Scheveningen Posted February 21, 2018 Posted February 21, 2018 CCIA Staff Application Basic Information Byond key: Scheveningen Character names: Vira Bolivar, Rebecca De Santos, Talia Varick, various nameless borgs, Age: 21 Timezone: EST What times are you most available?: I am a night owl. My circadian rhythm shifts as I am naturally awake longer than I sleep but I am generally more energetic during the evenings and night time. I'm able to respond to certain things either instantly or the very next day, that's usually how it goes. Experience How long have you played SS13?: Years. How long have you played on Aurora?: Three to four years, I have lost count. How active on the forums, discord and/or server are you? Very active on forums. Very active on discord. Active based on whimsy on-server, it depends on whether I'm interested in playing or not but I'm not completely disconnected from the community. Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: Yes, but it's been such a long time ago it's practically insignificant. It was a borderline case of EOR grief that I never bothered to appeal, as it was only a 3 day ban with rather BS context at the given time and I knew I wasn't going to be able to argue my way out of it seeing as to how the staff lineup was at the time, I figured I'd waste more time arguing the ban than just getting over it and waiting it out. Have you ever volunteered as moderation staff for any other servers, SS13 or otherwise?: Yes, here. I quit at some point due to work stress + the volunteer server position also creating stress for me simultaneously. I do like to chuckle sometimes when people accuse me of having been fired but that was absolutely not the situation that I was in, a personal situation I'd never wish on anyone else. Do you have any other experience that you believe would be relevant to a position in the CCIA?: I was CCIA before when Hartburry ran the show. Personality Why do you want to join the CCIA?: To help contribute in handling IC issues on the server side in a more potent and present capacity than what the common perception from certain vocal minorities are given to believe are capable of doing. I do not believe that the CCIAA were ever powerless in the first place but rather that the current procedures and hands-off approach to dealing with current-round issues makes them seem a lot less present in-universe than they actually are. CCIAA have vast potential but it is not used so as to avoid worst-case scenarios if executed unskillfully. What do you think are the most important qualities for a CCIA Agent to possess?: Self-control, chiefly, a dogged approach to issues and an insurmountable amount of patience. What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is in an ongoing round?: Responding to faxes to give clarification over certain situations is one of the more menial duties but it's just as important as, say, showing up to call up a particular crewmember for an interview in regards to some infraction that occurred on-station that wasn't handled enough on the local side. There's surely more to it but nobody wants to read my paragraph-long musings that some people would see as excuses anyway. It stings to have to settle for a simple sweeping definition of something that's more complex than anyone would give credit for. What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is outside of the server?: They are the penultimate community arbiters of what constitutes the corporate regulations and how they should be interpreted in any given situation, besides the administrators. Largely, administrators have better concerns to deal with than having to investigate IC issues, so the sheer responsibility is relegated to a more appropriate branch of staff. They are not just the middle-man, though, and CCIAA should be respected more than they already are for what they do, as the effect they have on the server is not easily seen at a first glance to start with. How do you handle stress?: I went through an epiphany not-too-recently and learned that difficult people are truly a blessing to help those that they frustrate become better people. Such individuals being such a pain allow others to learn to be patient and tolerant of most kinds of personalities. Obviously, people who intend on trolling or have a reputation for doing it for just-as-radical responses don't deserve the indignation of a legitimate reply and should be called out for it openly for other people to remain cautious of. I've been improving over time, and different perspectives that were finally shared to me not because of an act of God but because I chose to hunt down perspective by myself when others would not go out of their way to share theirs to me was unfortunate, but I made do at some point. I do my damndest to try not to be stressed out anymore, especially since how my current IRL situation has vastly improved. How well do you work autonomously?: I take considerable pride in being an independent person, but I would not be where I am without considerable assistance from other people. It is hypocritical, but it acts as a double-edged tool, I suppose. Additional Notes: The following is some rambling and not entirely related to the topic, but I'm sure someone will figure out what the context is, if you feel like you'd raise some certain counterarguments straight off the bat from seeing who's applying for this application you might be interested in clicking the spoiler and reading the contents below, anyway. A particular quality I held as a moderator and perhaps still have currently is when I stood my ground and do not accept being called out as wrong when I say something I'm particularly fervent in my belief in regards to those situations. This led to some obvious issues where people interpreted it as myself just powertripping. I think that perception is still wrong of people to even think of me. I considered it, and still consider it, as more along the lines of misplaced zeal, and I often felt a bit lost given how few opportunities I was given for a proper discussion to mull over what issues other staff members took with my style as the only time I was made aware of those issues is when I asked specific individuals that were not necessarily staff as to how they perceived the way I went about things. Regrettable, overall, especially since I said internally to the whole of the staff that any discussion that would be opened in DMs with me would be treated seriously by myself, yet I don't recall a person that went out of their way to provide feedback. Maybe they were afraid I'd flip on them or not take them seriously, I don't know. I will add that there were situations where I was a tad too fanatical about it and I only wish I had reigned myself in and been more composed about it since I'm sure people thought I had gone crazy. Hindsight is 20/20 and I really couldn't see what the issue was until my previous IRL job decided to devour my life. I have made mistakes, surely, I only intended to be of help and to hopefully make the community a better place to play a silly game with, I'm aware other people were uncomfortable with how I went about it. I'm not so arrogant as to think there wasn't at least something I did wrong along the way.
Arrow768 Posted February 22, 2018 Posted February 22, 2018 The number of staff members I have absolutely no interest in dealing with is very limited. You were one of them. You were already 3 or 4 times parts of various staff teams, and everytime it ended with some drama. During your most recent moderator application you were asked the following by Garn: You get worked up/depressed over whatever is eating at you. this usually culminates in you lashing out at some people. you know who they are. then you disappear for a few months and you go back to playing and being a good sport for a while. Can i trust this behavior not to repeat in msay? Your consistency is the main issue here. You responded to that with: Anyway. You can trust me to not flip out. I didn't take a hiatus just for nothing to change. Thank you for your compliments regarding what has changed positively about me, I appreciate it. And a few months later the same thing happened again, with you deleting contracts from the webinterface while your judgement regarding another contract was called into question on a staff complaint. Leading to you being fired from staff / resigning before that could happen. Whats different this time ?
Brutishcrab51 Posted February 22, 2018 Posted February 22, 2018 There was some discussion before I came to this opinion regarding this application. First: 1. It's awesome that you applied. I enjoy you quite a bit, and if you're accepted, I look forward to working with you. That said, 2. You had a pretty bad temper issue, and it did seem to slip into your judgement as a Moderator back in the day. Along with going a bit far with your authority at the time in regards to the WebInterface (But, hey, we're not here to file a complaint). You've gotta' stick to your lane here, handle the duties of the CCIA and only the CCIA, and don't go beyond it. It's the CCIA leader's job to determine policy, and it's only partly ours to interpret it. Can you stick to your lane? 3. You have had some warnings about that in the past, to my understanding. In the CCIA, it's important to cooperate and be approachable to everyone, even the uninformed and silly. Are you sure you can reign in your thoughts and attitude for this? It isn't as immediately satisfying as Staff work, and our job requires us to work through the players to get stuff done. Can you cooperate with people, and be approachable? 4. As a Moderator, you did some stuff that's already well known, and resigned, and following your resignation, said some pretty nasty stuff. How can we be sure you won't do this again? Can you reassure me, and us, beyond a shadow of a doubt that you can, again, stay in your lane and cooperate in a cordial manner with the team? If you can give me a 'yes' to all these questions, then it's a +1 from me and I'd be happy to see you go to Trial. If even one of these is a 'no', then it's a -1. For reference. 'Stay in your lane.' means to handle the duties of the CCIA, not the rest of the staff team at large. We aren't Moderators or Administrators.
Guest Marlon Phoenix Posted February 22, 2018 Posted February 22, 2018 Schev, also known as Delta, is an incredibly feisty individual. They hold strong beliefs and when they feel that they are right they will stand their ground and defend their position vigorously and with a lot of pushback. Their involvement in staff has gone through several cycles and I think delta has been in every department of server staff. Every time as mentioned above he eventually burns out and leaves. Delta has a good work ethic for the duration that he feels invested in the role but once he feels wrong he has an undeniable track record of writing everything off and walking away. I have always argued up and down that problematic and feisty players can still be valuable additions to staff but eventually a pattern becomes too concrete. If hired to CCIA I have no doubt they would do great for a few months before souring after feeling slighted in some way, as happened before. I do not think the rather methodical, pedantic, and bureaucratic nature of CCIA would be a good fit for Delta.
Zundy Posted February 22, 2018 Posted February 22, 2018 I echo arrows concerns bar the "no interest in dealing with" since I actual like ya. What's changed? Admittedly I do think this (CCIA) would be a better fit for you and probably won't stress you out as much since it's hands on RP wise but not drama wise (at least in comparison with other staff roles). Your track record seems to be - join a thing, have a good work ethic but be abrasive, causes complaints but be in the right 9 times out of 10 but come across as abrasive, something happens and you seem to go atomic then quit/get fired.
Coalf Posted February 22, 2018 Posted February 22, 2018 A question. One of the reasons for you leaving was that, "Didn't have the patience nor the time to deal with issues of other people." (not a precise quote just condensed) I would like to ask if this has changed in any way, because I often describe CCIA as "Being a moderator without the moderator powers", which honestly is just frustrating and a lot of these interviews are simply collection of varying opinions without any real way to check if they're right or not. That could lead to you simply, as others described it, "burning out" faster than usually.
Scheveningen Posted February 22, 2018 Author Posted February 22, 2018 [mention]Arrow768[/mention] There's nothing I can say to someone who opens with "I don't like you". I will not pretend to have a discussion with that, sorry. [mention]Brutishcrab51[/mention] Re: #2, I understand the importance of remaining a integral part of a team unit. I don't recall what you mean in regards to a "WI incident" as I'm not sure what you're talking about and would appreciate clarification if it's at all important. Regardless I understand the importance of staying in my lane. Re: #3, I understand the importance of representing more than myself, a recent lesson I learned a little too late. I'll avoid being feisty entirely. Re: #4, I endeavor not to make the same mistakes twice. It's not going to be an issue. [mention]Senpai Jackboot[/mention] I am eager to prove you wrong in regards as to whether you think I'd be a good fit for the CCIA team or not. [mention]Zundy[/mention] I went 'atomic' because of toxic IRL factors going on that was causing me a lot of tension. It was an extreme situation that I was in. I quit to get everything settled. It's settled now. Much has changed in that time and I'm eager to prove you just as wrong with your perception of the situation, too. [mention]Coalf[/mention] One of the reasons for you leaving was that, "Didn't have the patience nor the time to deal with issues of other people." (not a precise quote just condensed) Definitely my fault to blame my issues on that, I terribly misrepresented the situation in saying that. The moment I quit from staff I was pretty much perpetually furious due to the conditions of my IRL job being extremely invasive and demanding. These were factors I figured were my fault because I was still trying to put focus on multiple issues at once. So if I said that it was definitely because I was frustrated and not exactly 100% focused. It takes an inhuman amount of pressure to stress me out, regardless, and my IRL job was the thing that made me way more tense than usual. The job was a learning experience, regardless, even as I was happy to find another at-home occupation.
Arrow768 Posted February 22, 2018 Posted February 22, 2018 [..]I don't recall what you mean in regards to a "WI incident" as I'm not sure what you're talking about and would appreciate clarification if it's at all important. Regardless I understand the importance of staying in my lane. The WI Incident is what I referenced in my post. You started deleting contracts on the WI, while your judgement regarding another contract was called into question. Which led to you being fired / resigning before you could be fired from staff. Here is the staff complaint in question, in case you have forgotten. And here is where one of the headmins sais that you would have been fired had you not resigned. Before that, there are quite a few other incidents where you overstepped your boundaries or misused your power. Which ultimately led to you being banned from moderating the forums for a 3 month period. I went 'atomic' because of toxic IRL factors going on that was causing me a lot of tension. It was an extreme situation that I was in. I quit to get everything settled. It's settled now. Much has changed in that time and I'm eager to prove you just as wrong with your perception of the situation, too. We have heard the same thing before. In your moderator application: So, I ask you again. Why is this different than the last time ?
UnknownMurder Posted February 22, 2018 Posted February 22, 2018 I'm just going to give you the cold truth of my total opinion have already been expressed by [mention]Arrow768[/mention] and yet you refuse to engage in a valid question initiated by Arrow. I honestly am not looking forward to working with you not just because of our history but because of your ridiculed communication and constant harassment and accusations in which under Aboshehab's advise have led me to blocking you via Discord PM. Aboshehab has the said evidence in which I will not release it here, [mention]Sharp[/mention] may correct me if I am wrong here. Re: #2, I understand the importance of remaining a integral part of a team unit. I don't recall what you mean in regards to a "WI incident" as I'm not sure what you're talking about and would appreciate clarification if it's at all important. Regardless I understand the importance of staying in my lane. Re: #3, I understand the importance of representing more than myself, a recent lesson I learned a little too late. I'll avoid being feisty entirely. Re: #4, I endeavor not to make the same mistakes twice. It's not going to be an issue. I went 'atomic' because of toxic IRL factors going on that was causing me a lot of tension. It was an extreme situation that I was in. I quit to get everything settled. It's settled now. Much has changed in that time and I'm eager to prove you just as wrong with your perception of the situation, too. I'm going to call these answers out. I do remember "WI Incident". If I do recall, the "WI Incident" in where you attempted to trash [mention]Senpai Jackboot[/mention]'s contracts because they were stupid. Contracts were later recovered and upheld under Grandfather's clause under CCIAA's former superior, IncognitoJesus's decision. You threw up your hands over a small petty thing and as I quote what Garn have said, burned down the whole bridge. If you understood the importance of representing more than yourself, then it would be more logical to tend to other things and continue to engage in OOC. You try hard not to repeat your mistakes however I've just read over your staff complaints once more; obviously mistakes are repeated here as you were given one last last last last chance to rectify your mistakes. You received a probation known to the public during your tenure as a moderator. Real life factors should be under no influence of the drive of the game as you already made a contradiction with your chance by saying this, you always go atomic. You had what others may define as both abrasive and self-righteousness attitude. One of the reasons for you leaving was that, "Didn't have the patience nor the time to deal with issues of other people." (not a precise quote just condensed) Definitely my fault to blame my issues on that, I terribly misrepresented the situation in saying that. The moment I quit from staff I was pretty much perpetually furious due to the conditions of my IRL job being extremely invasive and demanding. These were factors I figured were my fault because I was still trying to put focus on multiple issues at once. So if I said that it was definitely because I was frustrated and not exactly 100% focused. It takes an inhuman amount of pressure to stress me out, regardless, and my IRL job was the thing that made me way more tense than usual. The job was a learning experience, regardless, even as I was happy to find another at-home occupation. And so, you vented those anger and frustrations upon others. You won't take "no" for an answer whether it be your anyone and even your superior. How do you discipline yourself in real life, any self restraint? I feel that I can speak that this is not a role model that is deserving for Central Command Internal Affairs Agent.
Scheveningen Posted February 22, 2018 Author Posted February 22, 2018 edit: Nevermind. I embarassed myself. I really misunderstood what the staff team were telling me. Close this.
Synnono Posted February 22, 2018 Posted February 22, 2018 Closing this application at the request of the applicant.
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