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[Passed] Happy Fox's Command Application

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BYOND key: Happy_Fox

Character names: Msizi Djikstra

How long have you been playing on Aurora?:
Two Years (joined 2018-10-03)

Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?:
I’d like to develop my Research Character further and I think it’s appropriate for them to become a Research Director at this stage.

Why did you come to Aurora?:
I enjoy more roleplay-focused games and Aurora was the right mixture of good roleplay and having a good community to interact with.

Have you read the Aurora wiki on the head roles and qualifications you plan on playing?:

Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they?

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.

Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about:
I believe the core concept behind roleplaying should be that its enjoyable for the people involved in it, different groups have their own rules and guidelines but in each case these rules should exist to try and create a reliable, comfortable environment for people to express their creativity and imagination through roleplaying.

What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?:
I believe the purpose of a Head of Staff, in game from an OOC standpoint, is meant to be a supportive position and to help people find their own approach to roleplaying within the rules – they have a lot of presence in their departments and shouldn’t confuse this with any supposed superiority/authority in OOC (this is what moderators are for) but should instead focus on being constructive and helpful.

What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?:
I think Whitelisted players should try to serve as an example of responsibility within the community outside of the Server Staff. They shouldn’t be disruptive or negative OOC – nor should they let anything OOC inappropriately affect their actions IC, due to the influence a Head of Staff can have over the experience of another player. They should be a positive influence OOC and feel responsible for how they arrive at their decisions due to the trust given to them by being whitelisted for significant roles on the station.

Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau ceti and how it affected your character and their career?
Due to the approach of the current phoron scarcity arc and the difficulty in finding reliable sources of phoron for many factions, Msizi’s concerned that the adoption of Bluespace Drives for the Scarab fleet will result in their involvement in any political disputes related to acquiring phoron supplies to ensure the fleet remains fuelled, but is also hopeful that new sources will be found and could provide a great boon to the Scarab Fleet should they discover a lucrative source. She believes a good relationship between the Fleet and phoron providers to be an important step towards ensuring the survival of the Scarab Fleet and this has caused her to pursue a more senior position in NanoTrasen as a Head of Staff in their Research division.

What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted?
I plan on playing as a Research Director as that is the department I feel most comfortable in and have the most experience with, I’ve also previously been chosen as an interim Research Director with the character I intend to play as Research Director – so they have some past experience of the role as well.

Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking.:
Currently the only character I have for Command is my “main”, Msizi Djikstra, who I intend to play as a Research Director. Currently that is the only Command role that I intend to play until I have more experience of Command level roles.

How would you rate your own roleplaying?:
I would rate my roleplaying as quite good, I also roleplay outside of Aurora in traditional tabletop games as a GM and player so I’m very much used to the concept and would hope that by now I’m quite capable as a roleplayer.

Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action?
Yes I do.

Have you familiarize yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles?
Yes I have.

Edited by Happy_Fox

Solid +1 from me. They stick to their character and it's a huge reason why I like their character. Playing their offworlder/scarab i've had multiple instances where they have helped and not overstepped their field/work. I've also learned some chemistry/tips from them. Their character inspired mine to build one in science.


A +1 from me as well. In addition to the things that Kester mentioned, I enjoy the creativity and effort they've put into deepening their character. This shows me that they have a respect and love for the themes and lore of this server, and I believe that will carry over to their Heads of Staff.


Because Geeves is such a nice meme I'll make an account to +1 I only talked to you once or twice as A Chet but from what I've seen you have solid RP and potential as a head. 


Geeves has threatened to rip my arms off if I do not comment on this application and, while he might be trying to bluff me, that is not a risk I want to take.

Threats against my life aside, Happy Fox plays one of my favorite science characters (as a lore writer I am contractually obligated to not tell you my favorite, which means it could be you reading this) and has shown themselves to be a very capable research director able to handle a variety of situations. I have nothing to give other than my support, so here's my +1.


Played station intelligence with them this round, they were naturally a bit inexperienced, but they tended their duties with care and interest. I felt that they had their department well in hand, without being a lone island. I'm so far convinced that they'll make a good addition to the command staff +1 from me


Full support from my side. They know the department, they do the RP, they know how badly science fucks up without someone taking a look at it from time to time.

Good mix of knowledge and already handling OOC responsibility of not shutting down rounds with said knowledge. Will make a good RD.



Whenever I've ran into Djikstra in the past, she's always been competent at her job and pleasant to deal with. Never had an issue with the player, so... ya, that's a +1 in my book. :)

Posted (edited)

Gonna be a nice solid +1 from me for sure. I don't have experience interacting with their character prior to their RD trial, however the interactions I have had with them since they have become RD have been great. I think they play a scarab well, and based on the way they interact with the rest of the science team really give off a "resourceful" feel as well as seeming generally approachable while looking over the department with care. they also have a nice fashion sense  The player themself also seems to be quite nice.

Edited by NG+7 Gael

I had the opportunity to see him in action during yesterday's event, and I can only give a +1 for his application.

He seems to have very good interpersonal and management skills, both inside (researchers, etc) and outside (command) the department.


I was A.D.A.M. (AI) during the mini-event with the station tearing itself apart from worms. Djikstra kept composure and shown the attitude expected from an RD, even went out of its way and heeded my advice and requests, ultimately rescuing me from my soon to be grave and took me off station.

You have my +1.

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