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Player Feedback : Deridin (Lukas Chapman)


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What do you personally think about Lukas as a character, I am interested to see how people feel about him and how I play him, any feedback is helpful feedback.

(And yes Butter, I did steal your idea)


you play HoS non-stop and seize the ability for me to play HoS at least every once in awhile. jerk.

Also, UM is wrong, I have killed Lukas Chapman at least twice in the past week as an antagonist, the first time I was a cultist and the second time I was an invisible leaping Vox who shrekt the crap out of Lukas who apparently got themselves a hardsuit visor with NVGs and thermals. Thought you were clever, eh? Think again, for my powergaming knows no bounds!


Chapman seems like a good chap, man! don't tell jboy

Anyway I think Chapman's a pretty alright char and you are a pretty alright player. From what I've seen he's a HoS that gives a damn and takes his job more seriously than "REMOVE CONTRABAND!" It's nice seeing a HoS knowing he will actually try helping anyone out if they seem to be in a bind that requires security. He'll do dirty work himself and responds to messages. Plus he takes good care of Lt. Columbo and that's a major plus. Cept for the time you allowed that wizard to kill columbo but I guess it was honoured combat so that's alright...

Those are positives. Now for negatives. First his accent infuriates me to know end, but I guess that can also be a positive because you actually go with an accent and stick to it. The retcon for new map is honestly worrisome to me; however, I feel that's something best settled in PMs/DMs. I do understand your partial reasoning for it, but do not agree with all of it and don't want this section turning into a debate where neither side can win. I'll leave it at that. Uh, and that's it for negatives. One joke one and one more or less personal grievance.

All in all I think you do pretty good. Keep it up.


Hey, Lukas Chapman is pretty much the best, even if he does threaten PocketBuddy with endless paperwork. Honestly, I really like the character. Like people have said: He's down to earth, approachable and isn't all a "rar rar listen to me or get hit" kind of HoS.


As one who interacts with Lucas more so than most. I love him. His RP is solid. His role as HoS is very well done, and I've personally watched him go insane before, gradually increasing his lack of sanity. 8/10 would watch him get kidnapped by cultists again.


You go lone hero more than I like as Lukas, and Lukas seems to end up living a lot, when the rest of his staff does not yet he paradoxically professes to lay it all down for his men/women. That being said, those are minor grievances compared to the otherwise stellar HoS play. They are if I had to nitpick anything about the character at all.

And, it's simple to kill Lukas, I probably have killed him more than anyone C:


Well I like the character. I'm pretty sure you were playing him that one round I was cultist, one of the other cultists was a sec officer that decided to pull their gun out at the captain at medbay. Lukas (and sec dog) plus Orlando (me) walked up and you defended me from being forcefully cuffed. Crappy round for me as cultist. That cuff incident you fixed though was a definite highlight.

Way too many sec players get cuff happy I find, when nothing serious has happened. As a commander I quite like Lukas a definite favourite.

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