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Everything posted by Pratepresidenten

  1. So Ive checked out a few things and there isnt really much to say in your defense here. Taking offense to you trying to save someone has nothing to with the issue at hand. The issue is is that you did in fact interfere a great deal. You put yourself right next to the highly lethal changeling, actively nudging them and dragging them away several times despite you getting your shit kicked in, which should be a massive indicator that you should bugger off as per your fourth law. Im not sure how you've missed that laws are not in preference, because I looked up wiki entries and said entry has been around since 2017. So to me this warning is justified as it seemed like you could not be arsed reading the wiki and assumed you were in the right when it came to preferential treatment of laws. Ignorance is not an excuse here as the info has been readily available for over 5 years. I would strongly urge you to read the wiki page for borgs and be particularly attentive to the law section and what the laws actually say. The warning stays, and unless you have other concerns you wish to bring up, this complaint is going in the archives.
  2. Ill be handling this. Lemme just look up some stuff and Ill get back to this as soon as I can.
  3. I can guarantee you nothing. But do your best and Im sure you'll be fine.
  4. Put stuff you said in the DMs into the appeal. Not asking you to write a novel, but elaborate further than "Ill uncanonize it".
  5. Neither of us on the AI team have any interest in giving the AI these particular features. The alert system is not an essential part of station operations. Should an alert raise be required, command can do so. If theres a security concern, the security department has the power to normally without the alert system in place. As for the ship moving about; The ship should not be just randomly floating around. Someone needs to engage the ship, and that someone should also stop the ship. Unless the bridge crew dies, then you have bigger problems than the ship needing to be stopped.
  6. You just need to elaborate more on your appeal reason, thats about it really.
  7. Ill be taking this complaint. First off I want to correct the tidbit of escalation information floating around here. The rules does not state that punishment should be done in a specific order. It only tells you what kind of punishments there are. It is up to the individual staffmember to apply punishment as they see fit. If you are referring to the section under permabans, what is listed there are general cases its applied to, not the only cases. Now for the resolution: As you said yourself, you thought nothing mattered, rules included as long as good rp came of it. You knew what you did was wrong, but you chose to do it anyway. Im glad you feel you've learned your lesson, but you also need to face the consequences of your actions. I dont feel the ban is an over-escalation in this case, so it will stay as is. You're more than welcome to appeal it again on the 2nd of July. Unless there are other issues that needs to be addressed, Im considering this complaint resolved.
  8. Gonna go ahead and lift this. Just be sure to read the rules and stuff! Appeal accepted.
  9. We've discussed your application and we will not be considering you for the whitelist at this time. You can contact me on discord should you have any questions. Application denied.
  10. Our stance on unbanning you havent really changed since the last time you appealed. We put our trust in you and you kept on breaking that trust, so now you have to deal with the consequences of your actions. So to be clear: You have used up your chances, and this ban will never be lifted. Appeal denied.
  11. Seeing the staff in question has retired, Imma take your appeal. So, it has indeed been some time since your ban, Imma give you a second chance. Just read the rules and be a good boye. Appeal accepted.
  12. Hello! Its great to see that you want to pitch in and play the AI! But as you yourself pointed out, you only started playing here recently. We cannot give you the whitelist before we know you a little better, and see that you're a good fit on the server, despite you having years of experience with roleplaying outside our server. That being said, you can put up another application in a month, and we encourage you to play as much as you can during that time, preferably the stationbound role.
  13. Hello again! Seeing its been a year Imma give you another chance. Just be sure to read the rules and ahelp should you have any questions. Better safe than sorry n' all that. Appeal accepted.
  14. Slander of our glorious snail leader will not be tolerated. Anyone found posting in bad faith about our glorious snail leader will be tracked down and banned in real life. Glorious snail leader is not endorsing this post in any way or form. I am doing this of my volition and free will. Praise be glorious snail leader!
  15. This has already been suggested here: Swoosh!
  16. Looks like you were caught with a bad vpn service. Simply dont use such and you should be fine. Lifted.
  17. Corporate security uniform for officers!
  18. Im all for more open camera deadzones for the AI. I'd like to see how it looks in practice though.
  19. Hi and hello! Although its great that you have an interest to the whitelist, Im afraid you need to up your activity some before we can accept you. You can apply again in a month!
  20. I havent explored the map too hard, but I feel the tesla bay is way too close to the AI chambers. Having to listen to the emitters fire non-stop makes me wanna cry :c
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