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new radio headset sprites (and bowmans)

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The neon green cent-com headset is severely out of date, but apparently that is because current central command headsets don't actually use the green cent-com sprite- they use the same one as command. If anything, I suppose the green headset sprite should be deleted, or changed to a black with gold highlighting or something if we want to give cent-com back a unique headset sprite.


the little antennae on the headsets look weird, almost out of place, but i can't put my finger on why. can u also add intercom sprites that have a light on when their microphone is on and when their speaker is on?

On 19/11/2019 at 10:00, MattAtlas said:

Centcomm being green is a sin. Please make it gold and blue or something.

Respect your elders and the green Captain outfits of old.

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