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Staff Complaint: Alberyk

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Posted (edited)

  BYOND Key: IckySoupTwo

  Staff BYOND Key: Alberyk

  Game ID: The final event of Ghosts of War

  Reason for complaint:

1. Performed the role of antagonist in the event to a level that is below the standard that is written in the rules.

2. Abused the “No cloning during canon events unless given permission by staff” rule that is written in such a way that allows someone in Alberyk’s position to abuse it for such purposes like meta grudging.



Complaint One: Alberyk played his role as antagonist below the standards outlined in the servers rules.

Beginning with my own experience during the event. Prior to having direct contact with Bayonet Hand I would only catch a glimpse of them running through a crowd after killing a member of the casino staff. The next time I see Bayonet Hand is in a trap room. A bedroom of sorts near where the first murder took place. Shortly after entering, a blast door would lock the way into the room, and the maintenance door in the back of the room would open with Bayonet Hand coming into the room to attack me. The nature of this incident did surprise me, but I am 100% certain I received no more than a one liner, if even that, before being attacked. An attempt to defend myself with the fake rifles would be made, and I was ultimately left to suffer from my wounds before the blast door opened and I could receive medical attention.    


My first full interaction with Bayonet Hand in the entirety of the arc resulted in me, at most, being given a one liner before having potentially lethal injuries inflicted Approximately 10-15 minutes after I receive medical treatment I met Bayonet Hand again in the pitch black, main casino hall and only be given a xenophobic one liner before having a lethal injury inflicted. 


I'm not the only person who had this experience. I reached out to a few players that were victims of Alberyk in the final event. Across the board they all received little to no RP before being attacked or ultimately killed. With the information I collected, I believe, Alberyk in most situations had the ability to provide interesting RP to his victims before attacking them and delivering potentially lethal wounds.

Here are the responses I received, some them wanted to remain anonymous:

anon 1



anon 2



anon 3












an observer that was witness to my own experience



Complaint Two: I accuse Ableryk of intentionally abusing the rule that forbids players to be cloned during canon events to commit meta grudging.

The rule:


Happenings related to canon events (canon rounds), usually ran by admins with the guidance of lore staff, are considered canon. The lore writer and the admin coordinating the event can make exceptions if permitted by the lore masters and the headmins. In the case of character death caused by the canon event, the death is considered canon and permanent unless the lore masters and headmins permit the character to undergo the cloning procedure.

Alberyk being a head admin, the event host, the antagonist in this arc, and with staff's general opinion of cloning that it shouldn't be allowed during cannon events had all he needed to abuse the rule and commit meta grudging. Comments made in the events dead chat support that he had the motive.



At least one other comment made in dead chat that I don't have a screenshot of further supports this.

Further evidence to Alberyk having the ability to meta grudge at will is supported by the use of an admin only room. I contacted someone who observed most of the round, they wished to remain anonymous.



Aghosting would allow Alberyk the opportunity to locate and coordinate attacks on almost any character or player he didn't like with the medical bay being designated a safe zone. While every player may not have been a target for meta grudging there was more than enough time for him to seek out opportunistic attacks on them. Information gathered from the players and an observer reveal there was only one piece of lore critical info about the arc and antagonist was in an outpost outside the casino that I believe was designed to be found only by those who followed the arc closely. With all this Alberyk would have approximately two hours, save for the time to initially set up the event, to carry out an unstoppable culling of characters. Once the clock got near the two hour mark an admin spawned FIB ERT was sent in and only a suicidal rush by Alberyk into the ERT would result in Bayonet Hand getting killed. Lastly I believe the players had little to no chance of catching the arcs antagonist dead or alive. This was purposely done in order to maximize the amount of time Alberyk had to cull players which I believe to have been the true purpose of this arc.





  Additional remarks: I have sparse evidence that may  support that a specific player was a target of meta grudding/gank, but I think it’s best to wait until everything can be unpacked and processed first before submitting it.


Anon 1 - 0.PNG

Anon 2 - 0.PNG

Anon 2 - 1.PNG

Anon 1 - 0.PNG

Anon 3 - 0.PNG

Anon 3 - 1.PNG

Anon 2 - 1.PNG

dahbunny - 0.PNG

dahbunny - 1.PNG

ryver - 1.PNG

Final Event Lore.PNG

Edited by Ickysoup
Posted (edited)

I wanted all the evidence screen shots to be in spoilers but they showed up at the end. don'tknow how to fix

Edited by Ickysoup

First of all. Let me remind you of the following:


Event Scale: Big.

So yes, it was expected to be something big. The event was about a serial killer. People died before, this event was indeed going to be violent. There was two events, several articles, and extended happenings worth of escalation. I even invited people in the discord if they wanted to get involved. So no, I did not break the escalation rule because we had two weeks of build up for a final show down. Also, take in consideration that the event npcs were killed before any crew was hurt. People were aware that murders were going to happen. Besides, the casino crew had guns and id with access to the casinos doors with them. I gave them a lot of tools to defend themselves and find more weapons.

On the guns. They were not false, just loaded with blanks. This has been a thing for the past two events. You could also load the guns with live ammo that could be found in a lot of places. People later found the clips and loaded the guns. When the fbi caught me, I had more than 60 of brain damage due to the bullets hits.

On your death. You survived the first encounter. Then you decided to wander alone in the darkness after being attacked by a killer. This was not really something smart. I did not try to get you in the middle of everyone. You were alone in a place with a hostile assassin. Other people died like this too.

About the outpost, it was obvious that there was something there. Someone unrelated to the arc event broke inside the suit section. But ultimately, people that were not even that involved in the arc broke there and prevent the bombing. 

22 minutes ago, Ickysoup said:

Complaint Two: I accuse Ableryk of intentionally abusing the rule that forbids players to be cloned during canon events to commit meta grudging.

Meta grudge who? What evidence is there that I have beefy with anyone who I killed? I even killed characters from people that I have zero problems with and we joke around a lot (Loc's player in question).  About the deadchat stuff, these were nothing but jokes on a slasher-like event and the bad moon body count.

22 minutes ago, Ickysoup said:

Once the clock got near the two hour mark an admin spawned FIB ERT was sent in and only a suicidal rush by Alberyk into the ERT would result in Bayonet Hand getting killed

There was no rush because I could not even run at them due to the brain damage.

22 minutes ago, Ickysoup said:

This was purposely done in order to maximize the amount of time Alberyk had to cull players which I believe to have been the true purpose of this arc.

This is offensive. It is really wacky to say that all the effort that kyres, kingoftheping, the lore writers, all the volunteers, and I put in this arc was just to murder people. The story was going to be violent, people were going to die. It is more than obvious from the previous event and the articles. I spent years of my freetime in this community working on lore, code, and moderation. I am not here to grief or fuck with people. This is something that pisses me off to no end.

22 minutes ago, Ickysoup said:

Alberyk being a head admin, the event host, the antagonist in this arc, and with staff's general opinion of cloning that it shouldn't be allowed during cannon events had all he needed to abuse the rule and commit meta grudging. Comments made in the events dead chat support that he had the motive.

I was not the only person involved in this discussion.

22 minutes ago, Ickysoup said:

I have sparse evidence that may  support that a specific player was a target of meta grudding/gank

Please prove that. Don't say that I have some kind of metagrudge against people without evidence. It is your burden to prove. You can't just throw this here.


outpost outside the casino that I believe was designed to be found only by those who followed the arc closely.

Sorry if this is peanut gallerying, but as the person who both 1. broke into the suit section leading to the outpost and 2. mentioned the airlock that lead to the outpost long after it had been forgotten, and lead people back to it, therefore discovering the outpost, I had not paid attention to any event of the arc up until this point, so this is not true.

14 minutes ago, Ickysoup said:

I would like staff to become involved before giving a response.

Please post the evidence that I have a metagrudge against someone. I don't think there is any reason to just mention that and want to reveal it later. I want to defend myself against this accusation too.

Posted (edited)
23 minutes ago, Alberyk said:

Please post the evidence that I have a metagrudge against someone. I don't think there is any reason to just mention that and want to reveal it. I want to defend myself against this accusation too.


I believe that Dahbunny was one such person to have been a meta grudged player.




I can only speculate and require staff to look into it further. The only use of the EMPs on dahbunnys group would have likey been to disable augments/prosthetics, but on the notion that no IPCs were there and everyone was armed with ballistic weapons it doesn't sit right with me.

24 minutes ago, DahBunny said:
  Reveal hidden contents





The full conversation between me and Icky for context.

full log here

I asked others about the use of EMPS only one could say they were used more then once, so I believe only staff can prove this this.

Edited by Ickysoup
6 minutes ago, Ickysoup said:

I believe that Dahbunny was one such person to have been a meta grudged player.

I had emps because we had at least one ipc at the casino at the time, played by @Colfer I think. It was also a giant group when I attacked them at the suite, so I wanted to disable their radios so I would not be rushed like it happened early. I am also unsure how that is evidence of anything. I had zero outside of character issues with the player.


Hi. I was playing Freedman, a baseline IPC, I can understand the use of an EMP because radios and multiple electronics are disabled by such things, I just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time


To figure out how to proceed with the complaint I would like you to clarify something.

Are you claiming that Alberyk abused his power to metagrude you or are you claiming that the head administrators and loremasters conspired to metagrude you?


I feel I should contribute to this as I do have a few things to add in regards to Alberyk's OOC conduct and the event. However, allow me to preface with this: This is not an attack on Alberyk, it is a critique of the event and conduct present from an OOC standpoint.


To begin; the final event was not a story, even if it's intent was to tie all the previous events together in one overarching story, it failed to deliver in a few ways based off my (and others whom will remain anonymous for obvious reasons) experiences. One of the primary points I see brought up often is how this event gave off the "I want frags!" vibe with the way it played out. The event began with typical casino-bar RP amidst the 50 odd people attending, unusual incidents began to pop-up as sigils pertaining to Bayonet Hand were spotted in some of the outlying areas of the casio. This quickly lead to panic amidst those present as the possibility of a serial killer being present got out. The deaths of the event-staff was a welcome addition if you ask me, and the selective nature of the attacks were actually quite interesting to see play out from an OOC perspective. The lights going out was a nice touch which added to the "slasher movie" style of event that it had become at that point.

However, as the attacks began ramping up, issues really started to arise.


The first major issue was the almost TDM style nature of this event. This event, on a fundamental level, seems as if it was created to encourage and incite a frag-fest. From the guns to the fully stocked medical bay, it was really feels like this was designed to have people killing one another. Bayonet Hand had a robust selection of highly lethal tools and an array of secluded areas for him to jump players utilizing weapons and armor that heavily out-classed the mostly unarmed crew. I personally, have no issue with that, my issue lies in the lack of roleplay involved because of this. Based off my experience, the majority of roleplay that Bayonet Hand afforded players was a tacky anti-xeno one liner followed by what could essentially be deemed a gank in almost every facet of the word. Any and all medically trained characters were near constantly glued to the medbay and forced to engage in two or so grueling hours of non-stop medical gameplay with little to no chance to roleplay. Those whom were simply sheltering nearby had little to work off of aside from two things: being scared and sitting around. Then we had those whom chose to venture out into the unknown and give chase to Bayonet Hand and rescue those trapped by him. This small selection of players were then thrusted into a game of hide-and-go-seek with Bayonet Hand for the duration of the round (these people seemed to have gotten the most RP out of this event whilst others recevied little to none).


Moving forward to issue two, space marine style antagonist. Just like the previous Skrell arc wherein the crew was faced with battling against insurmountable odds, we are faced with the same dillema here. Yes, Bayonet Hand dying early into the round would no doubt shatter the continuity of the story, and use of various hard to attain tools is not an issue. No, that does not warrant exessive use of things such as: a-healing, combat stimulants and high-grade medical drugs, firearms despite having a melee weapon that would break bones with one strike, so on and so forth. Before I am asked, no, I do not have any visual evidence of this as I was in round and was later informed by people whom were observing the event. Multiple witness reports stating that Bayonet Hand was instantly full healing when injured without any medication, I would suspect to remove the shrapnel and allow him to dive straight back into the fight. This made basically all damage done inconsequential. Medical scans showed him to have a slew of painkillers and healing medication, combat stimulants (this was noted in a previous non-event round that was orchestrated by Alb), and various other drugs running through his system when he was entering a fight. Bayonet Hand was designed to kill as many people as possible, and he did just that. I genuinely question how this drives any sort of story as it directly conflicts many of his supposed core beliefs, an example being his extensive use of human tools (flash, firearms [human based design SMGs from the PRA IIRC and a pistol], and combat stimulants, and most notably an EMP.) If he was a fervent xenophobe going on a rampage against those whom wronged him, then why did he make such extensive use of Non-Tajaran equipment?


Furthermore, the third issue, an event designed to collect frags. This one is a shorter one, but this event seemed designed to collect as many frags as possible from a player standpoint. So, allow me to state some evidence to back this up:


Alberyk planned to, without any chance to fight back, douse a large group (4-5 is what I've gauged from reports) in one of the most potent acids in the game. I would be remise if I did not question where the RP value of this interaction was? Note, this is not me arguing that all interactions have to hold significant RP value, nor does it mean that high risk high reward things should not take place during these events. However, this does not seem like it would have been conductive to any story other than "You challenged a serial killer and lost, big sad." Alongside this, let's come back to the topic of false firearms being provided to the crew. This seems like a rather obvious example of false-hope psychology. It was designed to provide the crew with the idea that they could fight Bayonet Hand, encouraging them to be brave and try to confront him in large groups with their supposedly loaded firearms. This lured them all into a trap wherein they were easily cut down by a completely unharmed Bayonet Hand. Overall, it really feels like this was intentional simply so Bayonet Hand could collect as many kills as possible.


Lastly, the OOC conduct. I will preface this with two things, as I expect it to come up, Alberyk did not metagrudge anyone. Secondly, this is going to be more heavily directed towards Alberyk, and I would be more than willing to further discuss both points of view. I may be wrong. With that said and done, I would like to refer us to some comments made in the SCC Personnel Terminal colloquially known as "The Relay"




These quotes are just a few examples of Alberyk's view on the topic of death during events. Yes, events can be violent, they can be entirely centered around violence. However, these sorts of comments show a genuine lack of interest in driving a story, as is the job of an antag and event host. These quotes show interest in one thing, bloodshed for the sake of bloodshed. Murder is a story when it is done well, mass murder feels more like death "just because". I feel like this really should not be the point of view that event hosts should be basing their events around. Repeatedly saying how one wished to permanently kill more characters for the sole purpose of "story" does not seem like the way event hosts should be going about their events.


1 hour ago, Alberyk said:

I even killed characters from people that I have zero problems with and we joke around a lot.  About the deadchat stuff, these were nothing but jokes on a slasher-like event.


To cap this off, these don't seem like jokes when these supposed jokes always turn out to be a reality. E.g. Saying you are going to slap someone as a joke and then slapping them does not change the fact that you hurt someone, that's no longer a joke. However, I can see how this argument may be a bit far-fetched, and I personally don't mind joking about it in most cases.

1 minute ago, Arrow768 said:

To figure out how to proceed with the complaint I would like you to clarify something.

Are you claiming that Alberyk abused his power to metagrude you or are you claiming that the head administrators and loremasters conspired to metagrude you?

I claim Alberyk had all the power needed in order to commit metagrude during the final event. I have no reason to believe Alberyk, or any server staff  tried to metagrude myself.

I am trying to prove that metagrude did happen during the event, as well as bring light to the rule regarding no cloning during final events is wrote in a way that can allow someone such as Alberyk to abuse it.


1 minute ago, Kaizr said:

The first major issue was the almost TDM style nature of this event. This event, on a fundamental level, seems as if it was created to encourage and incite a frag-fest. From the guns to the fully stocked medical bay, it was really feels like this was designed to have people killing one another.

Unsure how having a medical bay would help with killing more people. If anything, it saved more lifes. 

2 minutes ago, Kaizr said:

Based off my experience, the majority of roleplay that Bayonet Hand afforded players was a tacky anti-xeno one liner followed by what could essentially be deemed a gank in almost every facet of the word.

Already explained how it is not gank. We had two weeks worthy of escalation and murders before the crew was attacked.

2 minutes ago, Kaizr said:

Moving forward to issue two, space marine style antagonist. Just like the previous Skrell arc wherein the crew was faced with battling against insurmountable odds, we are faced with the same dillema here. 

The bayonet hand could be hurt by the rifle rounds. Like I explained, I had lost a lot of blood and had at least 60 of brain damage before I was caught by the fbi. Also take in consideration that this was a single enemy againt more than 40+ players.

4 minutes ago, Kaizr said:

Any and all medically trained characters were near constantly glued to the medbay and forced to engage in two or so grueling hours of non-stop medical gameplay with little to no chance to roleplay.

Unsure why you are speaking in their behalf if their experiences were negative or not.

5 minutes ago, Kaizr said:

Multiple witness reports stating that Bayonet Hand was instantly full healing when injured without any medication, I would suspect to remove the shrapnel and allow him to dive straight back into the fight. This made basically all damage done inconsequential.

I could indeed be hurt by the crew.

5 minutes ago, Kaizr said:

I genuinely question how this drives any sort of story as it directly conflicts many of his supposed core beliefs, an example being his extensive use of human tools (flash, firearms [human based design SMGs from the PRA IIRC and a pistol], and combat stimulants, and most notably an EMP.) If he was a fervent xenophobe going on a rampage against those whom wronged him, then why did he make such extensive use of Non-Tajaran equipment?

The crew was meant to be fighting vanguard natediists. From the wiki, which I wrote:

"Vanguard Natediism: an extreme form of Natediism that believes that the victory of Al’mariism is ultimately inevitable due to its superior design. However, this triumph is only possible through armed conflict. Vanguard Natediism seeks to accelerate this supposed historical progress via all available means; restarting the Adhomian war is its main goal. "

8 minutes ago, Kaizr said:

Alberyk planned to, without any chance to fight back, douse a large group (4-5 is what I've gauged from reports) in one of the most potent acids in the game. I would be remise if I did not question where the RP value of this interaction was?

You were not there. This would happen when the crew were breaking into the bunker. They knew that a bad guy was there. The people breaking there were also armed and had voidsuits. @DanseMacabre was there as far I remember.

9 minutes ago, Kaizr said:

Lastly, the OOC conduct. I will preface this with two things, as I expect it to come up, Alberyk did not metagrudge anyone. Secondly, this is going to be more heavily directed towards Alberyk, and I would be more than willing to further discuss both points of view. I may be wrong. With that said and done, I would like to refer us to some comments made in the SCC Personnel Terminal colloquially known as "The Relay"

Once again, if you look at the context, everyone was joking about this.

10 minutes ago, Kaizr said:

Alongside this, let's come back to the topic of false firearms being provided to the crew. This seems like a rather obvious example of false-hope psychology. It was designed to provide the crew with the idea that they could fight Bayonet Hand, encouraging them to be brave and try to confront him in large groups with their supposedly loaded firearms. This lured them all into a trap wherein they were easily cut down by a completely unharmed Bayonet Hand. Overall, it really feels like this was intentional simply so Bayonet Hand could collect as many kills as possible.

The weapons were not false. They just had blanks because they were meant to be prizes in the casino vending machines. They could be loaded with live ammo that could be found anywhere. People did that. In fact, they could find plastique explosives in non locked places to break into a vault full of ammo.


Reading through all of this is going to take some time and i going to need to go point by point. Please limit posts to relevant evidence/rebuttals of points. The less we do this the harder my job is here. 

Posted (edited)
31 minutes ago, Kaizr said:

Alberyk planned to, without any chance to fight back, douse a large group (4-5 is what I've gauged from reports) in one of the most potent acids in the game. I would be remise if I did not question where the RP value of this interaction was? Note, this is not me arguing that all interactions have to hold significant RP value, nor does it mean that high risk high reward things should not take place during these events. However, this does not seem like it would have been conductive to any story other than "You challenged a serial killer and lost, big sad."

Again, not true. The people breaking into the bunker were heavily armed (I had a machine pistol with a spare magazine, alongside a pistol in a holster, another person with me had an SMG, and the last person had a bolt action rifle with a pistol as a sidearm.), all wearing voidsuits (I was wearing a freelancer voidsuit, which has good armor values), and all three of us knew exactly what we were getting into. We were breaking into the suspected base of operations of the ringleader of the terror plot: it contained documents detailing his plan, which we successfully recovered, the material that he needed to conduct the terror attack, and himself.

1. We did have a chance to fight back and absolutely expected a fight (I was surprised when I saw nobody within the bunker defending it, personally),

2. The RP value of this interaction is based off of what was being protected in the bunker, and this interaction would have furthered the plot of the event's storyline,

3. The bunker was quite literally THE key to the story (one of many, really, but I would say it was one of the more consequential ones). If the people who had realized what was contained within died, or missed the documents, or did not discover the bunker altogether, the event and the post-event story would have changed completely. For example, the details of the terror plot would not have been discovered, the terror plot would not have been prevented, and the true story of Bayonet Hand would have never been discovered.

The only other time the chemical warfare stuff was going to be used was when the ringleader attacked the heavily armed FIB team, to my knowledge. So this claim is incorrect on all counts. I would say some of the claims being made in this thread need to be double-checked, because so far it seems like a lot of what's being said is simply not true. 

Edited by DanseMacabre
8 minutes ago, DanseMacabre said:

Again, not true. The people breaking into the bunker were heavily armed (I had a machine pistol with a spare magazine, alongside a pistol in a holster, another person with me had an SMG, and the last person had a bolt action rifle with a pistol as a sidearm.), all wearing voidsuits (I was wearing a freelancer voidsuit, which has good armor values), and all three of us knew exactly what we were getting into. We were breaking into the suspected base of operations of the ringleader of the terror plot: it contained documents detailing his plan, which we successfully recovered, the material that he needed to conduct the terror attack, and himself.

Problem is that this proves Kaizr's point in that the event had a huge combat focus above RP. you had to get a bunch of weapons and apparently even some armor to even ICly bother attempting this. the casino's vault also was loaded, instead of money (because y'know its a casino, not an armory) was loaded with enough weapons and ammo to quite literally start WW3. why was there SO many weapons around? sure the event was violent but, it was a singular murderer. the station was had supplies for an onslaught of mercenaries.

Just now, AnselmKonrad said:

Problem is that this proves Kaizr's point in that the event had a huge combat focus above RP. you had to get a bunch of weapons and apparently even some armor to even ICly bother attempting this. the casino's vault also was loaded, instead of money (because y'know its a casino, not an armory) was loaded with enough weapons and ammo to quite literally start WW3. why was there SO many weapons around? sure the event was violent but, it was a singular murderer. the station was had supplies for an onslaught of mercenaries.

Weapons and guns were smuggled to kill the bayonet hand.

1 minute ago, jrphoenix303 said:

By who? The SCC?

The event had two sides trying to kill him. One of the sides smuggled weapons. People that were working with these sides were told about the casino being a plan to lure him.


I also like to point out that we had a couple of extended minievents, which I said would happen, to shed more lights in the overall plot with clues. So if you just showed up at the last event, the chances you would get a story that was going for two weeks were quite low.

18 minutes ago, Alberyk said:

Unsure how having a medical bay would help with killing more people. If anything, it saved more lifes. 

It doesn't, you are missunderstanding my point here. The medbay was, in most cases, tacked onto the casino because the event was designed in a way that there would be non-stop violence. In no way did I say it would help kill people, I said that it was encouraging a TDM style of gameplay.

18 minutes ago, Alberyk said:

Already explained how it is not gank. We had two weeks worthy of escalation and murders before the crew was attacked.

Again, you missunderstand my point here. In no way do I disagree with you on the topic of forewarning, and I admittedly forgot to include that in my response. You gave ample warning to those attending that this was going to be a violent event, and I commend you for that. A number of deaths were caused by stupidity more than ganks. However, we could have 2 hours of build-up during a mercenary round, but would that excuse them suddenly attacking someone whom was uninvolved without any form of RP between the two parties. Trapping players and engaging in even minor dialogue would greatly improve the quality of the event and the RP.

18 minutes ago, Alberyk said:

The bayonet hand could be hurt by the rifle rounds. Like I explained, I had lost a lot of blood and had at least 60 of brain damage before I was caught by the fbi. Also take in consideration that this was a single enemy againt more than 40+ players.

You are correct, he could be hurt, and I never said he couldn't. I more am referring to the useage of:

33 minutes ago, Kaizr said:

a-healing, combat stimulants and high-grade medical drugs, firearms despite having a melee weapon that would break bones with one strike

22 minutes ago, Alberyk said:

Unsure why you are speaking in their behalf if their experiences were negative or not

I would prefer not to speak on their behalf, but if that point of view is completely discarded (not brought up) then we lose a valuable piece of information in regards to the event, my information is from my own experience when inside of medical during the event. If possible, I would like to get the thoughts of someone whom was playing medical at the time so we can better gauge what went on there. @Melariara I believe was there? As much as I do not want to drag people into this, I think it's important we see all sides of the topic at hand.

27 minutes ago, Alberyk said:

I could indeed be hurt by the crew.

Refer to 2.

27 minutes ago, Alberyk said:

The crew was meant to be fighting vanguard natediists. From the wiki, which I wrote:

"Vanguard Natediism: an extreme form of Natediism that believes that the victory of Al’mariism is ultimately inevitable due to its superior design. However, this triumph is only possible through armed conflict. Vanguard Natediism seeks to accelerate this supposed historical progress via all available means; restarting the Adhomian war is its main goal. "

Thank you for clarifying! I wholely agree with you that I was in the wrong here, and for that I apologize.

28 minutes ago, Alberyk said:

You were not there. This would happen when the crew were breaking into the bunker. They knew that a bad guy was there. The people breaking there were also armed and had voidsuits. @DanseMacabre was there as far I remember.

This already seems to have been addressed by @jrphoenix303, but I'd be willing to continue discussing this topic in further detail. I was operating off my own knowledge, and with the information @DanseMacabre has provided us we can more accurately discuss it.

33 minutes ago, Alberyk said:

Once again, if you look at the context, everyone was joking about this.

I wholeheartedly understand your point, and I would like to believe these are always jokes. However, I struggle to see how this is a joke anymore as a number of your events and arcs have repeatedly lead to massive amounts of character death (Bad Moon Arcs for example, though from what I hear a lot of it was because of people playing stupid games and winning stupid prizes). Is it really a joke at this point or a denial of reality?

37 minutes ago, Alberyk said:

The weapons were not false. They just had blanks because they were meant to be prizes in the casino vending machines. They could be loaded with live ammo that could be found anywhere. People did that. In fact, they could find plastique explosives in non locked places to break into a vault full of ammo.

This was more of a turn of phrase, more of a metaphorical statement that the weapons weren't dangerous in any capacity.


The weapons gave people the idea that they were safe despite being loaded with blanks, and with this idea that they could defend themselves (the vast majority of people did not have actually dangerous weapons, but a good chunk did) they tried to engage him and died for it. It feels as if it were a lure to encourage them to present themselves as easier targets beliving they could fight. However, fault also lies on the players whom hoarded ammo, did not mention the fact that the weapons were loaded with blanks, or those who simply did not even acknowledge the information.

11 minutes ago, Alberyk said:

I also like to point out that we had a couple of extended minievents

A very good point to bring up, and I quite enjoyed those that I was present for! I do have to ask why some were done during rounds where antags were present and fairly active though, as I feel like that really detracted from the importance of your minievents/encounters.

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