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Everything posted by DeadLantern

  1. This kind of limits what you can do with your character with the questions spoonfed for you. Additionally, these questions are more-so for determining character quality, not for determining lore knowledge. I don't necessarily think this change is bad, however. I just don't see the reason. What's so wrong with our current template, and how is this template superior?
  2. Why don't we change it to "Commander of Security," as Commander is already a common name for the HoS in lieu of HoS, and it also fits with the CoS thing.
  3. By voting Crusher, you will make that want a reality.
  4. Bruh, I meant to submit Crusher, I put Crush on accident. Crusher because it's a TNG reference, and Bones was a TOS reference.
  5. I would then just delete this auto-canon post that is pinned in the lore canonization thread. As said before, the rules on headcanon speak for themselves, and so having no policy is the same as having clarified policy. I don't think anyone is assuming that their headcanon invalidates actual canon.
  6. Does this really cause any problems, in game or out of the game? The people's opinion on headcanon is just that, an opinion. It is not going to stop it or even encourage it. Does having your own faction or your own planet really require such a hard ruling? From my point of view, it really does not matter, and I honestly was not even aware of this "automatic canonicity" ruling. I think letting people do what they want is fine and there hasn't been issues spurred by the issue of player-made unofficial things vs official things. Headcanon is already subordinate to establish lore. I can not "headcanon" that Moghes is currently a paradise. I can not "headcanon" that the Sol breakup did not happen. Headcanon is always smaller than that, and it does not really interfere with established lore--at least, it should not. If your headcanon interferes with established lore, then it's not really headcanon, it's just not following the lore.
  7. For all the people saying there is no lore reason for a stowaway to be on the ship: of course there is. Their reason is just not the normal stowaway reason to get to the next port whatever. Perhaps they were someone who lost their job with the SCC and is now slumming it in the maint shaft because they can't go home with no income, so instead they went "missing". Maybe they were an EE agent sent in to the Horizon to spy as a crew member but their cover was blown so they had to go "missing." Just make up the reason--to say there is no reason for a stowaway to be on board is on the same level of saying there is no reason for ninjas to be on board. Additionally, as said in the OP, they would be growing their own food, doing their own medical aid, etc. They would not reveal themselves to the public eye unless it was a dire situation. And yes, it should be a really low percentage of happening. But it's these kind of interesting events that we need on the NBT to keep it fresh. Cool and interesting roleplay encounters that are not necessarily tied to an antag. Also, we also "copied" the overmap system from bay, I don't think it's a bit dumb to say we can't do anything that Bay does. It is not like they invented the concept of a stowaway.
  8. This was on bay. It was interesting there. It should definitely not happen every round. Like Merchant, but the likelihood of it happening less than Merchant. A whole gang of stowaways is a neat idea as long as they aren't actively malicious. I'm not too against it. But the difference between the Torch and the Horizon is that it is very hard to hide on the Horizon... It's cramped. It would be difficult to evade the public eye, but it might be fun. Tentatively I support it, it would be fun as long as it's rare. Treat it like a neutral event.
  9. It would have player limits/minimums just like antagonists have. That is the vibe I'm going for, but they won't necessarily be in the middle of the round. They could never, though.
  10. Theoretically, the middle between the protagonists (station) and the antagonists would be some deuteragonist. A second party that is neither expressly good nor bad; they may be adaptable, or they may just be a curveball that provides something to do and interact with without the chaos that comes with Antags. An example of a "deuteragonist" are merchants; they appear randomly and are just a little thing a crewmember (or even antag) can interact with. My suggestion here is to add more of these third parties to keep rounds progressive and evolving even without an apparent antagonist. These deuteragonists may present a "threat" or may be benign. An example of a "threatening" deuteragonist would be an SCC Inspector or some similar role coming aboard the station to assess the professionalism, cleanliness, and productivity of the station/ship. This would provide something the crew can respond to without it being inherently violent or life-threatening but still requiring attention, thus creating roleplay. Captains and HoPs could coordinate crew to create a welcome party or strategically place assistants in the Inspector's path to please the Inspector. The point is that the mere presence of a third actor can make rounds less dull. Additional deuteragonist ideas: CIVILLIAN refugees seek clemency aboard the station/ship SCC scientists need to transport a few dangerous animals/materials to the research department for temporary storage SCCERAA (SCC Emergency Response Assessor Agents) inform the ship/station that a simulated boarding threat will attempt to hijack important assets. Medical would get dummy bodies to heal; engineering would be tasked to create barricades in certain locations; Security would be tasked to man such fortifications; Cargo would be tasked with staying normal for a shift. Then either SCCERA Agents can come test out some of the fortifications, run a few wargames, comment on the performance of security personnel/medical personnel, etc etc etc These deuteragonists can also be related to the area that the NBT is currently in. If the ship was in Dominia, the ship could be receiving some important noble ambassadors or a Dominian fencing tournament could be held on the station. In Hegemony space, a group of battered Kataphracts may want to refuel and resupply at the ship; in Jargon territory, the ship could be searched by authorities; in Light's Edge, [REDACTED]. You get the point. I feel like these neutral party deuteragonists that are not necessarily threatening but require attention would serve to make extended/low intensity rounds a bit more interactive and compliment Antag rounds/high intensity rounds by adding more excitement and chaos to the mix. This is just a general idea and it does need to be refined; I, however, think it has merit, and I really think it can make rounds more enjoyable overall.
  11. Literally the original post has nothing to do with retention of players or lack of activity or anything related to that.
  12. My username is DeadLantern, the person who posted the meme was Faye. We're two different people. Also, I have no idea how you think an image of a necromancer is minimizing you. It was a joke irrelevant to the topic at hand. It was about the necropost, nothing more.
  13. Really odd of you to blame this strange and seemingly irrelevant problem on a meme on this admittedly months old post. It's a harmless joke at the expense of no one, only saying that this indeed is a resurrected post. No one needs to get offended.
  14. Main Problems: Too hard to justify a pirate becoming a crew member. It plainly doesn't make sense and always requires suspension of disbelief. A rework would require making them state-backed privateers, acting within the confines of actual planetside Moghes law. Not enough original lore. There is very little separating the culture between Moghes Unathi and Pirate Unathi. There are factions, people, even planets, but nothing on how these two group have diverged over the course of 30-40 years. This leads to people playing them like pirates of the carribean (bad) or just Unathi but in space (boring). Needs diversification. I am fine with an Unathi space faction, but making them pirates is so narrow. There would theoretically be a large population of Unathi smuggled out of Moghes due to the Hegemony's expansion and the Contact War, and maybe raiding/stealing can be a thing they do, but they also need, like, food. Money. There needs to be more explanation on how these people live normally. In my opinion, the Grim Compact need to be changed from the ground up.
  15. Only thing is, messing up command is nowhere near the same thing as messing up as lore. It is an light problem and an easy fix. It seems very draconian to just remove the whitelists of players, and it's incredibly annoying too. To get all those whitelists back, I need to make *6* applications. No thank you. Not exactly sure what this is trying to solve. What is the big deal with people messing up on lore? They'll learn, and if they continue to disrupt things, they can be a helped. No reason to strip the whitelist.
  16. Why is a PMCG that specializes in *boarding* ships being hired on this general purpose NBT ship? I get that we might be in risky waters, but this is a type of PMC group when you are in a war or need protection from a defined threat. This is way too militaristic for the NBT. I also ask you this: what is the thing that makes this group actually interesting? Right now they just fight in a good way. Them being arrogant because they're such badass fighters and smart engineers is not enough.. There is literally nothing else that adds to the roleplay scene of the ship, no origin and no factions that they're tied to. If this gets added, it will never be different enough to actually make a splash in character creation and character roleplay. It is not unique enough nor interesting enough. This makes more sense as an ERT group in its current state.
  17. I'm a bit busy, but you could always bounce ideas off me or ask for my opinion on something. I could write a small thing here or there, just solicit me at my DMs. My discord is DeadLantern#5679
  18. The reason why Sleepy lost their head whitelist was due to something completely unrelated to their ability to play command. Their characters are absolutely delightful to experience, and there is zero reason not to give them the trial.
  19. I really don't see how this will make our PMCG roster more interesting. They recruit pilots, okay. I will remind you that piloting in our lore has never been established. We have no idea if piloting consists of hotshot mercenaries galivanting around the Galaxy, using their superior skills and luck to narrowly dodge asteroids and star-stuff while in transit, or if piloting is a methodical, monotonous job where one must be constantly checking your programming and your surroundings, adapting and changing your direction ever so slightly for even the subtlest of disturbances. Piloting may also consist of a dude pressing a few buttons and letting the system do the rest of the work. Let me ask you this: What does this PMCG group exactly accomplish? What unique niche does it fill? If it is the unique niche of having cool pilots... you can already have that. Just have them be part of a different corporation or group and be a bridge crew person. There is nothing else this group accomplishes besides having cool pilots. Sure, there are short descriptions of how they fly differently or they're part of this country, but these are superficial changes at best. They represent little to no change in the actual roleplay besides the mere fact of including different countries. I really don't see why this should be added until it becomes more unique.
  20. "Part of the thing is that length is a concern here. The subsidiaries for the PMCG are bound by their length - as such, I don't think it's viable to try and expand further upon their methods and operations." It is viable to expand on their methods and operations. The Dagamuir Freewater Private Forces include their methods, and I see no reason why you should necessarily exclude it from your descriptions. Just keep the useful stuff, the stuff that might inform the player's roleplay. Otherwise, I don't really buy the coalition PMC force. You say it yourself, they are very disparate and a very diverse group of people, and that by itself is alright. I see no unifying force, though. The Kazarrhaldiye Operations Group mainly recruits from Tajara veterans; they are all very different, but there's a unifying force right in there. They served in the same war. I understand why this exists and how they would be played. You can draw the same comparison for Nexus or Dagamuir. I can not see that for this coalition force. Yes, they're all united because they are all from/active in the frontier, but what does that even mean? It is so random and so separate as to inspire no broad sense of feel. You could theoretically make a character from any background and they could fall into Sachar's. Maybe this is because the frontier itself is too separated; in any case, I really don't feel like that would be an interesting addition. You have a bunch of randos from the coalition that are unruly. I can see this group adding nothing to our current PMCG roster besides that. If you want to play an unruly coalition fighter, you can join any other PMC group/corporation, it would be the same experience, generally. The Solarian force looks interesting, however. Recruiting from Solarian outer-edge police people is a much more defined niche and it provides a nice way to have Solarian characters on station.
  21. I think this should be answered, as it is pretty true. What would be below? Living quarters? Nothing? I think this could be answered pretty easily, but it can be answered in a multitude of ways, all affecting how the NBT is actually crafted/made. So I think this is a question worth answering.
  22. Hopefully you come back, canon.
  23. When you've felt like that you've collected enough suggestions/ideas, be sure to compile them and upload them in a proper canonization application.
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