they have one. They also need to find ways to end the round in good conditions, without everyone dying and everything burning. They also help potentiel new players in their department, assigning them to trustable people or themselves.

What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?:
A whitelisted player is someone that can be trusted in showing how the server work in that matter. It is the duty of all whitelisted people, races or command, to show the exemple on how things works. New players in a department will probably redirected to the head, and this one need to know how to explain on everything work in their domain. Its kinda like what I do OOCly as a moderator, in a way. 

Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau Ceti and how it affected your character and their career?
At this moment, Tau Ceti is fine. The most recent real threat was the Synthetic Liberation Front, which was concerning from my character's point of view. She did not really liked the fact that the NSS Aurora, the station she was going to work on, had been infiltrated by them. But the recent discoveries on them made her more "peaceful" about all of this.

What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted? Head of security will probably be my first goal, as security is the department I'm the most active in. I like this, and I want to improve it.

Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking.: Jessie Hamelson will be my first command character. She is professional enough to work on the NSS Aurora. You'll have to find out ICly for the rest. 

How would you rate your own roleplaying?: I'd say that I'm pretty good at it, given my experience and what people tell me.

Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? I do, and will face the consequences in case of problems. 

Have you familiarize yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles? I did.

Extra notes: hi mark


Sec main bad -1

Goret's a good lad and a solid mod. I honestly thought you were around for much longer than this. Good RP, good sense of the rules, definitely someone who understands that the round is meant to progress as a story rather than "shut down the antags and win so I can brag." Definitely a player who can reign in the validhungry workers in his department, and someone who can communicate IC pretty well- I think Goret as command would be great for the server. Hearty +1


Goret is a very decent roleplayer, and I can't help but +1 this.  They were side by side with Azza, so I got a taste of their ability to show the many facets of a played personality, which doesn't ooze into OOC.  


For my question, how do you deal with three lightly armored personnel suddenly coming aboard the station.  They only have holsters, but they're occupied.  They're unannounced.  It's easy to figure out this is a mercenary round.  They claim to be visitors. 


Hewwo, I'm back. Thank you Doxx, thank you Snoopy. As for your question, I'm going to answer to it right now. Note that I also doesn't really care about the gamemode, and will probably always react differently based on the gimmick of our fellow antags.

So, the first thing to know from my point of view is to see if they're friendly and from where they are form. To pass successfully through the Icarus' radar and Central Command, they either completely mastered stealth, or gotten an authorization somewhere. I'd try to contact them through a holopad, or send some officers to hail them. If they go along the officers and try nothing really dangerous, they should be moved to the brig to be given a visitor ID. The fact that they have a gun in their holster is pretty concerning, and I would try to get them to drop them back on their ship. When they get their ID and its clarified that they're here to visit, then they're free to move around. I'd also send a fax to our good old CCIA to clarify that an announcement hadn't gone through.


Hallo, I'll be handling your application.


Before you are given a trial please try to get a bit more feedback, you are encouraged to advertise your app once in OOC per round.


Easy +1, The goret is a fantastic player, mod, and person. Great at teaching and guiding, more than capable of taking control of situations and wrangling it together. I'd love to see them play command.


massivement gay garçon français, et une sécurité principale -1


Goret is a fantastic player, and I've always adored the interactions that I've had with his characters. I know that he's a good player and that he would be more than capable of wrangling the overzealous and validhunty security officers that have plagued the game as of late. I have full confidence he'd play a good member of command, huge +1.


+1 I have had a few rounds with Jessie now, and I have to say that, they are pretty good at being a HoS, though sometimes you have to shout at them a little, but I understand that you can get tunnel vision'd so hard while playing HoS.


HoS is the hardest command role to start in aside from Captain, probably.  You're doing great, considering you're so new to it.

Be careful of a few of the new HoS pitfalls- work very hard to pay attention to the radio, all frequencies.  And don't be afraid to give antags some leeway, generally the more willing you are to give people the benefit of doubt and the more you're willing to cooperate with antag gimmicks (rev, especially), the better those gimmicks go for everyone.  You've done okay at that so far, but I still sense you're a little worried you're being a bad HoS if you let antags antag-- loosen the leash just a tiny bit and I think you'll be surprised how well things go.


+1 Jessie totally had a good time with me, roleplayed amazingly. I loved the little concerns, and Jessie was actually debating with one of the other command very nicely in the round, and resolved it easily although with a nice little bit of conflict that makes roleplay cool. YEAH.

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