Guest Posted March 23, 2016 Posted March 23, 2016 See title. Bay removed all of the fun functionality out of the telescopic baton and it would be nice to have such a rare and otherwise precious weapon to be given some utility again, since right now it's the equivalent of a pocket toolbox. I think we should also add some additional interactions with the telescopic baton weighing in chance and such. Grabbing someone in an aggressive grab while telebatonning them increases the chance for the misc. effects. All of these special interactions are assuming the user is on disarm intent with the telescopic baton. Hit arm: High chance for target to drop whatever they're holding in that arm, small chance for arm dislocation. Hit leg: High chance for target to drop and suffer a short stun. Low chance for knee dislocation. Hit hand: If it hits, instantaneous disarm and a fair deal of pain. Low chance for hand/wrist dislocation. Hit foot: If it hits, short stun. Low chance for foot/ankle dislocation. Hit groin: High halloss, low damage. Low chance for an immediate fracture, though. Also a cheap lucker dog move, it's rude. Hit chest: Medium bit of halloss, low chance for breaking a rib. make telebatons great again
Demonofthefall Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 hit face: slight chance for jaw dislocation?
Jboy2000000 Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 Some more suggestions. Hit Head: High Halloss, chance to cause brain damage. Hit Eyes: Enough eye damage to blind. Hit Mouth: High chance to dislocate the jaws.
Garnascus Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 Support, its such an awful item now. you used to be able to stun people to the ground by hitting them in the leg with it. Its such a useless weapon now for how rare it is.
Carver Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 As long as that fucking horrible stunlock-and-kill-you synergy with telekinesis is removed. Being in any kind of armour should also protect against the effects. (Hardsuits, Riot Armour, even just normal space suits, etc)
Guest Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 As long as that fucking horrible stunlock-and-kill-you synergy with telekinesis is removed. Being in any kind of armour should also protect against the effects. (Hardsuits, Riot Armour, even just normal space suits, etc) TK should be gone anyway. TK was particularly broken because of the zero click delay accompanying it. I'd be cool with hardsuits being totally resistant to it, riot armor also being totally resistant, and voidsuits being somewhat protective against the telebaton.
Alberyk Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 hit face: slight chance for jaw dislocation? Pretty sure that beating people on the face with things will dislocate their jaws already, which happened when I smacked someone with an energy sword once. Also, I think that dislocating someone's jaw does nothing in game.
Guest Posted April 15, 2016 Posted April 15, 2016 Bump. Please? They're the pocket equivalent of fire extinguishers right now, despite the fact that telescopic batons are meant to be neutralizing weapons.
Guest Complete Garbage Posted April 15, 2016 Posted April 15, 2016 afaik they only do brute right now, which, I guess would be fine if there were more than just two of them on the station, but since they're only given to the HoS and Captain, they should either get something new/different or get scrapped.
Butterrobber202 Posted April 15, 2016 Posted April 15, 2016 More Support, If it's rare, it should be efficient
Owen Posted April 16, 2016 Posted April 16, 2016 I am in full support of this as well. I cannot stand how telebatons are currently.
Guest Posted June 2, 2016 Posted June 2, 2016 //Telescopic baton /obj/item/weapon/melee/telebaton name = "telescopic baton" desc = "A compact yet rebalanced personal defense weapon. Can be concealed when folded." icon = 'icons/obj/weapons.dmi' icon_state = "telebaton_0" item_state = "telebaton_0" flags = FPRINT | TABLEPASS slot_flags = SLOT_BELT w_class = 2 force = 3 var/on = 0 /obj/item/weapon/melee/telebaton/attack_self(mob/user as mob) on = !on if(on) user.visible_message("\red With a flick of their wrist, [user] extends their telescopic baton.",\ "\red You extend the baton.",\ "You hear an ominous click.") icon_state = "telebaton_1" item_state = "telebaton_1" w_class = 3 force = 15//quite robust attack_verb = list("smacked", "struck", "slapped") else user.visible_message("\blue [user] collapses their telescopic baton.",\ "\blue You collapse the baton.",\ "You hear a click.") icon_state = "telebaton_0" item_state = "telebaton_0" w_class = 2 force = 3//not so robust now attack_verb = list("hit", "punched") if(istype(user,/mob/living/carbon/human)) var/mob/living/carbon/human/H = user H.update_inv_l_hand() H.update_inv_r_hand() playsound(src.loc, 'sound/weapons/empty.ogg', 50, 1) add_fingerprint(user) if(blood_overlay && blood_DNA && (blood_DNA.len >= 1)) //updates blood overlay, if any overlays.Cut()//this might delete other item overlays as well but eeeeeeeh var/icon/I = new /icon(src.icon, src.icon_state) I.Blend(new /icon('icons/effects/blood.dmi', rgb(255,255,255)),ICON_ADD) I.Blend(new /icon('icons/effects/blood.dmi', "itemblood"),ICON_MULTIPLY) blood_overlay = I overlays += blood_overlay return /obj/item/weapon/melee/telebaton/attack(mob/target as mob, mob/living/user as mob/*, target_zone*/) if(on) if ((CLUMSY in user.mutations) && prob(50)) user << "\red You club yourself over the head." user.Weaken(3 * force) if(ishuman(user)) var/mob/living/carbon/human/H = user H.apply_damage(2*force, BRUTE, "head") else user.take_organ_damage(2*force) return if(..()) playsound(src.loc, "swing_hit", 50, 1, -1) // var/obj/item/c_hand UNFUCK WHEN YOU HAVE TIME AND KNOWLEDGE // var/hand if(user.zone_sel.selecting == "r_leg" || user.zone_sel.selecting == "l_leg") target.Weaken(10) //nerfed, because yes. /* if(user.zone_sel.selecting == "l_hand" || user.zone_sel.selecting == "l_arm") c_hand = "l_hand" target.u_equip(c_hand) hand = "left hand" user.visible_message("\red [target] screams out in pain and drops what they were holding in their [hand]!")*/ else ..() return else return ..() OK just overwrite this in and we'll be good to go come next update, yeah?
Carver Posted June 2, 2016 Posted June 2, 2016 Only if armour can completely negate the effects so you don't get people telebaton rushing robed Cultists, hardsuitted Nuke Ops, and so forth.
Guest Posted June 2, 2016 Posted June 2, 2016 It already does, but it checks for armor first. If the blow is blocked, for instance, by a riot suit, the stun accompanied by the damage won't apply. Instead you just slap the leg and the baton recoils backward. I refuse to outright reward people for being dumb enough to engage a telebaton wielder in close range, regardless of their armor. Folks wouldn't dream of getting into a confrontation with stun batons, should be more of the same for the telescopic variant. Meaning if the wielder of the baton has the stars align well enough, they can take down a nuke op, but it's unlikely due to melee = 60.
Nanako Posted June 2, 2016 Posted June 2, 2016 This seems a little overpowered for a telescopic baton. Your code doesn't include any probabilities. How about making it have a probability of triggering the effect, equal to the damage on that limb, so repeated hits get more likely. Also are you aware that, unlike most things in dm, the status effects work on whole seconds, not deciseconds? Weaken(10) will put someone on the floor for 10 seconds, which is basically a one-hit win, since you could just keep hitting their leg to reapply it. Permanant stunlock
DatBerry Posted June 2, 2016 Posted June 2, 2016 This seems a little overpowered for a telescopic baton. Your code doesn't include any probabilities. How about making it have a probability of triggering the effect, equal to the damage on that limb, so repeated hits get more likely. Also are you aware that, unlike most things in dm, the status effects work on whole seconds, not deciseconds? Weaken(10) will put someone on the floor for 10 seconds, which is basically a one-hit win, since you could just keep hitting their leg to reapply it. Permanant stunlock the probabilities are with armor, you dont get probabilities with guns either, but i agree with delta, if you're stupid enough to melee rush the HoS/captain you deserve to get batoned down, even as a new cop.
Guest Posted June 2, 2016 Posted June 2, 2016 This seems a little overpowered for a telescopic baton. Your code doesn't include any probabilities. It doesn't reflect the original suggestion because it seems there hasn't been any real nodding from the head coder on the matter. "My code" is actually the old Aurora version of this weapon. It would take too long to create a balanced RNG version of it (unless someone decided to do it for me, wink wink), and even then it would probably be 5x more powerful in terms of utility than the Auroracode telescopic baton. Who knows, though. Stun batons themselves are way better at stunlocking, they slow you down, limit your actions, they put you into unconsciousness and they take around 3-4 hits to put a nuke op (barring the hardsuit) down, anybody else it's 1-2. Being stunned with a stun baton is about 30 seconds of downtime. Besides, the telescopic baton should be powerful as there are only two of its kind on the map. It's a valued weapon.
Carver Posted June 3, 2016 Posted June 3, 2016 It already does, but it checks for armor first. If the blow is blocked, for instance, by a riot suit, the stun accompanied by the damage won't apply. Instead you just slap the leg and the baton recoils backward. I refuse to outright reward people for being dumb enough to engage a telebaton wielder in close range, regardless of their armor. Folks wouldn't dream of getting into a confrontation with stun batons, should be more of the same for the telescopic variant. Meaning if the wielder of the baton has the stars align well enough, they can take down a nuke op, but it's unlikely due to melee = 60. Mate, it's a small metal stick and the people who do engage at close range tend to have swords and variants of swords. They should be rewarded for doing so, especially if they're armoured and they're wielding a weapon that would cut or break the telebaton in half with a parry. Elsewise you get telebaton rushing shitheads like back in the pre-nerf days.
Nanako Posted June 3, 2016 Posted June 3, 2016 Mate, it's a small metal stick and the people who do engage at close range tend to have swords and variants of swords. They should be rewarded for doing so, especially if they're armoured and they're wielding a weapon that would cut or break the telebaton in half with a parry. I'm kinda agreeing with this. Other than rarity, i'm not seeing why it should be stronger than a stunbaton, or even equivilant. its not really a high tech thing
canon35 Posted June 3, 2016 Posted June 3, 2016 It's mean to be the HoS, AKA officer supreme's signature weapon. Hence why it's more powerful than a stun baton, which is my experience is only better than a ghetto stun prod. Police batons, regular stun prods, old telebaton were more useful. Anyways, I'm in support of these changes. Including Carver's idea of armour negating the effect with armour. The telebaton should be a weapon to be used to disable, not kill.
Guest Posted June 3, 2016 Posted June 3, 2016 Anyways, I'm in support of these changes. Including Carver's idea of armour negating the effect with armour. The telebaton should be a weapon to be used to disable, not kill. Which it already does, so it doesn't matter. If a HoS is using a telebaton to face off against a sword, they're fucking up. If they actually do face off against someone and don't bother taking into account the massive disadvantage they have from an RP standpoint, they're messing up. I think that's easily reportable.
Mikalhvi Posted June 3, 2016 Posted June 3, 2016 Maybe the hand/foot hit should have a super-rare chance to break said limb? Lots of small, easily damaged bones in there and all.
Guest Posted June 3, 2016 Posted June 3, 2016 I believe the hands and feet have very low break thresholds, Tajaran especially. 30 is the minimum break point, a telescopic baton does 15 brute, so 2 harm strikes basically fuck a dude up. Nobody except the ERT, a holy wielder of the station-bound combat boots, anyone with hardsuit boot armor or ninja have foot protection, glove protection is a little wider but it's fairly limited to the same amount of sources.
Guest Posted July 4, 2016 Posted July 4, 2016 PR opened.
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