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3/4ths Update Feedback Thread

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Right now we have a lot of buggy things with the new changes, but I wanted to comment on some of the sprites themselves. I'd like to start by saying that I think most of the sprites are pretty good! It's definitely a style I'll have to get used to, but I think most of it is nice, and I appreciate all the hard work that's been done to give the server it's own distinct style. The main thing I'm not as much a fan of, and I know a few others aren't either, are some of the door/airlock sprites.

In particular, the two tile wide doors and external airlock doors feel out of place.

  • The two tile wide doors feels and looks weird being pulled fully into just one side. When I first saw it, I thought that it was unfinished, or that there was a visual glitch where one side was missing the non-glass part. I strongly feel that it would fit in better if it followed the normal split-down-the-middle style that most doors use.
  • The red external airlock doors don't really feel like airlock doors, but more like big cargo container doors. It's not that it's a bad sprite per se, but to me it just feels ill fitting for airtight doors on a spaceship that separate us from a vacuum. It'd be nice to see something a bit more secure looking, like maybe with a interlocking jagged teeth kind of thing.

I agree here in regards to glass airlocks and depth, as well.

5 hours ago, Susan said:

I do not like the airlock sprites. The glass airlock windows are not transparent like the 2x1 airlock, and they have no depth. They are big blobs of color with no detail. Compare these to our previous airlocks.


The one on the right, the old one, had far more visual interest and suggested depth comparatively.

I'd also like to mention that the transition from door to the adjacent walls feels too sudden or abrupt when the door's front/back is facing west/east. In some cases it looks like it may just be the bright colors of the doors compared to the darker walls, but in other cases it looks like there's a mismatch between the edge of the door sprite and the edge of the wall sprite. I think they could do with being smoothed out a bit in that regard.

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I love this, it makes the ship seem bigger, and more "tangible"

now some feedback

1: Floor lights need their sprite re touched, they look "solid" to me like a fence and I find myself avoiding walking over them

2: may be related, may not, but having issues on the bridge in the captains chair and being unable to interact with tables next to it

3: Doors could use abit of a lighter highlight tone along their "seam" in the middle to help make them pop imo, maybe like a caution chevron on the floor in front of them to again, help them pop.


8 hours ago, GeneralCamo said:

We should have a proper shadow system similar to what /tg/ has, so low-light environments don't cause issues with baked shadows.

I'm not entirely sure what /tg/ has, so I'll have to go look at it.
But my suggestion does sort of 'fix' the problem, because shadowing systems won't entirely 'know' what the underside of a table is vs. anywhere else. It's just to help the sprite pop more against, well, anything.

Posted (edited)

I'm not a huge fan of the south facing emergency shutters. I can see what they're trying to be, but they just look flat imo. Also, the double door to the kitchen has the old double shutter sprite.




Edited by Sparky_hotdog
Kitchen, not bar
2 minutes ago, Sparky_hotdog said:

I'm not a huge fan of the south facing emergency shutters. I can see what they're trying to be, but they just look flat imo. Also, the double door to the kitchen has the old double shutter sprite.

They also convey much less information from a glance than before. On the old ones, light of a few different colors shows up, you know other side has bad time waiting and what kind of bad time it is.

Posted (edited)

I really love the new bar changes, especially since walking up to the side to mix drinks was. Let's face it, really dumb. However there's one gripe with it, that kinda feels like a bit of a bug? But I'm unsure.
This vending machine here blocks off the corner of the counter visually, but not mechanically. It's still perfectly functional as a surface, but it feels really awkward to imagine your character reaching around awkwardly to place somethng on half the table.

Edited by stevIII

Bugged wall in the holodeck



Not a fan of the plastic chairs in upper medical. I would rather they be steel like the lobby ones



Might be an intentional change, but I think the doors here used to be 2 tiles, and now they have this weird wall blocking the way.



I think I preferred when all the windoors in EVA slid the same way, but that might not be possible anymore.



I do really like the way the glass and railing work here. Very neat.





A few more things:

Looking in the icon files, glass airlocks and window sprites have 0 transparency set, which is why they look plastic-y and dead.

All windows, every single one, should have a grille placed on them. This is how it was before, and it adds visual interest. They do not need to be shocked, and I genuinely cannot tell if windows aren't transparent or not because there is a single mass of color underneath them which gives them the dead feel. Not even borosilicate windows have grilles.

Security glass airlocks are not displaying their red stripes properly, nor are research glass airlocks.

The CMO, consular, bridge meeting room, etc - the blue airlocks for them should be standard command ones, but they are the wrong shade of blue compared to the glass command airlocks and are, again, not displaying their stripes on the non-glass ones.


image.png.1d610129f20f2f1ce0f20ce4441e7cd1.pngrailings leading up against walls should extend up against the wall to give the vision of it being against it

image.png.fe42bafcb901591f4f0a559fcf6f1640.pngthin glass actually already does this, something like it for the railings would be good.


AI Bugs. 

The stairway leading out of the AI shell chamber sends you back down to deck one if you try to climb it. I haven't been able to get the shell out of there, yet, so it basically doesn't exist. 



There is general weirdness with the static effect being shaded in certain spots, particularly around deck two starboard maintenance.




Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Susan said:

This is how it was before

no, only secure areas has had grilles. unless you mean the sprite, then yes, reinforced windows had a mesh in their sprites and i'd enjoy seeing it readded.

Edited by Gem

This looks great overall, though I'm not fond of some of the appearances of the single airlocks. The double airlocks rock, though - it makes more sense than the previous double airlock design. It's like those irritating push-poles in a Destiny raid that launches you into a giant pit! I would dare to say that non-secure airlocks should all open/close one-way rather than expanding the door out two ways, this seems more airlock-y to me and seems visually satisfying to watch.


Could we have airlocks either inset or extruded from the overall walls? I think this would help. At the moment it seems all too plasticy/toylike, and while I think a lot of that has to do with how desaturated things like wooden floors are, I think that some of that feeling is due to airlocks being completely smooth with walls. There was an illusion of 3d with the 2d spriting that seems lacking.

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The Research director's office has that weird, useless spot. Either fill it with the table by extending said table, or remove it.

Also cannot properly access the locker, or the drawer, most likely due to ledges being wonky... But that's less of a mapping issue I imagine?

15 hours ago, stevIII said:

[...] Ranger Gunboat airlocks are messed up. [...]

airlock spawner needs to be updated to support directional airlocks.


Lightbulbs and a couple other things on the Intrepid:



Here, behind Silas, a lightbulb that, I think might clip into the wall device if it weren't floating.




The bloodbag cabinet's door, immediately in front of Silas, when opened, clips under the fire alarm pull station. There's a lightbulb that appears over the door when it's shut, and inside when it's open




In the North of the room, a lightbulb appears over a fire alarm pull station, and to its right, a camera covers the top of the air alarm panel.

In the South, a lightbulb floats.


By chance, I found a Fire Alarm Pull Station hidden just under the Disposal chute in Bar Prep on the Horizon: 


I managed to snag it and then subsequently couldn't find it, and YouJustGotOwened saved me from being trapped in Bar Prep for eternity with a reminder that alt-clicking was a thing. 



You can barely see the faint line of red of the Fire Alarm Pull Station under the disposal chute (horizontal line of red just above the disposal sprite). It's nigh invisible under the red light of the fire alarm.


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